Category Archives: Journalism

Is MeWe a Profiling/Psyops Project?

MeWe was supposed to put an end to social media dictators who punish free speech, presume to be sole judge of what is need of censorship, practice political mind control, and market your life for fun and profit. But is that what it is really about?

by H. Michael Sweeney   Facebook 

Dateline, Oct 30, 2020, from an cluttered garage collapsing into a growing Marxist sink hole. copyright © 2020, all rights reserved. Permission to repost hereby granted provided entire post with all links in tact, including this notice and byline, are included. Quote freely, links requested. Please comment any such repost or quote link to original posting. Fair Use Law in play.


Basic observations of MeWe for most users have been previously accepted as normal and ideal… but should be reviewed to provide context, and in fairness. At a point when other Social Media (SM) was shown at best to be a propaganda and censorship tool of the Far Left, and it became clear that millions of conservatives were looking for alternatives, MEWE came to the rescue with impeccable timing. Unlike any other SM, it features a direct MeWe management/operations dialog channel to users, a very responsive contact help feature where problems and questions can be addressed rather quickly. I have found this feature extremely valuable many times, with all due praise.

Of most importance, unlike prior SM, it did not censor, but provided user tools to limit unwanted content, putting you in control, instead of some ‘community standard from Hell’; it did not collect and market your preferences and interests to advertising sources; and it seemed devoid of automated bots and Artificial Intelligence (A.I.) trolls. Seemed. Yes, they did have ‘community standards,’ but YOU had to be the one to complain, instead of a staff of snoops reviewing A.I. sniffers for keywords, phrases, names, or verboten URL inclusions. FYI, Facebook deems my URL verboten, despite the fact that everything there is backed up with authoritative sources, or is stated as either a suspected/possible, a claim by someone else, or a personally believed but unproven matter as of yet.

It is important that the reader understand that I am a retired privacy/security consultant and author of 8 books on that and related topics, such as abuse of power and Political Control Technology (PCT). I have specialized in helping stalking victims, some 12,000 over several decades time. One common denominator of such victim experiences is cyber stalking by trolls and others in ways intended to make their life as difficult as possible, generally reducing them to a social, financial, and political zero. This would often include professional hacking and other forms of cyber warfare/invasions of online privacy, to include the use of automated SM bots and A.I. trolls. While I have credentials some might find useful in discussing Web security and technology matters, I do not claim to be that person, today, since retirement; the field advances quickly, leaving inactive professionals behind.

Therefore, for the purpose, I define a troll as a ‘user’ (often a pack of many fake user IDs operated by a single entity) who goes out of their way to be obnoxious, start arguments with inflammatory statements, becomes childishly emotional instead of engaging in reasoned dialog, resorts to name calling and a combination of other of the 25 Rules of Disinformation. I wrote those rules, and they have been used in various college courses on psychology, journalism, and political science. Yes, anyone can use one without evil in mind, but any calculated use the Rules repeatedly, is intending to obscure or confound truth. It is primarily used by to negate the person/group attempting to present a truth deemed unacceptable to a given agenda supported by the user of the rules.

When multiple rules are in play, from multiple SM user IDs, it almost always indicates a professional disinfo or ‘wag the dog’ artist at work, and can even mean a psyops effort is under way. That can also mean the use of a bot or A.I. In the broader view of todays Marxist MainStream Media (MSM), it works the same way with talking heads pushing false narratives… they become the trolls.

When psyops is additionally in play, as when someone is targeted by government for speaking an unwanted truth too loudly, it also usually means that surveillance and psychological profiles have been employed against the target. By such means, they know what will mentally manipulate them into a desired emotional knee-jerk response. Without knowing about these rules, a target will very likely so respond, and can then be ridiculed/shamed for it, resulting in retreat from the debate, and success for the disinfo effort. The most common online purpose of this level of disinfo, is in cover up operations, such as seen in the Flight 800 shoot-down coverup, where FBI, the DOD, FAA, and ONI (Office of Naval Intelligence) all participated in a well organized disinfo effort against online truth seekers, to the point of sending FBI agents to intimidate us in person. Many didn’t cave, and we instead reached for a lawyer.

Those efforts included use of online Web bots as targeting tools, as well, which both helped to build the psychological profile, and to apply it effectively. Today, A.I. becomes the ultimate bot.

Bots can do almost anything definable as a repetive task, especially if residing an a SM server and privy to all therein.

Bots of any sort, A.I., or no, must necessarily be active within the coded framework of the SM server’s software, if to be effective against multiple targets in near real-time usefulness. This is either by covert insertion (hacking methods or site security compromise), or by the intent of the SM provider, directly (as would likely be found true of Facebook, for instance, which has partnered with Agency (Central Intelligence Agency) in various ways.

The power of today’s A.I. is that it can truly seem to be a living person, instead of some computational algorithms in play. It can be set up to scan the entire SM user base to search all posts for select criteria which define targets in need of targeting, and then execute that function. An A.I. bot can simultaneously begin construction of an automated psychological profile for best effect, all without human interaction. Because it can report back to its owner, it might result in additional profiling steps in the real World, perhaps to include a full surveillance net 24/7. While likely true only for the most important of target truth-sayers, heaven help us all when they connect them to drones and other real-World systems, a’la Skynet: the purpose of the Internet of Things (5G) and Smartmeters from your power company.

If Agency psyops teams are sent, it will usually take up to six months to insure they have a very complete profile, down to sexual practices and preferences, financial standing, and all aspects of one’s personality and belief systems. To be sure, it isn’t so common a matter that the reader should start looking over their shoulder, because if can cost as much as $250K a month to undertake… but looking over your shoulder once in awhile, anyway, is always good advice. When used, it can mean intentional events being staged in the target’s life to observe their response, anything from something as simple as cutting you off on the highway and observing your driving skills, to something as complex as a traumatic event staged against a family member, such as a bullying event or assault. In recent times, the use of A.I. systems has likely reduced that ‘manual profile’ time frame significantly. When drones, et. al, are incorporated, the costs will be next to nothing, and no one will be safe from it.

Whut the Hell, MeWe?

Again, I say MeWe seemed free of such worries, in the beginning. Not my current finding.

First clue: A private MeWe Group I established for stalking victims was itself assaulted with sexual content from a non member. Stalking victims are generally of the same mindset, emotionally, as rape victims, if not actually a victim of rape by their stalker(s). I had to ask MeWe how a Group requiring a Membership acceptance process could be targeted by a non member through the Group Chat feature. Blocking the ‘user’ involved (a stranger unknown to me) did not work. This was the first time that MeWe absolutely refused to respond to a help/bug issue. Multiple inquiries went unanswered, and forced closure of the Group.

Second clue: like all social media which must remain accessible to the public at large, it was clear some liberals were among the general MeWe population, as it should be. I welcome them, if they are willing to engage in reasoned dialog and not behave like trolls and childish snowflakes. As long as MeWe isn’t ‘part of their argument,’ its all good. If they might not so behave, the Block tool affords an easy fix, making for an even playing field… because they could block me, too, if so moved. Then came something entirely different: a team of such trolls which could not be blocked. See them here in the image:

This was the second time a block failed, and it took place almost immediately upon the heels of the first. The ‘blocked’ user still showed in my contact list, and the unwanted Troll harassment continued. A repeat Block attempt did remove the user from my contact list, but did not end the assault (details next). Once more, multiple efforts at engaging MeWe went completely unanswered, beyond the autoresponder saying someone would contact me. Meanwhile, through this period, other help/complaint inquiries were answered quite normally and to satisfaction. It wasn’t due COVID manpower shortages, or any other excuse. Also true: other MeWe Members agreed with me that George and friends were trolls; it isn’t just my take.

Third clue: the nature of the continued harassment by ‘George and friends’ is perhaps the most important clue of an A.I. bot troll in play at MeWe. I log into MeWe perhaps 5-10 or more times a day. Despite being blocked, the post consistently appears with a new anti-Trump comment at the top of my notifications every time I do so, time stamped somewhere randomly between the most recent legitimate notification in the list, and the time of log-in. The only time it might not be at top is if I was too quick in checking for some reason, but it would be there the next time I checked.

This is a statistical impossibility for anything but a code embedded within MeWe’s system. Random samples shown in a partial screenshot from a folder full of examples:

Fourth clue: the notifications are for the same original MeWe post thread which resulted in the attempt to block ‘George’ in the first place, now approaching a year ago, in time. The notification is of new comments made to the original post. It is again highly improbable that ANYONE, much less 21 such anyones, would be electing to consistently, repeatedly through a day, every day, continue dialog on a post that old. While this would not be a trait of human trolls or of any other form of bot, it would be no problem for A.I.

Fifth clue: the only exception to an update so appearing, is if there have been so few posts since the prior log in, that the last update is still visible in the first few posts in the notification list. That is to say, it was already visible in the limited viewing area of the pull-down list. Again, that is something only an in-system Bot could determine.

Sixth clue: while in dialog with MeWe Help staff on an unrelated function glitch, and finding the staff helpful and concerned, I raised once more the ‘George’ issue. That ended all communications on both topics. And, that is when I decided to write this exposition… and to prepare to leave MeWe. 

Seventh clue: somewhat synchronous with that cessation, a whole new batch of trolls suddenly appeared to comment on a variety of things I was commenting upon, even things apolitical (religious, news bits, you name it). I remind you of my definition of a Web troll, per the intro. They again came in packs or teams, and employed the exact same methods as did ‘George.’ I’m not putting up with it. I left Facebook because of it (and the other matters), and I will soon enough abandon MeWe, and suggest others might wish to evaluate their patronage, and certainly, to be alert and to evaluate any trolls they encounter against the above findings.

Because there is one more thing any MeWe user reading this should ask about it all…

Whut for would MeWe employ A.I. bots?

Call this a conspiracy theorist’s conjecture, if you wish. However, this theorist has been proven right again and again, and has put terrorists, bad Cops, criminals of all manner, and illegal CIA fronts out of action. My research has resulted in correctly forecasting (via what I call the Unified Conspiracy Theory) the downing of the WTC by false-flag terrorism and the resulting series of Middle East ‘oil wars,’ as well as a terror plot against Portland Oregon, which I thwarted (Gas Station Tasking). The WTC threats were warned of in an online posting I made in the fall of 1999, nearly two years ahead of the event, as detailed in several of my books. It also forecast with warning to Secret Service of an assassination attempt against a Presidential Candidate and his family, which took place a few weeks later and forced him (Ross Perot) out of the running the very night he won the votes to get on the ticket.

Given the mass exodus of conservatives to MeWe, and other alternatives as well, it would seem to be very useful to the Deep State to get all of us non liberals together into a fishbowl for psychological reviews. Once under water, it would help them identify ‘dangerous’ threats to leftist agenda and to target us for ‘destruction’ using the latest methods of psyops targeting. They would know who believes what, who agrees with who, and thereby, who might need special targeting consideration. At least some of those bubbles MeWe users see floating to the top of the MeWe tank disguised as fresh posts and comments, are likely signs they are now growing A.I. sponsored gills… which once dependent upon, could become an off switch.

Holding your breath hoping not to be targeted, might just result in your drowning in a pool of very fouled Marxist swamp water. But that’s just me, and my opinion. Glub. And oh, then there is also this:

A.I. is frequently unstable, unpredictable, and uncontrollable, at times. Glub, glub, g-glup…

And, just so you know: I’m not going to leave MeWe until Valentines Day, or later. If my account vanishes before that, you can check here for any report of censorship for having sought to expose the problem as I see it. ALL COMMENTS WELCOME, including MeWe staff — anonymously, if desired.

Media’s Latest Conspiracy to Troll You on the Web

Fake news, tracking and targeting, subliminal messaging, repetition, distraction, and psychological manipulations by Trolls and Bots are not the only weapons they use to dumb you down and pump you up with their version of truth. Vanishing is their latest trick.

by H. Michael Sweeney   Facebook   MeWe  

copyright © 2017, all rights reserved. Permission to repost hereby granted provided entire post with all links in tact, including this notice and byline, are included. Quote freely, links requested. Please comment any such repost or quote link to original posting.


The (fake) news media dilemma

Fake news and Web tracking and targeting, subliminal messaging, repetition, distraction, and psychological manipulations are not the only weapons they use to dumb you down and pump you up with their version of truth. It is not just Trolls and Bots we have to worry about, now. Vanishing is the latest trick used to conceal the truth and promote the lies.


Image analyzing How Media Dumbs you Down with clever tricks (see link)

I’ve written before about how television mainstream dumbs you down with clever psychologically aimed technical tricks in the actual image… largely relating their use of subliminal messaging, deliberate distraction, and overload. The general purpose being to further reduce the actual news you walk away with to the simplest of boiled-down sound bites… just the ones with their take on the news shaped for you according to whatever bias the network has at management level.

Elsewhere, there have been excellent examples of the use of NLP (Neuro-Linguistic Programming), also employed by broadcast media. It involves careful wording as well as clever body language to project the intended viewer/listener response to the message, within the message delivery, itself. It has been shown to be so powerful, a well trained user (a stage magician and hypnotist, who must rely on such deceits), was able to deliberately speed past a Cop and then use NLP to leave the traffic stop without the Officer even remembering why he had stopped him in the first place.

That kind of mis and disinformation borders on mind control, and in fact relies on mind control technology, psychological methodologies, and MC research by the likes of the Central Intelligence Agency. When the great bulk of media is controlled by fewer and fewer mega corps, and their corporate leaders tend to be like-minded politically, you get the double whammy of biased news and fake news (propaganda). That’s bad enough, but this article is about another dirty little trick… a bag of them, actually, used by all forms of Media when presenting ‘news’ online.

fbi-mocing-test.jpgAnd, of course, we still apparently still have to contend with CIA’s Operation Mockingbird, the installation of CIA operatives within the media industry to help shape news to their preferred version. That, too, is something I’ve written about, at least in terms of its origins and history, and I’ve even been referenced as a resource in a more ‘official’ industry review of that topic by The Reporter’s Committee for Freedom of the Press. But now, we see, actual ‘retired’ ‘once-a company man, always a company man’ CIA officials are becoming investors in and on-camera commentators in mainstream news. This Clyde Lewis Ground Zero episode reveals how serious a threat the placement of intelligence community actors in media actually is.

What News is supposed to look like

All news is supposed to contain the 5 Ws… Who, What, When, Where, and hoW. Ideally, we also need to know the S and M… the news Source and the Meaningfulness, often defined by Motive… the Why. That is supposed to be factual Motive, and not speculation, unless clearly presented as speculative commentary. Lately, that’s the greatest sin Media is guilty of; too much ‘news,’ today, is actually mere commentary… the propaganda version.

Generally, for some strange reason, it is also rare to get all those points, especially online. The most critical things useful for research tend to be left out, making it hard for pundits and anyone trying to chase down answers to hard questions because a given story fails to ‘compute.’ That is critical, if one is to find out more, and judge for one’s self what is true, and what is fake. This is particularly distressing when the potential for a conspiracy or cover up is apparent. While Sheeple don’t even see the glaring holes in the official story, people who think for themselves really want to know why those holes exist.

But we ‘conspiracy theorists’ and politically aware non sheeple are thwarted at almost every turn. Take for instance, the WHEN. It is extremely rare in online news reports to find out exactly when an event took place… esp. useful to insure the same news event you find is the one you wanted, because often, you might have two identical sounding stories in the same city, in different time frames. Most searches are best made by searching on the (event key details) plus the year, and perhaps, month.

But many reports do not cite the year, at all. The Web is smart, though, and it knows when a given URL was created. Unfortunately, many of the larger online news sources use a kind of ‘feeder board’ URL created way back when, which is updated with current news, only, older news dropping off. While the Web remembers what the page looks like when the story you are looking for took place… that story is no longer there when you go to find it. While you can search the archives if they bother to offer one, and PERHAPS find it, that is just one hurdle in the search.

Once you do have what seems to be a correct story’s article, it is amazing how many news reports fail to include the date in the byline at the top of the page. So you have no way to know when the person writing sat down to write the story. But even with a byline date, you still have a problem: is that date the date the news took place, the date they wrote the story, or the date it was posted? It can be any of the three.

Some stories are updates to older stories, so the byline is meaningless unless the story itself indicates the actual When it took place in the text. THEY SELDOM DO. Instead, they just say something like ‘Last Tuesday.’ Great. What day of the week is the date of the byline? Now I have to go search that out, to make certain of the When. Your average Sheeple is not going to bother.

This problem also exists elsewhere in the remaining Ws and the S and M. At least one such detail is usually omitted, and all-too often, several. Sometimes, it is something simply not yet learned by reporters, but too often, it is clearly just not deemed important. All too many bylines even fail to tell you who wrote the story… so you can’t email them and ask for missing information. EVERY print article in a newspaper tells you this information, but for some reason, the online version seldom does.

Message distortion when relayed through many people

Dumbing down online is easy. It relies on the known scientific problem which transpires when a series of people relay a message from one to another to another, etc. It used to be in schools, that one of the first things they taught was this concept… that you you have to take care when relaying information. You have to listen carefully, and then just as carefully repeat it. The problem is, each person decides what is important enough to be carefully repeated, and tends to reword it for ‘simplification.’ So the message first stated has little resemblance to the message last heard. THAT is not being careful, it’s being careless.

Online, information deemed worth sharing is constantly relayed in social media in a quite similar, but an even more careless manner. Each person in the chain tends to introduce it with their own spin or commentary, advising what they think the takeaway is, or should be. They then (hopefully) provide the URL to the original (the careful part). They might also create or add an image or meme which underscores their takeaway thought. That is all in good, but…

memesSheeple don’t bother to click on the URL and read the original story, and they simply ‘learn’ the takeaway point of the previous poster. This is why Memes can often be dangerous. Especially when the creator is being deceitful or dishonest to the truth. They know that a false message repeated some 20 times will take root in the average Sheeple’s mind, and become adopted. That is especially important in political messages, because today’s social media is decidedly biased, and decidedly deceitful, even to the point of using paid trolls and automated bots to insure you are inundated with the preferred take aways.

This is why people who think for themselves always click the link or do a little extra search before they hit the SHARE button, and add their own takeaway. Is that you? Are you like me, spending roughly 50% of your time inspecting and then correcting other people’s wrong take aways and falsehoods? Or, are you part of the problem, simply passing it along? Baa… baa…

But there is a bigger problem, one which at least seems conspiratorial, and relies on the above Sheeple foibles and the omission of Ws, etc. For some reason, mainstream news sources seem to be deliberately making it difficult for you to access news, and difficult to relay, on your own; they would prefer to leave that to the professional trolls and bots you think are your online friends.

Something is very wrong with this picture. Lets take print media and look at how they operate outside the Web, and compare that to how they are now starting to operate on the Web.

A newspaper runs advertising to pay for their staff and overhead; it keeps the doors open, and allows them to grow and invest in special investigative projects. They charge for subscriptions and for individual copies at news stands based on the cost of the printing and distribution process, and materials; the ink and paper. That’s why newspapers are relatively inexpensive to buy. It used to be that the online version, therefore, just had advertising… there is essentially no comparative cost to put it out there and for you to access it.

But now, online, many newspapers, even small local ones, are telling you that you will need to subscribe or become a registered user to their online version, or pay a small fee to read the article… or that you may read this one, but it may be the last one you can read for free (relies on your cookies, but if you turn them off, you they will tell you to turn them on to see the material). Of course, once you do any of that, you’ve just sold yourself into another dozen marketing lists, without warning or compensation. But that’s not all.


Suddenly, many media outlets online (radio, networks, print) are using something called Cloudflare. That product is a kind of ‘protection’ against certain abuses… a bit like an anti hacking or virus bot. But it does something else, as well. It also prevents anyone from copying and pasting a URL into a social media post. WHY? In the past, getting your URL spread about was a good thing; it brought them more viewers, which increased the value of the advertising opportunity for their Web pages. When did they decide they didn’t want more readers, and why?


Where the Conspiracy comes in

Sure. You can call this answer a theory; a conspiracy theory. That is what it is, plain enough. The only way the above sins can be excused as desirable is if somewhere, someone important and powerful within media and in political realms, decided that it was advantageous to dumb you down, and limit your ability to rely on URLs to relay facts and correct people when in error. It is an insurance policy to protect the ‘integrity’ of the versions being spread by the trolls and bots.

I mean, when your read some crap someone has posted which is to your understanding just that, a lie or false belief, you should be able to go find a news article or other authoritative source online, copy the URL, and paste it into your reply to prove your case. When you are trying to educate someone on how you feel about something, you should be able to do much the same, to prepare your post or meme… have a supporting factual link to go with it.

Someone does not want you doing that. They want you to hear something said 20 times and accept it as truth, with no way to verify it, or refute it, if false. There is only one person in the media industry who fits the bill. If you are a Sheeple, you will recognize his name but not realize just how powerful in media he is, or in political realms, and how deceitful he is. I am speaking of George Soros.

It is that simple. When most of us rely on TV news, we only get one slant (liberal, usually, conservative if you go out of your way). Because of TV’s own special dumbing down tricks as earlier referenced, you will walk away with a very encapsulated message with is has no actual understanding associated with it. Then, when someone puts their slant on it and you get hit with that 20 times, it becomes your slant, and people like me and others who prefer to think for ourselves, are increasingly finding it difficult to correct any errors.

Worse, if you do think for yourself, you may not be able to learn what you need to make an informed decision, up front. Heaven help you if you are trying to investigate what seems like a conspiracy theory, because of glaring holes in the official story. Obscuring the true story seems to be the way of things, today, so just ‘move along, folks.. nothing to see, here.’

iurWhen you add all this to what is taking place in the public school system and in higher education (liberal indoctrination), your children will think this is the way it is supposed to be, and whomever is in power when they are adults will be able to do and get away with whatever they want. They will dictate to them what to believe, and it will be believed. The notion of thinking for themselves, and of distrusting and challenging government will be foreign concepts. They might as well be called the 20x Generation.

The ’Snowflakes’ on the left are already a part of that group, unwilling to listen to facts or reason, and repeating what they are told to believe. I, for one, am not willing to pass the reigns of our nation’s future over to them, in their current state of mind. I’d rather have an armed revolution, if that is what it takes, to end their madness for them. Constant outrage based on lies serves no one’s best interest, except at the top of the food chain.

So my last question for you is this: do you want to be a Sheeple morsel for Wolves like Soros and his elite political friends, people more interested in Globalism than what is right and moral? Or do you want to be a think-for-yourself consumer of actual news you can easily access, rely upon, and use when talking to others about things which matter to you?

If the later, you had better start complaining to media, and to politicians about it. You might even want to consider taking legal action or starting an initiative ballot, if your State has that option, to write laws forcing journalists to adhere to journalistic standards and to make their stories available more appropriately. You certainly ought not simply be sharing what is being fed you currently without verifying for yourself it is the truth.

Else we all become 20xers… or we have that revolution, the least desirable of options.

Like or Hate Me, You May Wish to Quote Me

If I had a dollar, or even a dime for every web page that mentioned or quoted me or my works, I’d be a millionaire: 12 million pages can’t all be wrong; people repeat what I say. Where else but America can you become ‘famous’ for putting your foot in your mouth on a regular basis?

by H. Michael Sweeney    facebook

copyright © 2016, all rights reserved. Permission to repost hereby granted provided entire post with all links in tact, including this notice and byline, are included. Please comment any such repost to original posting.


What you will get by reading this post…

• Silly quotable one liners, gags, and full-on original jokes;

• witty quotable witticisms, wise sayings, criticisms, and other malarky;

• non PC quotable political snipes, barbs, and ruthless rhetoric;

• thoughtful quotable philosophical wisdoms, advice, and beatitudes.


My most popular writing today has been copied by permission on hundreds of Web sites, and reproduced in at least a half dozen books. So I know I’m quoted out there. It is even used in college courses on Political Science, Journalism, and Psychology. It’s called the 25 Rules of Disinformation, and includes not just how to spot disinfo, but how to out it and defeat the user in public or private venue.

This post is (mostly) a collection of my most popular Facebook posts. People generally like them, unless on the wrong end of the barb. Even then, the resulting dialogs have been interesting, and we tend to remain friends. But most people on Facebook do not ‘go looking’ for something to read, they let Facebook automatically send them random samplings in their ‘feed.’ It is really best to FOLLOW someone you like (also true of my blog posts); the only way to insure you see everything a given person posts (or blogs), is to follow them (subscribe — click that option now, while you are thinking about it.)

So, even if already a Facebook friend, it is highly unlikely you will have seen very many of what follows: a random grab bag of quotable material. Now, if you do actually choose to quote me, please do cite me as the source, and link either to this blog Page or the whole Site, or my Facebook page. New friends are welcome there, of course. You can quote me on that!


Quote on!

You May Wish to Quote Me (I do it all the time)~

If I had a dollar, or even a dime for every web page that mentioned or quoted me or my works, I’d be a millionaire: 12 million pages can’t all be wrong; people like what I say. Where else but America can you become ‘famous’ for putting your foot in your mouth on a regular basis?~

You may have noticed that I’m imminently quotable by the way I continually quote myself, because after all, “I’m imminently quotable.”~

The only good thing about putting my foot in my mouth so often is that I always know if my shoelaces are tied, or knot.~


T’was an LL Cool Day
(apologies to LL Cool J)

I saw an Armadillo while visiting Amarillo;
he sat near a willow, upon a satin pillow.
In the sun, bright yellow, this reclining fellow
seemed to be quite mellow, eating a bowl of Jello
while listening to a fellow who played a loud Cello.
Were I to say hello, I feared I must such bellow;
that seemed such a peccadillo, I ne’er met that Armadillo


If Google spies on your searches, shouldn’t their name be Goggle?
If Yahoo does, Youwho?
If Facebook tracks your info, Factlook?
If YouTube censors excessively and politically, LubeRube?
If television is propaganda, Tellyourmission?
If a newspaper is the same, Newsfaker?
If the Oval Office is a source of lies and skullduggery, the Shovel Orrafice?~


From conversation (click for their similar answer to meaning of life)

The meaning of Life? To take all gifts entrusted to you by God; Free Will, life, and the Soul which defines the inner you, and the gifts you earn through life; knowledge, talent, skills, wealth and possessions, experiences and positions… to edify yourself, edify others (family, those above you, your peers, and strangers), and above all, edify God in the doing. This is true Glory, and the source of Blessings.

To the extent you do this, you yourself fabricate that meaning. To the extent you fail to do so, you dilute or even destroy it. Any faults or failures you have along the way are challenges in learning, and otherwise non sequitur to the equation. This is true Faith, and the source of Happiness.

Don’t focus on them, learn from them, and go on. You are what you’ve been waiting for, all along. Stop looking so hard for simple answers, and stop struggling so hard against battles predestined to be won by the righteous. If God be for you, who can be against you? This is the true foundation of Peace, and the source of Strength.

The meaning of life, is YOU, and I’m glad you have friended me. As I wish for me, so I wish for you. Thank you for sharing this Sunday with me.~


Wisdom is sometimes knowing how to seem wise without anyone’s means to challenge. After struggling to the top of the mountain to ask my one-allowed question of the Guru, he preempted with an answer: “Yes, my Son,” he said, “you have at last made it to the top. Now leave me in peace.”~

I wonder if Pavlov’s Dog’s got that way eating Pavlum? Probably not, it wouldn’t make me salivate.~

You know your’e an alcoholic and an unpleasant drunk if people invite you to their parties the day after, and you are so sloshed you think you just got back from it.~

I’m sorry, but I think I misunderstood what you wanted me to consider about what you probably meant by saying what you thought I would be able to relate to as allegory to the intended thought you had in mind, but couldn’t articulate because you were afraid I would misconstrue it as something else. What were we talking about, again?~

A dirty joke is to humor in a way exactly like the Presidential election is to politics.~

Rain falls in drops because it’s happy water. When it’s mad, watch out for hail.~


Old Crow

Oh, old Crow, so cautious and suspicious,
not like the Goose, who’s calm with aplomb,
your caw is such an appalling loud calling,
unlike parakeets most cheerful earful,
or eagle’s shrill cry from high in the sky.

Your old black cloak does fail to evoke
the visual delight of a Parrot, so bright.
You walk with a hobble and a wobble,
where a Robin bounces and pounces,
and the Stork is stilted and often is tilted.

And though your flight is quite alright,
it’s not as stunning as a Bird, Humming.
Lacking the Hawk’s glide so full of pride,
sans any formation of Geese’ inclination,
nor is it as swift as can be a quick Swift.

Your Murder is a suspect some fear to detect,
and yet, I suspicion, it’s all mere superstition.
Yet do not away rush, my criticisms to hush:
let not any objection be seen as a rejection;
I do like you old Crow, so brag on, and crow.



To escape vile fate I must get past that damned wall;
because if staying here, I’ll not likely survive it at all.
I tried to climb upon it, up high, no good, then higher,
only to find it topped with wickedly sharp razor wire.
I tried to go around it, hoping an opening I would find,
but it surrounds me completely, and I’m trapped inside.

I tried to dig under, tunneling deep, deep underground
but impassable boulders and water did me confound.
To escape my foe I must get past that heartless wall;
I’ve no choice; to give up certainly means my downfall.
I’ve asked for help from all near who might could hear,
they refuse to give aid, yielding to their own dark fear.

I’ve prayed to God to help, to redeem and set me free,
but I’m afraid in here, even He can’t hear me or see.
Then came a gentle voice advising firmly to be still,
“I’m with you always, as is my gift of strong Free Will.
To escape your foe, you must get past that mere wall,
and there is yet one thing you’ve not tied, not at all.”

My thoughts reeled, and the answer came in a flash,
I’d not yet tried attacking head on, the wall to crash.
I gathered my courage and backed up for a good run,
and ran headlong screaming at the top of my lung.
I hit that wall with all my brute force, and hit it hard:
knocking myself unconscious right there in that yard.

To escape my foe, I’ve tried it all, to get past the evil wall;
but nothing has for me worked, no not one, nothing at all.
I awoke quite dazed, my fist clinched in pain and my rage,
the voice had not well helped me, its advice was not sage.
But regaining my feet, a white robed figure there stood tall,
amid the rubble of that same accursed, impassable wall.

“You’ve escaped your foe,” said he, “right through the wall;
not by your strength, nor luck, but that on me you did call.
The miracle you sought was within you right from the start,
your faith in me was all it took; and abiding love in your heart.
If God be for you, no man or thing against you can stand,
when you hit that wall, I was there with you, hand in hand.”


Sorry if I insult you. Being poor, I have to go for the cheap shots.~

Any man can toast his friends at the tavern. But a brave man toasts his enemies. That’s why I always carry a can of lighter fluid when I go drinking.~

I never quite chimed in with the 60’s by wearing bell bottom pants – until I got kicked in the groin.~

I’m never inclined to eat carrots. I just can’t see my way to do so.~


Linear or Columnar?

A rhythmic rhyme in a single line is often quite fine.
but most like a rhyme
to be of many a line,
or to metrically align; 
be symmetrically sublime,
or perhaps its just fine
to enjoy any old rhyme.


Political Risk

I’ll not vote for she who does cackle
when refusing a tough query to tackle.
While not happy with alternative Trump,
he’s still better than a kick in the rump.

While Dems are OK with criminal lies,
and Establishment Reps swarm like flies,
a candidate ripe for an email blackmail
risks a serious national security fail.


A lot of drinks call for two fingers of this or that liquor, so I always look for bartenders with really big hands.~

The path to illumination in the darkness is called a sidewalk.~


Political Seuss

I do not like this Uncle Sam, I do not like the health care scam.
I do not like these dirty crooks, or how they lie and cook the books!
I do not like when Congress steals, I do not like their secret deals.
I do not like this speaker Nan, I do not like this ‘YES WE CAN’.
I do not like this spending spree, I’m smart, I know that Nothing’s Free!
I do not like their smug replies, when I complain about their lies.
I do not like this kind of hope. I do not like it. nope, nope, nope!


There are rarely times when ‘actual’ sex is as good as ‘fantasy’ sex is imagined. However, they both involve a little ‘t’ & ‘a.’~

The only ‘gun control’ I support is that question in the mind of the criminal intent on causing trouble, “Will he remain in control of his fear or temper, or will he pull the trigger.”~


Politic’s Ticks

If Trump is such a chump we’d rather dump,
and Uncle Bernie is ample wormy and too squirmy,
and Hillary far too shrillery under FBI drillery,
with liberally bias in the press giving truth no redress…
Does that mean Biden is bid’n his tim’n in decid’n if rid’n
White Knight like last minute to the Demo’s pandemic…
Is that how we’ll be decid’n who’s presidential presid’n?
Is that Obama’s last prick on his way out, his hat trick?
That I won’t at all be abid’n, down too far we’ve been slid’n.



Yes, wine is quite fine when you have the time, or dine,
but weed has more speed if you have the need; do proceed.
The joke for this bloke is that I cannot smoke, nor toke,
and shrink from such drink – an alchoholic’s dread; brink of stink.

Dope lacks hope that I’ll survive or cope its scope,
so here’s my fears (why I’m lacking cheers amid tears):
this guy will die having never daring a high to try.
That hex did vex untill realizing that the Rx is sex!~

Never hiss at a snake; the conversation could be deadly.~



Do you know anything of the Entymology of Entomology,
or is it to you as confusing as the synopsis of synapsis?


Hillary’s Ruin
(What difference does it make?)

As I have previously stated,
I am quite totally devastated
not to have been reinstated.

I have frequently formulated
and as often have postulated
just why I’m not yet reinstated.

The cause, you see, is equated
with rumors and lies oft related
to prevent my being reinstated.

They shout with glee, as if elated
with prideful egos thus elevated,
for blocking my being reinstated.

They say my claims are overrated,
to a job where I ne’er participated,
and that’s why I can’t be reinstated.

If people died while I simply waited,
shown in lies and emails evaluated,
what difference to being reinstated?

My right, you see, as Royal rated
is for all to worship me unabated,
and vote to have me reinstated.


Never apologize to me for being you. Just stop it!~

Why do some of us eat the icing out of the middle of an Oreo? Where else would it be?~


Seasonal Orb

I saw last night the thinnest sliver of a silver Moon,
a most pleasant crescent, present this month of June.
So thin that it did quiver and thus scant light deliver,
did I realize before my eyes it would dematerialize.
Now its gone, but before too long, watching for its rise,
to my boon:
 it shall return soon, as a mirror sliver Moon.


Rhyme Defined

A simple rhyme takes little time,
a light banter with good cantor –
best if exquisite, expressed explicit;
easy to recall in its all and all.


In A Rush

Here”s a quick li’l poem:
done now, I’ll be goin’.


What’s wrong with the Mayor of New York, does he not know his soda ban and tax is suppressing Pop Culture?~

Unfortunately for Custer, at least 10 Little Indians never heard that song.~


Time Tells No Tales

Once upon a time? No, I’m highly suspicious.
If it only happened once, it must be fictitious,
especially if remarkably good and not malicious:
Real events repeat themselves through history,
written down in pages for study by you and me,
where learning not, we assure repeat eventuality.


Dear Fascists

Take heed, look around: here stand I, I stand my ground.
Never again will I back away, here I stand, and here I’ll stay.
Your words will not sway me, no dark threats dissuade me.
Take heed, look around. Here stand I, I stand my ground.

Never again will I back away, here I stand, and here I’ll stay.
No trick or lies, nor treachery will keep me from remaining free.
No unjust laws, cops or military will I respect, still shall I tarry.
Take heed, look around: here stand I, I stand my ground.

Never again will I back away, here I stand, and here I’ll stay.
Surround me with vile forces, I’ll ignore their foul loud voices.
Dare attack me if you will, I’ll reply ten fold until my body’s still.
Take heed, look around: here stand I, I stand my ground.
Never again will I back away, here I stand, and here I’ll stay.


They say the Earth’s rotation is slowing down. I have a simple cure. We all get in our cars and face them West, and synchronize burning rubber.~


Status Quo: Latin for we want you to think things are equal and as they should be so you
will shut up and do what you are told

Parity: French for we want you to think things are the same and as they should be so you
will shut up and do what you are told

Equality: Ye olde English for we want you to think things are the same and as they should
be so you will shut up and do what you are told

Same: what we mean when we are talking about one political party compared to another,
those people who want us to shut up and do what we are told.


I thought of a Hillaryous joke, but I don’t want to keep insulting Democrats.~


Social Litmus

Do my witticisms impress you or simply depress you?
Do my jokes make you laugh or think me some Jackass?
Do my poems seem lyrical or are they just predictable?
Do my posts give enlightenment, or seem closer to excrement?
Do you share, like, and follow, or is our friendship just hollow?


Smart by Default

Any wisdom I have lies in taking some care
in choosing the friends with whom I will share.
If smarter than me I will make them aware:
I agree with them, and with flattering flair.
If not as smart, then will I then declare,
their inspiring thoughts lead me to dare.


A tack pins things down, while pins prick things deeply, but a prick is always tacky, hard to pin down, offending deeply.~

Time for me to post-a-joke. Invented by a stand-up comic, it’s like a Post-it Pad, without any glue to hold it together — so it’s insanely presented in unexpected ways, and it is colorless, unless fucking off color or borrows the color of a racial inference. Wait… that’s a political speech.~

I think I understand the term ‘feedback loop,’ now: GMO crops.~

Shoot first and ask questions later. It saves dialog and you don’t get ambiguous answers… if there are any answers.~


Being Outspoken

I’m the first to admit I know so much about everything,
an expert assumed, presumed, or claimed unrelenting.
In truth it seems, I know not enough on any one thing,
to avoid putting my foot in my mouth without realizing.


Your Bad, So Sad. My Bad, And Glad

If you insult me, let me be quite perfectly clear,
you’d better be right in your basis, my dear,
because logic, facts, and reason, you’ll hear,
the weapons my response will burn in your ear.

Excuse me if I’m less than politically correct,
but especially if trying to point out your defect,
you have no legal right to avoid being upset
by my Free Speech, you fucking dumb idiot.


I’m not going to post anything useful, today. I hope this heads up proves useful. Doh!~

I get rejected a lot by the ladies. I asked one gal if she would like to go out on a double date, and she said “Sure. How about Judgement Day, and the Day after.”~

Hurry, hurry, hurry! Step right up folks, and get your fresh posts, right here, right now. Only $1, five for $3, and a surprise in every one, guaranteed, or your money back. Don’t be misled by the competitor’s claims; they only post kitties and slogans, and complaints that no one comments. Hurry, hurry, hurry!~


My Prayer today, is for you. There is nothing better than other people praying for you, especially if praying WITH you. We’re not getting older, just getting closer to home! Be Still, and at peace. Now, it is true that the Lord’s Prayer is quite sufficient and complete to God, but sometimes, we feel we want to say more. That is good with God.

May I suggest the prayer below? If ye pray it as you read, it is the same as if we have done so together; Matthew 18:19 “And I tell you more: whenever two of you on earth agree about anything you pray for, it will be done for you by my Father in heaven.” All that is required is that the prayer be righteous and fitting to God’s Will, which is defined to the extent we are able to determine in his Word. If we do not vary from that, we are apt to receive that which we NEED, if not that which we THINK we need and seek by prayer (be careful what and how you ask for [it].) Begin:

Heavenly Father, thank You for each and every day; today is a Day the Lord hath made, we rejoice and are glad in it, for You have blessed us here on earth yet again. Thank You for Your tender mercies of your Grace, and the gift of life and of Free Will, which lead us through the day; may we not abuse these gifts and offend You. Thank You for giving us family and friends to share the joys and burdens of the day. I ask You to bless my family, relatives and friends and those I care deeply for, and those who are reading this right now, especially those who are suffering and in need of your intervention.

Where there is joy, give them continued joy. Where there is pain, give them peace and mercy. Where there is self-doubt or confusion, release a renewed confidence and understanding. Where there is need, fulfill their needs. Move them to study your Word, to strengthen their faith and embrace the Gospel, and to be moved thereby to spread the Word. Bless their families, homes, finances, their goings and their comings, and turn aside their enemies in forgiveness, which is to our good as well as our enemy’s good.

Above all else, may Your Will be done, in Jesus’ name,~


If Istanbul used to be Contstantinople, does that mean they got tired of constantly being in Ople, wherever that is?~

Just because I disagree with you does not mean I don’t like you. I hate everyone equally.~

A conspiracy unfolding is like a barrage of arrows in the dark. You hear evidence that something is not right, but don’t don’t get the point until it is too late. Worse, you also get the shaft.~


Desperate Conclusion

My mind, not very clear right now, so
writing some clever rhyming ditty? No.
But I know some of you like that stuff…
So there’s only one question:
Is this good enough?


Good example of a self-fulfilling prophesy: “I’m going to enter the hot dog eating contest.”~

It must be true that you are what you eat. I live on $3 a day in food, and one look at me and you will know, I’m a cheapskate.~

Why do they call it an aptitude test? Because if you have to take one, you are apt to detest it.~

You will note I don’t call people who don’t agree with me bad names. That’s because the bastards have thick skins.~


Digital Death

My computer is dying now of old age,
and while buying a new one is truly sage,
and newer models are quite all the rage,
there’s nothing but zeros on the last page
of my checkbook; no income at my age.
My mouse is destined for the round cage,
unless comes a miracle or magical Mage.



A chant can be a kind of moving song,
easily remembered for singing along.

A chant can be a loud and angry jeer,
prompting attention, worry, and fear.

A chant might be for someone; a call,
for entertainers or leaders loved by all.

A chant gives power to thought and word,
assuring its message is clearly heard.

But a chant by Monks is the best to hear,
binding us to God and drawing Him near.


If I have a Colon for which I might need a Colonoscopy, and use :s and ;s in a similar manner all the time when I write, why can’t I get a Semicolonoscopy, and save some money?~

Lately, I’ve been thinking of taking a plane somewhere to improve my sex life. It won’t matter where, I just going through TSA will do the trick.~

OK, time for me to say something funny. But that would be deja vu.~

The next time you hear some wimpy Liberal whining about some perceived micro aggression, say to them, “To quote an oft used line in The Princess Bride, my little precious Princess… ‘I do not think you know what these words mean.” Then slug them in the mouth and say, “You cannot ‘micro’ that; there would be no point.”~

Since I’m left handed, I never need a Compass; I just use my southpaw.~


Since there is no longer rule of law in this country in high places, such that no one in government is held accountable, and the very laws they write are themselves violations of law (unconstitutional), and government itself is the biggest criminal… I reserve the right to violate ANY law at ANY time for ANY reason.

My authority is the Constitution, my basis the Pursuit of Happiness declared therein, my means is Civil Disobedience, my support is the Second Amendment, my argument the First Amendment, and my goal is the Redress guaranteed therein. I rest my case, and those who choose to oppose me may rest in peace, if that be their choice. No appointment needed.~


An election process is like a stale fast-food hamburger. On the outside it looks big and besprinkled with seeds of wisdom. On the inside are secret conspiratorial sauces and lies about quality and quantity of substance, and wilted vegetable-like promises. Do you want fries with that? Cold, greasy, and slimy press coverage.~

Never wander around in the dark. That would be you watching TV ‘news.’~

When people talk about shooting at dummy targets, are they hinting at politicians?
Is that why you never see politicians at a gun shop or shooting range?~

I encourage free speech. And, I own the concession on ear plugs in the District of Columbia.~

Cat got your tongue? I don’t know how you can stand there so silently, I know I’d be screaming; that’s got to hurt like hell.~


PC Friends?

Politically Correct is not for me, my friend,
the 1st Amendment says I’m free to offend.
My words, ideas and actions do not pretend,
that you’ve no right against them to defend;
just do so to my face with honor and it will end
with agreement or no, but still friend to friend.


Waiver Not

Never Opt for signing a waiver,
never waiver in copping a sign;
raising up high a middle finger,
rather than your rights to resign.


Prosthetic Prose

Prose is prone to rhyme in a rhythm so quaint,
but to intone it sublime; a sure given it aint’


Alien observer’s notebook: Man is a lousy Plumber. He must think the Ocean is impure because he keeps trying to filter out the fish with giant mesh filters. Silly creature. When that doesn’t work, he drills holes in the Ocean floor to drain the water out.~

Someone said I might should listen to Meatloaf on CD. I don’t get it. As soon as I put a slice on the CD, it stopped sizzling and I couldn’t hear a thing.~

Does the FCC really know what they are doing? I find myself waking up to AM Radio, so I know what they mean when they say ‘Morning Radio.’ But while I can find an FM station, I can never seem to find a PM station. They need someone from the NyQuil folks to run the outfit, I think.~

The answer to the age old riddle: what came first, the Chicken, or the Egg? Answer: neither; it was the Rooster. (surely, someone else said this somewhere, sometime earlier)~

I must be a looser. There was this gal I liked who always bought fresh produce. But when I got fresh, she just slapped my face.~


Big Enough

To big to fail cost you and me,
for bailouts, and lost property.
To big to nail, cost prohibitively
the national debt ridiculous, be.

To big to jail cost you and me,
for hall passes for Mz Hillary.
To small to hail, just you and me,
our vote has no voice collectively.


It’s It

Time to offer up a bit of wit.
Something funny to any Brit?
Are you worried just a we bit
about a future Brexit bad sit?
Afraid there’s no way out of it;
to escape a daily diet of shit,
Mushrooms often get slit and bit.


Falling Sky

Chicken Little a warning did brae,
none believed in what he did say.
Many long years since passed away,
we still refuse to believe him today.

Yet Planet X and Wormwood obey
God’s Will and ARE heading our way.
The moral to me seems thus to say:
good Chicken Littles should now pray;
for it is written, “None knows the Day,”


I never did well in Science Class. I still don’t know the conversion factors between celsius, farenheit, and college degrees.~

Hillary avoids Potatos and Corn. She knows they have eyes and ears and might testify.~

Gmail just informed me my folder :”Hate Mail” is full. Half of it is from Democrats, and half from Republicans. The difference is, the Republicans tell me exactly why they don’t like me, and the Democrats only tell me how they feel.~

Taxes are a fiction, just as are the wages taxed; when the dollar is nothing but an I.O.U., you never really get paid, and so, you can never really be taxed or pay taxes, either. Credit and Bank Loans are a also a fiction, just as are the checks (also I.O.U.s) used in obtaining the loan or repaying it ­– and the bank didn’t even have the money to loan in the first place (allowed to loan up to 20 times their bank deposits). We just keep spoofing each other to solidify the illusion.~

If you still hate someone after putting yourself into their shoes… then they are obviously too tight because you are too big in your own mind for your own good, fat head.~

Be thankful I’m retired. If I was doing this full-time, I’d bore you to tears.~

Now days, the only way to achieve inner peace, is to scream at the top of your lungs for the politicians and newsmen to fucking go to hell, until they actually do.~

Dear government, and megacorps: Winning is not taking rights away with legislation or getting the contract for weapons to be used at Armageddon. These things are mutually assured destruction.~

When people say not to worry about things, “They will get better,” I think they must mean that the things that worry you will get better at doing that.~

Never take the last train from Clarksville. Its full of Monkeys.~


Theorist’s Conspiracy

Open the door to news of tragedy obscene. The lunacy involved, what can it mean?
Turn on the light and survey the crime scene – see Rats scurry trying not to be seen.
Catch one, make it come squeaky clean: Federal ties found amid many lies between.
Note all such oddities you might glean, contrary to the official story quite glassine.
Compare to what others have seen, conclude just what it really all does mean.
Forget now all you once had been, you’re now a conspiracy theorist, a sin.


In case you are wondering, yes, I used to do stage comedy in talent contests. Often got a first place. That was great; being the first person put on the bus out of town, I got to choose the best seat.~

Let me apologize in advance for insulting you. I’m not going to stick around in case you start swinging.~

The Federal Gov has gotten to be such a big asshole that it doesn’t even have to fart to stink up the whole country, but it does so continuously, anyway. If Hillary is elected, she plans on feeding it beens and drinking water from Mexico, giving new meaning to when the SHTF. I’m thinking Trump is the BEANO.~


A Noun is a word that has a ROCK solid object identity.
A Proper Noun tells the actual name or title, my dear SIR, or may I call you JOHN.
A Pronoun is an Avatar stand in for IT.
An Adjective tells you a IDENTIFIABLE personality.
A Verb is a word in MOTION.
An Adverb tells you its VERY measure.
A Preposition pre positions the Noun TO Verb relation.
A Conjunction forms a junction function between word thoughts, SO don’t get confused.
A Contraction is a contracted attraction giving traction to two words as one, a marriage licensed by apostrophication, or a foreshortening of a word as a slang thang for those who were THINK’N they HADN’T the time or space for two words.~


I had a Checklist but can’t use it as I haven’t written a check since Debit Cards came out.
I had a folding Map but I can’t follow it because there is no place in my car’s dash to plug it in.
I had a Plan but I can’t follow it because the steps don’t appear on the Dance Dance Revolution pad.
I had a contract but I don’t abide by it because I already held both the first and second Parties. Sorry I didn’t invite you.
I had a Letter but Sesame Street is now on a channel I don’t get.
I had an envelope but didn’t give a lick.
I had a Folder but since I no longer need the checklist, plan, contract, letter, or envelope, I threw it away, too.~


A Conservative Politician in Office is conservative in measuring out his power to avoid angering the voter; he fears the people, where a Liberal believes that governmental power is end all-do all, and they use/abuse their power to manipulate the people by fear of government.

A Conservative Government heeds its own laws by conservative judgment, where a Liberal tends to apply grains of salt, rationalize, and bend slightly, each time taking more liberal advantage until it is in time fully lawless.

A Conservative Government writes Laws which are conservative in principles within the limitations of its Charter (The Constitution, Bill of Rights), where a Liberal (by the above means) takes liberties in lawmaking which take liberty out of the Law; they become increasingly unconstitutional and negate the Bill of Rights.

A Conservative Policy must always fit the national interest in obedience to Sovereignty and which honors the Charter, where a Liberal is interested in reformation to a new model, almost always globalist in nature (i.e., favoring United Nations, One-World Government) and is willing to sacrifice the Charter and Sovereignty for that agenda.

A Conservative Politician thinks in terms of limitations per the above, which allows personal and corporate governance to be at ‘”Liberty” to flourish and pursue happiness and wellbeing, trusting the people to seek what they will for their own good, where a Liberal thinks in terms of socialistic Agenda which stifle or suppress these things ‘for the good of the people, of whom they think cannot be trusted.’

A conservative understands that to become elected or to move legislation, there must be an accommodating compromise between the ideal and the attainable, where a Liberal will promise anything to get what they really want, or take any drastic measure to get what they want, even if it means legislation which cannot possibly achieve the stated purpose, and especially if it serves some unstated agenda per the above.~


Panic is in abundance, as is a loose tongue, when the SHTF. Calm reason and restraint is called for. Take a deep breath, grab a cold beer and reflect before commenting. But if the bullets are flying around you, SHOOT BACK AND SAVE THE DIALOG FOR LATER. That’s when you will really need that beer.~


Why do they call them a POEM when no other word quite right rhymes with poem?
Why do they call them a JOKE when the point is a hard straight poke?
Why do they call them a SONG when it’s really a sing?
Why do they call them a RIDDLE when the answer is a clue in the middle?
Why do they call them a SPEECH when it gives you the claps or makes you boo who?
Why do they call them a REport, REmark or REply when it’s actually the first time?
Why do they call them a QUESTion when instead of taking the path to the answer on your own,
you leave it to another to do?
Why do they call them a PARagraph when there’s really only one?
Why do they call them a SENTENCE
when they rarely involve a judge?
Why do they call them a STORY when they don’t have walls, cielings, or floors?
Why do they call this a POST… oh, wait, I know: because that’s what it’s as dumb as.~


Why is it that you can talk to ten strangers and 7 or more of them will believe or agree like minded if you tell them…

About a UFO you’ve seen…
About 911 as an inside job…
About Global Warming as a sham…
About CIA and the mob killing JFK…
About chemtrails vs. contrails…
About a Bilderberger NWO/Illuminati conspirators…
About mind control, gang stalking, Voice-2-Skull…

But when you talk to ten lawmakers, law keepers, medicals, or reporters about any of that…
You are suddenly crazy to the point of risking forced evaluation?

Because the System and its professional armies are taught not to believe in the boogyman (who arranged for their lessons).~


The addage “Follow your dreams…” with respect to career can end terribly, UNLESS you take the RIGHT path:

1 toe in the water as a hobby… Insures you really do like it and have basic skills required.
2 build a boat taking courses in the trade, even if mail order or online. This will confirm
if you have actual talent. If not, start over w next best passion.
3 float the boat as intern. This will educate you as to the harsh realities and negatives of the
trade. Lets you confirm you like it, and regardless, gives a leg up on others for getting the job.
4 if you get this far, set sail as employee, setting aside savings. You WILL do well if you are ‘all in,’
what some call the ‘work ethic,’ which is simply doing your best.
5 with savings, buy a yacht by starting your own firm. That will plot a course to your dreams.

More: at all levels, start a small home-based business for both the experience, income, and tax benefits. This allows you to build resources (eg, instruments for a musician) less expensively and helps build your resume, client base, networking resources. I have NEVER not operated my own business since entering high school, and most related in their start to my first entry into a given field of work, at the hobby stage. I have therefore mastered and become successful in many fields and industry sectors, and despite having only a high school education, I’ve been granted four experiential degrees for the purpose of teaching at college level.~


My Mom always told me not to play in the street. She was right. The freeways are much more fun – if you are agile and don’t mind the blaring horns and screeching tires…~

What did the politician say to the activist? Nothing. He doesn’t pay attention to those voters, either.~

You are free to disagree with me as long as you understand I am never wrong and never make a mitsak ni anteing I sae.~


Modern Debate

What I believe is true. If you disagree, screw you.
I know I’ m right, I do. I’m clearly smarter than you.
Don’t you dare try to argue – untill your face turns blue:
What I believe is due – to claims I find undeniably true.

Your facts will not do, they confuse what I know is true.
Such reality I pooh pooh, my mind made up for me, you
see; I won’t listen to you. What’s that you ask askew?

No, I no not just who said, but some kind of Web guru.
Its not important just who. But I know it surly wasn’t you.
What I believe is true. If you don’t agree, boo hoo to you.
Truth’s what I want it to be, no matter what you say or do.


A Democrat Congressman and a Republican Senator walked into a bar… Wait! That’s already as big a joke as can be…~

Notice: please note… In case you haven’t noticed before. Have you ever noticed there is hardly ever been and important notice delivered or posted such that you actually noticed? Nah, I bet you didn’t even notice any such post. I hereby give notice that, if you noticed this post, or not, this notice is not such a notice, but merely a post giving note to such.~


Dos You Got Down Wid Wad I Be Say’n Bout Dis and Dat, Bro?

Dis, Dat, and Dos, as ‘hip’ as they could be, went into a bar to get a drink. Dos bought the 1st round of beers. Once served, Dat said “Dis be good ‘n stuff.”

Dis replied “I try to be good like dat, you know? Mama sez to.”

Dat saw Dis was confused, “Thank yo for the compliment, Dis, but dat not wad I meant. We all be drink’n da same brew and dat be good’n stuff.”

Dis and Dat seemed confused. “Look, Man, dis is on tapn we don’t be know’n wad it be,” he clarified.

Dis choked on a swig. “What yo say, bro? No one be tap’n on me, so natch, I dont know wad it be.”

“No, Man,” Dat tried to explain further, “Dis beer be tap beer. It be good, but ah dont know wad it be.”

Dis, at least, finally understood. “I got yo drift, now, Man. But I heard dos tap beers were cheap’n stuff. You know, po shit wid no taste. So wad dis be?”

Now Dos complained. “Wad yo mean… yo be sayin I bought cheep beers?”

And now, Dis was confused, once more, too. “I be just fine, bro. Why yo ask wad I be?”

At this point, the bartender happened by. “Hey, Man,” accosted Dat. “We be wond’rn… Wad be dis here beer?”

Dat be Dos,” he replied simply. “Dat be good, n stuff.”

Dat seemed upset, now. “Look, man, we been all through Dis be’n good, n stuff. But if yo be say,n I sho nuff should be like Dos… dat Dos be gooder,n me, I take ‘ception to dat. Yo don’t know Dat, and yo sho as Hell dont know me.”

Now Dos was miffed. “Hang on a sec, man,” he said to Dat, “yo sayin yo better’n me?”

Well, things went down hill from there and it looked like a fight was about to break out, when the bartender tried to calm them with clarification. “Dis be rediculous!” he started.

But Dis did’t give him a chance to finish, and knocked him on his ass!
 “Ha!” he exclaimed. “Yo dumb ass be’n on da flo wid yo dumb fat mouth bleed’n wad be rediculous.”

This unexpected event had disrupted the conflict between Dos and Dat long enough that they had calmed down. Dis suggested they leave, and all agreeing, they stormed out in a huff.

As they exited, Dis noted “We stiil dont know wad dat beer be. I sho nuff wish I knew.” 
The others agreed, none of them noticing the neon sign in the window reading “Dos XX on tap.”~


If Trump is such a chump we’ rather dump, and Uncle Bernie is ample wormy and too squirmy, and Hillary far too shrillery under FBI drillery, then does that mean Biden is bid’n his tim’n in decid’n if rid’n White Knight style last minute to the Demo’s how we’ll be decid’n who’s presidential presid’n?~

What happens when a Socialist politician, an establishment Democrat, a non establishment Republican and an establishment Republican go into a Bar and call for a round on them, each? The price of drinks goes up, the waitresses worry about deportation, the bartender adds water to the drinks, the bouncer calls a reporter, and the Janitor worries about having to clean up all the bullshit that’s about to be spread. And, the patrons realize the hangover isn’t going to be worth it, and they leave.~



Ferrari facing cataclysm!


Fractured Isms.


Ferris Beuller (Matthew Broderick) had it right. “A person should not believe in an “ism“, he should believe in himself.” In other words, don’t be a follower of someones ideas. If you want to make a change for the better, YOU are what you’ve been waiting for.

Here are some (twisted) examples of perhaps why isms can be problematic…

Capitalism: You have two cows. Sell one and buy a bull to start a cow factory. Worship in any church you want as long as you tithe a portion of your stock options. John Lennon is a famous millionaire singer invited to sit on your Board of Directors. Apple Computer stock looks attractive, so you merge to form Cowpile Computer.

Socialism: You have two cows. Give one cow to the government to slaughter and share with the poor. You worship in any church which is left or right of center. John Lennon is a folk singer of meaningful Marxist ballads. Apple Computer is bailed out by Congress whenever its stock falls below that of Microsoft.

Communism: You had two cows, but now the State has them, and may or may not give you some milk – if you are willing to stand in a long line. You do not go to church except to attend Party meetings. John Lennon is a decadent influence on youth. Apple Computer never was, because they refused to allow government to take more than one bite of it as it would ruin the logo.

Fascism: You had two cows but the government forced you to sell them to corporations for beans (magic or otherwise) who in turn sells the dairy and beef products back to you for huge profits. You go to the same church as the fearless leader, or you don’t go at all. John Lennon sounds like he was related to a Marxist and so he was shot. Apple Computer was burned to the ground in order to blame Compaqism and sweep Bill Gates into power.

Nazism: You had two cows but the government arrested you for hording and took them. You and your religious fanatic family are burned alive in your church for refusing to Sig Heil. John Lennon was in there with you, singing Give Peace a Chance. Apple Computer users are arrested and sent to camps for daring to ‘Think Different.’

Anarchism: You have two cows running down the freeway causing car wrecks. Shoot the tax collector, steal his money, and rape his dog (unless a hunting dog – but since it is a government dog, we know that dog don’t hunt.) You blow up the church. John Lennon sings Revolution. Macintosh Computers have a high repair rate from all the bullet holes.

Constitutionalism: You have two cows and the government cannot unreasonably search or seize them without a warrant, or prevent them from mooing, or prevent you from owning them and forming a militia of fellow cow owners who meet weekends and practice milking with dummy targets. You can’t figure out which of the thousands of churches to attend. Neither can John Lennon, so he writes Imagine. Steve Jobs was a Founding Father who wrote the ‘Consitution for the rest of us.’

Patriotism: You have two cows painted red, white, and blue. Your church supports the current war. John Lennon is boycotted, and so he has a sleep in. Apple is not sold to anyone unwilling to pledge allegiance to Microsoft products.

Militarism: You have two cows which you have convinced each that the other is seeking to invade their own private pasture. You sell arms to both sides. Your church owns stock in your company. John Lennon had his visa revoked because he was a pacifist who smoked pot. Apple Computer is what makes smart bombs smart.

Pacifism: You have two contented cows which give canned milk. Your body is your temple (and you are what you eat.) The government is headed by John Lennon. Apple Computer listens to its customer complaints.

Fatalism: Your cows died after you stopped feeding them because you figured they would just die, anyway. It was the same reasoning by which you determined God is dead. You never heard of John Lennon. Apple System error messages all start with ‘You should have known better than to think this wasn’t going to happen…’

Surrealism: You have a pasture full of Dell Computers searching the Web for the best price on a Macintosh. The government worships you. There is no John Lennon, because he would have made sense, so he instead turns out to actually be Ringo Star, who never quite did.

Bushisms: Is your cows in my Big Mac? I’m a God fearing man on Sundays. Which one is Lennon, and which one is Lennin? I will not have one of those damned Macs on my desk. Jobs didn’t contribute one cent to my election fund!

Clintonisms: Wow, look at those udders! I’m a God fearing man on Sundays. I liked John Lennon. We had a lot in common. In fact, I inhaled once, myself. I don’t know about granting Apple a GSA contract… they didn’t contribute to my election fund.

Obamaisms: Your cows are being detained indefinitely to combat terrorism. I’m a God fearing man on Sundays, unless I’m playing Golf. I liked John Lennon. I had FBI sue Apple Computer, who wouldn’t let me spy on iPhones, and didn’t contribute to my election fund.

Note: If you like the isms, they were lifted from a page full of additional jokes of greater complexity than the bulk of material in this post. Find them here: To Laugh in the Face of the NWO is the Best Form of Contempt.


Revolt Against Mongressanto: GMO Crops Torched in America

Though a controlled media is suppressing the story, 40 tons of GMO crops were torched, prompting an FBI investigation. We The People do NOT WANT GMO, and if the Monsanto Congress does not watch their step, arson will become outright violence, and from there, even lead to revolution.

Why were sugar beets set on fire in Oregon?

by H. Michael Sweeney

copyright © 2013, all rights reserved. Permission to repost hereby granted provided entire post with all links in tact, including this paragraph, are included.

Who is Oregonians for Food and Shelter?

Update June 22, 2013: Additional research reveals some interesting things about the who and why behind the $10K reward offered for the beet burners… at document end.

Are Monsanto and Syngenta GMO criminals?

What you will learn reading this post…

  • People are taking the law into their own hands to kill GMO production[
  • There is an apparent media blackout, even on the Web;
  • The government is ramping up for what may end up being another WACO/Ruby Ridge standoff;
  • We may be looking at the Boston Tea Party of 2012 just before the next American Revolution.

Who is the earth liberation front?

Rebirth of the early Earth Liberation Front?

I Can’t Believe I’m the FIRST and ONLY one to report this on the Web.

Our new Boston Tea Party?

Our new Boston Tea Party?

NOT ONE MEDIA OUTLET outside of local circles has dared to mention it, perhaps because government fears that if the public learns that other people are getting fighting mad (literally), they might join in, and become an actual revolution. It was only reported locally live on KXL Radio and echoed by the Oregonian, where the ONLY Web mention exists, hard to find because the headline wording is carefully avoids the most likely keywords for a search — took me rather a while to find it. Here’s the scoop — PASS IT ON!

40 Tons of GMO Sugar Beets were set ablaze in Eastern Oregon, yesterday. FORTY TONS — the entire acreage of two full fields of crops IN THE GROUND were set ablaze over a THREE NIGHT PERIOD OF TIME. That means ARSON. And I have to say I am cheering! The only way could feel better about it is if I had dared to do it myself — which to be clear, I would not: I don’t look good in prison orange, and would be too worried about possible loss of life if things went terribly wrong.

Evidence is that 6,500 plants were destroyed BY HAND, ONE PLANT AT A TIME. That, in turn, implies A LOT OF PEOPLE were involved: would you want to stick around once a fire was going and wait to be discovered? No, someone (many someones) probably wanted to move as quickly as possible. WE ARE TALKING ABOUT A MOVEMENT, a kind of ORGANIZED REVOLT — and this is exactly the kind of retribution I’ve warned was coming; when lawmakers and corporations refuse to honor the Constitution and instead engage in ‘legalized’ criminal acts such as enabled by theMonsanto Protection Act.’

This is all shades of… well, the BOSTON TEA PARTY. Instead of throwing tea into the harbor to protest taxes, someone was throwing flames onto crops in the ground to protest New World Order shenanigans. We are a long ways from Boston, but more recently we have the Earth Liberation Front, a group which also had its roots in Oregon (I love my State and our people; we have core beliefs and fight for them). The ELF, in 2000,  burned the offices of a GMO research project at the University of Michigan, a project funded by the Federal government and Monsanto at the time.

The ELF, or ‘Elves’ as they are sometimes called, is an ad-hoc group with its actual origins in the U.K. But forest mismanagement caused splinter cells to be established in Oregon, and subsequently, Michigan and elsewhere as new corporate wrongdoings became evident. Like the IRA, they have an official, public side, one not associated with criminal adventure, and instead focused on educating the public on the issues, such as the Gulf oil spill. They are a kind of militant Green Peace, perhaps.

But ELF cells normally come forward immediately to claim responsibility, because to them, its all about publicity to educate the public. Since there has been no statement, I’m deducing it is simply Oregon Farmers who have said, ‘Enough!’ Another clue that may be the case is that this comes on the heels (two weeks) of Japan’s rejection of the entire Oregon Wheat crop for the year (a tremendous financial blow because over 80% of Oregon Wheat is exported) because ONE report said ONE field was contaminated with at least ONE GMO plant.

The rightful fear is, because of pollination processes, once you introduce a GMO crop of a given variety ANYWHERE, the wind and insects will spread its genetic contamination to non GMO fields, and thereby ruin the ENTIRE INDUSTRY for a region. In fact, Oregon farmers have tendered a multi-billion dollar class action law suite against Monsanto, joining a long list of states doing so. Monsanto has experimented with GMO crops before they were approved in 16 states. They were supposedly all destroyed, but state after state is finding out the hard way, that Pandora’s box has been deliberately left open.

But while other governments in Europe and elsewhere are passing laws to ban GMO crops, and burning entire crops themselves, in America, our government is passing laws protecting Monsanto from legal repercussions, and therefore, it seems, farmers are forced to burn the crops, themselves. This means that where in other countries, citizens are being protected from corporate crimes, in America, citizens are forced to become ‘terrorists’ to survive. That’s how blatantly corrupt our corporate police state has become, I’m afraid.

Can GMO spark an armed revolution?

First Blow For the Revolution?

In this case, both fields belonged to the same Corporate Agricultural giant known for embracing GMO, though trying to do so quietly, another reason perhaps big media has kept the story from reaching the Internet. We are talking about Syngenta. Nowhere on their US Web site will you find mention of GMO, but that is exactly what the company is about. They have even lied publicly in writing on this issue with a public declaration. Yet their very corporate name shouts GMO.

But the FBI, and local media knows better (and now, you)… because apparently someone from the Syngenta operated farms mentioned the fact as a possible motive for the arson. This is a serious matter in many respects. It throws down the gauntlet and says, WE ARE MAD AS HELL AND ARE NOT GOING TO LET YOU GET AWAY WITH THIS BULLSHIT ANYMORE! But it also raises the stakes and put lives and property at risk, and if it goes wrong, could end up sparking an armed revolution.

Imagine the likely scenario: the FBI identifies a particular non GMO farmer as being participant and puts together a 100 man assault team to surround their homestead, land they’ve been farming for generations. What do you suppose would happen if they stood their ground? You would have another WACO standoff, another Ruby Ridge. Do you suppose that the other several dozen participants in the crop burning would stand by and let them pick them all off like that, one by one? I doubt it.

They would muster every rifle their families could carry, and call in farmers from adjacent counties, and likely be joined by some number of citizens from the local communities, and surround the FBI and other local authorities. They might even be joined by local Sheriffs, if not out of sympathetic understanding and general GMO angst, then in hopes of defusing the situation. I’m telling you, this can easily get out of hand.

And in a way, I’m hoping it does. Because I think WE NEED A DEFINITIVE EVENT to send a CLEAR MESSAGE and draw a line in the sand: NOT ONE INCH MORE — BACK OFF! It would rally the informed to action, stir the Sheeple to understanding, and FORCE THEM to take a side, lest they end up in a possible cross fire if shooting breaks out everywhere GMO crops and corporate properties exist, and their executives live.

Even though it could easily spark a full-scale revolution, I’m still for it. That threat is not lightweight, either — it is incredibly easy to start and carry out a successful revolution. I’d be tickled pink to live in America, once more, a country based on a social contract called the Constitution and Bill of Rights, where government was BY THE PEOPLE, FOR THE PEOPLE, of the people, and not a fascist police state in the making BY CORPORATIONS, FOR THE NEW WORLD ORDER.

GMO? Burn, baby, burn…

Mongressanto? You may just be next.

Who are Oregonians for Food and Shelter?

Update: The Who and Why of the $10,000 Reward

‘Oregonians’ for ‘Food and Shelter’ sounds like a charity that provides food and shelter, but that’s not right. Their Web site describes themselves in terms which, after thoughtful consideration, would leave you believing them a non profit NGO, a special interest group (SIG) of professionals seeking to educate their peers in the latest timber and agriculture technologies. Closer to the truth, is that they are a Political Action PAC, putting out their own Voter’s Guide, and involving themselves in political matters impacting timber and farming.

Their members are a who’s who of AG and Timber, but with a specific bent toward biotech… specific biotech. Their Boards and Chairs are well peppered with people from Monsanto, Syngenta, and other firms with a vested interest in GMO, and firms they do business with. In fact, there are even two firms represented who have had consensual dealings with Central Intelligence Agency fronts. One of these was harmless and related to fire-fighting, but the other (Portland General Electric) was tied to much darker matters, though I’m sure they were not quite aware of such details. But then, those same folks also went to bed with ENRON (also a CIA operation), didn’t they?

The OFS founder is one Terry L. Witt, who cites himself as a professional Manager of Non Profit Groups, as though you should go see him if you have one in need of management. Really? The Web site was founded in 1999. Within a few months, Terry was writing in support of Monsanto’s patent infringement suit against a farmer over GMO crop migration (contamination) such as faced by Oregon Wheat growers. It would not be the first time he would play hatchet man for GMO, additionally using op-ed in the Oregonian to disinform on behalf of (again) Monsanto.

Indeed, if you look at the one and only truly informational page at the Web site (despite the fact they list three topics to choose from – the other two have no links provided), the topic is… you guessed it; pro GMO. So what is the real agenda, again? But perhaps we should overlook this narrow view, because they do point out their Web site is still under construction. What?

Established in 1999, and still under construction? Could it be because the Web designer is (whois information) Troy, Terry’s son, operating out of their $700,000 home in Tigard? Hmmm. Troy has his own business (he is a photographer and ‘lead designer’ at a ‘design studio’), and his Web site is even more under construction: it consists ONLY of a logo (ergo, my use of quotes). There is not even a statement on being under construction since created in 2005.  “Focused Marketing, Messaging, and Design,” the logo claims.

This could be the trait of (choose one):

a) someone not very good at what they do;
b) a CIA front;
c) a corporate front for money laundering (e.g., payments from Monsanto);
d) a front or over billing a client (e.g., Monsanto);
e) a clever ploy to distract conspiracy theorists and waste blog reader’s time;
f) all of the above.

I’m sorry, but I come away with the distance impression OFS is nothing but a surrogate for GMO interests, and thinly veneered, at that.

That’s the WHO and the WHY of the $10K reward.

Frankly, given these facts, I’d rather someone  offer a $100K reward if they would all simply go away.

Flight 800: At Last! I’m no Longer a Conspiracy Theorist!

For nearly a decade I’ve been trying to get media and the public to examine some simple proofs of a conspiracy we call Flight 800 Friendly Fire; the downing of a jumbo jet killing 230 souls with a Navy missile fired in a war game exercise gone wrong. They only wanted to call me ‘just another conspiracy theorist.’


Was flight 800 shot down by a navy missile?

by H. Michael Sweeney

copyright © 2013, all rights reserved. Permission to repost hereby granted provided entire post with all links in tact, including this paragraph, are included.

NTSB admits Flight 800 shot down


Seven years is a long time in Sheeple years (1 year in Sheeple years = 40 years of apathetic stupidity) and most Sheeple don’t even remember what Flight 800 was about, and some readers here may be younger and simply have no clue, or wish a refresher. In simple terms, Flight 800 was Trans World Airlines 747 jet bound out of New York late evening on July 17, 1996. Twelve minutes later, the plane and all 230 on board were lost in a fiery crash into the sea just off of Long Island. No one knew why, but rumors quickly sprang up that it was shot down by a Navy missile. Even military witnesses said so.

Even faster, the Wag-the-Dog disinformation engine of the U.S. Navy, Department of Defense, CIA, FBI, and the rest of the Federal Government launched one of the biggest criminal conspiracies of all time to cover up the truth. From the very beginning, I quickly involved myself as investigative writer because I quickly spotted traits of disinformation at play, and because I was compelled by a very credible claim that friendly fire was to blame by a revered source.

Non other than Pierre Salinger, former Press Secretary for Presidents John Kennedy and Lyndon Johnson, and former ABC Newsman, said that he was calling a press conference to reveal information from a CIA informant confirming the fact. But he had been set up for a fall with one of the oldest tricks in the disinformation handbook (as result, I wrote the 25 Rules of Disinformation to expose such tricks — my most famous and most read work with over 25,000,000 downloads); he was to become a strawman sacrifice to quash the rumor and associate it with ‘an untrustworthy Internet.’ Hence, the Salinger Syndrome. It destroyed him, but he is a hero for it.

I won’t explain the details of that, here (there is plenty of detail at my Flight 800 pages), nor much else about Flight 800 or the three-year running battle with Federal agents I and other civilian investigators had to endure to simply seek the truth and justice. I will only say that they used every dirty trick to shut us up they could muster, including sending out whole teams of FBI agents to intimidate us in person, Naval Intelligence people to pump us to see what we knew (pretending to be ordinary citizens), and I even got death threats from a foreign agent. Surveillance? You bet, including multiple vehicle tails, various aircraft, high-speed chases, and literally having to walk around Federal and local operatives to get from one side of a public venue to another. They wanted us to know they were dogging us.

But the one OTHER thing they did universally was to discount us by calling us ‘conspiracy theorists,’ and then ignoring anything we had to say. When the NTSB report finally came out, I personally had a field day combing over it and pointing out the obvious lies. They had falsified evidence, concealed evidence, and manufactured evidence to prove it was an electrical short which exploded a fuel tank. But that was also clearly impossible as even their own report showed. For each such point I’ve just mentioned, I was easily able to offer three different proofs. See my Three Simple Proofs (look for the small image of the gold NTSB CD a ways down the page).

But I was merely a ‘conspiracy theorist,’ and so, they still ignored me. Not one local news director would air my material, and the Oregonian flat refused my editorials. Of course, every major Network at the time was owned (controlling interest) by a major military contractor making Navy missile parts. Never mind that the proof was easy to illustrate. I was a conspiracy theorist, and THAT, was that. “Don’t confuse us with the facts, our minds are made up for us.”

Fast Forward a little.

The report finished, only one thing remained. The head of FBI, who personally monitored material I posted to my Web site (I cannot tell you how I know this without someone at FBI getting into a lot of trouble), and the head of the NTSB investigation, all resigned their posts at the end of the affair (publishing of the report), literally walking out on a scheduled meeting with a waiting collective of fellow civilian investigators, family members, and other ‘conspiracy theorists’ who were refusing to buy magic fuel tank explosion as ‘fact.’ They could not bear to look them in the face and lie to them in person, it seems.

With their resignations, NO ONE had ANYONE they could officially speak with, no one who would listen to, much less answer questions or challenges regarding the lies and blatant evidence of same. This was true in the halls of government, and in the newsrooms. We were all once more easily dismissed; conspiracy theorists are political and social zeroes in government and media circles. That’s why government loves to label dissenters. Pick a label, any label… in a political storm.

Fast Forward a LOT.

TODAY! On the radio today I heard that several NTSB Investigators have come forward and publicly admitted that the official report was doctored, stating flatly it was impossible that the fuel tank was responsible, and that there was indeed (as I had not only been saying, but showing) evidence of missile fire; it was a massive cover up.

What this means to YOU.

It means that conspiracy theorists (the good ones, like me – if you will permit me to so claim) are merely investigators forced to wear a label. It also means that many conspiracies are REAL, and self evident by the conflicting information in the official stories, and the cover up efforts and disinformation which follow. A cover up is itself proof of a conspiracy. You cannot have a cover up unless there is something to cover up, and its existence proves not only the crime is real, but it cannot even be undertaken except by a conspiracy of multiple parties to effect cover up; two interlocking conspiracies in one.

The lesson is: QUESTION GOVERNMENT, they lie. QUESTION THE OFFICIAL LINE, it has holes. QUESTION MEDIA, they are bought.

I urge you to read about Flight 800 at my Web site. There, you will learn things no other investigator has revealed. I was the only one to discover and illustrate the actual fraud in the NTSB Report. I was the first one to identify the ship most likely to have fired the missile (and subsequently visited by a foreign Agent making a death threat on behalf of their country — which should tell you something about the accuracy of my claims).

It will show you how easy it is to pull the wool over a Sheep’s eyes, and make us all into Sheep. It will show you how easy it is to fake it, and to make the public believe an unreal thing. It will reveal how easy it is to have a controlled media. It should leave you with a much greater respect for Truthers, and for conspiracy theorists, in general.

But why should I care, you might well ask? After all, I’m no longer a conspiracy theorist now that my theory has been proven FACT, and the conspiracy proven REAL, right?

WRONG. As long as Mr. Sorento and his crew run government, or others of like mind succeed him, there will be fresh lies to expose, new crimes to investigate. In fact, I’m working on a backlog, because that man and his cronies, like all Globalist Presidents, has more dark plots and evil deeds to dare than one conspiracy theorist, alone, can keep up with. Pray for me!

Care to help me out in other ways? All it takes is to pay attention, ask questions when facts conflict, and challenge government and media when they don’t get it right. And challenge the guy standing next to you when they don’t get it, because Sheeple are a terrible thing to leave running around loose in a Wolve’s playpen. If you ask me, that’s just plain good citizenship.

Or is that yet simply one more way of saying ‘terrorist’ in D.C.? Move along, Citizen, nothing to see here. Move along.

N. Korea EMP Attack Next False Flag per Wag-The-Dog Evidence

If a military coupe planner needed an excuse for Martial Law in a hurry, what better way than to EMP the country and blame N. Korea? Such an attack from N. K. is impossible, and yet Sheeple wallow in the wag-the-dog Sheep Dip in a daze.

North Korea EMP Attack Next False Flag per Wag-The-Dog Evidence

by H. Michael Sweeney
copyright © 2013, all rights reserved. Permission to repost hereby granted provided entire post with all links in tact, including this paragraph, are included.

How will North Korea attack America?

What you will learn reading this post…

  • A review of signs that a false flag EMP nuclear detonation in our atmosphere will be staged;
  • A review of what such an event enables and sponsors of value to the NWO traitors;
  • What you can do to preempt and deal with consequences if it happens;
  • How you can help prevent it from happening.

Is an EMP attack against America possible?

Why I write and you should read…

Daytime EMP burst; end times headlines blog (click)

On April 3rd someone advised me that Google showed there were almost 200,000 Web sites claiming doom and gloom in the form of a North Korean EMP attack on the U.S. While many of these were the usual conspiracy theory resources (some with good reputations, some questionable, and some known disinfo organs such as, unlike many conspiracy matters, there were also some mainstream news sorces carrying the story.

That, alone, made me sit up, but two days later, it had jumped to over 309,000, and is now nearly 900,000 (Korea + EMP attack.)

Even many mainstream outlets (e.g., Newsmax, Investors Business Daily, Washington Times) normally quite conservative were forecasting the darkest of all possible outcomes, some claiming up to 9 out of 10 Americans would die as result. I smelled, as did the person sending me the information, a big federal disinformation rat. Ever hear of Wag-The-Dog? Remember WMD in Iraq? That was really WTD.

If not, go rent or otherwise watch the Dustin Hofman, Robert De Niro movie with the same name, Wag The Dog. It will give you a hilarious review of EXACTLY what it is, and how it works, in a tongue-in-cheek presentation of real-World disinformation tactics employed by the Military-Industrial-Intelligence-Media complex. It’s all about manipulating people so they won’t question government crimes.

This EMP attack story is particularly disconcerting because it smacks of portending a false flag attack by our own government for reasons explained herein. Shades of the hit TV series Revolution, in fact, where there is sudden loss of power and political chaos results, almost as if the TV show was to prep us for what is to come that we might be easier to subdue in appreciation to military ‘rescue.’

What is an EMP attack?

What is an EMP attack?

When a nuclear bomb is set off, huge bursts of radiation of all manner are released in an unstoppable flood. Everything from heat and light to atomic radiation. Normally such bombs are used for their physical destruction capability, eviscerating a core area and causing blast and fire damage over a much broader area, and radioactively poisoning and rendering unsafe an even greater area. But there is another, more tactical use.

It is widely known but little spoken of, untill late (wag-the-dog tactic: foster massive dialogs in support of false story point), that if such a device is detonated high in the atmosphere over an enemy territory, the sudden burst of gamma rays creates  a massive electromagnetic pulse (EMP.)  So massive, in fact, that it destroys or interferes with most anything electronic. Motors, generators, and many digital and non digital components are, in fact, destroyed if in operation at the time, and some items will be harmed even if not in use, unless sufficiently shielded. The entire power grid would, in fact, fail and be extremely difficult to repair for a long, long time.

The result in such an attack on a modern society is total and instantaneous transportation into the Stone Age (more correctly, perhaps, the 18th Century, the agricultural age). But given that modern societies have no infrastructures in place which rely upon 18th Century technology, it might as well be the Stone Age. The ONLY defense against EMP attacks is to destroy the warhead in flight to destination, one of the reasons America has stubbornly tried to develop anti-ballistic missile systems since the time of Reagan and, truth be known, before.

But I note that wag-the-dog disinformation tends not to mention this factuality. Better if we think we are defenseless, where the only benefit to such a belief exists if one intends a false flag event.

Note: most of what is written from this point forward is covered, along with other related topics, in great detail in my four volume book set, Fatal Rebirth, including copies of the Constitutions mentioned below, with analysis. Want a free ebook of volume one? The book literally predicted 9-11 and resulting Middle East wars, and much, much more. It also predicted false flag attacks would be used to justify the Martial Law and subsequent events discussed herein, and what can be done about it.

What is a false flag event?

The nature of False Flag attacks

When a country wishes to start a war or enact some terribly repressive changes in political/governmental paradigms, it is historically common to stage a fake attack by some designated group or country as fall-guy. The people become enraged and demand retaliation, enabling a war, and wax super-patriotic and tolerant of any losses of freedoms or dramatic shifts in the structure of government to ‘better assure victory.’ Wag-the-dog rhetoric is required well before the event to paint the would-be source of the attack as a very dangerous opponent, vile and full of unchecked hatred — but the real purpose is to build fear and hatred of the ‘enemy.’

Internationally, the country employing false flag is seen as innocent victim, and may bash away at their new enemy freely, perhaps even recruiting ally nations. In some cases, even the people in the target country think their own country guilty as charged, which can foster an underground or more overt revolt which further helps assure victory. Only their leaders know the truth, but who will believe their claims?

Not very many beyond the most loyal, not many that count. Wag-the-dog efforts must, therefore, include ‘evidences’ after the fact, but one clue is that such evidences may seem just a little too convenient and quick to be located — such as the old reliable and oft used ‘found wallet’ belonging to the terrorits. Sheeple really are stupid to fall for that time and again. It has been used about six times, now.

All that is required is to stage a single, large-scale or politically sensitive event (e.g., assassination), or several smaller events which can be tied together at the desired time, all ‘evidence’ pointing to the same (false) source, also a job for the wag-the-dog folks. Hitler used the Reichstag Fire, burning of the beloved national library and many rare books, which was blamed on the Communists to justify changes in governmental structure which altered Germany from a Republic to a one-man show controlled by the fascist Nazi party. It launched the World down the path to WWII.

How can you spot false flag events?

Detecting false flag operations

Robert Dinero as spooky government disinformationalist Brean in Wag the Dog; “Why do people go to war?”          “The War of the future will be nuclear terrorism…              and there ain’t no war but ours.”

The Truther movement can offer a great deal of evidence that Sept. 11 was such an operation, and in fact, as I will offer in another post (and detail in Fatal Rebirth), most, if not all, terrorism against America and elsewhere, is demonstrably false flag in nature. All that is needed to establish or illustrate a false flag event is to use one’s brain in review of the basic facts, which, of course, Sheeple don’t know how to do because they’ve been dumbed down by psyops TV programming technology, rich with wag-the-dog. False flags look like this:

a) there is an abundance of early, pre-event wag-the-dog negative media coverage painting the bad guys as evil and out of control, building them up as a huge threat — perhaps even a specific threat;

(e.g. pre 9-11, Osama bin Laden was not exactly a household word, not even amongst the many radical Muslim terror groups, but he had an excellent PR firm, called CIA, who was fond of trotting out videos of him making threats, and listing him as prime suspect in prior attacks — while a CIA station chief pays him a visit in a Saudi hospital.)

b) the event takes place and immediate evidence is produced;

(e.g., within mere hours of 9-11, a terrorist’s wallet was found ‘laying in the street amid debris’, and other evidence sufficient to allow President Bush to provide the full names of all 19 alleged participants.)

c) the official story and available facts conflict, often in spades;

(e.g. 9-11 hijack flight passengers used cell phones to call relatives; cell phones did not work in flight in those days)

d) it contains nonsensical or illogical, impossible facts, or ‘magic bullet’ explanations;

(e.g. the nose of the South Tower plane passes completely through the building in tact, but nothing larger than a shard is found of it on the ground — no plane blown up by missile, by bomb, or fuel tank explosion has ever had the nose section destroyed so utterly, large sections of it should have been found.)

e) there are signs of a cover up regarding evidence: vanishing, altering, or manufacturing of evidence;

(e.g. Flight 993 cratered into a field, again with only shards remaining, and yet the crater is shown by earlier satellite images to have existed as a geographic feature well before 9-11. No FAA investigations looking at serial numbers of parts, either.)

f) there is a wag-the-dog disinformation effort evident; a cover up;

(e.g., American media refused to report what international media had already reported: that the date of the Afghan invasion was set, and allies arranged for prior to the 9-11 event, and that the Defense Policy Board had presented a PowerPoint presentation at DOD which, in fact, laid out a series of domino wars and revolutions in the Middle East to put radical Muslims into power as puppet governments — the Hashemites. It also failed to tell you that the top two men in the new Afghani government are ex CIA/DOD employees who also worked with Chevron Oil with Condaleeza Rice trying to get the Taliban to agree to an oil/gas pipeline deal pre 9-11. This is meticulously detailed in Fatal Rebirth, which has over 1,500 footnotes.)

g) there is an attempt to discredit anyone who questions the official story, and offer lame excuses for conflicting facts;

(e.g., Truthers are constantly ridiculed and labeled in casual remarks by media and governmentals as mere ‘conspiracy theorists,’ called traitors, insane, and even terrorists — more wag-the-dog disinfo. In ‘debunking’ various Truther claims, almost every one of the 25 Rules of Disinformation have been employed.)

h) an official investigative body (i.e., special ‘independent’ prosecutor, Grand Jury, panel, commission) is established to ‘find the truth, no matter where it leads,’ but they selectively examine evidence, alter, vanish, or falsify evidence, and are generally made up of people who benefit;

(e.g., the 9-11 “Independent Commission” was entirely, save one, made up of Bush cronies, each of which had previously bailed him out or were in his debt. Some had ties to the very institutions and technologies used in the attacks. And as Truthers easily point out, their efforts were white wash in nature with respect to manipulating, hiding evidence. All but two of the 12 had intelligence community ties. See table of cronyism toward bottom of this Noilwar! page.)

i) there is evidence of prior knowledge and/or media complicity.

(e.g., the Pentagon was making plans for emergency response in event of aircraft crashing into the Pentagon — photo of models planes and firetrucks and Pentagon with military brass in Fatal Rebirth… – or – BBC news in a live report announced that Building 7 of the WTC collapsed while it was still standing in the background… and then it collapsed on air, later, causing the Reporter to ad, “Oh, there it goes, now.” Google removes the vid, and BBC claims they lost the footage.)

Collectively, even individually, such wag-the-dog tactics are nothing more than a cover up. Whenever a cover up is in play, it is proof of a conspiracy, because if for no other reason, than to effect a cover up REQUIRES a conspiracy of players. Further, as there is no reason for a cover up unless there is an original criminal act, that, too, is part of the conspiracy.

Why would happen in an EMP attack?

What is the value in an EMP attack to Globalists here, and abroad?

As I have written of in many prior posts, there is an existing intent, in response to a perceived cause, to declare Martial Law and suspend the Constitution, and establish a new military government. This is out of the mouth of one of the nation’s top military leaders. You can bet that door-to-door searches and seizure of guns will follow, as was done in Katrina.

We next start to see mainstream media actually cover the fact that the military is practicing raids on American cities, in some cases with helicopter gattling guns blazing, and troops repelling, doors being blown off of buildings. They have never covered such events this way, before, indirectly indicating it is wag-the-dog psyops, again prepping citizens for future events. But of late, the quantity and intensity of such violations of Posse Comitatus has skyrocketed to include many major cities, indicating something big is on the horizon.

There is further the general intent by Globalists to establish a new Constitution for the NewStates of America, and the World Constitution, both documents already written (and both reproduced and analyzed in Fatal Rebirth), which makes rights more like a privileges, and provides an endless array of reasons, methods, and governmental authorities who can rescind them at any time, even retroactively, for individuals, groups, or all citizens.

Moreover, it enables the formation of the North American Union, and makes easier the acceptance of U.N. Treaties without ‘violation’ of ‘national sovereignty’ or the (new) Constitution. End Game ensues; the one-World government is formed (the World Constitution is ratified (already ratified in some countries), and the Antichrist can be seated.

Can you predict a false flag attack?

What are the signs EMP false flag may be afoot?

To answer this, we go back to our signs from above. I suspect that CIA types have infiltrated the N. Korean government to act as agent provocateurs assigned to stir up the young leader to his current state of rhetoric and provocative acts. The true likelihood of them launching an attack is nill, as indicated, below. But for a false flag event to enjoy any plausibility, there must be a seed basis for blaming another party.

a) there is an abundance of early wag-the-dog negative media coverage painting the bad guys as evil and out of control, building them up as a huge threat — perhaps even a specific threat;

(N. K. stories started weeks ago, and then suddenly the web was awash with EMP stories, both mainstream and Web.)

b) the event takes place;

c) the official story and available facts conflict, often in spades;

(Such conflicts are already known: an EMP attack requires an intercontinental ballistic missile and a large hydrogen bomb, both technologies at much lower states of development in N. Korea than required for the job — according to an insider analysts who should know  — but who cannot say so publicly because it would blow his security clearance.)

d) it contains nonsensical or illogical, impossible facts, or ‘magic bullet’ explanations;

(This would only become apparent after the event, explanations forced to address any major holes in the official story — they might claim it was a high-altitude weather ballon-delivered device that escaped detection.)

e) there are signs of a cover up regarding evidence: vanishing, altering, or manufacturing of evidence;

(also post event)

f) there is a wag-the-dog disinformation effort evident;

(We have a taste: there are currently nearly 900 thousand Web articles forecasting EMP attack on the U.S. by N. Korea, some of which are mainstream, but most of which stem from a select few sources associated with government disinfo sources such as Sorcha Faal, who is often used by DHS and State Department. These, in turn, are replicated and virally spread as if trustworthy, typically enlisting the aid of those conspiracy theorists prone to not well checking sources or examining the basic facts; fear mongering.)

g) there is an attempt to discredit anyone who questions the official story;

(Currently, there is hardly anyone in this category to discredit. I knew of only know seven of us when writing this, who consider EMP a false flag scenario. But we are ahead of the curve: this is normally a post event phenomenon, and until and unless naysayers abound or have a major following and are widely believed, there is no reason to bother labeling us insane, etc. Worse, an EMP event negates the need as there will be no media/Web platform for dissenting views and swaying anyone in the first place.)

h) An official investigation;

(Also a post event item, and again in this case, no need, as there is no way to get the ‘report’ out to anyone.)

i) prior knowledge.

(also post event.)

I will add one more thing, also from my reluctant resource. Any such actual detonation of a device will leave a fingerprint. Nuclear devices put out radiation signatures which can identify the maker of the device. In like manner, it is impossible to launch a missile from that part of the World without it being detected, and tracked. Indeed, a false flag missile would be detected. Many countries around the globe have the technical ability to monitor these fingerprints.

However, ONLY those in power (and their agents who run the equipment employed) in those countries are the ones who would know the truth. You would think it represents a de facto attack on their country to one degree or another, given the release of radiation. Regardless, given that most such countries are Globalist controlled (e.g., the European Community) or otherwise U.S. allies, even to include Russia — you cannot depend on their honesty.

They will likely say ‘Yup, N. Korea did it!’  Others, like China, may say ‘Not possible! It was a U.S. device.’ The number and nature of opposing nations will determine the degree of plausible deniability at home and abroad. A few dissenting nations known to be less than friendly toward America will be dismissed easily. But if any neutral (watch South America) countries concur, then you will see a magic bullet explantion offered to counter; scientific mumbo jumbo to discredit or counter such claims. But here, no one will hear any of those arguments, so who cares what others are saying?

How to prepare for EMP attack?

What can you do to preempt, or prepare?

Preempting such a false flag event is easy: just spread the word. Share this post, replicate it, make it viral, and so forth. Kick Sheeple in the butt and wake them up, teach them to use their brain, and make disciple activist of them if you can. If we can get 200,000 posts revealing it a false flag out there, they are less likely to feel safe in fostering it.

Preparation is easy enough, but tactically difficult in many cases, and costly. There are several areas of concern, most of which can be usefully addressed with some effort and or money, but some defy good solution for many of us:

There will be total loss of electrical power, and it will be long-term.  A good portable gasoline-driven generator will become worth its weight in Gold. But because gas stations will not be able to pump gas until they can establish their own generators, you will also need a goodly supply. Because it is not particularly safe to store a lot of gasoline in the garage, an Oil furnace tank becomes the better solution. The generator should be stored in a well shielded location, or covered with a metallic ‘blanket,’ or grounded mesh. You should have spare fuses and circuit breakers for every such item in your home.

There will be serious interruptions in the flow of food, water, and all goods. Even when goods can be found, most key items will be seized by FEMA. The price will be sky high an anything you can find as it will all revert to black markets, though FEMA and authorities will eventually use deadly force to attempt remedy. The first interruption could last for many months. So a good Emergency Kit of critical items and supplies is very valuable. The ability to quickly become self reliant (e.g., like a farmer) may make a significant difference in the ability to long survive. Rainwater collection may be appropriate, and despite alarmist concerns about radiation levels, it will remain safe. Regardless, plan on distilling all water prior to consumption, because water can only be stored for so long before things tend to start growing in the containers.

Transportation will be almost non existent. Any vehicle in operation at the time of the attack, and many newer (computerized) vehicles not in operation may no longer run, requiring replacement of many components before they will run (generators, alternators, various computer components, sensors, controls, switches, etc.) So now you know what spare parts to stockpile in a heavily shielded storage. Those few that do run will quickly become highly sought targets for theft. Vehicle security will take on a whole new definition and importance.

No single existing security scheme will seem adequate, and one may need to be willing to run over or shoot people trying to hijack you when traveling. Having at least one vehicle at all times not in operation, and of older technology with lots of spare parts in hand. Don’t forget windshield wiper and heater fan motors, and multiple sets of spare tires, as well, because tires will become targets for disabling a working vehicle. Have bicycles, scooters, and other alternatives available, too — but travel only in the case of dire need, or be prepared to defend yourself in the effort.

Computers, radio gear, and other digital systems not shielded from EMP are at significant risk. Those in operation will surely die, those not in operation and not well shielded may die. Walkie talkies, short wave radios, and computers, digital cameras, infrared goggles, and other critical devices should be placed in an Emergency Kit and the kit should be well shielded. A Farady cage (e.g., chicken coup wire mesh, or better), with a grounding wire, is best, but even just wrapping in aluminum foil may be sufficient, especially if stored beneath layers of buildig structure, such as in a basement. Of course, a TON of rechargeable batteries are in order with rechargers for use with the gas generator.

There will be rampant criminality: those caught without preparation will not see relief from FEMA or the Military early enough to prevent a ‘survival of the fittest’ mentality from taking over. If you have food, water, a generator, or a working vehicle, YOU BECOME A TARGET. You will need to be well armed and have security provisions in place against assaults on your home or your person when you travel. It will be in the best interests of the military to let things go crazy… to let people use up their ammunition and grow desperate for survival goods so that when they do come to help, we will be willing to cooperate in any way they demand, including forfeiture of our guns and other properties, accepting a new Constitution, and so forth.

No immediate help, not even from the military. Even if they wanted to help, they will be quite preoccupied in a war with N. Korea, and likely, Red China. We will hear only rumors, of course, because radio, TV, and the WWW will be none existent. That’s why helping to establish Web Walker, now NNN OSP (the Nodular Netizen Network Open Source Project — a 100% citizen-owned and operated wireless network which is operable even in disaster) may be of great value. NNN will also be useful against Web 2.0. When Internet services are reestablished (outside of Web Walker), they will be VERY government friendly; no politically correct sites will be found, only government approved information and globalist firms, and all Web data will be transparent and readable by the intelligence agencies at will. Support NNN OSP!

This is a bleak picture. Ask yourself, if FEMA was really there to prevent disaster and help in times of disaster, would there not be some such advice as this coming from them? No. The Globalists need a catalyst to propel them into power. It is not in their best interests to protect you from such chaos, or warn you of the risks and protections you can effect yourself.

They need to destroy the country if they are to advance to the next stage… and to insure you are without guns when they do — or at least out of ammunition. I hope you noticed there is a shortage of ammunition right now, in part because DHS has ordered 1.4 billion rounds in Satanic quantities for (?).

I’ve Defrauded and Deluded Myself, I Am Not Me, But I AM

We go through life thinking we know who we are and why we do what we do, but like Actors who start believing they are the sum of their Press Clippings and the heroic characters they play, we are frauds. It took a simple but powerful video to teach me the truth, something I once knew, but lost sight of.

I once was lost, but now am found.

by H. Michael Sweeney
copyright © 2013, all rights reserved. Permission to repost hereby granted provided entire post with all links in tact, including this paragraph, are included.

What you will learn reading this post…

  • I’m a fool, and have been offering knowledge as if expert and wise, when in fact, I fall short;
  • While my advice and opinions are based on truth and logic, I should have offered a better, more useful message;
  • That message does not betray my beliefs and life experiences, but instead, explains them, and gives them meaning;
  • That it should be the same for you as it was for me, if you will but open your heart and consider it;

Whre can I get help when no one believes my story?

A note of apology: a technical glitch with wordpress refuses to let me format the document correctly, making it a little difficult to separate paragraphs. No matter what I do, it displays as intended in preview mode, but not in actual URL access. I regret any inconvenience.

Introspection: the most valuable tool an investigative author could possibly have (examine yourself, first). From heartofaleaer blog (click)

I’m talking about me, H. Michael Sweeney, aka the Professional Paranoid, activist author, and consultant on privacy/security, and abuse of power topics. People come to me for help all the time, and I’ve started to believe in the value of my advice as much as they hope it to be of value in their desperation. Well, my advice may be good some of the time (more often than not, I have always thought, based on feedback), but even so, I’ve not quite been offering the best advice, in the best possible way.

This self examination also translates to my abuse of power issues of which I so frequently write, as everything I tend to blog about is so much in parallel to the basic aspects of things now clearly revealed to me because of simple but powerful video, that I’m hoping those who read my blog posts as activists, will see that parallel as well. It’s not just about me, its about everything in the World and how we deal with it. Let me explain by first going back in time. Some of you who have read my material before may know some of this, but as Paul Harvey used to say, its time “For the rest of the story…”

I doubt you’ve ever had to go up against dirty cops, bounty hunters, and CIA/FBI types, some of whom wanted to kill you (e.g., gun in folded newspaper, sniper’s nest carved out of branches high in a hillside tree outside your bedroom window through which came a targeting laser at night, being chased by up to eight cars in a high speed chases). This is the kind of high adventure we all enjoy seeing in action movies and television, but its an entirely different perspective when you are the hopeful hero, and your opponents are not acting under legal authority, and there is no acting, but actual intent to harm.
I’m rather certain that you, as lone individual, could not well square off against an enemy that has dozens of players to help them, such that their war against you as their target unfolds 24/7, but you are only able to devote but a few hours of tactics each day. More so the problem when they have an unlimited budget and the best technical toys money can buy — and you have only what you own around the home, and a modest income and savings, which they also target and erode.
I doubt you have ever had to come home to find men with walkie-talkies fleeing your house, or find it had been broken into and every computer and every disk in the house upon which could be stored data, even those secreted away in storage areas, had been stolen — or discover that the neighbor across the street, a Forward Marine Observer retired for wounds acquired in service in Iraq, upon returning home across the street with his Mother… was, as casually and (unwisely) revealed in bragging by his Mother, approached by CIA Agents who asked him to work for them… and later, learning from a professional investigator retired from the State Police in another state that Infrared Night Goggle vision surveillance of your home was being conducted from that neighbor’s home, and further confirmed that all phones in your home and select other devices were ‘bugged’.
I doubt you’ve had your mail regularly pilfered, learning time and again that people trying to reach your home-based business had sent you mail you never received, some of it being orders for product, and like interference of inbound telephone calls where your phone is never answered, when at your end, it never rang at all, or that harassment telephone calls to family at all hours, and other calls known to be from your opponents — magically did not appear on telephone company call records. I doubt you’ve ever had the Consulate in another country literally beg you to provide them with copies of your business Newsletter to distribute to potential clients, only to then have the U.S. State Department suddenly, out of the blue, declare your Newsletter ‘Illegal’ under the laws in that country, but refusing to cite the law, or answer further questions.
I doubt you’ve had to suffer nightly assaults on your home, attempted break ins within moments of retiring for the night… night after night. Or, upon calling the Police, have them ignore evidence offered of the break in, ignore the fact that your spouse agreed with your descriptions of events, and instead elected in their Police Report to say only things which made the whole affair seem imagined, implying you a Paranoidal Schizophrenic, even suggesting County Mental Health should be contacted.
Imagine how you would feel, realizing it odd that this Officer responded within mere seconds of dialing 9-11, and later, would try to kill you. Such events, for me, were one reason I based the title theme of my first book upon the topic of Paranoia; for I quickly learned that someone who reports such things is quickly labeled paranoid, because no one wants to believe in the Boogyman, least of all people who are part of the System from within which he seems to come.
Ergo, there was no one to turn to for help. No authorities would listen. Even friends and relatives find such stories hard to believe, and tend turn away with denial of any truly useful help. And yet help came.
And even when it was clearly the help of other Men, it was also clear their help originated from God, typically quite unexpected and coincidental, or a highly unlikely source, such as a total stranger offering $250 and saying, “Something tells me you need this more than I do,” at a time when I was trying to find a way to afford a high quality audio tape recording system as defensive tool. And when things seemed bleakest, an old competitor in a prior business called me up  after ten years of no contact, and offered me a significant position in a new business enterprise, one which would lead to more such helps in time, and become a safe haven of sorts.
I lived such a life for nearly five years, and in almost EVERY battle, enjoyed victory, or was at least protected from more serious losses than intended. The James Bondian nightmare was at long last ended by literally discovering the truth about why I was targeted. I had, it seems, accidentally learned of illegal crimes which they feared I might expose. They wanted to know what I really knew, who else knew, and who was ‘helping me’ to best them, that they might destroy us all and be safe. But there were none others, not any they could find or believe existent.
They could not believe me acting alone, because time and again I detected those who covertly worked against me and exposed them such that they were embarrassed to their superiors, and set aside for someone I could not recognize on sight, next time. I eventually identified every player, where they lived and worked, and discovered the truth of their varied criminal enterprises, and those dark things they were hoping to protect by targeting me. In short, they themsleves led me to understand the very thing they feared: knowledge of their sins.
Phone numbers, license plates, public and, in some cases, private records, etc., were gained on key persons and firms not just locally, but nationally, all the way to Washington, D.C. and beyond. I even had covert White House, NSA, World Bank, and like phone numbers before it was said and done, and access to logbooks within Federal offices and even entire roll-a-dex and index card systems from the desk of one of my main opponent’s managers. And I never had to violate a law to do it. God was my key to their secretive locks.
I even managed frequent access to their innermost places without detection. I laugh, recalling walking into one of their covert offices, and the man seated there, a recognized opponent, falling out of his chair to the floor in surprise! In another example, a truly high-security area was discovered in a way that caused three people encountered there to scurry from my eyesight like cockroaches, placing folders to their faces, doing about faces, closing doors, and so forth. Evil cannot hide its face quickly enough, it seems.
I think their disbelief was largely because they also did not believe in God. Why I so believe is the where we are headed in the telling.
In the end, I won the war, thought the net cost to me was personally quite high. Forced into bankruptcy, forced to sell our wonderful hillside dream home, loss of the very computers used in my work and an insurance claim thwarted by enemy tactics so they could not be replaced, a foster daughter who asked to be taken out of our home because she did not feel safe, and in time, severe blows to the bonds between other family members. I rank my financial loss at about a quarter million, but it appears they spent that much to destroy me in a single month. Their money bought them little, diluted by God, as were their endless man-hours of effort against me.
It’s absolutely true. In the end, I indeed did win, but not of my own cleverness or determination. I had reluctantly entered into that battle with no special skills or training of their caliber, and throughout the battle had no weapons as they might count weapons. Yet from the very first day of their presence in my life, almost every skirmish of true importance would be mine. It was, at times, turning out to be such a comedy of errors to my favor, that it literally became fun to do battle.
All this I did, and yet, not I. There was indeed another.
You see, my chief weapons were mere words, and a belief in Good over Evil. The words were the Word of God, and were the heart and meat of Good, as well as other core beliefs, and an abiding Faith. I was only a few years earlier caught up in a cult, and knew not what I believed, and understood not the truth of God and Man, and Satan’s role in my life. And yet I was saved, and I grew daily in the Word such that the Truth was at last mine, and I was set FREE! So free, in fact, that NO MAN, no matter their abilities and resources, could truly harm me without God’s permission. That belief was my armor against all-powerful opponents and impossible odds of survival.
It was proven almost daily each and every year of battle. Also provided for during the darkest of financial threats fostered by my enemy, was our daily bread. A source of income sufficient, sometimes even exactly equal to the cost of minimal foodstuffs required for the day — would become available that day, or the day before — or at other times, it might be on a weekly or other basis. Other magical moments also addressed such needs in ways not involving money, at all. We lived by Matthew 6:25-27, alone for long periods of time.
That’s all behind me now by more than a decade, and though I have written seven books which generally assault the face of my old enemy and his newer counterparts, those responsible for dark bumps in the night of recent American history, my opponents largely leave me alone, now. The worst I’ve gotten is hate mail from a sitting President for exposing ties to CIA for both him and his wife. I’m still protected by what I learned, and they fear me, or more correctly, what I know and might reveal if harmed.
What a shame that any citizen of any land should need to blackmail their way to safety. But I traded one dark set of secrets which I keep safe, to keep me and family safe, and to allow me to now speak openly of other things without reprisal. It became the basis of a new livelihood as activist author, lecturer, and consultant on privacy and security, and abuse of power. It redefined me and gave me new purpose, to help others who have been called ‘paranoid,’ but who are not, people who can get help no where else.
What can we learn by humbling ourselves?

The Revelation

And so, in sensing a kind of invulnerability, I find myself becoming, like many Hollywood actors, a little bit too self assured. Like them, I now realize, I’ve started to believe my own public image; a false perception. I am not the hero of my life people presume by the outcome of exploits, and certainly not the Knight who comes to save them from Men in Black or other dark threats.
I am nothing without God, can do nothing without Him. Oh, sure, I give little credits to Faith and quotes of scripture when I hand out advice and recount my victories, but in my innermost view of self, I’ve wandered from full reliance upon the true power of the Word, and become conceited as if I really were a mighty warrior, wisened and ever alert, that person my enemies imagined me to be.
I had fallen back asleep, succumbed by the misty aura of public attention and pleas for help, a kind of sad fan mail. I have become pretender, forgetful of things learned of great value.
Today, however, one of the ‘sheep’ who comes to me seeking help reminded me of one of my own slogans, something I used to employ when I was an instructor. I used to say, that one reason I liked to teach was, that no matter how much one knew as a teacher, and how little a student might know, if the teacher did their job right, both would learn something from one another. This young woman, now experiencing targeting somewhat like my own, in seeking me out from afar to ask advice, helped knock me off my pedestal of self promotion, and bring me back to Earth in a grounded way. She reawakened me, and taught me that which I had forgotten.
She sent me a simple but very powerful video, thinking I would like it because, as I tell all my clients, you must “Put on the Armor of God,” to be victorious against evil; Ephesians 6:10-18.
Well, I must tell you I was completely unprepared, and the video was indeed irresistible, and it was VERY powerful. Though I was pressed for time, I took the time, and watched it not once, but three times. Every time I got to the part which actually involved Putting on the Armor of God, I broke into tears. Even so now just writing of it, this very moment, my eyes water in remembrance.
You see, in the video, the truth was graphically shown. It was not ME… IT NEVER WAS. It could not possibly be me, nor even YOU, no matter your true strength or resources… IT CAN NEVER BE.
WE do not put on the Armor of God, or do any of the things we think we do in Christ’s name. Nor, for the matter, can we do anything to be saved in the first place. It is HE who does the work. He calls us to salvation. He works in our hearts to draw us unto him, and redemption. He then arms us with what we need to do battle. The only thing he asks us to do, is to be willing to do battle, a willingness born of belief in Him and his Word, and out of love for Him and his Word.
He asks only that we allow him to enter into us to be our inner strength of body and mind, and to cloth us with his white raiments that we are Justifed and pure, enfolded in his Grace, the impenetrable and almighty Armor of God. His Holy Spirit fills us, and thus filled, our sinful nature yields, and is fled.
But as I have learned from my young friend and her thoughtfully provided video. We slip. We forget. We build up the sinful Man yet again, and again, bits at a time, and even in leaps and bounds. But the beauty of God’s Armor is that it is not tarnished, but renewed and polished. All it takes for this renewal is to once more acknowledge the Word, and truly contemplate it, embrace it, believe it, and most of all, LIVE IT, once more.
Forgive the length of this missive. A writer cannot stop typing so easily as to simply say, ‘Please watch this video.’ I’m going to watch it every morning for a week, and I’m betting I will have one of the best weeks of my life doing so. Join me, please, and remember from whence life and Free Will comes. Why would we ever choose to live a life without acknowledging and honoring the source of it?
Know also, if you click the Youtube user’s link you will find more videos of such quality and Meat as this, from someone previously unknown to me, the Ellerslie Mission Society  who has a Website where the same videos, and more such bounty is found.
Pleas consider to share, reblog, etc. It is more important and valuable than any other helps or advice I’ve ever given elsewhere in my books, Web offerings, radio interviews, and consultancy, etc.
For I am not that I think I am; I become what truly I AM when the Holy Spirit works through me.
I AM, for those who don’t quite get my drift, is the actual name of God given to Moses. You can do nothing except by IAM, because every small thing you do is, in your mind, preceded with the thought… “I am going to change the channel… get a drink of water… go to bed, etc.”  Acts born of evil temptation, on the other hand, start with conclusive edicts “Grab it while no one is looking… kill him… make up a lie, etc.”
But these are mere suggestions introduced by Satan, and have no power at all except by the individual’s own Free Will, which is also God’s gift to use. That’s what it means when you forecast an act; “I will call you tomorrow,” is you stating you Will it should be so, doing so FREELY. Why would we ever choose to use it for anything but right-use-ness?
I will be better in serving you in future blogs, more mindful of who I AM, really. Our battles with the New World Order as a group, We the People, and micro battles between targeted individuals with Men in Black… these are no different than Christ vs. Satan on the Day of Armedgeddon, or lesser battles, such as a small boy tempted to steal a piece of candy. In all such cases, if those on the side of Good fight wearing the Armor of God, they will prevail. We do ourselves and our cause disservice when we forget that point and fight purely with our own strength in bitterness.
Forgive my bitterness. It was born of forgetfulness.

Don’t Ban Guns, Ban Magic Bullets

Whenever you get a magic bullet explanation, you know there is a cover up. A cover up is proof of a conspiracy; a hidden agenda or dark plot. Why is that so hard for most of us to grasp that we accept without question the claim that it is, instead, mere conspiracy theory?

by H. Michael Sweeney
copyright © 2013, all rights reserved. Permission to repost hereby granted provided entire post with all links in tact, including this paragraph, are included.
What is a magic bullet explanation?
What you will learn reading this post:
•  Magic Bullet explanations are commonly used as a cover up tool;
•  Such explanations do not always involve bullets, but use the same methodology;
•  To make explanations stick, it is necessary for media or government to label any who question as ‘conspiracy theorists;’
•  Magic bullets, when unquestioned and excused by labeling, are themselves proof a conspiracy exists;
•  There are many dark bumps-in-the-night in our recent history which so illustrate (several included).

Promo artwork for Play, The Magic Bullet Theory,                         which perfectly addresses the problem (click)

Despite the fact that there is a dramatic and continual reduction in gun violence in America over many decades… part of the national experience involves an increase in traumatic mass shootings which are seemingly random and without cause… and we have media to point out every shooting event as though it somehow relates directly to the mass shooting madness, presumably in hopes we will say, ‘Please, won’t someone take our guns away?’

If everything were as it is presented on the surface, I might not be so upset with those who so conclude. The idiocy of a Piers Morgan and others suffering from Feinsteinian mental incapacitation would seem tolerable and understandable. But is everything as it is presented on the surface? Cleary it is not, if you pay the least bit of attention and are not dumbed down by TV Psyops News technology.  I speak of magic bullets being used in the guns they want to ban, and similar use of failed logic in ‘factual presentations’.

I’m talking about JFK assassination quality explanations and related tactics employed in cover ups, even beyond shooting events.

Where do we get the expression, “magic bullet”?

What is a Magic Bullet?

The first Magic Bullet, the definitive illustration, arose out of the conspiracy to conceal the truth behind the murder of President, John Kennedy. In review, the Warren Commission investigating the matter had a big problem in two parts. The first was, the number of shots fired in a narrow interval of time from an obsolete bolt-action rifle in poor repair could not possibly account for the number of wounds of the two men the shots struck — unless there were two or more shooters… or unless there was some magic involved. FBI’s best sharpshooters could not duplicate the number of shots and hits fired in the space of time allotted and came nowhere close to the magical performance alleged of the designated patsy, Lee Harvy Oswald.

The second problem was that they dare not rule a conspiracy of multiple shooters.

In fact, Supreme Court Justice, Earl Warren had privately been both warned and threatened by President Lyndon Johnson that it MUST be ruled a ‘lone gunman,’ because there was a significant fear that the truth would require the U.S. go to war with either Cuba and/or Russia, as there was anecdotal (staged) evidence pointing in those directions. Too, there were early conspiracy theories evolving putting the blame on, variously, the Department of Defense, the CIA, and the Mob. But the later (Mob) included ties yet again to the former (CIA and elements of Defense), and so there could certainly be no conspiracy allowed if one were to skillfully avoid detection of skeletons in the national closet.

In the end, the conspiracy theorists would be proven right, of course — but even today, no one in media or government will so admit. It HAS been proven by sworn courtroom testimony of CIA agents involved (Marita Lorenz, E. Howard Hunt; Hunt vs. Liberty Lobby), and more recently, a Mob shooter involved , and additional evidences over time, all of which has been addressed in earlier blog posts and most of which was covered in detail in my book set, Fatal Rebirth. The Warren Commission had Marita’s testimony, but chose to ignore it.

The solution to prevent any such discovery was, like the problem, in two main parts, plus a third supplemental component. The first was a lie, and the second was to seal the records to conceal the lie. The lie was in the form of a bullet which defied multiple laws of physics and over 100 years of ballistics forensic science. It was first dubbed the ‘Magic Bullet,’ by New Orleans District Attorney, Jim Garrison in the trial for murder of JFK of CIA operative, Clay Bertrand Shaw… who indeed also had significant ties to the military and the Mob, not to mention an international assassination ring using both military and CIA resources (what Lyndon Johnson later calledMurder Inc.’), to include persons involved in the Dallas shooting.

From Jim Garrison’s trial of Clay Shaw

The Magic Bullet did the impossible: it inflicted two non-fatal wounds in Kennedy (entrance/exit), and four wounds in Texas Governor, John Connally, hardly any two of which lay in a straight path with a former point of origin. It traversed through 15 layers of clothing as well as the knot in the President’s tie (say, another 8 dense layers), 7 layers of skin, 15 inches of body tissue, destroyed 4 inches of a rib bone, shattered a radius bone, and came to rest in the Governor’s thigh, whereupon it elected to fall out onto his stretcher so it could be discovered at Parkland Hospital.

There it was found in near pristine condition with no signs whatsoever of having struck anything other than, say, a swimming pool filled with Jello. Such a bullet, copper jacketed, should have not only been significantly deformed by impact with the bodies, but also, shattered or splintered by the bones. But this was indeed a bullet with magical properties…

To have done as claimed, the bullet would have had to changed directions in mid air multiple times, and, according to Garrison, paused briefly in flight if to match the wound reactions in Conally seen in the Zapruder film. You can see why Garrison called it a magic bullet. So problematic was the conclusion, that the Warren Commission arranged for (bought) the testimony of a physics professor that all of the above was possible through a series of incredulous existential explanations using scientific theory (techno-babble). The cover up was begun, and much of America knew it, but could do nothing about it.

And if that were not bad enough… to make the Magic Bullet theory stick, Walter Cronkite, ex military intelligence turned CBS news anchor, thought to be acting under CIA’s Operation Mockingbird (media infiltration and manipulation), effected the supplemental component and coined the term: ‘Conspiracy Theorist.’ This he used skillfully to make anyone who dared question the Warren Commission’s findings seem ‘crazy,’ and ‘unpatriotic.’ That tactic (labeling) is one of the 25 Rules of disinformation, and dovetails nicely with the Official Formula for Conspiracy Coverups. It was so successful that it is still used, today, and in Spades.

Who uses magic bullet explanations, and why?

More Magic Bullets…

Not all magic bullet explanations are directly tied to shooting bullets, though some, as used in Sandy Hook and Aurora, do — as we see, below. They can instead be any key evidencial matter which simply does not make sense, but which is fully embraced and remains unquestioned by government and media, as if nothing were amiss. So let us go down the Rabbit Hole of our more immediate history and find some more magic bullets.

Oklahoma City domestic state sponsored (false flag) home-grown terrorist bombing: there are many magic bullet explanations we might discuss regarding the devastating blast at the Murrah Building that took 168 lives, including 19 young children at a day care facility on site. The most glaring is the nature of the bomb, itself. The official explanation is the use of a traditional home-made ANSFO (oil and fertilizer) explosive. The problem with that explanation is that the blast damage was such that ANSFO was impossible, a matter which forced FBI to continually upgrade the estimated size of (number of containers) the explosives used until they were forced to stop because they would exceed the capacity of the truck used.

The real problem was that the forensic evidence did not quite properly match ANSFO with respect to explosive residue, and, in point of fact, included pointers to a new type of explosive developed at a CIA proprietary which had earlier reported the equipment used to make the devices as having been ‘stolen.’ Additionally, the specific damage to the structure and nearby objects were unique and in opposition to the nature of the relatively low pressure blast waves associated with ANSFO, but sympathetic to the high pressure blast waves created by the CIA device, called METC, which produced forces of nuclear blast caliber on a small scale using an incredibly small bomb construct.

This is fully documented at my Web site, which, unfortunately, the IRS has effectively shut down as I can no longer afford to operate Web sites pending payment of an unexpected tax claim arising out of loosing our home in the Mortgage crunch (contributions via paypal using proparanoid at century link net would help get me back online). But I was not alone in this realization.

Brigadere General, Ben Partin, Ret, was the military’s foremost authority on explosives, and he essentially said much the same thing, and so, while I can’t link to my own Web site, you can hear him explain it in his own words, here. I’d rather you go to my Web site because it additionally contains condemning evidence that the bomb factory, complete with the appropriate Ryder truck used to deliver and detonate the bomb, had been photographed from the air by a hang glider pilot. He appears to have been shot down for the effort… at a secret facility constructed by the National Guard and protected on the roads by Marines with machine gun-mounted jeeps and in the surrounding woods by Men in Black — identically dressed in suits, sunglasses, and sporting shoulder-holstered weapons. You know… your typical National Guard facility built in a STATE PARK, complete with a cover story they were ‘testing Humvees’.

True to the above magic bullet explanation in multiple parts, even Partin was labeled a mere ‘conspiracy theorist,’ despite his credentials — or media failed to tell you he even existed. However, both he and I, among others, were invited by Willis Carto, former Editor of The Spotlight, a defunct Washington, D.C. newspaper — to participate in a round table review of OKC and Flight 800. That event, which I was unable to attend, also failed to make the news despite Carto’s best efforts to insure it.

Robert Kennedy’s murder by CIA’s Thane Ceasar and patsy Sirhan Sirhan: OK, just because a CIA mind control shrink was murdered after bragging to a prostitute that he programmed Sirhan… and because the woman in the Polka Dot dress that shouted ‘We killed Kennedy!’ in glee was seen with Sirhan, earlier… and because the cop in command on the radio that day told the cop that overheard the woman not to investigate because ‘We don’t want any conspiracy theories,’ was himself ex CIA… or because the man that ordered all RFK murder evidence relating to bullets fired destroyed was ex CIA, too…

That does not mean CIA had anything to do with RFK’s death, unless you are a wild conspiracy theorist. But there were some actual magic bullets to deal with, like the ones found in the woodwork destroyed as evidence, which exceeded the number of bullets in Sirhan’s gun… and the fact that the only shots which hit RFK were from immediately behind and fired upward (Sirhan was an appreciable distance in front of Kennedy). These bullets sound pretty magical, to me.

Thane Ceasar, an armed security guard on loan from a CIA proprietary was the person standing immediately behind Robert, that day, but of course, Police never thought to check his gun, lest THEY become conspiracy theorists. Amen.

The Vince Foster murder suicide: A key staff member of the Bill Clinton Whitehouse, Vince Foster, was found dead in a park at a precise location known in some circles for frequent use by spys in clandestine meets (e.g., a KGB meet with CIA). There was a conspiracy coverup at the time suspected (first revealed in The Spotlight) in the Clinton Administration, a matter in which Foster was a key player, and there were expectations he might spill the beans. No chance of that.

Instead, the official story is that he used an antique gun to shoot himself in the mouth at the park. Only problem was, it was indeed a magic bullet; in addition to the gun being inoperable, there was magically an absence of a pool of blood and splatterings at the scene, where his body was neatly laid out completely prone as if falling backward while remaining perfectly rigid. There were also no powder burns, another magical property. Charges of conspiracy theorists would abound at the slightest questioning of these inconsistencies.

Flight 800 friendly fire shoot down fuel tank explosion: Again, the best evidence I would normally point you to exists at my own Web site, where I reveal use the actual information from the official NTSB Crash Report to prove the NTSB altered, concealed, and manufactured evidence in support of the their conclusion that frayed wiring caused the center wing fuel tank to explode, killing 230 persons. Again, there are many magic bullets, but the primary fuel tank explanation is the most glaring — never mind many confirming eye witness reports (including military observers), radar tracks, and other proofs that a missile fired from a warship participating in war games brought down the plane.

There were many magic bullet issues with the fuel tank, the most glaring of which was the absence of soot on the appropriate surfaces of the fuel tank components, sooting which instead existed on surfaces inconsistent with the explanation (sooting on the outside, but not the inside where the explosion was claimed to have initiated). In like manner, the sequence of destruction described did not account for select (ignored) damages, specifically including two holes in the fuselage which were claimed not to exist, but which are visible in photographs if knowing where to look — which if taken as an entrance and exit point for a non exploding (war game) missile, would perfectly account for the sequence of destruction, both cited and ignored. Thirdly, the flight recorder data itself clearly reflected the effects of the missile strike and was sympathetic to the fuller destruction sequence, but was ignored and simply dismissed as ‘faulty data’ by NTSB.

But we who opposed the official story were mere conspiracy theorists, right? Never mind I have some experience in crash investigations while in the USAF, even reporting to Congress as part of a Weapon Systems Acceptance and Evaluation Team where crashes were reviewed and analyzed. Having credentials just means you are extra crazy to disbelieve the official line, it seems.

The Aurora theater false flag shooting team lone gunman event: once more, there are many magic bullets. Here, I’ve already outlined 25 key questions, thankfully NOT at my Web site, but in blog form. Most of these, or at least in combinations, represent magic bullet issues. So many questions, in fact, it took three blog posts to review them all, the last perhaps being key-most. Just a few to pique your interest in summary:

‘Who opened the OUTER door for James Holmes?’
‘Who were the two people who entered the adjacent theaters on either side to warn patrons not to use the exits to the parking lots, and why did they do so, since there was no possible way anyone inside the theater could have known it unwise, and the only logical thing making it unwise would be preventing witnesses from seeing something in the parking lot they could not be allowed to report.’
‘How was it that patrons in the adjacent theater saw flashes of light and heard associated bangs from their theater entrances (the hallway/lobby area) unless someone ALSO threw flash-bang devices there while James threw ONE inside the theater while all doors were closed?’

I’m a damn conspiracy theorist, that’s how!

Sandy Hook false flag lone shooter event: I would hope by now it would not be required to point out that you can’t claim there were only four pistols found inside the school plus a rifle locked in the trunk and then claim the rifle was used to shoot everyone. But it is equally important to question how it would be possible for nearly every bullet to find its mark and to stay inside the bodies of a child as claimed if it was indeed the rifle that was used. Never mind that the Police audio transcripts would seem to describe someone taking an AR-15 out of inventory (“shorting” is the word they use), perhaps that it could be claimed to have been ‘found.’

Surely don’t disbelieve or question the ever changing stories about kids and a bus driver who escaped the shooting by walking past a Fire Station where they could have both taken true safe shelter and reported the shooting to first responders immediately, and instead walked another two blocks to sit on the grass and await discovery by a strange little man with a Masonic emblem cut into the lawn in his back yard. There is more you might ought ignore, but to pay attention and object would make you, too, a conspiracy therorist.

Collection of politically incorrect comic artwork (click)

The election of foreign-born CIA operative Barry Sorento President Obama: I really have to laugh if you don’t already know this one, and won’t even waste my time explaining another crazy conspiracy theory to you. Just go watch that new TV series, The Bible, instead, and you will feel better almost immediately… at least by the time you get to the scene where Christ is tempted by the Devil. LOL.

Sept. 11 false flag precision-crafted terror attack by a man living in a cave: Ditto.

Why are magic bullet explanations used?

Guns or magic bullets?

So, in conclusion, I’d prefer we don’t ban guns, but instead pray we ban magic bullet explanations, and banish news sources that never quite seem to notice their existence or address them, but are quick to label anyone who does. Use your brain, pay attention, and avoid accepting on faith the content of dumbing down TV news shows and, especially, spin-control talking-head commentaries; those sources with mottos like ‘fair and balanced,’ and ‘spin-free zone’ are clear warning signs.

Think for yourself. Question government, question media, question inconsistencies, and be vocal about it, loud and frequently. And simply don’t give a damn if someone calls you a conspiracy theorist for your trouble; you can’t confuse them with the facts, their mind has already been made up for them.

Me, I take the label as a badge of honor. I rather imagine Diogenese would be proud of all who quest for truth over lies. Got lamp?

Does mainstream media tell the truth?

Psyops TV: How They Dumb You Down to Set You Up

You are being indoctrinated and conditioned to accept the Orwellian nightmare. Cancel that. You have been, and here is how.

by H. Michael Sweeney
copyright © 2013, all rights reserved. Permission to repost hereby granted provided entire post with all links in tact, including this paragraph, are included.

How can you spot psyops on television? Easy. Just turn it on!

Update: April 20, 2013 Made correction to heading numbering, and to add this commentary based on media coverage of the Boston Marathon bombing:

Hillary Clinton’s worries about loosing the information war to the Internet were most clearly mandated in the Sandy Hook matter when manipulated media was never more obvious. They made so many mistakes in presenting ‘facts’ that it is no wonder that conspiracy theories were popping up faster than for JFK’s murder.

Then came the Boston attack by two Brothers, and it is suddenly a 180 degree shift, almost as if CBS, the only network I was able to observe (but perhaps others) had actually read this blog page and fixed everything I’ve cited, as well as repaired the flawed methods employed in Sandy Hook for getting out the official falsehoods. No more conflicting facts, replaced instead on continual source checking and self correction, and plenty of differentiation between solid sources and conjecture.

They also dumped the psyops special viewing effects described herein, making it very possible for the most dumbed down of us to follow along and not get confused. It was 1950’s quality newscasts, all over again, but in living color. If all of media would follow this model, and do their job to question questionable government reports, there would be no reason for we conspiracy theorists (their term for questioning contradictions in what we are told) to worry the likes of Clinton.

This does not, of course, prove there was no false flag event involved, or a broader conspiracy yet to be uncovered, but the point is, there is no set of conflicting statements to fuel speculation of any such conspiracy. I don’t see conspiracy being the case, though there are some things which bother me about the affair which I’ll save for another blog well after the dust has settled.

I’d like to offer three cheers to all of law enforcement at all levels for a hard-won effort, and to media for doing their job the way they are supposed to, per the best tenants of Journalism. Keep it up, and you can put people like me out of business, and me happier for it! End of update.

Was the Boston Marathon bombing false flag?

What you will learn reading this blog:

• Documented CIA and similar covert media psyops programs have been run on us as far back as 1914, and likely, before;
• Media disinfo and conditioning is a form of Political Control Technology, a polite term for mind control;
• TV programming is designed to make us fearful enough to accept military rule and violation of Constitutional rights;
• TV news employs psyops science in visual presentation as a key tool for dumbing down;
• TV ‘entertainment’ is often a dumbing down tool and/or conditions us for dark things to come;
• One small group controls and insures that school textbooks jump-start young people toward the dumbed-down state.

Can TV be used in mind control? Yes!

In 1968 you got a simple, direct presentation of news. Still images in the background, moving images filled the screen replacing the reporter. Simple, informative.

In 1968 you got a simple, direct presentation of news. Still images in the background, moving images filled the screen replacing the reporter. Simple, informative.

In defense of Television executives, media moguls, and producers everywhere, they have largely been duped into cooperating in TV psyops unknowingly… well, yes there are quite a few very eager to go along, too. After all, Fascists exist in every industry sector, especially when the New World Order crowd deems media control a priority; one of the key steps in the Illuminait’s original 1776 plan to establish a New World Order (they coined the phrase); a long-term plan to establish a one-World government that they might seat the Antichrist.

But here and now in contemporary times, the tools of psyops are all powerful, and the Illuminati would seem well and alive in the Globalist ’round table’ enclaves such as the Council on Foreign Relations, the Bilderbergers, the Skull and Bones, Rhodes Scholarships, and on and on. But we are talking here about their operatives, not their leadership; the ones who effect psyops in support of such agenda.

That means we are talking about CIA, military, and military-industrial-complex infiltration and manipulation of media, which is why in my books on abuse of power by and crimes of the New World Order, I call it the Military Industrial Intelligence Media Complex (MIIM). We start this examination by going back a little bit in time, as what has come before has been in building block fashion…

Does the military industrial complex use psyops to make us want a war? Yes!

Stage 1: Operation Mockingbird

Actually, stage 1 predated Mockingbird, and yet was its archetype. It took place pre WWI, when the Powder Interests (arms industry, predecessors to the military industrial complex) bought control of 26 newspapers to change public opinion about entering into the war.

Note of whimpering: I would normally send you to a link at my own Web site with the full Congressional Record proof of the matter, but the IRS has effectively shut down my income producing sites leaving me to live on about $530 a month after paying them $150 against some $6,000 of the National Debt seemingly engineered for the purpose. So the link illustrating the matter will take you elsewhere. Any contributions via PayPal using proparanoid at century link net would help put me back online. End of whimpering, for now.

America was, at the time, quite Pacifist in view, until the bought media began reporting in unison the lie that German soldiers were regularly raping and then cutting off the breasts of Belgium women, especially Nuns. That, and like reported crimes never happened, at least not as claimed, though you still find citations that it did based on the original reports even today. Post war research verifies NO SUCH CLAIMS.

There was one oft cited incident as ‘proof’ of such. The victim was not a Nun, as reported by a Belgian soldier’s commentaries  published in a book by the American Defense Society in 1918. That group was formed in 1915 with ex military, arms merchants, and others and was quite militant, led by non other than Theodore Roosevelt, who had lost the 1912 election against Pacifist Wilson. This was AFTER media reports about the atrocities and seems an attempt to ‘prove’ the matter after the fact. They hardly needed bother, as anyone who questioned such reports was decried as un-American, unpatriotic, and a Socialist traitor. ADS believed in enforcing Sedition policies (criticizing or questioning government was treated as a crime).

Such tactics changed our mood as a nation. So when they also illegally secreted munitions aboard the cargo holds of the Luxury Liner RMS Lucitania, and then let the Germans know about it… the Germans did the predictable thing and sank the ship, sparking enough outrage that we finally went to war. Now, while we are wanting to talk TV, here, and a bit perhaps about the film industry, closely related — what they learned in 1917 would apply once TV had gotten its foothold in the American landscape.

The National Security Act of 1947 saw the birth of CIA, Department of Defence, the National Security Council, and all resulting sins, including mind control projects. The lesser known story, as revealed in my book set, Fatal Rebirth, is that the Act was sponsored by the evolving Powder Industry, as well. In fact, they threatened to establish a civilian operated equivalent of CIA if Truman did not move Congress to do so.

As it happens, a relative on my Wife’s side was right in the middle of that, serving both directly in the Truman White House as State Department liaison, and later, a like role for the Secretary of Defense. I had access to a trunk load of his papers going back to WWI, where he was Army Intelligence. ‘Uncle’ George Bernard Nobel was also a Rhodes Scholar who later helped establish Pacific Rim Globalist round table groups while professor at Reed College, to whom we donated his papers — save the WWII code books disguised as Masonic lodge codebooks (a different one every 90 days), which I retained.

One of the earliest projects undertaken by CIA, of course, was to attack United States citizenry with the same exact covert war tools it would later apply against other countries they wanted to topple: disinformation through media infiltration and control. Called Operation Mockingbird, CIA put thousands of agents to work in all forms of news media, and bribed or intimidated, blackmailed, or misled legitimate reporters, producers, and moguls to cooperate. Don’t take my word for it, it, too, is in the Congressional Record.

It continues today in many ways, though Mockingbird was ‘discontinued,’ after it was revealed in the 1970s through Congressional investigation… after nearly 30 years of disinformation damage. One early example of particular note close to my heart was the coining of the phrase ‘conspiracy theorist’ by ex Army intelligence officer, Walter Cronkite. This was used to discredit and quell the many questions arising in the public’s mind over ties between JFK’s murder and CIA and the military, and the Mob partnership behind the plot, as eventually proven in courtroom testimony by ex CIA Agents involved  (Hunt vs. Liberty Lobby).

Another close to my heart was the deliberate and methodical placement of jokes in comedy shows regarding tin foil hats (continues today there, and on the Web), implying anyone/anything relating to the possibility of mind control was ‘loony.’ In truth, the joke were sparked because a particular man in NYC entered a Police Precinct wearing a tin foil hat claiming he was being mind controlled by CIA experiments.

Totally ignored and shoved out the door with suggestions he see a shrink, his body was later found… minus tin foil hat, where there were dozens of electrodes implanted in his brain. This made the newspapers, and within weeks TV sitcoms began having jokes about tin foil hats here, there, and everywhere. There is no Web link regarding that unfortunate victim’s news accounts now that my sites are shut down, but I have also documented it in my book, MC Realities.

Here is another look at Mockingbird by one of America’s last true investigative journalists, Carl Bernstien, of Watergate fame. But the important part is that television played an important role in early Mockingbird, a role which would eventually prove key to getting Bush and Nixon into the White House, the start of the Bush Dynasty. That, and CIA ‘adapted’ software used to ‘count’ votes in America (the book Votescam, by James and Kenneth Collier, is a good place to review, the very first chapter).

How does TV dumb us down?

Stage 2: Indoctrination to set you up

50s & 60s TV: Broderick Crawford's Highway Patrol, and The Man From U.N.C.L.E. featuring Robert Vaughn and David McCallum of NCIS fame as Soviet Illya Kuryakin

50s & 60s TV: Broderick Crawford’s Highway Patrol, and The Man From U.N.C.L.E. featuring Robert Vaughn and David McCallum of NCIS fame as Soviet born Illya Kuryakin

Coincidental with Mockingbird was infiltration of Hollywood and TV programming with propaganda which continues at a heightened pace, today. I’m talking about the early use of documentary-style portrayals of real-world, and later, fictional events involving ‘white hat’ Agencies. The first of note was I Led Three Lives, a dramatization of the true-life story of an advertising executive who was actually a covert undercover FBI double agent within the Communist Party, where he was involved in aiding and yet subverting plots to overthrow the United States. It taught us to fear the Reds all over again after McCarthyism. Then came FBI, staring Efram Zimbalist, Jr., which overtly went after the Communists as well as bank robbers, kidnappers, and other nasties — in an America where the only car maker was apparently Ford, as the streets were filled with the sponsor’s product; an early product placement strategy where even the bad guys drove them.

The purpose of these shows was: a) to make you glad we had such agencies by; b) portraying evil everywhere, and c) always getting the best of the bad guys by being good guys, upright, moral, and always operating legally. It worked. I loved those shows as a kid, as did my parents. As consequence, a whole generation of young grew up wanting to join the FBI, CIA, Police, and so forth. CIA had shows like Robert Culp/Bill Cosby (in a serious role!) in I Spy and Patrick McGoohan as Secret Agent, not to mention The Man From U.N.C.L.E. (a secret United Nations version of CIA that taught us to trust the U.N. to watch out for us) and interest in law enforcement was fueled by endless Cop shows, of which there were so many over the years as to be pointless in naming, except perhaps for Jack Webb’s Dragnet, and Broderick Crawford’s Highway Patrol, two of the earliest successes.

Fast forward to recent times, and they’ve refined the tactic to condition us to military dominion. But also with a mental switch being thrown… as they now want us to think that its OK for the good guys to not be so legally upright. You know… ‘the ends justifies the means’ thinking (a Fascist’s motto). It started with shows like JAG (Judge Advocate General), where the military justice and investigation system was quite well presented that we should think it as good as civilian justice, coincidentally more or less synchronous with A Few Good Men, a major motion picture equivalent with Jack Nicholson and Tom Cruise. Well, they at least obeyed military law and procedure, but the next wave was a bit more ‘loose’ about it, spin offs from JAG, mostly.

That would be  NCIS and a flood of sister/spinoff/parent shows where you are guaranteed in each and every episode to see someone’s privacy illegally invaded at the touch of a computer or other act (but it is OK, it is the military/government, after all, and they would certainly watch out for us innocent folks who have nothing to hide, right? Besides, the bad guys don’t deserve the same treatment as we would want for ourselves, do they?) Rights should be contingent upon government’s judgment, we are to believe, and they seem pretty free to make instant judgements in these shows… “Already done, Boss,” as McGee (Sean Murry) says so frequently in NCIS.

Note: Indeed this is exactly what the Constitution of the NewStates of America spells out. The document is intended to replace the current Constitution after Martial Law and military rule, according to former Naval Intelligence Officer, William Cooper, who discovered the document had been prepared at a cost of $25 million by a NWO think tank. In Fatal Rebirth, the entire document is analyzed verse by verse to reveal that there are no guaranteed rights. All are conditional, and all are subject to retroactive cancellation, and more than one authority may so decree. Anyone may be ruled an enemy of the State at any time for any reason.

Such shows also tend to have advanced alien-caliber technological capabilities which work instantaneously to provide, in the nick of time for both the plot and the next commercial break, the critical evidence. This aspect is also present in many of the crime fighting counterparts such as Numbers (where they in each show attempt to present, but I have yet to see, a scientifically correct presentation of their questionable methodology), Profiler (gets us used to the idea that profiling, normally a negative term, is a bit like pre-crime thought police, and a good thing — we need more cops on our streets, and a few more in our heads), CSI, and so forth, proving to us Citizens that we ought be good and fully obedient, because like Santa, the cops and the Federales can always find out who’s’ naughty and nice, no matter what. Obey, or they will get you.

The truth is, though you may yet still doubt it, you are being set up for military control. More on that notion in the summary. And yet, it is a double whammy, because everything the TV moguls have learned about how TV can be used to manipulate you for the purposes outlined, can also be applied in marketing to boost advertiser sales. So while you are being dumbed down and set up, you are also being convinced you need (everything). So don’t just obey, but also, order yours today, and be sure to borrow heavily to do it! Remember, debt is the ultimate form of non violent control, and the last thing you want is to force them to resort to violence (which is inevitable, anyway, because they have to get the guns, you know – another reason for needing to stage an event worthy of Martial Law).

Does news deliberately dumb us down? Absolutely!

Stage 3: News Manipulation to dumb you down

We will talk about a number of things here, and a bit later, we will look at some specific technical methods employed. This section sets the stage. I’d send you to my Web site for the 25 Rules of Disinformation, all of which are easy to see illustrated in news in general. But I can’t (still whimpering and hoping for your kind contribution), so here is one of the many dozens of sites which have reproduced it, my most popular piece ever, with many tens of millions of downloads.  You will find that each ploy is used on you every day, either directly by media, or by those they are interviewing without doing their job of asking hard questions when things don’t make sense as result of the ploy(s) elected.

So when they tell us there were four pistols ONLY found in Sandy Hook, and the Rifle was locked in the car, but all the kids were shot with a Bushmaster, and moreover, virtually every round fired by the 3,000 foot per second high powered bullets not only hit a target (almost no misses), but also stayed in the bodies… we tend to accept it as ‘factual.’ No wonder there are so many conspiracy theories afoot about that, and other news stories of our time. And this is proof of dumbing down, because more than half the people are NOT questioning the ‘facts,’ all effectively turned into Ozzian Scarecrows in search of a brain; straw-stuffed Sheeple.

Used to be, Newsmen listened to what sources were telling them, reported that, and when finding inconsistencies, pursued them until they had an answer, and told us that, too, wether it was a good or bad answer. They also used ‘redactions’ or other correction notices to update us when things became clearer. Now you get the official line, and on to the next story before you think something was amiss. Heaven forbid we should dare ask about the man behind the curtain.

Got a war? Imbed the journalists with psyops media warriors to insure news cameras see only what they are supposed to see, and report what is allowed to be reported (patriotic pro war). Those not willing to be embedded, get shot up by helicopter gunships and tanks just to make sure they might ought prefer to be embedded. And yet, there is even disinfo and psyops taking place in such friendly fire incidents…

Who is most often central to those reports? Reuters, an original CIA Operation Mockingbird front which was (at one time, at) owned outright by CIA, though you won’t find that in a Google Search (you used to be able to do so). It is listed in my books, and of course, at my sites (whimper). My favorite photograph (also at my Web site) is a news crew in Africa interviewing some Nigerians about terrorist activities in the region, and the guy holding the sound boom has a T-shirt which reads, “NOT CIA.”  Really?

Which brings us to some more dumbing down/setting up. Remember that series of ‘bin Laden’ videos we kept seeing after 9-11 ‘obtained’ with messages for the World? If you are not afraid of terrorists, you won’t put up with oppressive Constitutionally neutering laws and atrocities by TSA, unconstitutional border checks 60 miles inland on highways not even going to the Border, and military gunships letting go  with their Gattlings near your kid’s school.  Internationally (but not in America), experts on bin Laden, on the Arabic language, and in governments far and wide were stating publicly on THEIR news that the videos were fake (eventually admitted to by CIA), not bin Laden, but a look-alike, and not saying what was claimed, at all.

Keep in mind every news outlet in America of any clout ALWAYS keeps tabs on what other nation’s media are talking about. That’s one way they learn about newsworthy events around the World, and about how other nation’s see events in America, which is often an element of the ongoing story, here. So it isn’t just experts in America they were deliberately ignoring, they were also pretending no one else in the World was talking about it. Deliberate psyops by concealment. That’s willful malfeasance, and as such disinformation has effectively cost American lives, makes them complicit in murder,should anyone wish to file a lawsuit.

But, thanks to the Internet, we eventually as a collective consciousness began to realize the tapes were phony, and we also began picking up on stories which revealed that the Iraqi troops bayonetting of babies in Kuwaiti hospitals in order to steal their incubators was, like the Belgium women’s breast story… an official CIA hoax. Now here is where we see yet another manipulation of media, this time the Internet. As recent as two years ago (last time I did it, anyway), you could find mainstream coverage on the Web of the revelation that this was a lie fostered by a Public Relations firm that is listed as a CIA front. Not now. Now you can only find blogger, Youtube, my closed Web site, and foreign media reports. One of the Rules of Disinformation is, after all, ‘If you don’t print it (or hide it, later), it didn’t happen.’

It was roughly in this time frame, in my opinion, that America began to realize that we hardly EVER got the truth from Washington, or for the matter, the Washington Post, New York Times, Time Magazine, CNN, MSNBC, ABC, et. al. The led to…

What is the information war? Disinformation at its finest.

Stage 4: The Information War

The information war was officially on between the Internet via outspoken activists, investigative writers, and indeed, conspiracy theorists who sought only the truth, and the MIIM complex and their minions of control, mainstream media. This was recently officially acknowledged in a recent remark to Congress by Hillary Clinton as Head of the U.S. State Department, obliquely referencing the Internet in and among a larger collective of ‘alternative media’:

“We are in an information war and we are loosing that war.”

Of course, you only got the sanitized version from the Washington Post and other mainstream outlets. They would have you believe she was only worried about foreign news networks such as Al Jazeera, and RT (Russian Television) News. Both of these outlets offer English speaking versions and are enjoying American viewing attention at up to 100 times greater than failing american media giants. And where are they getting all the attention? Not via TV sets, but the Internet, a little detail omitted in the telling of her story by those media giants.

But who can blame us for wanting to hear what other countries say when we find out our own country is lying to us? And I mean BIG TIME. Did you know the Pentagon knew the date of the Afghan invasion and was sending Colin Powel and top US Generals around to our allies to arrange for multinational support well before Sept. 11 attacks? What? You thought we only went to war when there was a just cause? Would it help you to know that Australian, Indian, UK, and Russian news sources were talking about this before Sept. 11 and wondering how we were going to justify war with a backward non technological country rich with oil, gas, and illegal drug growing operations?

Clearly, someone in the military knew in advance there was going to be a ‘Big Wedding’ (al Qaeda’s alleged codename for 9-11) event, and was sending out guest invitations. But American media dare not report that fact before the event, or you would realize 9-11 was an inside job. Truthers exist everywhere, as result of the endless conflicting facts, but are belittled by media in self defense; if they admitted the truth, they would be confessing complicity to a conspiracy to mass murder.

And yet they continue to loose ground, making it an urgent matter for the Globalsist to more quickly move toward Martial Law, because THAT will also enable…

Stage 5: Internet 3.0, the Kill Switch, and political censorship

Congress has repeatedly attempted to redefine the Internet towards political censorship, a matter which deserves its own blog, and indeed, many good articles already abound. Take a look at SOPA, PIPA, and CISPA, for instance (Congressional Bill nicknames). But if there is a Martial Law, the Web will be shut down, as will be phones, mail service, and radio/TV as we know it. The only communications allowed will be government to you, and mostly unpleasant in nature. Moreover, it will be illegal to criticize government publicly.

Eventually, services will be restored, but at that point, you will not be able to rely upon the Web for ANYTHING short of government and corporate approved content. A total Police State will have been achieved, and we will be dealing with the NewStates of America, which will move to form (as enabled by the new Constitution) the North American Union in support of the march to a one-World government, and the Antichrist’s End Game.

Fortunately, we are not there, yet. But they are preparing us for that day, conditioning us daily in our TV news feeds. And to help us get the right message, they use clever visual tricks to go with the information they want us to come away with (and minus that they are unwilling to reveal). That brings us to the most interesting section, in my view…

How does TV dumb us down?

The psyops science behind TV News

CNN has so much going on visually you cannot possibly avoid dumbing down to the story presented

CNN has so much visual clutter you cannot possibly avoid dumbing down to the story

A seldom noticed tool for dumbing down is right in front of your eyes when watching modern network (and to a degree, local) news programs. It is the methodology (psyops science) of visual presentation. Compare today’s methods as we examine them to the image at page top from a 1968 newscast. Which one is likely to better insure your attention is focused on the words you hear and the key photos or moving images representing the actual news topic under discussion? The answer MUST be, the old way. A mind’s attention divided against itself by distractions cannot be whole in thought. It’s how accidents happen in the real World. It’s how dumbing down happens in the news world.

First Example: CNN; the sample images are divided into zones for discussion purposes. I have additionally outlined areas in red which represent special effects being applied in unique ways with respect to transparency. When things are transparent, and especially when the background is indiscernible, it allow the subconscious mind to be confused; something solid seems real and factual, that which is nebulous is less real or concrete, and more implied than factual.

Zone 1, a and b parts — is showing a moving graphical pattern promoting the news program, which in this case really is not a news program at all, but a news spin mechanism to take a select news story and make sure you get the official slant in a way that interfaces well with the greater Globalist agenda (i.e., gun control is good, OWS and Internet activists are bad, etc.). You literally see it in her eyes; ‘You have to believe me!’ There is no synchronicity in the movement of the background pattern between the zones, giving your mind a kind of subconscious mental puzzle to resolve… is it the same pattern, or isn’t it?

Zone 2 is also in two parts. The official CNN Logo (b) is animated over a separately animated background (a), to create a mental 3-D puzzle of sorts. An element of the puzzle is that the background is nebulous and hard to grasp, with just enough detail to imply there should be something there recognizable, and yet, just as you think you understand what it is, it is not. There is actually a 3rd unmarked zone I failed to note at first… the blackened rectangle at the lower-right corner. It also contains the same CNN image machinations, but the color has been removed, creating yet another puzzle for the subconscious to resolve.

Zone 3 in two parts — is yet another play on the name of the show, with things in motion. The name scrolls to the left in (a), competing with and drawing your eye away from any other text which appears, and then vanishing with transparency into part (b), which is where they want your attention to go (nothingness). So when the text changes and your eye darts to it (distracts you from the spoken word or other video present), you are additionally distracted subconsciously by the scrolling text adjacent; two tiers of distraction, one distracting you from the other.

Zone 4 in four parts — four different text sections, each able to change for various reasons, which may be synchronous as with a complete change of presentation topic, or asynchronous within a presentation to provide additional timed distractions. The worse offenders would be those texts which scroll endlessly. Your eyes dart back and forth endlessly, unless one thing seems more important momentarily. Regardless, you mind has been divided repeatedly.

What you are left with in most such shows, is no fewer than a half dozen moving images and as many textual elements, all competing for attention to subtly make it less likely that you will remember much more than the most basic of details — such that most Americans STILL TODAY, (of those who favor TV as their news source) are not even aware of the conflicting facts about guns at Sandy Hook, much less any of the other controversies. They simply were unable to absorb the needed level of detail to say “Wait a minute. Yesterday you said one thing, and now you are saying another?” Naturally, they also don’t realize they’ve been fed yet another magic bullet story (several, actually).

It is a Globalist's tactic, so we find it in news Globally

It is a Globalist’s tactic, so we find it in news Globally

Second Example: Univision; every network, indeed, every show, has to have a different ‘skin’ to make it visually identifiable. So a second example gives us a look at other ways to do the same thing within such skin changes. Here we see Zone 1 — a giant moving graphic element in four parts of the screen, all of which employs color cycling to further divide the parts. Color cycling is a psychotic technique which relaxes and subdues the conscious mind. Within it words are alive with motion, another layer of distraction. It is pervasive but cleverly segmented by other elements such that it is as if four separate, but synchronous sections, each competing for attention subconsciously.

Zone 2 in two parts — the primary (a) is the Reporter or first talking head. Multiple talking heads with their own window is a popular skin construct, one which especially becomes a great distractionary tool when you allow each person to speak over the other in heated manner which never seems to let but one side make their point fully… but the viewer, conditioned over time to side with the presenter’s viewpoint, simply sees ‘them winning the argument,’ and not them manipulating the flow of dialog. Else how do you explain ANY popularity for the likes of Torry turned ‘American Pontificator’ Piers Morgan, and the countless talking heads of like ilk?

Part (b) — is supplemental text information for labeling window content, and can change to other information for distractionary purposes. The question is, why is it important to tell us it is the Studio when we know that? Or to name the party just introduced or the newsperson we are used to seeing? We already know these things; they are simply there as a decisive distractionary tool. Every time they change, our eyes and attention are tempted to be diverted.

Zone 3 — in two parts is the second window for alternate video or added talking heads. This reduced viewing area will LIMIT the detail we are allowed in the news presentation. They might allow us the luxury of full screen video for things where they want us to absorb something (i.e., the full scope of violence by protestors), or elect the minimal viewing window when they’d rather we not so easily see something (i.e., police violence). Sure, sometimes it does not matter, and sometimes there may be no deliberate intent inherent in such changes. But the tool is there if they need it.

Zone 4 — is a replay of CNN’s, with an additional 5th part. There is no intrinsic difference in strategy or use. Again we find special effects using transparency along with motion (red outlined area near lower right corner). In this case, text is scrolling which is not quite readable without great effort, the same text (I think) as used in the main background (Zone 1), but scrolling the opposite direction. How distracting is that? It has to be intentional.

Worse, if there is any actual verbal content in all that scrolling background text, it is being absorbed by the subconscious. There is therefore the potential for subliminal programming, an early CIA developed mind control trick — but I do not know it is present, nor can I make such a determination as I do not read Spanish, and the original image is not clear enough to support translation efforts. I would defer to anyone with more direct specific analysis.

So, tell me again, Hillary, Piers,, about Sandy Hook, 9-11, and why you don’t believe there is a conspiracy afoot somewhere in those engineered tragedies, and other controversies which flood the evil Internet? Oh… because people believe what you tell them to believe. I should have known better, since the public all went to school using text books approved by a handful of people in Texas appointed by George Bush to globalist standards… and most other States will not approve books unless the Texas group has first approved them.

Yes, I’m talking about the same people that insured text books sent to Afghani schools a decade before September 11 used pictures of bombs and guns and grenades for counting exercises… just in time to create a generation of terrorists… and then replaced them with pictures of wholesome things once we invaded. How could anyone believe anything else than the official message, given the running start on dumbing down such programming gives them? But you know, that’s yet another news story that’s vanished from the Web, of late, so why do I waste my time arguing with you?

Its the people who think for themselves I’m really concerned with reaching.

Who is winning the information war? YOU — if you pay attention!

Proof Repeal of Posse Comitatus Will Establish Police State

A victim’s first-hand accounting of an actual illegal military assault on an American neighborhood with terror and abuse of rights


Updated Feb. 21, 2013  Recent events cited below reveal the incident depicted here is currently being experienced wholesale fashion around the nation. There is little difference in neighborhood impact between the events described here and those which have been routinely put into action in major cities across America. And media tells us not. Local media, yes, but national media, almost always no. Ask yourself why that is, and then see if you think your news ‘fair and balanced,’ or if it more closely resembles the propaganda we always accused Russia of using in the Cold War era?
The only difference is that the current events are ‘military raids,’ not ‘police raids with military help,’ (some exceptions may exist) and the raids are not targeting individuals, but whole neighborhoods, and instead of having a warrant and a crime for which the warrant was approved, they have no warrant, and simply attack because they can. Fear and panic spread from the neighborhoods all the way to City and County officials, who in almost every instance were in no way warned or notified the attacks were to take place:
Helicopters swept in low between hi-rise office and apartment buildings, often discharging gattling guns, troops repelled to rooftops, streets, and parking lots, and went door-to-door through target buildings engaging in gun battles and tossing grenades as needed. Mock drills using blanks and flash-bang grenades, they claimed, but tell that to the citizens who, in some cases, grabbed their guns thinking they might need them any minute… to parents and teachers who feared for the lives of their kids as they put their schools into lockdown… to the city officials who’s 911 switchboards lit up and resulted in countless cars being dispatched, only to be repelled by armed soldiers.
The entire city thought war had broken out, or that Obama had decided to try to take the guns by force. And though neither was the case, that did not improve the safety of citizens at large. Any of those helicopters could have crashed, it being true that there are many such crashes in training exercises, as well as when on real missions. Anyone might have fired live rounds at the soldiers misunderstanding their purpose, including any illegal drug dealers unfortunate enough to be nearby. Anyone could have crashed their car in distraction, or had a heart attack in their panic. And for what? A practice at what? Raiding a U.S. city?

How dare the United States Military deem us a target, even in mock!

How is it they have the right to bear arms against us this way? The whole purpose of the second amendment is that we bear arms to protect ourselves against them, or a government gone mad and employing them against us. The military and White House has forgotten who they are, who we are, forgotten the Law of the Land, and thereby so dare. They have forgotten their oaths of Office each and every member has sworn, and  have moved forward the date and time when the second amendment will become our duty to defend by force of arms, thereby validating our Forefather’s concerns which drove its penning.  Shame on them for allowing it to happen.
This scenario played out in various forms in Chicago, Houston, Miami, Boston, Minneapolis, Los Angeles, and elsewhere. So as you read this review of a real raid where people were shot, consider carefully, for your city may be next. And, regardless of any foreknowledge that such raids exist and take place, you, too, will be forced to wonder: is this merely a drill, or is the government coming for the guns. Just another reason to fear your government, another reason to cower and let them get away with oppressive laws. Shame on you if you allow it to continue.
End update
There is no copyright or author to be concerned about citing as source associated with this article. I would appreciate any reproduction include all links in tact and point back to as it was I who obtained the material as part of my investigations and interviews with victims. The original author and his neighbors rightly feared for their safety (death threats had been delivered) and thus asked that I redact things which identify any who were not already named in news stories of the event. The material, which I have also included in my book set, Fatal Rebirth,  was prepared for use as a public notice and warning posted on doors of homes and public places in a Portland, Oregon, neighborhood in August, 1993:

military police state repeal of posse comitatus

Background and relevance to today’s militarization of Police methods:

This is almost exactly what businessman Johnny Senteno saw on a Portland Oregon neighborhood street seconds before being shot point-blank twice for the unpardonable offense of lighting a cigarette in front of his company truck. No one knows if it was Police or Oregon National Guard who shot him, as they dressed identically with no front-facing identification. Portland paid him $100,000 in a settlement.

(This introduction, and inserted notes are provided by me, author H. Michael Sweeney) In August of 1993 there had already been nearly two-dozen violations of the Posse Comitatus Act of 1878 taking place in various forms around America as the Bush Administration, through Secretary of Defense Dick Cheney, were testing to see what could be gotten away with with respect to Posse Comitatus. Most such events were singular violations of a given aspect of military use in Police actions, such as outlined briefly in another of my blog posts. This post will also reveal other forms of criminality used to fund black operations such as CIA drug running in America, and political graft.

In Portland, Oregon, the Chief of Police at the time was one Charles Moose, who had a background in Military Intelligence in the National Guard, and who was being groomed to be Police Chief in Washington, D.C., where crime was so rampant that the current Mayor was pushing for legalizing military use in Police actions in the city… and he would indeed get that post in time to be boosted to international attention as the Cop in charge of hunting down the D.C. Sniper, which this author feels was part and parcel of the DOD plan called Operation Northwoods, the blueprint for fomenting our false-flag war on terrorism. This is all documented in my book set, Fatal Rebirth.

Therefore, this ‘raid’ was a building-block tool for Chief Moose and quite tied in several ways to the ‘terrorist’ events to unfold on Sept. 11, 2001. More than this, it was a training exercise in general for the intended Police State future envisioned by the Bush/Clinton/Bush/Obama regime. I state it as a single regime because Bush programs aimed at achieving a Police State were continued and augmented under Clinton, and his under Bush, and his under Obama. It matters not who you vote for if in mainstream elections, they are all the same conspiratorial NWO players pretending to have varied political agenda worthy of providing distraction from their unified hidden agenda.

Posse Comitatus is not currently repealed. This is NOT a Police state under siege by revolutionaries… not quite yet. If and when that happens, government will have ONLY ITSELF to blame. Yet the government has taken steps to establish a de facto repeal to bypass the law (this Senate link details section 1031 of the National Defense Authorization Act signed by Mr. Obama, and there are other Acts and Executive orders which play to the matter). I fear it will eventually lead to armed rebellion if things get out of hand such as exemplified herein; if you allow our outlaw government to continue to ignore the Constitution and Bill of rights to undo Posse Comitatus, this is what you can look forward to on a regular basis… if not worse:

military police state repeal of posse comitatus

Public Notice and Warning (posted on neighborhood doors)

My name is [REDACTED], and I’ve been living here since 1967. A few months ago, the Police served a warrant on our house in what they said was a drug raid. Since we don’t use drugs we thought they had the wrong house — the people across the street were known Police informants and drug users, but they were not raided.

Even worse was how the warrant was served, and the aftermath. Part of it has to do with the fact that they used the National Guard in the raid — which I am told was done illegally, and in direct violation of a judge’s ruling. The cops dressed like soldiers but had permanently sewn Police patches, and the soldiers wore temporary strap-on license plates for Police markings — making it impossible to know who you were dealing with in the confusion — especially since they didn’t announce the raid or say they were cops. Everyone in the neighborhood at first thought war had broken out, since these Police markings were only visible on their backs.

Note: Chief Moose had already used the National Guard and military APC units in several Police matters in violation of Posse Comitatus. This had prompted a judge to issue a ruling in favor of The Posse comitatus Act of 1878 (which stipulates that the US military can-not be used in law enforcement duties except by declaration of Martial Law) — unless under direct order by the Governor under Martial Law.

Chief Moose continued in violation of the Court Order to cease and desist, citing ‘public safety concerns.’ But as you read this material, the reverse is shown to be true — the military put the public safety in greater danger. I wrote Governor Barbara Roberts about this and was given a copy of a ‘blanket authorization’ issued to Charles Moose (no Martial Law involved) to use National Guard… dated AFTER they had been used, and AFTER the judges order had been violated, but claimed to authorize the prior events, as well. Moose, by the way, several times on live TV agreed to meet with me for interview but in over a half dozen attempts to do so, I was informed he was ‘on vacation’ that day. So was the City Attorney, the Mayor, the Police Public Relations Officer, and anyone else I attempted to interview in his stead.

The first thing we knew, soldiers burst into our bedroom and pulled us naked from our bed. Instead of identifying themselves or why they were there, they only cursed and called us foul names, telling us to shut up. They forced us to cower nude for a good part of an hour, not letting us ask even for our clothes or covers. Eventually, they told us they had a warrant, but they also made lewd comments about my wife’s nudity as if trying to provoke me to fight. I worried it was to justify shooting me, and held firm.

They repeatedly ran a drug dog onto the waterbed, records and electronics, and delicate items on shelving, running him back and forth to maximize damage. They trashed the house so bad you couldn’t even walk through some rooms from the overturned furniture. Even though they had access to the whole house and keys to all doors, they continued to smash windows and locks. They threw birth certificates and personal papers into the wet sink and trash, and spilled solvents and paints on expensive automotive manuals for my work. They took live ammunition out of its box, took it outside the building, and threw it into deep grass. I hate to think what could have happened if I had mowed the lawn without noticing.

They found no drugs, but they opened and took mail. They took cash from a recently cashed pay check, and an uncashed check from a relative. They took all sorts of contractual documents about our finances, as well as property titles and all of our personal ID. They didn’t even offer us a receipt. When I later tried to get our things back, they said I had to obtain a notarized statement which, because they had our ID, was impossible. When I pointed this out, they just laughed at me and said, ‘Tough luck.’

But that’s still not the worst. In serving the warrant, the soldiers surrounded the entire neighborhood and went into yards everywhere, also arriving in an armored personnel carrier and with an Army helicopter overhead. They shot my dog in the eye and fired shots over the head of a woman opening her back door to see why a neighbor child had burst into her house screaming in fear. They also fired shots at a neighbor who was simply walking in the street, and forced him to the ground and cuffed him. Another neighbor, his wife, and an infant where held at gunpoint on their own porch while their property was illegally searched — they were not listed on the warrant.

A Hispanic businessman standing by his truck with both hands already raised to light his smoke was shot twice without a word of warning. When he asked for help, they shouted racial slurs, and told him to shut up as they cuffed him. Everything described so far took place before the Police drove up to announce “Police” and “warrant.” No one mentioned thus far, except for our home, was listed on the warrant or even near property on the warrant.

Few heard the announcement of “Police” or “warrant” because of the noise from the Army helicopter and Armored tank-like vehicle. Despite many witnesses, Police denied shootings took place. It was later discovered they had used a new kind of “non-lethal” gun outlawed in Europe by every major law enforcement agency as being too dangerous for general use.

Note: The businessman, Johnny Senteno, eventually won a $100K cash settlement against Portland Police for the shooting, which was proven in court to have taken place. In my investigation, the head of the SWAT Team involved first agreed to speak with me but terminated the interview when I raised the point about the weapon involved, which fired a dense compressed pepper-spray-based compound intended to ‘disintegrate’ on impact to engulf one with pepper spray at distance. However, fired at near point-blank range, they fractured bones and left bruises which took weeks to heal.

Many people, including several bystanders having nothing to do with the raid, and a pregnant woman, were cuffed and held at gunpoint for hours but never arrested or told why they were being held. Only after the TV crews had left, were these people released. They were instead warned to “keep quiet about this” if they didn’t want any “future problems.”

Cops told media our neighborhood was a drug haven where you could get anything you want, but several independent investigators say only a Police informant ignored by the raid was ever seen dealing. One private investigator made several connections between the raid and the murder of Anthony Duane Shaw by Police — thought to be blackmailing dirty cops, as was the other person named on the raid warrant. One connection led to my house, and two to the other house raided.

Note: Myself and at least four independent filmmakers and radio or cable TV show producers spent an estimated 400 hours between us investigating the matter, resulting in more than 12 hours of radio and TV presentations. This was on the heels of a like investigation of Shaw being shot 13 times by Police (his family won a $100K wrongful death award). My part was the least of the effort, but my methods allowed me to get closer to the identity of background players and their motives, uncovering profitable leads resulting in the more interesting discoveries.

Their experience was much like ours, but there, Cops took even stranger stuff — a guitar, a video tape of an episode of a real-life Cops TV show, and absolutely everything in the yard and a garage which they promptly declared as junk and a nuisance — even though the items in the garage were neatly boxed. This was true because the occupants had just moved in — those named on the warrant no longer lived there. This was done outside of due process, and investigators believe it was not taken to the dump, but rather to a convenient place for detailed search conducted out of the eyes of all authority.

But the Police did make an arrest — despite admitting to the press that no drugs were found. In fact, they left some rooms unsearched, almost as if they had found what they were really looking for. They later said one marijuana joint was found. This was then changed to drug distribution on court documents, but by the time they went to court, it had become drug manufacturing. The person charged was the fellow with connections to Shaw, and who, like Shaw, had himself claimed to be blackmailing dirty cops to leave them out of their drug dealing. He was railroaded. He was such a dangerous felon, by the way, that he turned himself in when he learned of the raid on the news, driving back to Portland from out of town to do it.

Note: All charges were eventually dropped since there really had been no discoveries made in the raid. The entire matter seems to have been orchestrated to obtain blackmail evidence against bad cops and sanctioned CIA drug smuggling operations, a matter in which I would later witness first hand a known CIA front’s involvement.

They later did much the same to my wife, eventually arresting and prosecuting her on minor charges equally false: after the raid they followed us everywhere we went, even into restaurants; they repeatedly made awful, insulting comments in public about us; they stopped us for phony traffic violations all the time, illegally searching our car without probable cause; they eventually planted and “found” a small quantity of drugs in the car.

Should you not believe that, consider how likely you would be to carry drugs in your car knowing the Police continually followed and stopped you, and searched your car. Unbelievably, at least one person on the jury turned out to be connected to participants in the raid by virtue of real estate deals mentioned below. The State-provided lawyer did not protest an obviously rigged jury once notified, nor did he provide good defense in court, hardly opening his mouth unless the Judge spoke to him.

Note: These matters were heating up on Public TV cable shows and though the woman was found ‘guilty,’ before sentencing could take place, the matter started to unravel;  Maj. General Gene Katke, head of the Oregon National Guard resigned his post amid an investigation described as regarding financial mismanagement. I was subsequently told the Judge declined to sentence her to jail time and instead elected community service/probation.

Another thing uncovered in private investigation is that the raid, continual Police harassment after the raid, and perhaps even the reason behind the murder — had to do with some sort of land grab by a mysterious series of dummy corporations operated by law enforcement and government officials involved in the raid. Someone representing [REDACTED] Mortgage offered us half of market value for our house “so we could walk away from all the trouble.” He told me that “powerful law enforcement and government people were in the company,” so I “should sell to them if I didn’t want any more trouble.”

I also know there are direct ties between this man, the Police, and between the company and the houses where the raid and harassment took place — where the families recently moved out after things got too scary. Men shattered the windows and beat one of the tenants with baseball bats, and threatened them with shotguns — the one who did the beating was a cop named [REDACTED] who, despite being from another county, was also involved in the raid.

Note: that cop eventually tracked me down because of my investigation of this aspect of the matter, and took action; he approached me with a gun in a folded newspaper while I napped during my lunch hour in my car at work one day. But my Guardian Angel woke me and I saw him in the rearview, and quickly exited to face him. Seeing the gun and the look on his face, I motioned with my head to inform him I had been (deliberately) parked under our companies security camera. He did an about face and I had no more trouble with him.

He wound up being the new landlord, suddenly owning a large number of houses in the area. He only accepts cash for his rent, refuses to give receipts, and will not sign a lease or rental agreement. He continually evicts people suddenly in the middle of the night by ‘Police orders’ and then keeps all their possessions they were unable to take with them. If anyone complains or takes legal actions, they get the same treatment we got.

The neighborhood continues to be harassed. Cops follow and stop most of us who have not yet sold our homes, drive by at all hours shining lights in windows, or they just sit and endlessly watch. They make us afraid to go outside. Some neighbors have been beaten by Police, had threats of arrest “to teach you a lesson,” and even threats of death. After beating one man in his front yard for mouthing back at the cops, they dragged his wife by her hair on the gravel roadway while she was wearing only a bathing suit — all in front of their kids. Despite the beating and the rough treatment, they made no arrests — underscoring that it was not “in the line of duty” or because they “resisted arrest,” though they were threatened with jail time.

Our house has been bugged, confirmed by the fact that arguments between me and my wife were being picked up on neighborhood short-wave radios, and covert entry was made to leave things, probably planted evidence for the next time. I’ve only told you a small part of the problem — I could go on for pages. Something is very wrong, and we worry that they will do something even worse. We have been tipped by friends close to Police sources to expect another raid, soon.

We are very afraid. Someone needs to expose what’s going on. Even though my wife and I have never had a history of problems with Police, they are now there every time we turn around. Our Police files were nonexistent before the raid, but now, they are inches thick with all the Police reports executed through the many harassment efforts. Not one entry has been legitimately made, but they make sure there are never witnesses, so we can’t prove it or file charges.

Rush Limbaugh mentioned the illegal use of the Guard on his show, but he didn’t know about the rest. You do, so be careful. If they want my house, they might want yours, too, since you are my neighbor. The cop has gotten at least seven houses in the neighborhood so far. You might be next…

End of original material

military police state repeal of posse comitatus

Summary Notes

I eventually managed to speak to the man representing the Mortgage company and learned that he himself was coerced and beaten (lost two front teeth) if refusing to help, and NOT an employee of the firm. He was, in fact, the ‘Police drug informant’ beaten with bats. When he did what he was told, he said, he was provided with drugs as reward.

He indicated that Governors of at least two states (he mentioned Arizona, California), city officials, and various law enforcement people had set up a company to purchase properties as silent partners (illegally concealing their identities). He told me houses were painted in a particular combinations of various two-tone colors to indicate who ‘owned’ and got the income from a given acquired property. Indeed, I found more than two dozen homes in the greater neighborhood with these identical paint combinations, in under thirty minutes time.

He also provided me with a copy of an ad used to secure renters for the homes. It had a phone number which went directly to Clackamas County Corrections, the very place where I had already identified a CIA asset working as a corrections officer, along with several bounty hunters trained at a CIA school in California. The phone number was an answering machine which simply asked you to leave your own phone number. I left mine, and it was shortly after that that I was visited by the Sheriff with the gun in a newspaper.

I later followed up with the Mortgage company and clues there led me to a CIA front involved in each transaction. That investigation led to discovery of a murder in the State Capital which seemed to be tied to acquisition of businesses in like manner as the homes. The more public the affair became on Public Access TV, the more things began to unravel, and the hotter it got.

There were more attempts on my life, including a ‘traffic stop for a burned out tail light’ by no fewer than nine local, county, state, and federal cars. Fortunately, my Wife was driving in her car with me, and stopped, thwarting what was presumed to be an intended replay of the referenced broad daylight murder of Shaw by a similar stop. Unarmed, he was shot to death by nine officers as he sat in his car with both hands on his steering wheel as commanded. He had allegedly tried to run down a Police officer between his car and one of the two cop cars which were literally bumper to bumper with his (their story), which conflicted with eye witness statements.

Before it was over, not only had the General resigned, but also, but the elected Clackamas County Sheriff Ris Bradshaw. The CIA fronts went under ground, and $12M worth of ‘confiscated homes’ were sold by the city to fund Police operations. I sent a letter of inquiry to Governor Evan Mecham of Arizona, and he also resigned that same month after being convicted on unrelated felony charges before that lead could be pursued. Naturally, there was no response to my inquiry.

I was just a citizen acting as a investigative writer for my book (Fatal Rebirth) on abuse of power issues. Don’t let anyone tell you a single individual cannot stand against the machine and make a difference by speaking out — and especially by joining with others of like mind. One General, one Sheriff, one Governor resigned, CIA fronts shut down, stolen houses converted from graft to public revenue, and more… thanks to our efforts to get at and tell the truth. Yes, it was risky, but why live a life in fear of living it to the fullest of potential? If they can cower you that way, you are not as free as they wish you to believe.

I AM Brandon Raub; the meaning and relevance thereof

Lessons we have ignored from fallen Empires, both in real history, and in popular literature

by H. Michael Sweeney
Permission to duplicate granted provided reproduced in full with all links in tact with credit to the author and

government out of control, a fascist Police State

As it happens, there is a Facebook Group named I AM Brandon Raub. I have joined this group and the commentary there has prompted this article. Please consider this an invite to join, as well. In specific, this post is in response to the analogy made in the Group that we should all say “I AM Brandon Raub!” in the manner of “I am Spartacus!” So lets examine that, and other reasonings:

government out of control, a fascist Police State

Who is Brandon Raub?

Brandon Raub, USMC, Ret., a Patriot detained as ‘Mentally Ill Terrorist’

Brandon, a highly decorated U.S. Marine, is the first to make national news of about 20 ex military persons targeted by the Federal government in their paranoia that We, The People, might choose to replace our government with one that obeys its own laws. That is to say, restore it to a fully Constitutional behavior. Currently, the Federal Government is outlaw not only to the Constitution and Bill of Rights, but in violation of the Magna Carta and many International conventions on behaviors relating to human rights, both in war and in peace. Don’t take my word for it as blogger, even mainstream knows it true.

On Aug. 16th, 2012, a small army of Gestapo Police, Secret Service, and FBI Agents knocked on Brandon’s door and took him into custody. Central to his arrest was Brandon’s Facebook posts, which I assure you, are far less critical of government than my own, and far less suggestive of dire future alternatives. I talk openly of the threat of revolution, Martial Law, and a Police State, where Brandon was more reserved, and says nothing but that which is patriotic and based in truth.

The difference is, Brandon is a recent retired Marine with significant combat skills, and I am not. Not just Brandon and the 20 others, but tens or even hundreds of thousands of recent veterans of Iraq, Afghanistan, and other deployments. You see, our paranoid government officially thinks ex military are going to become a fountainhead of domestic terrorist activities.

Actually, I think they are probably right to fear patriots, and have been trying to warn all concerned: where the actions of government are illegal and in violation of the Constitution, those with the training and skill to defend the Constitution and sworn to so defend it, ARE LIKELY to do so, if pressed to a point of last resort. The government has only two paths: forge ahead on their course toward a Fascist Police State and press the issue to an explosive tumult, or recant and find salvation in the Law of the Land, and restore Liberty to the ‘Land of the Free,’ a land falling well short of living up to the title.

In summary, and as proof of the problem, the following facts of the matter shall serve:

government out of control, a fascist Police State

a) Brandon was NOT arrested for what he said. He was arrested for ‘resisting arrest,’ but video of the event shows no such resistance. You cannot arrest someone for resisting arrest unless you first arrests them for some other charge. He was not given Miranda rights. He was arrested by local Police, and not Federal agencies. There was no other charge filed;

b) A County Judge dismissed the case stating the Petition for his Detention contained NO FACTS – NO REASON FOR HIM TO BE HELD. The Judge stated this was a violation of his civil liberties;

c) Federal agents still insist his posts are ‘terrorist in nature.’ Read his post, here, and you will see that all patriots are terrorists under government’s defective logic;

Note: Here is a remarkable video interview with Brandon by attorney and author, John Whitehead of the Rutherford Institute, so you can hear Brandon’s words, directly. Within it is the key section of the video of his arrest.

d) Regardless, Brandon was ordered placed in a Federal psychiatric ward for 30 days (but has been released short of that). Concerns were that he would be rendered a mental vegetable by chemical and shock therapies intended to neutralize him permanently, or at the very least become officially labeled as ‘mental’. The government believes that if you dare criticize government, you are mentally ill. That’s the same argument made (last paragraph in this link) in Iron Curtain countries to eliminate ‘intellectuals’ who opposed Soviet iron-fist rule. What does that tell you?

e) Family lawyers have been joined by legal council from The Rutherford Institute in seeking his release, pointing out that the legal document used in his rendition is problematic; that Civil Commitment Statutes are being used to silence individuals engaged in lawful expression of Free Speech. But the current outlaw government clearly has no concerns about Constitutional Rights.

government out of control, a fascist Police State

Say “I AM Brandon Raub!” in the manner of “I am Spartacus!”

Starz Docudrams Spartacus

Spartacus, a Roman Gladiator slave, led a revolt of Gladiators and formed an army of other slaves set free by force in the very heartland of the Roman Empire. In the end, as depicted in the popular film, Spartacus, the revolt was suppressed, and the survivors questioned to find Spartacus to be singled out for special punishment.

Spartacus stood up in arrogant defiance, but for naught. One by one, man after man with him stood in his stead and proclaimed as well, “I am Spartacus!” Their love and loyalty for their leader and their cause (Freedom) drove them, and so thwarted the Roman attempt. Well, “I am Brandon Raub in the manner of ‘I am Spartacus’.”  I am as guilty as he of ‘terrorism’ for demanding a just government under the Law. I am as guilty as Spartacus for wanting freedom. What say you?

government out of control, a fascist Police State

Say “I AM Brandon Raub!” it in the manner of “I am John Gault!”

Popular sticker from (click)

Ayn Rand‘s classic Novel (now a two-part film), Atlas Shrugged, shows the classic struggle between the forces of Socialism and Capitalism in their most simplistic and idealistic forms. Ayn had escaped living under USSR’s Socialist government to the U.S., where she found Socialism creeping into government, and wanted to warn us that ‘value given for value received,’ and ‘a man’s sweat and intellect are his own property’ should be preferred to ‘you didn’t build that’ and ‘those that have should give to the have nots.’

In her massive book, a work which profoundly influenced and changed the lives of many readers (including myself), a fictional plot element was the question found scribbled on walls and posted everywhere at large, “Who is John Gault?” There was no one by that name, in truth, but there was a man who lived the role, and the answer to the question was, he was the man “Who will stop the engine of the World;” to end the madness and restore sanity. In the end, those who understood and sought to right the wrongs joined with him in attempting to do so, each of them earning the right to say, “I am John Gault.” Well, “I am Brandon Raub in the manner of ‘I am John Gault’.” I want to stop the engine of errant government. What say you?

government out of control, a fascist Police State

Say “I am Brandon Raub!” in the manner of “I am a Jew!”

Anne Frank (click) from her Diary

History is rife with examples of martyrdom for faith in the face of oppressive governments. Choose any faith you wish. I choose to focus on the Jews of pre WWII Germany, to make the point most evident in The Diary of Anne Frank. That point is best summed up in the oft quoted wisdom from Martin Niemöller, author of Gestapo Defied and, more subsequently made popular by Milton Mayer in his analysis of what went wrong in Germany, They Thought They Were Free. That book, by the way, with substitution of America for Germany, and various political figures and nomenclatures here in America for those of the Third Reich, could just as easily apply to our country, today. Are you so blind as to think otherwise? Read it if you doubt me, and know that I am not alone in the thought. But this is the quote which makes clear my point:

government out of control, a fascist Police State

First they came for the communists, and I did not speak out—
freedom of speech because I was not a communist;
Then they came for the socialists, and I did not speak out—
freedom of speech because I was not a socialist;
Then they came for the trade unionists, and I did not speak out—
freedom of speech because I was not a trade unionist;
Then they came for the Jews, and I did not speak out—
freedom of speech because I was not a Jew;
Then they came for me—
freedom of speech and there was no one left to speak out for me.

Had people spoke out… in unison… Hitler’s power would have been rendered futile, and his evil would have been exposed for all to see. But we all feel we are but an Ant against a man. But no Man could survive or attempt to war with ants if every ant swarmed as one body to defend their home and their right to exist. Well, I say “I AM Brandon Raub in the manner of ‘I am a Jew’!” I stand with my fellow men of good cause to defend their right to be and do as they deem best for them, as I would deem for myself. As if one of their own I lend my voice in unified SHOUT! What say you?

government out of control, a fascist Police State

I am Brandon Raub in the manner of “I am a TI Survivor.”

Pam Anderson was a TI Survivor until she ‘suicided’ to escape the torture

A TI is a Targeted Individual, which is to say, someone targeted by Political Control Technology (mind control). That can mean any combination of centuries-old methods such as gas lighting, dogging, and street theater (generally described as organized stalking), to modern methods such as Mob Flashing, Web stalking, and high-tech surveillance. Add to the mix bioimplants and electronic weapons which can simulate every known symptom of Schizophrenia, and you have the ultimate tool for rendering a victim a social, political, and financial zero guaranteed to be ignored by (everyone). This is particularly useful when the person is a whistle blower or otherwise knows something which could expose government corruption or evil deeds.

A TI survivor is someone who not only refuses to succumb to these tactics, tools developed and perfected, and employed by the intelligence community and military, and their corporate and other partners, but someone who stands firm and chooses to fight back as best as they can. I have the honor of saying I have stood with and helped TI survivors to survive for several decades, now. I know of no one more courageous.

Aside: Please consider to join and support the Free Will Society, because as such technologies are perfected, they become useful against anyone who dares to speak out or resist an errant government.

Now Brandon Raub is also a TI Survivor, and will likely be subject to more exotic forms of such targeting as time goes on. Well, I say I am Brandon Raub in the manner of “I am a TI Survivor!” I refuse to let government get away with mental torture and to use ‘mental illness’ as a political weapon by ‘creating it’ where it does not naturally exist. What say you?

government out of control, a fascist Police State

Who are you, really?

Who do you want to be? A victim of tyranny left standing alone, or a defender of self and of truths profound standing with others of like mind?

Who have you been waiting for? John Gault? YOU are what you’ve been waiting for. You ARE John Gault!

Do you need a Sparticus to lead your resistance? Or does Sparticus need you? Brandon Raub is your Sparticus, and he needs you! You ARE Spartacus!

Do you need to see a whole class of people targeted before you say anything? Then you are too asleep to the facts; they have already come for religious Davidians in Waco, the trade unions are decimated, the far left and the far right, and even the liberals, the Tea Party, and Ron Paul supporters… and now the ex military. All have been conveniently equated as terrorists for the purpose, and subjected to political targeting and harassment by Federal agents. You ARE of Faith!

Do you need to wait until your very mind is under attack? Again, too late. You are under constant attack through disinformation, dumbing down, and wag-the-dog media manipulation (propaganda is mind control). Worse, Command Solo flies your skies, and other technologies which parallel its capabilities bombard our cities with who-knows-what control signals. When you choose to accept sound bites in lieu of researching for yourself, or, to flip the tables, when you choose to accept some blogger’s commentary (yes, including mine) or some other Web source as valid without checking credibility (e.g., useful verifying links), then you are already a victim of mind control. Recognize the truth: You ARE a TI survivor!

And therefore say I; if you are any of these things, then You ARE also Brandon Raub!

government out of control, a fascist Police State

What say you?

25 Questions No One Has Asked About Aurora Shooting (pt. 2)

You can always spot a conspiracy at work… was james holmes a patsy by DOD or CIA? whenever you see evidence of a cover up in play

Our review continues from PART I, by H. Michael Sweeney, Copyright © 2012 all rights reserved. No reproduction permissions will be granted for the first 90 days. Links only, please.

In review: This in-depth series of posts will reveal startling new investigative issues for the first time, anywhere. The detail required to make concise arguments on a long list of critical elements forces it to be offered in installments. You may wish to subscribe to be sure you do not miss one along the way. Doing so, you will discover:

  • Three motives for making James Holmes a Patsy with Fascism as benefactor, and two possible motives for targeting Century Theaters
  • Easy link access to the key-most videos and images for each critical point of evidence presented in a logical, easy to follow order.
  • Reasoning there were at least three additional helpers involved in a professional black operation backed up by even more supporting players
  • Introduction of an actual political REASON for targeting The Dark Knight Rises (TDKR), a reason which fits one of the proposed motives
  • 25 key questions missed by almost everyone, the answer to any one of which could easily provide reasonable doubt that it was a lone gunman event
  • A walk-through narrative portraying an alternate scenario which fits all  conflicting facts into a workable reality.

James Holmes was a patsy Part Two

James Holmes was a patsy

 second gas mask and gun in aurora prove holmes a patsy

If you missed part one, click here

QUESTION 8: Who warned people not to use the EXIT in theater 8, and why? Tim McGrath mentions it, and I’ve seen but lost track of one other witness who confirmed the same point. Tim says the people in 8 were panicking and trying to leave. Toward the end of the clip he states someone entered the theater from the Lobby area and warned everyone not to go outside because the shooter was outside. Excuse me? How would they know this? If there was, WHO was it, because according to this witness, shooting was still going on in theater 9? Could this be misinterpretation or misunderstanding? I’d be open to the suggest except that it also happened in theater 10…

QUESTION 9: Who warned people not to use the EXIT in theater 10, and why? At 2:50 AM Channel 9 coverage has a witness from (by deduction) theater 10 who describes events while the shooting was going on in theater 9.  We really need to pin down if it was theater 10, so here is the deductive logic thread: Someone came into the theater from the left entrance, and warned them not to go outside, again while shooting was still taking place. Theater 9 would be to the left of theater 10, and theater 7 would be the left of theater 8. It would not be logical to presume someone further away from events (nearer to theater 7) to either be criminally involved or otherwise inclined or able to perceive a need for a warning. Any such person would need be closer, so it had to be theater 10. So again, who and why… would someone issue a warning without basis for such knowledge?

QUESTION 10: Why were bullets going through the walls into both theater 8 and 10? A look at the theater diagram from the Denver Post reveals that it would be logical for some rounds to pass through into 8, but there are only two ways it could have happened in theater 10. Either there was a second shooter unseen because people were attempting to hide or flee with their backs to the screen, or James deliberately turned his weapon on the wall. It is also possible any second shooter went behind the screen to appear in the dark on the far side, making them hard to see, but only if they used a silencer to completely suppress flash. This would create a distinctive sound witnesses did not report, as far as we know. Only in a cross fire situation should bullets logically enter 10, as shooting the wall is illogical. Why would James waste rounds to shoot the wall, especially since his shooting spree was ended prematurely when his gun jammed? Has anyone counted the bullet holes and compared to the half-empty magazine?

QUESTION 11: Who wore the second gas mask and used the second rifle found behind the theater? We have multiple Police statements which confirm James was found in his car and had with him in his car, a gas mask, and three guns: an AR-15 rifle, a Remington 870 shotgun, and a Glock handgun, with a second handgun and the high-capacity drum canister for the AR-15 discarded inside the theater.

Yet we have photographic evidence, Police radio traffic (18 minutes in), and additional statements to the press which prove a second mask and weapon were found lying on the ground behind the theater. The gun was at the threshold of the EXIT door, and the gas mask was found all the way at the end of the building, some 150 feet away from the EXIT and Jame’s car, where ‘the shooter’ is first reported being seen. The gas mask is part of a whole other series of questions which are the most troubling, of all. So why did James bring but not use two rifles, and two gas masks? And why does that weapon show a standard magazine (the light gray forward appendage). We were led to believe he quit shooting because his drum magazine jammed (which he left inside). Curious, as I would have thought the gun would be sans clip of any kind.

2nd gun with standard clip, girls shoes at outer exit leading to theater 9 & 10
2nd gas mask at far corner of building well away from where James waited

QUESTION 12: Why did the shooter not shoot the first and most logical victim? Jennifer Seeger clearly describes on ABC, a rifle being the first gun used to shoot into the air, and then it was leveled at her, but the shooter paused and did not shoot. She dropped to the ground and he instead opened fire on the crowd behind her. The clues to the answer as to why may lay in the next few questions.

QUESTION 13: Why does one witness says the first gun used was a rifle, and another a shotgun? We know he had both a Remington 870 shotgun and an AR-15 rifle with him. Both witnesses state the gun used was aimed directly at them, and both were within a couple of yard’s distance of the shooter and near to each other, and both took cover quickly. There are several other questions regarding these accounts, but the bottom line is that there is both a visual difference in the appearance of such weapons, and a stark difference between them their sound when fired. It is inconceivable that one can misidentify a shotgun as a rifle some mere feet away, especially once fired. Does the 870 shown at right look like a rifle, to you? Does the rifle look like a shotgun?

Which is which? Is it that hard to tell? What about the sound difference?

We have already examined Jenifer Seegar’s account. Here is the shotgun account by witness, Pierce O’Farrell, in a Channel 9 report, In point of fact, he was immediately shot at and wounded by shotgun, twice — once before being able to gain cover, and the second while he lay low.  All witnesses seem quite believable taken on their own, but I find a shooting victim with medical treatment confirming their story more credible than someone unscathed. Why two distinctly different accounts? Again, other questions may hold the answers…

QUESTION 14: Why did several witnesses stick around for more than a day and well into the night and even the next day after the shooting to be interviewed endlessly by local and national media, to include multiple appearances on a given media outlet? I raise this question because they both tended to use the same individualized phrases and hand gestures over and over, and both emphasize a lone gunman. In some cases, the cameras seem rather far back to insure we see the gestures. In fact, one of them goes overboard in his efforts, consistently waxing emotional to the point of tears. More to the point, the conflicting facts cited above play into the matter, and may be why more than one ‘conspiracy theorist’ has suggested these are paid actors intending to Wag-the-Dog.

Here is the man, Chris Ramos, on CNN. This is him on ABC. The others are Jenifer Seegar and her friend from the ‘rifle’ account just spoken of. She is seen here on ABC, and here on CNN. Her companion who frequently appears with her but who hardly speaks, becomes a kind of ‘silent confirmation’ to cement the reality of her statements. If these habitual appearances are not a Wag-the-Dog plot element, I’d like to know what they really are? Seegar’s not being shot and not knowing which weapon first was used suggests she was not actually present — but if that’s true, then the only way she could have known about the first shot being in the air would be if she was a participant with prior knowledge of the plan. There are yet other clues of Wag-the-Dog forces in play, as seen next.

QUESTION 15: How did CNN’s Wolf Blitzer manage to so quickly have available a slick 3-D computer-rendered, fully touch-screen interactive replay of the crime, and why was it altered between airings? His show, some 12 hours after the shooting, but only a few hours after witness accounts and Police statements useful for the purpose were known, provided the most comprehensive report yet available, and put EVERYTHING from the OFFICIAL  STORY into clear context. Find it here, the third video down in the group of smaller videos toward page bottom. How did they mange to have this super sophisticated technology ready to go so quickly, unless prepared in advance?

I am additionally concerned because subsequent use of the same presentation in a later program is altered. The first presentation shows only James’ entry via the EXIT and the aftermath (e.g., the kicking in the door first impression). The second shows someone going to the EXIT from within the theater to the EXIT door, depicting them LEAVING, which NO WITNESS HAS DESCRIBED, followed shortly by the shooter’s entrance (as if not expecting someone would end up recounting the man opening the door, and thus it does NOT show him returning from the door, but vanishing). Witnesses specifically describe the man from inside as NOT leaving the theater by the EXIT and a significant delay before the shooter arrives.

You see the altered version here at one minute into the CNN video.  This change took place after challenges to the ‘kick the door’ claims were taking hold on the Web, perhaps best exemplified by Alex Jones’ special report to that end earlier in the day. Yet the witness reports about the man opening the door (and NOT leaving) were known to media before even the first airing. Why was it not included in the first place if not Wag-the-Dog? Why was it subsequently altered to an INCORRECT depiction, later? Yet one more possible clue follows…

Was Aurora shooting a DOD or CIA operation?

The next installment asks these important questions:

James Holmes • How did CBS News know to describe ‘buckets of ammunition’ before anyone had seen inside Jame’s apartment?
James Holmes • Why did the shoot try to get into theater 10 after leaving 9 when his gun was jammed?
James Holmes • Why was James so calm when arrested when the official reason is impossible?
James Holmes • Why did James allegedly mail his attack plan to arrive well before the attack?
James Holmes • Why did his Psychiatrist call Police when it was not delivered to insure they found it anyway? 
James Holmes • Why was almost everyone in James’ life connected directly or indirectly with Mind Control technology?
James Holmes • And more…
PLEASE: Comment (page bottom, or contact me), Rate (at page top), Share/Tweet this article. Visit my Reader Forum to promote your own cause or URL. 
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Informed Citizen of the Web… or Just Another Web Walleroo?


Try this short and fun test to see how dumbed down you might be…

Who knows? You might even be (gasp!) a Sheeple!

by H. Michael Sweeney
Copyright © 2012, all rights reserved,  Permission to duplicate in unaltered entirety with links in tact hereby given but please advise with URL via Comment or contact to proparanoid at century link net.


A Walleroo is a kind of kangaroo.

Abandoned Walleroo cared for
by Japanese Zookeeper (click)

A Web Walleroo is someone who hops around a lot on the Internet but doesn’t do much besides leave an occasional footprint of their passing through the digital landscape. They hop in and hop out with the briefest of glimpses and seldom stick around to actually absorb messages intended for them. Even when they do, they tend to do nothing useful with the information, being quick to gather visual fluff and short ‘textual or video sound bites,’ but sloth to consider actual substance and knowledge that might challenge their dumbed down state of mind. Got to hop on to the next visual bite!

Why the test? Because I note that while I may post advice to 6,000 ‘friends’ in groups of alleged mutual interests on important topics, less than 5% tend to take note and check out the material offered, and of those (say 300), less than 2% will bother to like, share, repost, rate (page top), or retweet. So I was wondering… is my writing style that bad (mostly get 5 stars when they do rate it) or do I just have nothing useful to say… or am I simply friends to a lot of Web Walleroos.

You can help me answer that by taking the test (or simply tell me you think my messages are just no good). I can deal with rejection very well, thank you.  I think…

You know who you are:

So take the test: Don’t worry if a given answer seems low or high, as they are used in calculations in unexpected ways. Everyone has some level of interest in ‘fluff’ matters of personal interest and some level of interest in more serious matters. This test attempts to quantify and measure one’s degree of interest in these two areas, and thereby to indicate their standing as either (Web citizen) Netizen or Walleroo.

You also needn’t worry if the answer seems unflattering to your sensibilities, because you can easily change your score by simply becoming more involved with the things that truly matter in life. Remember Aesop’s fable about the Ant and the Grasshopper.

Moreover, like all such tests derived by people too smart for their own britches (that would be me), it is not ‘scientific,’ and assumes much not in true evidence. It may therefore not truly reflect your actual status any more than a Political Poll really reflects who is actually going to win an election.

Straws. We are all grasping for straws. But that’s what makes it fun, isn’t it? To see if we can actually catch a straw and find it the right one? Give it a go…

Test questions (pencil and pad in hand), First section:

If you don’t regularly watch TV at all, skip this section (good for you).

How many times a week to you watch a network news show> Jot the number down, and again  a ways to the right of it to make a second column with the same number.

How many times a week to you watch a talking head news/political commentary show? Jot it down, then multiply by 2 and jot that down in the second column.

How many times a week to you watch a reality TV shows? Jot it, then multiply your answer by 3 in the next column.

How many times a week to you watch a celebrity gossip/entertainment/talent show? Jot and multiply by 4.

How many times a week to you watch a sitcom or late night host show? Jot and multiply by 5. Underline these answers and add the columns up and write down the answers.

Now, think hard about the years just prior to Sept. 11 attacks and look at the total number of times for all shows. Ask yourself if you think as you look at each category if you likely watched notably more television then, than today, about the same (+ or – 10%), or notably less?

If less, double the second column total and jot it down just beneath it. If the same, do nothing, we will use the number directly. If less, divide the multiplied number in half and jot that down (approximate whole number is fine).

This is your ‘TV Media Impact‘ Score, which reflects how much of a chance your opinions, attitudes, and ACTIONS are altered by television.

New section: draw a line

How many Web Social Networks do you belong to or blogs, groups or causes do you regularly visit on line?  Jot it down

Beneath this, jot down the total number of times you log into or visit them each week in total. You may wish to use margin space to jot down each one and add them up if you can’t do it in your head.

Multiply the two numbers and jot it down in the second column.

What is a typical number of times you like, share, comment, or rate someone else’s post or blog in a week – ONLY those posts which are NOT about personal matters but are actually about causes and topical matters of a more serious nature externally impacting your life, the country, or the World. Jot it down in the second column.

What is the typical number of times you like, share, comment, or rate where the topics are  more of personal interests of less serious nature than the above. Put it in the second column and underline for a subtraction.

Subtract the second from the first. If less than zero, use zero.

This is your “Social Media Impact score.”

New Section: draw a line

Now subtract Social Media from TV Media and jot it down as a single, middle column. If less than zero, use a minus sign and keep going. You can probably do the rest of it in your head from here on.

subtract one for each real-world (e.g., Greenpeace, Republican Party, Garden Club, Exercise Club membership) or Web cause to which you belong and made a cash contribution or pay a membership fee, or have to go somewhere to participate.

Subtract one more for each such group to which you have attended at least three meetings in a year, and subtract five more for each instance which required overnight travel.

Subtract five for each attendance at a protest rally or public forum/debate, and five more for overnight travel, and 10 more if you participated as speaker or open dialog with a speaker, and 10 more again if you had an unpleasant confrontation with Police or other participants as result (stern words or worse).

Subtract 25 for each Web site or blog page, Cause, or Group you personally created and manage on the Web which has to do with the serious type of matters.

Circle this last result, which your final score for determining your status: Netizen vs. Web Walleroo. Lower is better as you may by now have guessed…

Scoring Section

Book by Chesa Boudin, Kenyon Farrow,           and Dan Berger, Nation Books (click)

0-5 You are a concerned and aware citizen.

The closer to zero, the more active and informed you are compared to others on the Web, and the more potent you are as activist both on the Web and in real life (they amplify your power in one with the other). you’ve probably Read at least one book each by Ayn Rand, George Orwell, Adios Huxley, and Hunter S. Thompson. You’ve read the Constitution and Bill of Rights and something by Thomas Jefferson SINCE school days, know at least two Constitutional Amendments for which you can correctly identify their number and purpose, and you know what Posse Comitatus refers to.

Now, if a negative number, you are a subversive radical

Yes, just like me, and as result you are probably being watched by one or more government agencies! Better read my book, The Professional Paranoid: How to Fight Back When Investigated, Surveilled, Stalked or Targeted by Any Individual, Group, or Agency. You tend to be a Truther and think the FED, Congress, the IRS, the UN, the Bilderbergers, the National Debt, and Terrorism are just forms of phony baloney. You have pet conspiracies you follow and probably believe in UFOs and mind control. GOOD FOR YOU! Right on all counts!

The larger the negative number, the more lists you are on with government, and the more likely you are to end up targeted by a Drone for surveillance, liable to actions sanctioned under the NDAA, have a FEMA Camp bed with your name on it, or likely to enjoy targeting with Political Control Technology (e.g., voices in your head, microwave assaults, street theater and gang stalking, etc.) You should use FOIA with all of the initialed Agencies of government to see how many files there are opened on you and what they are willing to tell you is in them. The more redactions you see, the more of a terrorist you are considered to be, and the more sophisticated resources they are throwing at you in order to keep tabs on you. In other words, THEY FEAR YOU! You are being a PATRIOT who questions government!

5-10 You are wishy washy on controversial matters, not terribly concerned that all the bad things out there can have too much impact on your life, but probably enjoy watching it all unfold, a form of entertainment. You join groups but  don’t participate and probably don’t contribute. You sometimes shrug your shoulders and may catch yourself saying any of the following. ‘That may be true, but we can’t do anything about it.’ ‘As long as it isn’t me, I’m not sticking my nose where it don’t belong.’ ‘They probably know what’s best.’ ‘If you have nothing to hide, it shouldn’t matter.’ When you do choose to participate, it may be a contrarian remark or criticism, an attempt to change the subject.

10-25. You are a Walleroo! You should become more proactive in your beliefs, and perhaps should be taking a very close look at just what you do believe, and why. Challenge your beliefs to pass hard tests as proposed by those who believe contrary, and the truth may just set you free. This can alter (adjust) your priorities to be more in line with your true needs, which you’ve likely been hiding from yourself. You may even be that Ostrich with its head in the sand as the Lion approaches, hoping that if you can’t see the evil, it will not see you — like the Ravenous Blugblatter Beast of Traal, which is described in the Hitchiker’s Guide to the Universe this way…

The Ravenous Blugblatter Beast of Traal; 
A rather large creature that likes to eat things. 

The Ravenous Bugblatter Beast is so mind-bogglingly stupid that it thinks that if you can’t see it, it can’t see you. Therefore, the best defense against a Bugblatter Beast is to wrap a towel around your head. 

My note: That’s not how it works, folks. The ravenous beast which is in the Earth and roareth about seeking whosoever he may devour looks first for those who pretend not to know he is there, or even refuses to admit he exists in the first place. The Ostrich among us is is easiest to take and has no opportunity to protest.

More than 25? You are not only a Walleroo, but a Sheeple! You are probably perfectly content to buy whatever media and government hands you as Gospel, and tend not to care too much about scandals where they are caught lying to you, stealing your tax money, having sex with under age moist cigars, and the like. You are an adamant consumer of products and likely a staunch Republican or Democrat who accepts party line as the only line because that’s what your parents did.

As long as you can continue to enjoy your small World of pleasures you have defined for yourself (like the Grasshopper  who preferred to play his fiddle than worry about things to come), you remain content. You have a towel wrapped around your head at all times, and will not even know what hit you when evil finds you. Now, hop off happily to the next bit of fluff, if I haven’t already lost you somewhere around the definitions – because if you are still reading this, I doubt we are talking about you, at all!


If you enjoyed this in any way, shape or form, I KNOW you will enjoy my companion post on calculating how much money the Federal Reserve has cost you personally. Its a bit more complex, but far more interesting and shocking in results.


REPOST/UPDATE Free Speech Requires FBI/CIA/Police Approval


Journalistic Free Speech Requires FBI/CIA/Police Approval

by H. Michael Sweeney
copyright lifted, permission to reproduce granted if reproduced in full and citing with link to same

Journalism as intended by those who invented it is almost extinct

As it is for Journalism, so it is for Free Speech, Truth, and thereby, Freedom.

Original post August 17, 2011, Updated July 21, 2012

free speechREASON FOR UPDATE: Government Renews Attacks on INDYMEDIA (updates flagged red)

Click for 100 years of Propaganda (

What follows is an origial short article from the ProParanoid Newsletter written in the Spring of 2004, entitled CIA and FBI Targets Media Group. It deserves follow up and expansion, because the targeting of independent media continues, today. The article has been reformatted to allow a chronological presentation.

While this article is largely focusing in Indymedia to make its point, it is imperative that it be understood that virtually all non mainstream media is being targeted. Julian Assange’s targeting with bogus ‘sex crime’ charges arranged for by paid CIA female operatives as a way of punishing him for his Wikileaks exposure of government crimes is probably a more well known example, but the goal here, is to show a growing pattern of systemic assaults on freedom of speech… when not from sanctioned (sanitized) sources. And, as we will see, even they can get into trouble.

Now, the reason for update is related to several new assaults on the truth by governments, most notably our own, World-Wide. This article certainly did not slap their wrists severely enough to give them pause, it seems. In fact, one such event detailed below created a situation where, whether by coincidence or intention, THE GOVERNMENT HAS CENSORED CONTENT IN THIS POST FROM MY READERS. So please read while you still can, though there is nothing I can do to restore the part that has been censored (photographic evidence).

We should start by defining what Indymedia is. Or what it is not.

It is NOT mainstream media.

 Free speech

What is mainstream media?

Mainstream media is this: Ruppert Murdoch saying “For better or worse, our company (his media conglomerate) is a reflection of my thinking, my character, my values.” in a speech to the Globalist Round Table group, The Asia Society, in Nov. 1999. They are a counterpart to our Council on Foreign Relations, only instead of wanting to establish a North America Union, they want to establish an Asiatic Union. A Globalist by any other name would still smell rotten in Denmark, methinks.

It is also this: Six transcontinental corporations which own better than 90 percent of all media holding in the U.S., and with significant penetration of other World markets. They include Disney, Viacom (CBS), Time Warner (which I maintain is heavily CIA influenced), Murdoch’s News Corporation, Bertlesman, and General Electric, a Defense Contractor. During the time frame of the Flight 800 shootdown by a Navy missile fired in a war game, all three major networks were owned by Defense contractors who made missile components for the Navy. Of course then, it wasn’t friendly fire, and they fired any reporter who dared say otherwise, and even gag writers for Saturday Night Live who intimated otherwise in their jokes.

In like vein, mainstream is also this: TWENTY award winning journalists prevented by corporate ownership from reporting the truth on major news stories (including Flight 800). Learn more here, which is a tempting taste from the book, Into the Buzzsaw. You won’t like what you discover about mainstream found buried beneath the sawdust. Example: “The news is what I say it is,” according to the General Manager of ‘unafraid Fox’ who refused to allow a new report unfavorable to Monsanto. Don’t get me started on Fox OR Monsanto. One or the other of them is liable to end up starting a revolution in this country.

 Free speech

What else is there beyond mainstream? What about Indymedia?

If you don’t like that definition, there is an alternative; YOU can reclaim media (a useful handbook), which is exactly what Indymedia is about.

Indymedia is an international, fully independent and open Web/radio network where anyone can report news and bypass the bias and disinformation engines    of the Fourth Estate. It tempers submissions with journalistic considerations to prevent personal bias and shoddy reporting from ruining the value.  They additionally field their own staff of journalists. As result, it seems, Indymedia has been gathering a reputation to itself, earning a new red and  white target for a logo. Personally, I prefer the current logo.

It was Indymedia who first reported in the U.S. about Colin Powell’s role in negotiating with coalition nations for partnership in the war against Afghanistan… more than a year before September 11!  Yet this also serves to illustrate:  Mainstream media regularly culls foreign press looking for news worthy of passing along. The Powell story had already been told in a mainstream Indian newspaper and the biggest newspaper in the UK, so we know they knew about it, and deliberately covered it up, even after Sept. 11 and the resulting war in Afghanistan. Talk about prior knowledge!

Actually, depending on what country you are talking about, citizens from all over the globe are reading about dirty little secrets and criminal abuse of power by governments (theirs or ours), thanks to Indymedia. It is a global success story with respect to beating mainstream at its own professed game (the truth). But that does not mean it has been smooth sailing.

  Free speech

Indymedia regularly targeted by government(s)

So we should perhaps not be surprised then, to learn the the U.S .Government, in partnership with other governments (or they on their own), have officially targeted Indymedia through the actions of the dirty tricks department of CIA and FBI. Even local cops are induced to cooperate. Of course, CIA is getting help from OTHER governments, too, as we shall see. Thankfully, they got their tits caught in the ringer.

I like that image. CIA with tits. The sucklings must be quite undernourished, having been renditioned no doubt.

 Let’s take a look at the time line of increasingly common, increasingly blatant, and ever escalating events:

free speech

Aug. 2000, Police block Indymedia satellite feed covering Democratic National Convention

Indymedia was starting to broadcast coverage of the Democratic National Convention from their Los Angeles studio. Not to be. Police descended and shut them down claiming there were explosives in a van in the adjacent parking some 20 feet from the Indymedia van. Funny, but there are no news reports of any such event in any news source. No bomb squad arrived.

July of 2001, police beat and arrest Indymedia journalists covering G8 Summit

This time in Genoa, Italy, while they were covering the G8 meet. They had set up a media center and broadcast facility in a closed school rented for the purpose. It was late night, and like the anti-globalism G8 protesters who had gathered in a nearby parking area, Indymedia staff was sleeping. Without warning, 150 Police attacked them melee style right where they lay and clubbed at least 60 so badly they had to be hospitalized. More than 500 were injured, one was killed, and 300 were arrested.

Perhaps at discovering their actions were being observed and recorded by Indimedia, Police then assaulted the IndyMedia team. Twenty Nine officers were indicted for grievous bodily harm, wrongful arrest, and even for planting evidence. Thirteen were convicted. Additionally, 45 assorted government officials, including Police, prison guards, and even doctors, were charged with physically and mentally abusing demonstrators and Indymedia staff while held in detention. It was Indymedia video evidence which assured convictions.

July of 2002, Police grenade seriously injures Indymedia reporter covering that year’s G8

While covering a different G8 Summit in Geneva, Switzerland, Indymedia journalist Guy Smallman, while close in with protestors, was seriously injured by a Police grenade, and fired upon with unknown weapons. As he was in a crowd of protestors being attacked by Police we cannot claim the assault was personally directed at him, but like all journalists in such situations, you can bet press credentials were held high.

June 2004, Founding Member of Indymedia Ecuador assassinated by what were believed to be government thugs

Like the above event, not all events are solidly incriminating of governmental targeting, but the reasons for suspecting they are tied will become apparent. For instance, Lenin Cali Najera was a respected young man known for his work rescuing youngsters from the clutches of gangs, so you might think that the Ecuadorian officials would appreciate him. apparently not. He was shot to death in the jugular by men thought to be government agents by those at hand, fitting the modus operandi of paramilitary death squads. His would not be the only murder of Indymedia journalists.

It is unclear if there was any specific investigation or article written by Lenin which might shed light as to the motivation behind his murder. Any articles written by him would be in Spanish and as I do not speak Spanish, are not easily reviewed for the purpose. There seems to be no speculation about a specific article in any of the English accounts of his death, of which there are few. But at about the same time, an Indymedia article surfaced in Cyprus which led to quite a lot of trouble, lasting for several weeks before coming to a head. A blackhead, which burst wide open. And what a stench!

June 2004, CIA and US Military go head to head with Indymedia via Cypriot Police

It started when an Indymedia contributor, Petros Evdoka, published an article exposing a disinformation campaign tied to Cypriot political issues which were, thereby, being manipulated by the U.S. Department of Defense cyberwarriors of the same sort I’ve had to go head to head with in my Flight 800 shoot- down investigation. The Cyprus matter was hardly a ‘legal’ or proper thing for the military to be doing by any standards.

Someone took exception at the exposure almost immediately. Police descended upon the entire Evdoka family and questioned them mercilessly, the focus clearly how he had come by his information. In the exchange, the Police, evidently trying to underscore the seriousness of the matter and to further intimidate, inadvertently and quite unwisely stated that their raid was at the direction of CIA. Bad move, threatening a journalist, even an amateur, with information they can use against you.

That erupted into a month’s long battle between Indymedia, the Cyprus and US governments, and of course, CIA and the DOD. It eventually resulted in a victory for Indymedia. The Cyprus Government officially admitted it had yielded to US pressures to play co conspirator with CIA against Indymedia.

Oct. 2004  FBI raids Indymedia and seizes servers, shutting down massive portions of the network

After all, it is rare to ‘win’ a battle with CIA without paying a price. Revenge is a dish best served by covert counterintelligence operations from other quarters, it seems (a blind side attack). FBI moved to seize third-party Web servers hosting more than 20 international Indymedia Web services to the US, Germany, France, and UK, as well as worldwide audio streaming news services and conventional Web resources. Even in Switzerland, a neutral country not known for yesmanship, kowtowed to US pressures in a raid, there. Indymedia was served with gag orders to prevent them from reporting the incident as news. That did not work very well, apparently.

Wikpedia has a nice summary of this affair, but the highlights are this. The actual warrant called only for surrender of log files. Instead, Indymedia was shut down by confiscation of all storage mediums, prompting a barrage of criticism from groups such as the Electronic Frontier Foundation, Statewatch, IFJ, the International Federation of Journalists, and the World Association of Community Radio Broadcasters.

FBI strangely denied ‘involvement,’ stating that the orders were initiated at the request of the Italian government, which speculators believe was at the request of Cypriot officials, or the CIA, which maintains a strong influence in Italian affairs. No one knows where the confiscated material went, or how or even if it was used in any investigation. Gag orders would seem to circumvent your right to know. In my own life, I doubt I will EVER obey a gag order of that sort. Make me a martyr for it, if you will, .gov. News is news, and truth is truth. It shall not be gagged by mere edict of a Judge in your pocket.

June of 2005, Local Police raid Indymedia UK and once more seize and shut down servers

Police ignored laws regarding journalistic protections and arrested an Indymedia employee at the site based on a submitted article which the Police deemed to be related to vandalism against a train connected to an upcoming G8 conference.’ Once more protests by professional organizations and watchdog groups followed, this time by UK groups NUJ, the National Union of Journalists, Liberty, and Privacy International.

July 2006, Indymedia server in San Francisco hacked by Zionist



Update: In July 2012, I accidentally noticed the image at right in support of this section was blank. Trying to find out why, I discovered ‘Server Not Found’.  So I did some digging and found that not only had the Indymedia Server used by San Francisco been seized by FBI, but that no reason was given.

It appears they had relocated their server from San Francisco after the hacking incident described below and other problems in San Francisco with authorities, to Texas. FBI served a warrant on their Host as well as a GAG ORDER, so information is scant. FBI does state that it was NOT THE US GOVERNMENT that ordered the seizure, but ANOTHER UNSPECIFIED COUNTRY, the FBI responding to an International agreement of cooperation in matters of investigation of certain crimes. What kinds of crimes? Terrorism, kidnapping, and Money Laundering. So apparently those villainous Indymedia types have discovered a way to write news stories that make people captive against their will, and to launder money associated with their ransom, and then magically became exploding underwear?

More likely, the server was taken at the request of Israel’s Mossad. Take a look at the rest of my original article on the hacking event, and that assumptions will make some sense: The censored photo was evidence of participation by Mossad in attacks on US News Media (Indymedia). The only places it existed on the Web were, it seems, by links to the original image at IndyMedia. By shutting down Indymedia, they automatically censored the entire Web access to the image. I would therefore assume that if I had copied the image and posted it from my own computer, FBI would now have my computer, too. Close one! Here is the original hacking incident which has apparently led to censorship:

Hacked severely by a ‘Zionist’ hacker, indeed, who left a calling card to prove his Zionist motivation. There are no direct ties to any government, but as Indymedia has been a real pain in the ass to Israeli by covering violent actions against Palestinian and like misadventures, it would not surprise me to learn Mossad was the true source of the attack. I suppose this makes me an anti-Semite by Anti Defamation League standards, for so thinking. Whatever.

But wait. It was in this time frame that San Francisco was perusing a law suite against the ADL and B’nai B’rith (a Mossad infested version of ADL) for their participation in illegal spying operations against American Citizens in cooperation with San Francisco, Portland, and 18 other Police Departments, and other entities. Indymedia was covering that with clarity. San Francisco eventually had to drop the suit because of intimidation by the ADL and other external pressures insisting it anti semitic prosecution. So perhaps my supposition of Mossad hacking is not so supposing after all?

Look at the calling card (right). I did. Note the domain This Web site has had eight registrars (places they registered the name) on 36 changes between 19 unique name servers with 63 changes on 23 unique IP addresses in six years. The ‘owner’ (a shell corporation, colours Ltd) operates 2,509 other domains. A useful set of tools to make tracking true ownership and association ‘difficult.’ The site is full of pro-Mossad ‘information.’

Update: Since my original post, and perhaps as yet another indicator that Mossad requested the FBI hit on Indymedia S.F., it turns out that has changed hands yet again, and now, the content no longer has anything whatsoever to do with Israel and the Zionist material once found there.

In fact, it is a bit of a ‘mock site’ designed around a ‘shell’ or ‘skin’ I recognize as common to several CIA operated ‘commercial web sites.’ So you get a lot of ads and links that make it look like a decent, ordinary site on the edges, which are nothing but fluff and camouflage, and the disinfo in the middle.  Again, what they present there is really intending to make non mainstream media look bad (today, for instance, it tries to make Alex Jones look crazy for talking about the Aurora shooting as false flag, and then proceeds to reveal information painting it as ties to Muslim terrorism.

How do we always seem to come up with these condemning terrorism details so quickly after an event? Like finding the wallet of the terrorist pilot on the street after nothing else identified with any passenger of the 9-11 aircraft survived the crash. Convenient. Back to the original article, and one more update section, below…

Oct. 2006, Police in civilian garb suspected of shooting Indymedia journalist to death

New Yorker Bradley Roland Will was killed covering a protest in Oaxaca, Mexico regarding a teacher’s strike. He and two protesters where shot to death by ‘upset residents’ who were later tentatively identified as Police by the U.S. Ambassador to Mexico. Despite this, Associated Press claims that some protesters were also armed and it was actually more of a shoot out than outright murder. However, this was the event which, due to the more popular media accounts as a murder, sparked what many refer to as a revolt in the State of Oaxaco by the APPO, The Popular Assembly of the Peoples of Oaxaca.

          September, 2009, U.S. Army violates Posse Comitatus and arrests Indymedia reporter, destroys her camera, seizes video

Members of the U.S. Army (possibly National Guard) operating illegally as deputized Police in violation of the Posse Comitatus Act of 1878, arrested Indymedia reporter Melissa Hill and three other reporters covering the G20 Conference in Pittsburg. Her camera was destroyed and her media confiscated. The military was even operating the jail and running the booking operation per her YouTube interview. Unless Martial Law has been declared, it is illegal for military to engage in Police actions. This has been something the Military has been repeatedly in violation of since 1990, in a long list of states, with Oregon, California, and Texas NGs being the most frequent abusers. This abuse will be the subject of another blog.

April 2010, Police use invalid warrant to illegally raid home of Editor for Gizmodo 

San Mateo Police use an invalid warrant to raid the home of an Editor for Gizmodo, destroying his front door and seizing his computers and other equipment, the warrant being exercised when the home was empty. Not only was the warrant invalid in legal terms, but the hours allowed for its use were ignored. The raid was prompted by an article written for Gizmodo. Journalists are protected from warrants seeking materials related to their work by State and Federal law.

Also April 2010, Cops and the District Attorney illegally raid a student newspaper

Seven Officers and the District Attorney entered the offices of The Breeze, a student newspaper for the James Madison University in Harrisburg, VA, and threatened to seize all computers if they did not turn over all photographs in their possession relating to a party covered by one of their reporters where violence had broken out. There was a warrant but the student journalist was quick to point out that the Privacy Protection Act of 1980 prohibited such a warrant, at which time the threats were made and the student relented. Police copied hundreds of photos to a CD, including many unrelated to the party, further in violation of their own warrant.

Dec. 2010, The French Minister of the Interior attacks Indymedia with accusations of being out to get Police

The French Minister of the Interior (like the head of the Justice Department in the U.S.) claimed Indymedia was attempting to identify Police and endanger their safety. What? I thought Police were supposed to identify themselves on request. The link is largely in french save some casual comments giving summary and personal opinion.

May 2011, Google in possible collusion with U.S. intelligence community enables assault on Indymedia viability

Google, often described as partnering with the U.S. intelligence community, modifies their search engines to de-rank Indymedia in search results. Simultaneously, a hack was attempted of Indymedia resources to augment the Google de-ranking to burry articles 20 pages deep in searches. Also simultaneously, a flood of tactically anti-Semitic comments hit the UK Indymedia resulting in accusations of ani Semitism in an attempt to discredit the organization, and a like flood of intimidating criticisms and accusations against legitimate Indymedia contributors (name calling, etc.).

free speech

What about the rest of media? Are they free from abuse of power issues?

Indymedia is not the only one to suffer such ills. While it is popular to see mainstream media as controlled, they do sometimes get out of hand with their Masters and end up causing problems. Sometimes a little corrective conditioning is required to remind them where their hearts should really lay. Here is a partial list of a growing epidemic of Police and government assault on journalistic free speech. I fear it is only a matter of time before Congress will once more attempt to censure free speech entirely with a Sedition law which makes any criticism of government, even with evidence of wrongdoing, a Federal crime. It has already been attempted in form.

More than 1,100 journalists and support staff have been killed over the last ten years while at their job. Below follows a very brief list which represents about an hour’s effort to locate and document. While it is a global phenomenon most commonly found in association with a Globalist agenda or in an oppressive regime, I have tried to focus mostly on U.S. examples. The bulk came from a single source. You can easily find more, as seen in the surprisingly good two pages of video reports by  Russian’s RT Network, and this page detailing all known incidents in Egypt.

April 8 2003, Al Jazeera’s office in Bagdad rocket attacked by a US warplane

The DOD had been given its coordinates by Al Jazeera in exchange for assurances it would not be attacked. Correspondent Tareq Ayyoub was killed while reporting live on details of a firefight some distance from his balcony. His coverage did not include or illustrate local combatants being present, but the US insists the attack was due to fire from his building.

 Also April 8 2003, US Abrams tank opens fire on hotel where more than 100 journalists are located

The Palestine Hotel is where non embedded international journalists were under armed quarantine ‘for their protection.’ The attack hit the Reuters office on the 15th floor killing two cameramen. The U.S. military again claimed self defense, despite counter claims by multiple news agencies present including a French team which video taped the incident. The Pentagon countered that non embedded journalists should get out of Dodge, an implied threat gently worded. Embedded Journalism, when unbalanced with non embedded, is a controlled media.

March 2004, US Soldiers shoot 2 journalists dead at a checkpoint, Reuters cameraman shot by US fire filming combatants

The Pentagon claims the shootings were within the ‘rules of engagement,’ fail to mention a tank collided with the vehicle they were in.

Jan and March of 2004, three Reuters staffers and two Al Jazeera reporters detained and brutalized by U.S. forces

In the case of Reuters, it was immediately after they had filmed a crash of a U.S. Chopper.

Nov. 2009, Man arrested for taking video of public statement for possible news worthiness

Quite odd because he had already filmed the same participants the day before, and both knew and accompanied them to the two-day event.

June 2010, Police harass, beat, arrest journalist covering G20

Jesse Rosenfeld was abused without provocation as he was held by two officers and hit by a third because one officer did not believe his press credentials were genuine. Journalist Jesse Rosenfeld reports for the Gaurdian, Now Magazine, The Washington Report on Middle East Affairs, The Montreal Mirror, and CBC Radio Canada.

And, my personal favorite, and the best possible place to end the article with a bang:

April 2011, Maui Times Publisher assaulted by bounty hunters and then Police for video interview

Not Wanted (from Thank You

Publisher Tommy Russo was covering with (video) matters relating to the TV Reality show “Dog the Bounty Hunter” (which I firmly believe is a CIA propaganda exploit, it being true that CIA runs a school for bounty hunters as I document in my book set, Fatal Rebirth) when he was confronted by a member of the show’s security team (a BIG guy), who is adamant he stop video NOW. Russo identifies himself as media and asserts his right to video in public any public event, and that’s when the big guy bashes him in the face without warning.

Russo  tries to call Maui Police. While trying to call 9-11 for help, the security man takes his camera (phone) it and throws it while hitting Russo in the mouth. It is a crime to interfere with a 9-1-1 call. After regaining the phone, multiple dogs are screaming at him as he is trying once more to talk to the 9-1-1 operator, all happening while the Police actually show up. All they see is a lot of shouting at one guy, so he must be the bad guy, right?

Exact replay: A cop then attacks Russo as well, without warning of any kind, ostensibly for the same cause, that he was attempting to document everything on video. Their claim is because it was ‘an agressive movement. ’ The movement? He turned (rotated) toward the officer to whom he was responding, who punched him and grabbed his phone for the third time, again.

Moral might be: shoot a gun, not a camera when they are that big and ornery  :}

free speech

What can you do as a citizen to reclaim media?

Simple. Be the media. Learn about Indymedia. Keep a video capable device with you, always. You never know when you will be at the right place at the right time. I wound up sitting in the middle of a Police Command Post during an unrighteous Police shooting of an elderly man, and heard the lies they foisted on the public in the process. They were informed in the Command Post that the man had a .22 cal starter’s pistol (fires blanks), but they told media he was armed with two other larger weapons. Hopefully you will never have to experience anything as dramatic and traumatic as that, but the point is, be ready to tell the truth because you cannot count on Police or media to do so in your absence.

If YOU want to know the truth, you must also be wiling to SHARE the truth with others, or you don’t deserve to complain when you don’t get it.

When you see Police or any other form of violence, get it on video, and make verbal comments as you go on details as to where and what circumstances, etc. Some communities (fascist rule) prohibit video taping cops. I don’t care it there is a law against it or not. If they are behaving badly, the law and any court daring to enforce it be damned. You can make that choice for yourself. With or without video, write it up and submit it to Indymedia, and get any video on YouTube (you can reference the video at YouTube in your article).

Final update: In looking for the San Francisco server, I also discovered more than a dozen more examples of independent media assaults undertaken by government. Most were server seizures, but there were also physical assaults, and in one instance, arrest and prosecution for felonies and other charges for simply being present covering a breaking news story of a crime in progress (if you call a sit in a crime)… essentially charging the reporter and camera crew with the same crime as those effecting the story. What is wrong with this picture? Oh, I forgot. They took the picture, so you don’t get to see it!

End of speech.

End of article.

End of free speech in journalism?