Psyops TV: How They Dumb You Down to Set You Up

You are being indoctrinated and conditioned to accept the Orwellian nightmare. Cancel that. You have been, and here is how.

by H. Michael Sweeney
copyright © 2013, all rights reserved. Permission to repost hereby granted provided entire post with all links in tact, including this paragraph, are included.

How can you spot psyops on television? Easy. Just turn it on!

Update: April 20, 2013 Made correction to heading numbering, and to add this commentary based on media coverage of the Boston Marathon bombing:

Hillary Clinton’s worries about loosing the information war to the Internet were most clearly mandated in the Sandy Hook matter when manipulated media was never more obvious. They made so many mistakes in presenting ‘facts’ that it is no wonder that conspiracy theories were popping up faster than for JFK’s murder.

Then came the Boston attack by two Brothers, and it is suddenly a 180 degree shift, almost as if CBS, the only network I was able to observe (but perhaps others) had actually read this blog page and fixed everything I’ve cited, as well as repaired the flawed methods employed in Sandy Hook for getting out the official falsehoods. No more conflicting facts, replaced instead on continual source checking and self correction, and plenty of differentiation between solid sources and conjecture.

They also dumped the psyops special viewing effects described herein, making it very possible for the most dumbed down of us to follow along and not get confused. It was 1950’s quality newscasts, all over again, but in living color. If all of media would follow this model, and do their job to question questionable government reports, there would be no reason for we conspiracy theorists (their term for questioning contradictions in what we are told) to worry the likes of Clinton.

This does not, of course, prove there was no false flag event involved, or a broader conspiracy yet to be uncovered, but the point is, there is no set of conflicting statements to fuel speculation of any such conspiracy. I don’t see conspiracy being the case, though there are some things which bother me about the affair which I’ll save for another blog well after the dust has settled.

I’d like to offer three cheers to all of law enforcement at all levels for a hard-won effort, and to media for doing their job the way they are supposed to, per the best tenants of Journalism. Keep it up, and you can put people like me out of business, and me happier for it! End of update.

Was the Boston Marathon bombing false flag?

What you will learn reading this blog:

• Documented CIA and similar covert media psyops programs have been run on us as far back as 1914, and likely, before;
• Media disinfo and conditioning is a form of Political Control Technology, a polite term for mind control;
• TV programming is designed to make us fearful enough to accept military rule and violation of Constitutional rights;
• TV news employs psyops science in visual presentation as a key tool for dumbing down;
• TV ‘entertainment’ is often a dumbing down tool and/or conditions us for dark things to come;
• One small group controls and insures that school textbooks jump-start young people toward the dumbed-down state.

Can TV be used in mind control? Yes!

In 1968 you got a simple, direct presentation of news. Still images in the background, moving images filled the screen replacing the reporter. Simple, informative.

In 1968 you got a simple, direct presentation of news. Still images in the background, moving images filled the screen replacing the reporter. Simple, informative.

In defense of Television executives, media moguls, and producers everywhere, they have largely been duped into cooperating in TV psyops unknowingly… well, yes there are quite a few very eager to go along, too. After all, Fascists exist in every industry sector, especially when the New World Order crowd deems media control a priority; one of the key steps in the Illuminait’s original 1776 plan to establish a New World Order (they coined the phrase); a long-term plan to establish a one-World government that they might seat the Antichrist.

But here and now in contemporary times, the tools of psyops are all powerful, and the Illuminati would seem well and alive in the Globalist ’round table’ enclaves such as the Council on Foreign Relations, the Bilderbergers, the Skull and Bones, Rhodes Scholarships, and on and on. But we are talking here about their operatives, not their leadership; the ones who effect psyops in support of such agenda.

That means we are talking about CIA, military, and military-industrial-complex infiltration and manipulation of media, which is why in my books on abuse of power by and crimes of the New World Order, I call it the Military Industrial Intelligence Media Complex (MIIM). We start this examination by going back a little bit in time, as what has come before has been in building block fashion…

Does the military industrial complex use psyops to make us want a war? Yes!

Stage 1: Operation Mockingbird

Actually, stage 1 predated Mockingbird, and yet was its archetype. It took place pre WWI, when the Powder Interests (arms industry, predecessors to the military industrial complex) bought control of 26 newspapers to change public opinion about entering into the war.

Note of whimpering: I would normally send you to a link at my own Web site with the full Congressional Record proof of the matter, but the IRS has effectively shut down my income producing sites leaving me to live on about $530 a month after paying them $150 against some $6,000 of the National Debt seemingly engineered for the purpose. So the link illustrating the matter will take you elsewhere. Any contributions via PayPal using proparanoid at century link net would help put me back online. End of whimpering, for now.

America was, at the time, quite Pacifist in view, until the bought media began reporting in unison the lie that German soldiers were regularly raping and then cutting off the breasts of Belgium women, especially Nuns. That, and like reported crimes never happened, at least not as claimed, though you still find citations that it did based on the original reports even today. Post war research verifies NO SUCH CLAIMS.

There was one oft cited incident as ‘proof’ of such. The victim was not a Nun, as reported by a Belgian soldier’s commentaries  published in a book by the American Defense Society in 1918. That group was formed in 1915 with ex military, arms merchants, and others and was quite militant, led by non other than Theodore Roosevelt, who had lost the 1912 election against Pacifist Wilson. This was AFTER media reports about the atrocities and seems an attempt to ‘prove’ the matter after the fact. They hardly needed bother, as anyone who questioned such reports was decried as un-American, unpatriotic, and a Socialist traitor. ADS believed in enforcing Sedition policies (criticizing or questioning government was treated as a crime).

Such tactics changed our mood as a nation. So when they also illegally secreted munitions aboard the cargo holds of the Luxury Liner RMS Lucitania, and then let the Germans know about it… the Germans did the predictable thing and sank the ship, sparking enough outrage that we finally went to war. Now, while we are wanting to talk TV, here, and a bit perhaps about the film industry, closely related — what they learned in 1917 would apply once TV had gotten its foothold in the American landscape.

The National Security Act of 1947 saw the birth of CIA, Department of Defence, the National Security Council, and all resulting sins, including mind control projects. The lesser known story, as revealed in my book set, Fatal Rebirth, is that the Act was sponsored by the evolving Powder Industry, as well. In fact, they threatened to establish a civilian operated equivalent of CIA if Truman did not move Congress to do so.

As it happens, a relative on my Wife’s side was right in the middle of that, serving both directly in the Truman White House as State Department liaison, and later, a like role for the Secretary of Defense. I had access to a trunk load of his papers going back to WWI, where he was Army Intelligence. ‘Uncle’ George Bernard Nobel was also a Rhodes Scholar who later helped establish Pacific Rim Globalist round table groups while professor at Reed College, to whom we donated his papers — save the WWII code books disguised as Masonic lodge codebooks (a different one every 90 days), which I retained.

One of the earliest projects undertaken by CIA, of course, was to attack United States citizenry with the same exact covert war tools it would later apply against other countries they wanted to topple: disinformation through media infiltration and control. Called Operation Mockingbird, CIA put thousands of agents to work in all forms of news media, and bribed or intimidated, blackmailed, or misled legitimate reporters, producers, and moguls to cooperate. Don’t take my word for it, it, too, is in the Congressional Record.

It continues today in many ways, though Mockingbird was ‘discontinued,’ after it was revealed in the 1970s through Congressional investigation… after nearly 30 years of disinformation damage. One early example of particular note close to my heart was the coining of the phrase ‘conspiracy theorist’ by ex Army intelligence officer, Walter Cronkite. This was used to discredit and quell the many questions arising in the public’s mind over ties between JFK’s murder and CIA and the military, and the Mob partnership behind the plot, as eventually proven in courtroom testimony by ex CIA Agents involved  (Hunt vs. Liberty Lobby).

Another close to my heart was the deliberate and methodical placement of jokes in comedy shows regarding tin foil hats (continues today there, and on the Web), implying anyone/anything relating to the possibility of mind control was ‘loony.’ In truth, the joke were sparked because a particular man in NYC entered a Police Precinct wearing a tin foil hat claiming he was being mind controlled by CIA experiments.

Totally ignored and shoved out the door with suggestions he see a shrink, his body was later found… minus tin foil hat, where there were dozens of electrodes implanted in his brain. This made the newspapers, and within weeks TV sitcoms began having jokes about tin foil hats here, there, and everywhere. There is no Web link regarding that unfortunate victim’s news accounts now that my sites are shut down, but I have also documented it in my book, MC Realities.

Here is another look at Mockingbird by one of America’s last true investigative journalists, Carl Bernstien, of Watergate fame. But the important part is that television played an important role in early Mockingbird, a role which would eventually prove key to getting Bush and Nixon into the White House, the start of the Bush Dynasty. That, and CIA ‘adapted’ software used to ‘count’ votes in America (the book Votescam, by James and Kenneth Collier, is a good place to review, the very first chapter).

How does TV dumb us down?

Stage 2: Indoctrination to set you up

50s & 60s TV: Broderick Crawford's Highway Patrol, and The Man From U.N.C.L.E. featuring Robert Vaughn and David McCallum of NCIS fame as Soviet Illya Kuryakin

50s & 60s TV: Broderick Crawford’s Highway Patrol, and The Man From U.N.C.L.E. featuring Robert Vaughn and David McCallum of NCIS fame as Soviet born Illya Kuryakin

Coincidental with Mockingbird was infiltration of Hollywood and TV programming with propaganda which continues at a heightened pace, today. I’m talking about the early use of documentary-style portrayals of real-world, and later, fictional events involving ‘white hat’ Agencies. The first of note was I Led Three Lives, a dramatization of the true-life story of an advertising executive who was actually a covert undercover FBI double agent within the Communist Party, where he was involved in aiding and yet subverting plots to overthrow the United States. It taught us to fear the Reds all over again after McCarthyism. Then came FBI, staring Efram Zimbalist, Jr., which overtly went after the Communists as well as bank robbers, kidnappers, and other nasties — in an America where the only car maker was apparently Ford, as the streets were filled with the sponsor’s product; an early product placement strategy where even the bad guys drove them.

The purpose of these shows was: a) to make you glad we had such agencies by; b) portraying evil everywhere, and c) always getting the best of the bad guys by being good guys, upright, moral, and always operating legally. It worked. I loved those shows as a kid, as did my parents. As consequence, a whole generation of young grew up wanting to join the FBI, CIA, Police, and so forth. CIA had shows like Robert Culp/Bill Cosby (in a serious role!) in I Spy and Patrick McGoohan as Secret Agent, not to mention The Man From U.N.C.L.E. (a secret United Nations version of CIA that taught us to trust the U.N. to watch out for us) and interest in law enforcement was fueled by endless Cop shows, of which there were so many over the years as to be pointless in naming, except perhaps for Jack Webb’s Dragnet, and Broderick Crawford’s Highway Patrol, two of the earliest successes.

Fast forward to recent times, and they’ve refined the tactic to condition us to military dominion. But also with a mental switch being thrown… as they now want us to think that its OK for the good guys to not be so legally upright. You know… ‘the ends justifies the means’ thinking (a Fascist’s motto). It started with shows like JAG (Judge Advocate General), where the military justice and investigation system was quite well presented that we should think it as good as civilian justice, coincidentally more or less synchronous with A Few Good Men, a major motion picture equivalent with Jack Nicholson and Tom Cruise. Well, they at least obeyed military law and procedure, but the next wave was a bit more ‘loose’ about it, spin offs from JAG, mostly.

That would be  NCIS and a flood of sister/spinoff/parent shows where you are guaranteed in each and every episode to see someone’s privacy illegally invaded at the touch of a computer or other act (but it is OK, it is the military/government, after all, and they would certainly watch out for us innocent folks who have nothing to hide, right? Besides, the bad guys don’t deserve the same treatment as we would want for ourselves, do they?) Rights should be contingent upon government’s judgment, we are to believe, and they seem pretty free to make instant judgements in these shows… “Already done, Boss,” as McGee (Sean Murry) says so frequently in NCIS.

Note: Indeed this is exactly what the Constitution of the NewStates of America spells out. The document is intended to replace the current Constitution after Martial Law and military rule, according to former Naval Intelligence Officer, William Cooper, who discovered the document had been prepared at a cost of $25 million by a NWO think tank. In Fatal Rebirth, the entire document is analyzed verse by verse to reveal that there are no guaranteed rights. All are conditional, and all are subject to retroactive cancellation, and more than one authority may so decree. Anyone may be ruled an enemy of the State at any time for any reason.

Such shows also tend to have advanced alien-caliber technological capabilities which work instantaneously to provide, in the nick of time for both the plot and the next commercial break, the critical evidence. This aspect is also present in many of the crime fighting counterparts such as Numbers (where they in each show attempt to present, but I have yet to see, a scientifically correct presentation of their questionable methodology), Profiler (gets us used to the idea that profiling, normally a negative term, is a bit like pre-crime thought police, and a good thing — we need more cops on our streets, and a few more in our heads), CSI, and so forth, proving to us Citizens that we ought be good and fully obedient, because like Santa, the cops and the Federales can always find out who’s’ naughty and nice, no matter what. Obey, or they will get you.

The truth is, though you may yet still doubt it, you are being set up for military control. More on that notion in the summary. And yet, it is a double whammy, because everything the TV moguls have learned about how TV can be used to manipulate you for the purposes outlined, can also be applied in marketing to boost advertiser sales. So while you are being dumbed down and set up, you are also being convinced you need (everything). So don’t just obey, but also, order yours today, and be sure to borrow heavily to do it! Remember, debt is the ultimate form of non violent control, and the last thing you want is to force them to resort to violence (which is inevitable, anyway, because they have to get the guns, you know – another reason for needing to stage an event worthy of Martial Law).

Does news deliberately dumb us down? Absolutely!

Stage 3: News Manipulation to dumb you down

We will talk about a number of things here, and a bit later, we will look at some specific technical methods employed. This section sets the stage. I’d send you to my Web site for the 25 Rules of Disinformation, all of which are easy to see illustrated in news in general. But I can’t (still whimpering and hoping for your kind contribution), so here is one of the many dozens of sites which have reproduced it, my most popular piece ever, with many tens of millions of downloads.  You will find that each ploy is used on you every day, either directly by media, or by those they are interviewing without doing their job of asking hard questions when things don’t make sense as result of the ploy(s) elected.

So when they tell us there were four pistols ONLY found in Sandy Hook, and the Rifle was locked in the car, but all the kids were shot with a Bushmaster, and moreover, virtually every round fired by the 3,000 foot per second high powered bullets not only hit a target (almost no misses), but also stayed in the bodies… we tend to accept it as ‘factual.’ No wonder there are so many conspiracy theories afoot about that, and other news stories of our time. And this is proof of dumbing down, because more than half the people are NOT questioning the ‘facts,’ all effectively turned into Ozzian Scarecrows in search of a brain; straw-stuffed Sheeple.

Used to be, Newsmen listened to what sources were telling them, reported that, and when finding inconsistencies, pursued them until they had an answer, and told us that, too, wether it was a good or bad answer. They also used ‘redactions’ or other correction notices to update us when things became clearer. Now you get the official line, and on to the next story before you think something was amiss. Heaven forbid we should dare ask about the man behind the curtain.

Got a war? Imbed the journalists with psyops media warriors to insure news cameras see only what they are supposed to see, and report what is allowed to be reported (patriotic pro war). Those not willing to be embedded, get shot up by helicopter gunships and tanks just to make sure they might ought prefer to be embedded. And yet, there is even disinfo and psyops taking place in such friendly fire incidents…

Who is most often central to those reports? Reuters, an original CIA Operation Mockingbird front which was (at one time, at) owned outright by CIA, though you won’t find that in a Google Search (you used to be able to do so). It is listed in my books, and of course, at my sites (whimper). My favorite photograph (also at my Web site) is a news crew in Africa interviewing some Nigerians about terrorist activities in the region, and the guy holding the sound boom has a T-shirt which reads, “NOT CIA.”  Really?

Which brings us to some more dumbing down/setting up. Remember that series of ‘bin Laden’ videos we kept seeing after 9-11 ‘obtained’ with messages for the World? If you are not afraid of terrorists, you won’t put up with oppressive Constitutionally neutering laws and atrocities by TSA, unconstitutional border checks 60 miles inland on highways not even going to the Border, and military gunships letting go  with their Gattlings near your kid’s school.  Internationally (but not in America), experts on bin Laden, on the Arabic language, and in governments far and wide were stating publicly on THEIR news that the videos were fake (eventually admitted to by CIA), not bin Laden, but a look-alike, and not saying what was claimed, at all.

Keep in mind every news outlet in America of any clout ALWAYS keeps tabs on what other nation’s media are talking about. That’s one way they learn about newsworthy events around the World, and about how other nation’s see events in America, which is often an element of the ongoing story, here. So it isn’t just experts in America they were deliberately ignoring, they were also pretending no one else in the World was talking about it. Deliberate psyops by concealment. That’s willful malfeasance, and as such disinformation has effectively cost American lives, makes them complicit in murder,should anyone wish to file a lawsuit.

But, thanks to the Internet, we eventually as a collective consciousness began to realize the tapes were phony, and we also began picking up on stories which revealed that the Iraqi troops bayonetting of babies in Kuwaiti hospitals in order to steal their incubators was, like the Belgium women’s breast story… an official CIA hoax. Now here is where we see yet another manipulation of media, this time the Internet. As recent as two years ago (last time I did it, anyway), you could find mainstream coverage on the Web of the revelation that this was a lie fostered by a Public Relations firm that is listed as a CIA front. Not now. Now you can only find blogger, Youtube, my closed Web site, and foreign media reports. One of the Rules of Disinformation is, after all, ‘If you don’t print it (or hide it, later), it didn’t happen.’

It was roughly in this time frame, in my opinion, that America began to realize that we hardly EVER got the truth from Washington, or for the matter, the Washington Post, New York Times, Time Magazine, CNN, MSNBC, ABC, et. al. The led to…

What is the information war? Disinformation at its finest.

Stage 4: The Information War

The information war was officially on between the Internet via outspoken activists, investigative writers, and indeed, conspiracy theorists who sought only the truth, and the MIIM complex and their minions of control, mainstream media. This was recently officially acknowledged in a recent remark to Congress by Hillary Clinton as Head of the U.S. State Department, obliquely referencing the Internet in and among a larger collective of ‘alternative media’:

“We are in an information war and we are loosing that war.”

Of course, you only got the sanitized version from the Washington Post and other mainstream outlets. They would have you believe she was only worried about foreign news networks such as Al Jazeera, and RT (Russian Television) News. Both of these outlets offer English speaking versions and are enjoying American viewing attention at up to 100 times greater than failing american media giants. And where are they getting all the attention? Not via TV sets, but the Internet, a little detail omitted in the telling of her story by those media giants.

But who can blame us for wanting to hear what other countries say when we find out our own country is lying to us? And I mean BIG TIME. Did you know the Pentagon knew the date of the Afghan invasion and was sending Colin Powel and top US Generals around to our allies to arrange for multinational support well before Sept. 11 attacks? What? You thought we only went to war when there was a just cause? Would it help you to know that Australian, Indian, UK, and Russian news sources were talking about this before Sept. 11 and wondering how we were going to justify war with a backward non technological country rich with oil, gas, and illegal drug growing operations?

Clearly, someone in the military knew in advance there was going to be a ‘Big Wedding’ (al Qaeda’s alleged codename for 9-11) event, and was sending out guest invitations. But American media dare not report that fact before the event, or you would realize 9-11 was an inside job. Truthers exist everywhere, as result of the endless conflicting facts, but are belittled by media in self defense; if they admitted the truth, they would be confessing complicity to a conspiracy to mass murder.

And yet they continue to loose ground, making it an urgent matter for the Globalsist to more quickly move toward Martial Law, because THAT will also enable…

Stage 5: Internet 3.0, the Kill Switch, and political censorship

Congress has repeatedly attempted to redefine the Internet towards political censorship, a matter which deserves its own blog, and indeed, many good articles already abound. Take a look at SOPA, PIPA, and CISPA, for instance (Congressional Bill nicknames). But if there is a Martial Law, the Web will be shut down, as will be phones, mail service, and radio/TV as we know it. The only communications allowed will be government to you, and mostly unpleasant in nature. Moreover, it will be illegal to criticize government publicly.

Eventually, services will be restored, but at that point, you will not be able to rely upon the Web for ANYTHING short of government and corporate approved content. A total Police State will have been achieved, and we will be dealing with the NewStates of America, which will move to form (as enabled by the new Constitution) the North American Union in support of the march to a one-World government, and the Antichrist’s End Game.

Fortunately, we are not there, yet. But they are preparing us for that day, conditioning us daily in our TV news feeds. And to help us get the right message, they use clever visual tricks to go with the information they want us to come away with (and minus that they are unwilling to reveal). That brings us to the most interesting section, in my view…

How does TV dumb us down?

The psyops science behind TV News

CNN has so much going on visually you cannot possibly avoid dumbing down to the story presented

CNN has so much visual clutter you cannot possibly avoid dumbing down to the story

A seldom noticed tool for dumbing down is right in front of your eyes when watching modern network (and to a degree, local) news programs. It is the methodology (psyops science) of visual presentation. Compare today’s methods as we examine them to the image at page top from a 1968 newscast. Which one is likely to better insure your attention is focused on the words you hear and the key photos or moving images representing the actual news topic under discussion? The answer MUST be, the old way. A mind’s attention divided against itself by distractions cannot be whole in thought. It’s how accidents happen in the real World. It’s how dumbing down happens in the news world.

First Example: CNN; the sample images are divided into zones for discussion purposes. I have additionally outlined areas in red which represent special effects being applied in unique ways with respect to transparency. When things are transparent, and especially when the background is indiscernible, it allow the subconscious mind to be confused; something solid seems real and factual, that which is nebulous is less real or concrete, and more implied than factual.

Zone 1, a and b parts — is showing a moving graphical pattern promoting the news program, which in this case really is not a news program at all, but a news spin mechanism to take a select news story and make sure you get the official slant in a way that interfaces well with the greater Globalist agenda (i.e., gun control is good, OWS and Internet activists are bad, etc.). You literally see it in her eyes; ‘You have to believe me!’ There is no synchronicity in the movement of the background pattern between the zones, giving your mind a kind of subconscious mental puzzle to resolve… is it the same pattern, or isn’t it?

Zone 2 is also in two parts. The official CNN Logo (b) is animated over a separately animated background (a), to create a mental 3-D puzzle of sorts. An element of the puzzle is that the background is nebulous and hard to grasp, with just enough detail to imply there should be something there recognizable, and yet, just as you think you understand what it is, it is not. There is actually a 3rd unmarked zone I failed to note at first… the blackened rectangle at the lower-right corner. It also contains the same CNN image machinations, but the color has been removed, creating yet another puzzle for the subconscious to resolve.

Zone 3 in two parts — is yet another play on the name of the show, with things in motion. The name scrolls to the left in (a), competing with and drawing your eye away from any other text which appears, and then vanishing with transparency into part (b), which is where they want your attention to go (nothingness). So when the text changes and your eye darts to it (distracts you from the spoken word or other video present), you are additionally distracted subconsciously by the scrolling text adjacent; two tiers of distraction, one distracting you from the other.

Zone 4 in four parts — four different text sections, each able to change for various reasons, which may be synchronous as with a complete change of presentation topic, or asynchronous within a presentation to provide additional timed distractions. The worse offenders would be those texts which scroll endlessly. Your eyes dart back and forth endlessly, unless one thing seems more important momentarily. Regardless, you mind has been divided repeatedly.

What you are left with in most such shows, is no fewer than a half dozen moving images and as many textual elements, all competing for attention to subtly make it less likely that you will remember much more than the most basic of details — such that most Americans STILL TODAY, (of those who favor TV as their news source) are not even aware of the conflicting facts about guns at Sandy Hook, much less any of the other controversies. They simply were unable to absorb the needed level of detail to say “Wait a minute. Yesterday you said one thing, and now you are saying another?” Naturally, they also don’t realize they’ve been fed yet another magic bullet story (several, actually).

It is a Globalist's tactic, so we find it in news Globally

It is a Globalist’s tactic, so we find it in news Globally

Second Example: Univision; every network, indeed, every show, has to have a different ‘skin’ to make it visually identifiable. So a second example gives us a look at other ways to do the same thing within such skin changes. Here we see Zone 1 — a giant moving graphic element in four parts of the screen, all of which employs color cycling to further divide the parts. Color cycling is a psychotic technique which relaxes and subdues the conscious mind. Within it words are alive with motion, another layer of distraction. It is pervasive but cleverly segmented by other elements such that it is as if four separate, but synchronous sections, each competing for attention subconsciously.

Zone 2 in two parts — the primary (a) is the Reporter or first talking head. Multiple talking heads with their own window is a popular skin construct, one which especially becomes a great distractionary tool when you allow each person to speak over the other in heated manner which never seems to let but one side make their point fully… but the viewer, conditioned over time to side with the presenter’s viewpoint, simply sees ‘them winning the argument,’ and not them manipulating the flow of dialog. Else how do you explain ANY popularity for the likes of Torry turned ‘American Pontificator’ Piers Morgan, and the countless talking heads of like ilk?

Part (b) — is supplemental text information for labeling window content, and can change to other information for distractionary purposes. The question is, why is it important to tell us it is the Studio when we know that? Or to name the party just introduced or the newsperson we are used to seeing? We already know these things; they are simply there as a decisive distractionary tool. Every time they change, our eyes and attention are tempted to be diverted.

Zone 3 — in two parts is the second window for alternate video or added talking heads. This reduced viewing area will LIMIT the detail we are allowed in the news presentation. They might allow us the luxury of full screen video for things where they want us to absorb something (i.e., the full scope of violence by protestors), or elect the minimal viewing window when they’d rather we not so easily see something (i.e., police violence). Sure, sometimes it does not matter, and sometimes there may be no deliberate intent inherent in such changes. But the tool is there if they need it.

Zone 4 — is a replay of CNN’s, with an additional 5th part. There is no intrinsic difference in strategy or use. Again we find special effects using transparency along with motion (red outlined area near lower right corner). In this case, text is scrolling which is not quite readable without great effort, the same text (I think) as used in the main background (Zone 1), but scrolling the opposite direction. How distracting is that? It has to be intentional.

Worse, if there is any actual verbal content in all that scrolling background text, it is being absorbed by the subconscious. There is therefore the potential for subliminal programming, an early CIA developed mind control trick — but I do not know it is present, nor can I make such a determination as I do not read Spanish, and the original image is not clear enough to support translation efforts. I would defer to anyone with more direct specific analysis.

So, tell me again, Hillary, Piers,, about Sandy Hook, 9-11, and why you don’t believe there is a conspiracy afoot somewhere in those engineered tragedies, and other controversies which flood the evil Internet? Oh… because people believe what you tell them to believe. I should have known better, since the public all went to school using text books approved by a handful of people in Texas appointed by George Bush to globalist standards… and most other States will not approve books unless the Texas group has first approved them.

Yes, I’m talking about the same people that insured text books sent to Afghani schools a decade before September 11 used pictures of bombs and guns and grenades for counting exercises… just in time to create a generation of terrorists… and then replaced them with pictures of wholesome things once we invaded. How could anyone believe anything else than the official message, given the running start on dumbing down such programming gives them? But you know, that’s yet another news story that’s vanished from the Web, of late, so why do I waste my time arguing with you?

Its the people who think for themselves I’m really concerned with reaching.

Who is winning the information war? YOU — if you pay attention!

About Author H. Michael Sweeney

Author of privacy/security/abuse of power, Founder Free Will Society, PALADINs (Post Apocalyptic Local Area Defense Information Network)

Posted on March 20, 2013, in Abuse of Power, Conspiracy, Government, History, Journalism, military, News Events, Political Commentary, Uncategorized and tagged , , , , , , , , , . Bookmark the permalink. 2 Comments.

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