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Proof Repeal of Posse Comitatus Will Establish Police State

A victim’s first-hand accounting of an actual illegal military assault on an American neighborhood with terror and abuse of rights


Updated Feb. 21, 2013  Recent events cited below reveal the incident depicted here is currently being experienced wholesale fashion around the nation. There is little difference in neighborhood impact between the events described here and those which have been routinely put into action in major cities across America. And media tells us not. Local media, yes, but national media, almost always no. Ask yourself why that is, and then see if you think your news ‘fair and balanced,’ or if it more closely resembles the propaganda we always accused Russia of using in the Cold War era?
The only difference is that the current events are ‘military raids,’ not ‘police raids with military help,’ (some exceptions may exist) and the raids are not targeting individuals, but whole neighborhoods, and instead of having a warrant and a crime for which the warrant was approved, they have no warrant, and simply attack because they can. Fear and panic spread from the neighborhoods all the way to City and County officials, who in almost every instance were in no way warned or notified the attacks were to take place:
Helicopters swept in low between hi-rise office and apartment buildings, often discharging gattling guns, troops repelled to rooftops, streets, and parking lots, and went door-to-door through target buildings engaging in gun battles and tossing grenades as needed. Mock drills using blanks and flash-bang grenades, they claimed, but tell that to the citizens who, in some cases, grabbed their guns thinking they might need them any minute… to parents and teachers who feared for the lives of their kids as they put their schools into lockdown… to the city officials who’s 911 switchboards lit up and resulted in countless cars being dispatched, only to be repelled by armed soldiers.
The entire city thought war had broken out, or that Obama had decided to try to take the guns by force. And though neither was the case, that did not improve the safety of citizens at large. Any of those helicopters could have crashed, it being true that there are many such crashes in training exercises, as well as when on real missions. Anyone might have fired live rounds at the soldiers misunderstanding their purpose, including any illegal drug dealers unfortunate enough to be nearby. Anyone could have crashed their car in distraction, or had a heart attack in their panic. And for what? A practice at what? Raiding a U.S. city?

How dare the United States Military deem us a target, even in mock!

How is it they have the right to bear arms against us this way? The whole purpose of the second amendment is that we bear arms to protect ourselves against them, or a government gone mad and employing them against us. The military and White House has forgotten who they are, who we are, forgotten the Law of the Land, and thereby so dare. They have forgotten their oaths of Office each and every member has sworn, and  have moved forward the date and time when the second amendment will become our duty to defend by force of arms, thereby validating our Forefather’s concerns which drove its penning.  Shame on them for allowing it to happen.
This scenario played out in various forms in Chicago, Houston, Miami, Boston, Minneapolis, Los Angeles, and elsewhere. So as you read this review of a real raid where people were shot, consider carefully, for your city may be next. And, regardless of any foreknowledge that such raids exist and take place, you, too, will be forced to wonder: is this merely a drill, or is the government coming for the guns. Just another reason to fear your government, another reason to cower and let them get away with oppressive laws. Shame on you if you allow it to continue.
End update
There is no copyright or author to be concerned about citing as source associated with this article. I would appreciate any reproduction include all links in tact and point back to as it was I who obtained the material as part of my investigations and interviews with victims. The original author and his neighbors rightly feared for their safety (death threats had been delivered) and thus asked that I redact things which identify any who were not already named in news stories of the event. The material, which I have also included in my book set, Fatal Rebirth,  was prepared for use as a public notice and warning posted on doors of homes and public places in a Portland, Oregon, neighborhood in August, 1993:

military police state repeal of posse comitatus

Background and relevance to today’s militarization of Police methods:

This is almost exactly what businessman Johnny Senteno saw on a Portland Oregon neighborhood street seconds before being shot point-blank twice for the unpardonable offense of lighting a cigarette in front of his company truck. No one knows if it was Police or Oregon National Guard who shot him, as they dressed identically with no front-facing identification. Portland paid him $100,000 in a settlement.

(This introduction, and inserted notes are provided by me, author H. Michael Sweeney) In August of 1993 there had already been nearly two-dozen violations of the Posse Comitatus Act of 1878 taking place in various forms around America as the Bush Administration, through Secretary of Defense Dick Cheney, were testing to see what could be gotten away with with respect to Posse Comitatus. Most such events were singular violations of a given aspect of military use in Police actions, such as outlined briefly in another of my blog posts. This post will also reveal other forms of criminality used to fund black operations such as CIA drug running in America, and political graft.

In Portland, Oregon, the Chief of Police at the time was one Charles Moose, who had a background in Military Intelligence in the National Guard, and who was being groomed to be Police Chief in Washington, D.C., where crime was so rampant that the current Mayor was pushing for legalizing military use in Police actions in the city… and he would indeed get that post in time to be boosted to international attention as the Cop in charge of hunting down the D.C. Sniper, which this author feels was part and parcel of the DOD plan called Operation Northwoods, the blueprint for fomenting our false-flag war on terrorism. This is all documented in my book set, Fatal Rebirth.

Therefore, this ‘raid’ was a building-block tool for Chief Moose and quite tied in several ways to the ‘terrorist’ events to unfold on Sept. 11, 2001. More than this, it was a training exercise in general for the intended Police State future envisioned by the Bush/Clinton/Bush/Obama regime. I state it as a single regime because Bush programs aimed at achieving a Police State were continued and augmented under Clinton, and his under Bush, and his under Obama. It matters not who you vote for if in mainstream elections, they are all the same conspiratorial NWO players pretending to have varied political agenda worthy of providing distraction from their unified hidden agenda.

Posse Comitatus is not currently repealed. This is NOT a Police state under siege by revolutionaries… not quite yet. If and when that happens, government will have ONLY ITSELF to blame. Yet the government has taken steps to establish a de facto repeal to bypass the law (this Senate link details section 1031 of the National Defense Authorization Act signed by Mr. Obama, and there are other Acts and Executive orders which play to the matter). I fear it will eventually lead to armed rebellion if things get out of hand such as exemplified herein; if you allow our outlaw government to continue to ignore the Constitution and Bill of rights to undo Posse Comitatus, this is what you can look forward to on a regular basis… if not worse:

military police state repeal of posse comitatus

Public Notice and Warning (posted on neighborhood doors)

My name is [REDACTED], and I’ve been living here since 1967. A few months ago, the Police served a warrant on our house in what they said was a drug raid. Since we don’t use drugs we thought they had the wrong house — the people across the street were known Police informants and drug users, but they were not raided.

Even worse was how the warrant was served, and the aftermath. Part of it has to do with the fact that they used the National Guard in the raid — which I am told was done illegally, and in direct violation of a judge’s ruling. The cops dressed like soldiers but had permanently sewn Police patches, and the soldiers wore temporary strap-on license plates for Police markings — making it impossible to know who you were dealing with in the confusion — especially since they didn’t announce the raid or say they were cops. Everyone in the neighborhood at first thought war had broken out, since these Police markings were only visible on their backs.

Note: Chief Moose had already used the National Guard and military APC units in several Police matters in violation of Posse Comitatus. This had prompted a judge to issue a ruling in favor of The Posse comitatus Act of 1878 (which stipulates that the US military can-not be used in law enforcement duties except by declaration of Martial Law) — unless under direct order by the Governor under Martial Law.

Chief Moose continued in violation of the Court Order to cease and desist, citing ‘public safety concerns.’ But as you read this material, the reverse is shown to be true — the military put the public safety in greater danger. I wrote Governor Barbara Roberts about this and was given a copy of a ‘blanket authorization’ issued to Charles Moose (no Martial Law involved) to use National Guard… dated AFTER they had been used, and AFTER the judges order had been violated, but claimed to authorize the prior events, as well. Moose, by the way, several times on live TV agreed to meet with me for interview but in over a half dozen attempts to do so, I was informed he was ‘on vacation’ that day. So was the City Attorney, the Mayor, the Police Public Relations Officer, and anyone else I attempted to interview in his stead.

The first thing we knew, soldiers burst into our bedroom and pulled us naked from our bed. Instead of identifying themselves or why they were there, they only cursed and called us foul names, telling us to shut up. They forced us to cower nude for a good part of an hour, not letting us ask even for our clothes or covers. Eventually, they told us they had a warrant, but they also made lewd comments about my wife’s nudity as if trying to provoke me to fight. I worried it was to justify shooting me, and held firm.

They repeatedly ran a drug dog onto the waterbed, records and electronics, and delicate items on shelving, running him back and forth to maximize damage. They trashed the house so bad you couldn’t even walk through some rooms from the overturned furniture. Even though they had access to the whole house and keys to all doors, they continued to smash windows and locks. They threw birth certificates and personal papers into the wet sink and trash, and spilled solvents and paints on expensive automotive manuals for my work. They took live ammunition out of its box, took it outside the building, and threw it into deep grass. I hate to think what could have happened if I had mowed the lawn without noticing.

They found no drugs, but they opened and took mail. They took cash from a recently cashed pay check, and an uncashed check from a relative. They took all sorts of contractual documents about our finances, as well as property titles and all of our personal ID. They didn’t even offer us a receipt. When I later tried to get our things back, they said I had to obtain a notarized statement which, because they had our ID, was impossible. When I pointed this out, they just laughed at me and said, ‘Tough luck.’

But that’s still not the worst. In serving the warrant, the soldiers surrounded the entire neighborhood and went into yards everywhere, also arriving in an armored personnel carrier and with an Army helicopter overhead. They shot my dog in the eye and fired shots over the head of a woman opening her back door to see why a neighbor child had burst into her house screaming in fear. They also fired shots at a neighbor who was simply walking in the street, and forced him to the ground and cuffed him. Another neighbor, his wife, and an infant where held at gunpoint on their own porch while their property was illegally searched — they were not listed on the warrant.

A Hispanic businessman standing by his truck with both hands already raised to light his smoke was shot twice without a word of warning. When he asked for help, they shouted racial slurs, and told him to shut up as they cuffed him. Everything described so far took place before the Police drove up to announce “Police” and “warrant.” No one mentioned thus far, except for our home, was listed on the warrant or even near property on the warrant.

Few heard the announcement of “Police” or “warrant” because of the noise from the Army helicopter and Armored tank-like vehicle. Despite many witnesses, Police denied shootings took place. It was later discovered they had used a new kind of “non-lethal” gun outlawed in Europe by every major law enforcement agency as being too dangerous for general use.

Note: The businessman, Johnny Senteno, eventually won a $100K cash settlement against Portland Police for the shooting, which was proven in court to have taken place. In my investigation, the head of the SWAT Team involved first agreed to speak with me but terminated the interview when I raised the point about the weapon involved, which fired a dense compressed pepper-spray-based compound intended to ‘disintegrate’ on impact to engulf one with pepper spray at distance. However, fired at near point-blank range, they fractured bones and left bruises which took weeks to heal.

Many people, including several bystanders having nothing to do with the raid, and a pregnant woman, were cuffed and held at gunpoint for hours but never arrested or told why they were being held. Only after the TV crews had left, were these people released. They were instead warned to “keep quiet about this” if they didn’t want any “future problems.”

Cops told media our neighborhood was a drug haven where you could get anything you want, but several independent investigators say only a Police informant ignored by the raid was ever seen dealing. One private investigator made several connections between the raid and the murder of Anthony Duane Shaw by Police — thought to be blackmailing dirty cops, as was the other person named on the raid warrant. One connection led to my house, and two to the other house raided.

Note: Myself and at least four independent filmmakers and radio or cable TV show producers spent an estimated 400 hours between us investigating the matter, resulting in more than 12 hours of radio and TV presentations. This was on the heels of a like investigation of Shaw being shot 13 times by Police (his family won a $100K wrongful death award). My part was the least of the effort, but my methods allowed me to get closer to the identity of background players and their motives, uncovering profitable leads resulting in the more interesting discoveries.

Their experience was much like ours, but there, Cops took even stranger stuff — a guitar, a video tape of an episode of a real-life Cops TV show, and absolutely everything in the yard and a garage which they promptly declared as junk and a nuisance — even though the items in the garage were neatly boxed. This was true because the occupants had just moved in — those named on the warrant no longer lived there. This was done outside of due process, and investigators believe it was not taken to the dump, but rather to a convenient place for detailed search conducted out of the eyes of all authority.

But the Police did make an arrest — despite admitting to the press that no drugs were found. In fact, they left some rooms unsearched, almost as if they had found what they were really looking for. They later said one marijuana joint was found. This was then changed to drug distribution on court documents, but by the time they went to court, it had become drug manufacturing. The person charged was the fellow with connections to Shaw, and who, like Shaw, had himself claimed to be blackmailing dirty cops to leave them out of their drug dealing. He was railroaded. He was such a dangerous felon, by the way, that he turned himself in when he learned of the raid on the news, driving back to Portland from out of town to do it.

Note: All charges were eventually dropped since there really had been no discoveries made in the raid. The entire matter seems to have been orchestrated to obtain blackmail evidence against bad cops and sanctioned CIA drug smuggling operations, a matter in which I would later witness first hand a known CIA front’s involvement.

They later did much the same to my wife, eventually arresting and prosecuting her on minor charges equally false: after the raid they followed us everywhere we went, even into restaurants; they repeatedly made awful, insulting comments in public about us; they stopped us for phony traffic violations all the time, illegally searching our car without probable cause; they eventually planted and “found” a small quantity of drugs in the car.

Should you not believe that, consider how likely you would be to carry drugs in your car knowing the Police continually followed and stopped you, and searched your car. Unbelievably, at least one person on the jury turned out to be connected to participants in the raid by virtue of real estate deals mentioned below. The State-provided lawyer did not protest an obviously rigged jury once notified, nor did he provide good defense in court, hardly opening his mouth unless the Judge spoke to him.

Note: These matters were heating up on Public TV cable shows and though the woman was found ‘guilty,’ before sentencing could take place, the matter started to unravel;  Maj. General Gene Katke, head of the Oregon National Guard resigned his post amid an investigation described as regarding financial mismanagement. I was subsequently told the Judge declined to sentence her to jail time and instead elected community service/probation.

Another thing uncovered in private investigation is that the raid, continual Police harassment after the raid, and perhaps even the reason behind the murder — had to do with some sort of land grab by a mysterious series of dummy corporations operated by law enforcement and government officials involved in the raid. Someone representing [REDACTED] Mortgage offered us half of market value for our house “so we could walk away from all the trouble.” He told me that “powerful law enforcement and government people were in the company,” so I “should sell to them if I didn’t want any more trouble.”

I also know there are direct ties between this man, the Police, and between the company and the houses where the raid and harassment took place — where the families recently moved out after things got too scary. Men shattered the windows and beat one of the tenants with baseball bats, and threatened them with shotguns — the one who did the beating was a cop named [REDACTED] who, despite being from another county, was also involved in the raid.

Note: that cop eventually tracked me down because of my investigation of this aspect of the matter, and took action; he approached me with a gun in a folded newspaper while I napped during my lunch hour in my car at work one day. But my Guardian Angel woke me and I saw him in the rearview, and quickly exited to face him. Seeing the gun and the look on his face, I motioned with my head to inform him I had been (deliberately) parked under our companies security camera. He did an about face and I had no more trouble with him.

He wound up being the new landlord, suddenly owning a large number of houses in the area. He only accepts cash for his rent, refuses to give receipts, and will not sign a lease or rental agreement. He continually evicts people suddenly in the middle of the night by ‘Police orders’ and then keeps all their possessions they were unable to take with them. If anyone complains or takes legal actions, they get the same treatment we got.

The neighborhood continues to be harassed. Cops follow and stop most of us who have not yet sold our homes, drive by at all hours shining lights in windows, or they just sit and endlessly watch. They make us afraid to go outside. Some neighbors have been beaten by Police, had threats of arrest “to teach you a lesson,” and even threats of death. After beating one man in his front yard for mouthing back at the cops, they dragged his wife by her hair on the gravel roadway while she was wearing only a bathing suit — all in front of their kids. Despite the beating and the rough treatment, they made no arrests — underscoring that it was not “in the line of duty” or because they “resisted arrest,” though they were threatened with jail time.

Our house has been bugged, confirmed by the fact that arguments between me and my wife were being picked up on neighborhood short-wave radios, and covert entry was made to leave things, probably planted evidence for the next time. I’ve only told you a small part of the problem — I could go on for pages. Something is very wrong, and we worry that they will do something even worse. We have been tipped by friends close to Police sources to expect another raid, soon.

We are very afraid. Someone needs to expose what’s going on. Even though my wife and I have never had a history of problems with Police, they are now there every time we turn around. Our Police files were nonexistent before the raid, but now, they are inches thick with all the Police reports executed through the many harassment efforts. Not one entry has been legitimately made, but they make sure there are never witnesses, so we can’t prove it or file charges.

Rush Limbaugh mentioned the illegal use of the Guard on his show, but he didn’t know about the rest. You do, so be careful. If they want my house, they might want yours, too, since you are my neighbor. The cop has gotten at least seven houses in the neighborhood so far. You might be next…

End of original material

military police state repeal of posse comitatus

Summary Notes

I eventually managed to speak to the man representing the Mortgage company and learned that he himself was coerced and beaten (lost two front teeth) if refusing to help, and NOT an employee of the firm. He was, in fact, the ‘Police drug informant’ beaten with bats. When he did what he was told, he said, he was provided with drugs as reward.

He indicated that Governors of at least two states (he mentioned Arizona, California), city officials, and various law enforcement people had set up a company to purchase properties as silent partners (illegally concealing their identities). He told me houses were painted in a particular combinations of various two-tone colors to indicate who ‘owned’ and got the income from a given acquired property. Indeed, I found more than two dozen homes in the greater neighborhood with these identical paint combinations, in under thirty minutes time.

He also provided me with a copy of an ad used to secure renters for the homes. It had a phone number which went directly to Clackamas County Corrections, the very place where I had already identified a CIA asset working as a corrections officer, along with several bounty hunters trained at a CIA school in California. The phone number was an answering machine which simply asked you to leave your own phone number. I left mine, and it was shortly after that that I was visited by the Sheriff with the gun in a newspaper.

I later followed up with the Mortgage company and clues there led me to a CIA front involved in each transaction. That investigation led to discovery of a murder in the State Capital which seemed to be tied to acquisition of businesses in like manner as the homes. The more public the affair became on Public Access TV, the more things began to unravel, and the hotter it got.

There were more attempts on my life, including a ‘traffic stop for a burned out tail light’ by no fewer than nine local, county, state, and federal cars. Fortunately, my Wife was driving in her car with me, and stopped, thwarting what was presumed to be an intended replay of the referenced broad daylight murder of Shaw by a similar stop. Unarmed, he was shot to death by nine officers as he sat in his car with both hands on his steering wheel as commanded. He had allegedly tried to run down a Police officer between his car and one of the two cop cars which were literally bumper to bumper with his (their story), which conflicted with eye witness statements.

Before it was over, not only had the General resigned, but also, but the elected Clackamas County Sheriff Ris Bradshaw. The CIA fronts went under ground, and $12M worth of ‘confiscated homes’ were sold by the city to fund Police operations. I sent a letter of inquiry to Governor Evan Mecham of Arizona, and he also resigned that same month after being convicted on unrelated felony charges before that lead could be pursued. Naturally, there was no response to my inquiry.

I was just a citizen acting as a investigative writer for my book (Fatal Rebirth) on abuse of power issues. Don’t let anyone tell you a single individual cannot stand against the machine and make a difference by speaking out — and especially by joining with others of like mind. One General, one Sheriff, one Governor resigned, CIA fronts shut down, stolen houses converted from graft to public revenue, and more… thanks to our efforts to get at and tell the truth. Yes, it was risky, but why live a life in fear of living it to the fullest of potential? If they can cower you that way, you are not as free as they wish you to believe.