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The REAL Reason FEMA Promotes Emergency Preparedness?

FEMA and the rest of government seems quite paranoid about disasters of late, but clues suggest there are hidden reasons behind urging preparations — not the earthquakes, floods, nor fires they talk about. Conspiracy theories based upon dialogs by geophysicists, astrophysicists, and politicos seem far more likely the cause, and that puts a whole different face on what ‘preparation’ should involve and mean for you.

Why is government pushing emergency preparedness?

by H. Michael Sweeney

copyright © 2013, all rights reserved. Permission to repost hereby granted provided entire post with all links in tact, including this paragraph, are included.

Can we really trust FEMA?

Reading this post series in three parts you will learn…

  • That there are significant reasons you absolutely should have an emergency preparedness program in place;
  • These reasons go well beyond natural disasters FEMA implies of concern;
  • There is a logical preparedness program that accommodates all concerns…
  • A program which should be considered by privately-held businesses as well as families:
  • It is NOT approved by FEMA, DHS, the Military, or other elements of the New World Order

What is the history of the emergency broadcast system?

Time was…

I very clearly remember the ‘Red Scare’ spillover from McCarthyism which translated to ‘fear the bomb’ in the 1950’s and 60’s… starting with the Eisenhower White House: Air Raid sirens were tested weekly or daily, typically at a fixed time of day as if a Church Bell announcing Noon. I was a teen during the Cuban Missile Crises under Kennedy, when talk of the day was the home Fallout Shelter, and at school, we had ‘duck and cover’ drills as often as fire drills. But the scare wore off by the 70’s, and sirens and shelters were no longer in vogue, though every downtown building tended to have a well marked public shelter.  Yawn.

Fast Forward, Bush I White House: For no visible or announced reason at all, the Emergency Alert System (EAS) and CONELRAD Radio alert system which had in evolutionary form driven those sirens for two decades was turned back on in the 90’s, and updated for improved use with TV. But rarely was it tested, and then typically late at night between late-show snoozes. Just fire drills at school. No more sirens, unless there was perhaps a fire or other actual emergency. Very unobtrusive. No problem.

Fast Forward, Bush II White House: Suddenly, somewhat synchronous with the formation of Homeland Security, these alerts started increasing in frequency and were randomly interrupting all manner of broadcasts at any time of day. They now had the ability to actually take over newer televisions, even if turned off or in use with a VCR at the time. Somewhere along the way, it was expanded to include hazardous weather condition reports and the AMBER ALERT system for missing children. Schools still worried about fires. OK. Well, perhaps.

What kind of threats should an emergency preparedness plan address?

The current threat assessment

What does FEMA think is different about 2013? (Click – from FEMA ‘resolve’ page)

Fast Forward, Sorento White House: Suddenly, and synchronous with DHS seeking to buy 1.4 billion rounds of ammunition (that’s several Vietnam wars worth), all over and above military orders… not to mention a long list of equally disturbing purchase efforts involving coffins, ‘emergency housing’ which more closely resembled prison camps, food and water stores, vaccinations and anti-biotics… numbering in the millions more often than not — the tests started increasing in frequency and in duration. Annoying. Suspiciously omnipresent, excessively foreboding.

What bothers me most is a synchronous rush request for proposals on delivery of emergency preparedness items and relocation and readiness orders to military to FEMA Region III (Atlantic Seaboard States near D.C.), all with a date of October of this year. In fact, much of FEMA’s promotional material is geared to 2013, specifically. Most of the darker things cited in this post are happening right now in 2013 or otherwise generally depicted as an immediate potential threat.

Worse, both DHS and FEMA have started multiple high-profile media campaigns suggesting we all need emergency kits and emergency plans. This is also all simultaneous to a bit of mainstream news and much suppressed facts being revealed on the Web regarding an approaching Planet X, approaching comets, several near misses by planet-killing asteroids, and a flurry of unusual meteor activity to include nuclear blast-strength explosions in our atmosphere (the Russian meteor injured nearly 2,000 people and caused significant wide-spread structural damage over hundreds of miles). And there is more…

Also simultaneous are geo-political and financial threats the likes of which have never been seen in the history of the planet, each threatening dire unrest to the point of forcing Martial Law. While this goes on, the sun is spitting gigantic record bursting electromagnetic pulses at us and the pole is shifting, Fukushima is continuing to increase its threat, not to mention shifting weather patterns and an increase in seismic activities of Biblical proportions. Dare I mention strange phenomenon like objects orbiting the sun, mysterious loud and scary sounds heard over thousands of square miles, two suns and other oddities in the skies day and night? Endless wars somehow always tied to terrorism and oil keep being announced. No wonder large numbers of people are actually starting to think End Times might actually be around the corner.

The end of oil supply as we know it indeed approaches. Extremist terror groups pose theoretical threat of biological, chemical, or nuclear WMD. Criminal nations threaten to attack us with nuclear weapons. China is on the verge of surpassing the US as super power, and their top military leader has said war with the US is inevitable; their only answer to that being to strike first.  Man-made bio weapons, nanotech, and even genomic weapons are being developed daily by all modern military powers, and we get cover stories expressed as worries of a natural pandemic outbreak of catastrophic proportions. The Center for Disease Control has even gone so far as to talk about preparation for a Zombie apocalypse, and there is some evidence it is not as tongue-in-cheek as they profess. Don’t forget chemtrails and the feared NWO depopulation plot.

Actual soldier patrolling American Street. UNACCEPTABLE! (click –

The worst part is all the talk about a possible military takeover, martial law, a new Constitution and a North American Union. Why, that’s nothing short of saying the Antichrist is coming to power… and some say that’s the case, too. Agenda 21, GMO crops, Codex Alimentarius, the Small Arms Treaty (goodby 2nd Amendment), etc.  All these things tie in one to another as if all by some organized conspiracy (Illuminati?) After all, they say, the Norway Spirals were likely a test of Project Bluebeam, to simulate with a kind of holographic event the Second Coming in the Antichrist’s name. And what about those tens of thousands of ‘State of Martial Law’ warning/instruction signs coming into the US from foreign sign makers in convoy manner? Really, really not good.

Almost everyone has some kind of foreboding sense that SOMETHING bad this way comes. Armageddon Online has a more detailed summary view. And just as someone chooses to discounts all of these things as ‘baseless,’ something like this comes along to make us wonder all over again: a lot of people are saying there is a purge of the military taking place, and that usually portends a violent overthrow of government.

So, quite naturally, some of us are taking the DHS/FEMA advice to heart, or at least considering it. But I fear most of us are preparing for the wrong thing in the wrong way. Its one thing to have food, water, medical, and key supplies stashed away for an earthquake or flood… and another to truly be prepared for upheavals of the political or Biblical sort… the sort government advice is NOT addressing, because if you were prepared for that, government looses the ability to maintain political control through dependency upon government for survival.

Never fear; the Professional Paranoid is here to help you find your way through it all… in part II:  A Logical Home Emergency Response Plan: The Government Does NOT Approve

Why should I hide my emergency preparedness kit and weapons?

On False Flag Zombie Attacks in July

When the CDC starts talking about zombie attacks, DHS buys more ammunition than God and calls out all Federal Agencies to prepare for (something) at 100% strength with two weeks notice… while a Zombie blockbuster movie scares our pants off… there might just be something to worry about.

When do Zombies act on behalf of National Security?

by H. Michael Sweeney

copyright © 2013, all rights reserved. Permission to repost hereby granted provided entire post with all links in tact, including this paragraph, are included.

Federal zombies may be in our future

OK, this might be tongue in cheek. MIGHT BE.

Future Post Office Poster? From, a collection of more than interesting Zombiesque material (click)

But it is completely factual (scary movie music rises). I just saw a couple of video blogs (streaming Web radio) where one of my kindred spirits (translation: conspiracy theorist, or on a good day, as we prefer it, investigative reporter) was interviewing someone claiming to be in the know: DHS, FBI, FEMA, and just about every other agency, military as well, have been ordered to bring all manpower, reserves, and resources, to 100% capacity by July 3, and to stand by for further instructions.

I’m not comforted by the fact that ALL the search engines can NO LONGER FIND THIS WARNING no matter what I type in (it would have helped if some of the words were not in use in gazillions of other vids, too). Thing is, two days ago, it was EASY to find using the same words. Who has the power to do that? No matter. I’m on the job. A few ones changed to zeros in government’s Internet won’t stop me.

Note: This kind of censorship and information manipulation is one reason I formed to create a 100% citizen-owned-and-operated wireless Internet alternative where there is no ISP (no monthly bill), no government or corporate censorship, spying, or control: YOU are the Web!

In trying to solve that problem, I encountered something which revealed even more useful information than I was searching for. The CDC is apparently involved, too. We are talking about a terror drill involving a ‘fake’ outbreak of (something awful). Wince. Gee. What could that be? Well, I got to thinking. Recall the CDC warning about what to do if a zombie attack broke out?

Well, they claimed that was tongue in cheek, too. But I’m starting to wonder. Have you seen World War Z? Nothing seems far fetched after that! I mean… first CDC puts out the defense guide… then DHS buys enough ammunition to kill all the extras in WWZ (and every citizen in North America, with order quantities in Satanic numbers, no less)… not to mention enough coffins to take care of the half-eaten bodies… and now DHS, FEMA, FBI, the National Guard, (and CDC) are manning up for something very big.

And even if not Zombies… let us not forget that some guy named Kokesh (not related to David Koresh) is planning a ‘Million-man’ armed march on Washington, D. C. on July 4th. I mean… Damn! I don’t know what it means, but what I’ve more recently learned does not make me feel any better about, it all…

Why is terror drill set to coincide with Scout Jamboree?

Terror Drill Set for Scouting Jamboree

The orders for these agencies are to be at 100% by July 3rd, and then to stand by. Turns out, unless a cover story for a general Martial Law (you don’t suppose Kokesh is going to end up in a shootout with Feds, do you?) move to seize power by the New World Order, that there is to be a terror drill in Yellowstone during the Scout National Jamboree (July 15-24). But wait one minute; is it not true that at almost EVERY major terror event blamed on some turban wrapped, kidney machine toting, Koran spouting man with a beard… that there was simultaneously a terror drill of the same exact sort taking place at the same time?

Is that not the HALLMARK of a false flag operation? You create an exercise or drill on the same date in the same community for the same kinds of details (e.g., type of attack, type of target), and then, if the people really responsible (no turban, kidney machine, or Holy book) happen to get caught before they can pull it off, you say ‘It’s OK, they are with us, and everything is coolness.’ Where have we seen that used before?

A few places. The Sarin gas attacks in Japan. Sept. 11. The London Subway bombing. Bombing in Madrid. The Norway mass shooting. Even Aurora and Sandy Hook. Retired Army Intelligence Officer, Captain Eric May has said, “The easiest way to carry out a false flag attack is by setting up a military exercise that simulates the very attack you want to carry out.”

Are Zombies real after all?

Zombies on parade

Again, ‘tongue in cheek’ can only go so far to making one comfortable about the facts. Also while searching for the missing radio show links, I instead found some disturbing video — tons of it, in fact, which claim to evidence real Zombie attacks, including one faked ‘secret FBI briefing.’ But only one of these bothers me enough to deserve sharing, as it is a montage of real news stories that are quite shocking and, collectively, imply there are real people out there who are certainly acting like Zombies, and who are apparently quite hard to kill, too.

But that’s not the only disturbing thing about the video.

The second is found at the end of the long-winded (classified) reading of a (classified) Bill on the Senate Floor that (classified) seems to regard some kind of (classified) serious catastrophe, and what government is going to do about (classified.) At the very end, as if a causal afterthought of NO IMPORTANCE, the reader quotes, “and draft a NEW BILL OF RIGHTS.”

E X C U S E    ME?

A new Bill of Rights? What’s wrong with the one we have such that once this (classified) happens, it is no longer useful? To me, the ONLY scenario where that makes sense is if the country has become an official Police State under perpetual Martial Law, the result of a military (classified.) Well, let me tell you if I see even a hint of that taking place, I’m going to (classified) and (classified) and all of (classified) had better double their (classified). Even if they claim it was the Onion Congress.

Well, that’s all I can think of to say about something that is so far fetched and based on ‘less than mainstream’ resources. So I’ll simply leave you with the original video which started the whole thing off. I did find it. But I warn you, it is not the sort of thing I would normally care very much about paying attention to now days, given the veritable flood of such ‘sky is falling’ reports on YouTube.

However, I also remind you, in my book set Fatal Rebirth, and resulting screen play published on the Internet in 1999,  that the sky was going to fall in New York City, raining passenger jets upon the World Trade Center, and resulting in Middle East Wars. Some of us Chicken Little’s base our warnings on a bit more than conjecture. You can get a free ebook copy of Volume One, and see what else I’ve correctly predicted, and what things I’ve warned of which have yet to transpire.

It also behooves me to add, here, that as a specialist in privacy/security who helps targeted individuals and deals regularly with Political Control Technology… that I should mention that some estimates are that the government has created up to two million ‘sleeper’ agents using Manchurian Candidate mind control methodology. If true, we are talking about programmable people who can, with a simple text message or other signal, be launched off on almost any kind of mission with no recourse or understanding. Blindly obedient.

Such people can be made to believe any unreal circumstance, or believe themselves to be anything or anyone, and are often capable of exhibiting super-human traits (such as seeming to be bullet resistant). I’d hate to think about what would happen if a flood of such persons were unleashed thinking themselves Zombies. They soon enough would be, for all practical purposes. I’d not want to be in their warpath. World War Z, indeed.

Statistics Prove Gun Control No Solution; a Political Ruse

Statistics prove gun control is no solution; gun violence is a political ruse.

Taking away guns does not stop psychiatric care-sponsored killings: pseudo science and drug industry profits are the real killer

by H. Michael Sweeney, copyright © 2012, all rights reserved. Permissions to duplicate in full with all links and credits in tact hereby granted, provided they point to and include this notice.
Was Sandy Hook Shooting a multiple shooter conspiracy?
Updated 4/10/13: Proof media and government don’t want you to know the truth and employ disinfo tactics instead, re ‘gun control.’ Changes and pointers to related material indicated with RED TEXT.

Reading this post you will learn

1)   Statistics show the worst shooters are victims of mind altering drugs given under ‘psychiatric care’ with poor or no supervision;
2)   They also show that when denied access to guns, people find more gruesome means to kill, even in mass murder;
3)   That such drugs have a history tied to CIA mind control research in a class I call mind control enabling psychotropics;
5)   That the ONLY winner in gun control is tyranny.
Who is lying about the guns used in Sandy Hook, and why?
Official portrait of George H. W. Bush, former...

Official portrait of George H. W. Bush, former President of the United States of America. (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

Portrait of DoD Mr. J. Danforth Quayle, Vice P...

USAF portrait of Vice President J. Danforth Quayle (Wikipedia photo)

Update: The mass murder attempt in Texas yesterday employing a knife and response by media proves a couple of key points regarding the validity and reasons behind gun control efforts. Additionally, Mr. Sorento, Presidential pretender, is blindsiding Congress and the public when he gives speeches on gun control.

1) There are a rash of ‘copy me’ mainstream news articles using the same exact text/images/headline claiming that mass knife attacks are RARE according to experts. Other media have at least reworded the same message, but remain parroting an official line. This is blatantly false as the statistics show, below, marked now in Red. This blog has cited more than 20 examples of mass murders or attempts using weapons other than guns, specifically to point out that taking away guns does not stop murderers.

2) Other articles and news sources (TV/Radio) are trying to spin the knife attacks in support of gun control by offhand remarks such as ‘If he had used a gun, there would have been more deaths.” Perhaps so, but who is to say his intent was to actually kill — else he would have chosen a weapon with a longer blade. More to the point, if students had been allowed to conceal carry, HE would have been dead with reduced bloodshed of innocents.

3) Sorento gives his speeches before a 100% manufactured crowd of supporters with absolutely no opposing viewpoints allowed, This gives the illusion that NO ONE in their right mind could possibly disagree. This is result of his illegal quashing of 1st Amendment Rights by signing the so-called Federal Buildings and Grounds Restrictive Act. This Law allows Police to eject, even arrest anyone who protests on government property or anywhere near events where government officials are appearing publicly. This is nothing less than subtle disinfo blind siding. End update.

Arguing to take away guns ‘that have no use to a hunter’ is to ignore the fact that the 2nd Amendment has nothing to do with hunting, and everything to do with insuring government does not abuse their power over the people. It is intended to be a form of checks and balances to tyranny, and nothing less.

We clearly need it now more than ever, given the rapid loss of freedoms to government’s paranoiac response to ‘terrorism,’ a crime of questionable attribute, at best, and one which kills fewer Americans than results from wrongful deaths at the hands of law enforcement.

My idea of gun legislation, therefore, is to give me the right to pack a government provided SAM missile launcher and Apache helicopter, not merely some bolt-action rifle I pay for at my own expense — in part because pistols and single shot rifles do little to deter soldiers able to pick you off from a distance with their sniper rifles… and DHS is spending billions to stockpile enough ammunition to kill everyone in North America, including some 9 million rounds of sniper bullets. I have to ask why, and fear the answer is the T-word.

Why does the government want to take your guns away? Martial Law is why.

Lets be clear

No one wants to take away from the legitimate concerns of victims of senseless murders of innocents as underscored so horribly in the recent rash of mass shootings. It is right to be angry and to grieve with introspective analysis and to seek a solution to prevent such heinous acts as so painfully evident in the massacre of children and adults in Connecticut. And all Americans and people elsewhere in the World are victims, too… we all are forced to suffer some lesser anguish in our compassion for those who lost family members and friends in these events.

But please, do not become yet another kind of victim by taking the bait and blaming guns, not even a particular kind of gun, especially when inconsistencies and the very nature of official statements of evidence suggest either a conspiracy of shooters is being foisted upon us as yet another ‘crazed lone gunman,’ or lies are offered in a conspiracy within government to force gun control upon us… or both.

How, for instance, in Sandy Hook, is it possible for the Coroner to cite to media with law enforcement at his side that everyone was killed by a rifle, when State and local Police had already stated that only handguns were found in the school with the shooter’s body (first, two, then four pistols), and the only rifle found was in the shooter’s locked trunk?

There are other questions, but not as many as found in Aurora’s theater shooting. These kind of nagging ‘conspiracy theory’ questions for which the public deserves to have answers are always ignored, of course, because, ‘they are merely conspiracy theorists’ doing the asking… even when persons of credentials ask. Thus the truth, including the real cause of ‘gun violence,’ is never explained.

Why are there so many ties between Sandy Hook and Aurora?

Right in front of our eyes all along

And yet, the real cause has been right before your eyes the whole time, but deliberately veiled by corporate and government forces allied for varied agenda. I first wrote about the problem in my book, Fatal Rebirth (a four volume look at crimes of the New World Order which predicted Sept. 11 attacks, an assassination attempt which took place, and mass shootings of the kind we face, now, and so much more). I also wrote about it in my books on Political Control Technology, such as MC Realities.

A ten-year research effort for these books, as well as personal family experiences, made it all-too-clear.  It is subsequently verified by statistics and other information you can easily verify for yourself: the real culprit is a thirst for power and control, both financial and political. Their weapon is disinformation, and chemicals. As such, then, it is imperative that we look both at mass shooting events as well as political assassination events; both being used to effect political change against the natural will of the people and course of governments. It is, after all, yet another form of mind control for the masses: change the mood and the will of the people with lies.

Are mass shootings sponsored by the CIA or military?

Start with the Congressional Record

If you are closed-minded about the possibility of mind control and see it as mere tin-foil hat nonsense, then you are already a victim of CIA’s Operation Mockingbird, and should skip this section because you will not wish to be confused by the facts. It might even be harmful to your psyche to learn you have been manipulated by a form of mind control called disinformation, aka propaganda. Mockingbird put thousands of CIA agents directly into media at all levels from management to reporters and anchor persons… to make sure you got all the news that’s fit to distort.

The Church and Rockefeller Commission findings of the 1970s regarding CIA mind control research further revealed all manner of inhumane MC research and non consensual testing on unwitting human subjects. It is clear that among even worse atrocities, CIA was keen to develop drugs that could control a person’s mind to the point that they would do anything commanded, even to kill themselves or others; the Manchurian Candidate, or ‘programmable person.’

There is much more I could write on this topic, but I do not wish to cause readers not open to the notion to stop reading, for there are more important things yet to discuss. I suggest Alex Constantine’s book, Psychic Dictatorship in the USA, for those wanting the gory details, and my book, MC Realities, to learn about the development of psychotropic mind altering drugs (mind control enabling drugs) by Eli Lilly under ex CIA director George Herbert Walker Bush and Dan Quayle as company executives… the very drugs we are about to see quite tied to the type of gun violence of which this article speaks.

When media controls what you think, you are a victim of mind control

Gun violence: Look at the Statistics

The first mass shooting of note in America was the Texas Tower sniper murder of 13 at the University of Texas, Austin, in 1966. From that time forward there have been countless incidents, so many, in fact, that media hardly thinks to look at the big picture, all-too preoccupied with the gory details of the most recent events. Convenient for them and government, perhaps…

…as it does not serve hidden agenda if you compare today with yesterday and learn that there is a pattern of significant relevance which is clearly being withheld from you. You make your decisions based on the colored view of blood-red tinted glasses fitted with blinders of ‘current news.’ There is a reason I call it the Military-Industrial-Intelligence-Media Complex. What makes you think ‘free press’ has anything to do with American media, a media largely controlled by less than a dozen people, exactly as the Congressional Record cited to be all that was needed to control the press. The statistics will reveal it all…

SSRI medication was developed by CIA as a mind control enabling drug

What mass shootings and assassination events have in common:

It is so rare to find otherwise, that I dare say every such shooting has many, if not all, of the same key ingredients in place: a) prior psychiatric care involving the use of prescribed mind-altering drugs (pscyhotropics, generally of the SSRI variety — Selective Serotonin Reuptake Inhibitors such as Prozac, Zoloft, Paxil, and dozens of others); b) a triggering event based on emotional stress or trauma or the curtailing of or failure in treatment processes, such as failing to take medication or overdosing; and in all-too-many cases, c) the otherwise ‘coincidental’ peripheral presence in their lives of military, CIA, or other persons, firms, or organizations associated in some way with mind control technology.

Note: there is another kind of triggering event for the Machurian Candidate style of programmed shooter, the kind of person used as a disposable patsy, because they tend not to be very effective as actual killers. The best example is, perhaps, Sirhan Sirhan, who emptied his gun at Robert Kennedy but hit him, not, according to modern forensic review: Kennedy was shot from behind, and upward. Such persons are programmed in advance to do a specific thing upon hearing or reading a select unusual triggering phrase.

Such phrases are offered once to cause them to pay attention (throws a mental switch). It is then subsequently repeated twice close together to cause them to carry out the instructions (initiates a command sequence). Interesting, then, that in Sandy Hook, that a particular Web set published the following phrase three times, once as title, and twice in the text: “Sandy Hook Lingerie Party Massacre.”

This was published on the same day as the Aurora shooting, in which the film, The Dark Knight Rises, shows a map of the villain’s attack plans with Sandy Hook (a district of Gotham City renamed to Sandy Hook for the film, for some unknown reason) as the place next to be struck. And yet, it is strange things like this which get us conspiracy theorists labeled as ‘nuts’ by media that you might be more comfortable in ignoring us, instead of thinking for yourself. How comfortable are you, right now?

The rush to gun control serves the NWO agenda for a one World government

SSRI drugs cause violent thoughts and deeds as side effects

SSRI drugs are killers, both by suicide and by murderous acts committed by those taking them. There is a remarkable summary of this phenomenon at, a Web site which just a few years ago listed perhaps only 50 or 60 examples, but today cites about 5,000 cases which illustrate the problem. The link sorts them by the general nature of the case, but you can sort by date or location, or any other heading.

A quick review reveals some startling examples, which I shall first outline in terms of the dangerous aspects of the drug class and its propensity for sponsoring unchecked violence in patients, and then more specifically relate to mass murders and assassinations, gun violence ahead of other forms of murder.

Why do ‘scientists’ and ‘doctors’ of excellent educational qualifications fail to realize, in light of these known side effects: every physical person has a unique physiology, DNA, and dietary makeup, and thus, it is impossible to predict the results of a given infusion of chemicals into a body where, especially in the brain, the EXISTING balance of chemical makeup is not prepared to suffer alterations with kindly result. Why then, do they persist on guessing at initial dosage levels, and then upping the ante when results are not deemed adequate, until side effects make it clear the med will not help, and then switch them to another med, and start all over again? It is witchcraft-level insanity, and it is guaranteed to have negative outcome.

It is NOT science, nor is it MEDICINE.

It is important to realize even this massive list is only a tip of the iceberg. It ONLY represents reports by family members, doctors, organizations, and other select researchers who were examining and reporting purely from the medical viewpoint. Further, as many of the reports are voluntary contributions, it represents only reports from people who happened to learn of the Web site’s existence and who were moved to report, and, moreover, is limited to reports from people who came to realize the relationship of events to the drug. For this reason, you will not find mentions of assassinations of note, such as my research indicates should be included (name ANY assassination attempt in modern American history, and you will likely find it true).

Among the reports (and a couple of details from my own research) we find court rulings and law enforcement investigative findings which frequently place the blame squarely on the drugs, and not the violent person, in some cases causing the courts not to elect punishment — even for capital crimes involving death. Here is your summary of drug induced violence:

Suicides are very convenient in a conspiracy

Let’s talk suicides:

1)   Over 250 reports involve suicides only, and many times that number include suicide as aftermath to other violence, such as arson, murder, and so forth. Suicide is almost the norm after such drug-caused violence;

2)   One attorney reports he has had a total of 73 calls about suicides from just one specific SSRI;

3)   Indiana county study shows 41% of all suicides involved SSRIs

4)   Wisconsin study shows 54% of teen suicides involved SSRIs

5)   Sweden study shows 52% of women suicides involved SSRIs

6)   Report shows US military suffers 18 suicides a day, 40% on SSRIs

7)   Multiple reports of suicide pacts where all participants were on SSRIs

8)   Another 200 questionable deaths listed which may have been suicides.

9)   EVERY SSRI lists suicidal thoughts as a side effect

10) Suicide attempts often involve the most painful and horrific, and least effective means, such as blow torch, grinders, etc., or the most illogical, such as trying to jump out of an airliner, or stripping naked and wandering off into a winter wilderness.  Suicide by Cop is quite popular, as are head-on and other fatal car crashes, for which statistics are likely quite under reported.

Manchurian candidate murderers are always ruled as acting alone

Let’s talk murders:

 1)   Over 1,200 reports of murder attempts, about one fourth of them followed by suicide or attempts;

2)   Within one week of returning home, nearly a dozen soldiers on SSRIs killed their wives;

3)   Methods vary widely: when guns were not available, almost any means might be employed, including additional reports under other categories, such as vehicular homicide, arson, and so forth (roughly another 100 cases). Details follow.

 Conspiracy must exist if there is a cover up in place

Of interest (or no interest, really) to TSA and FAA:

1)   Nearly two dozen incidents involving violence on an airplane or at an airport;

2)   Individual reports of eleven private plane crashes killing 24 people blamed on SSRIs;

3)   Airline Industry study reveals 100 crash pilots using SSRIs;

4)   At least one hijacking was initiated by an SSRI user.

 No one goes ‘crazy’ without some triggering event – contrived or coincidental

How about kidnapping and hostage taking?

 1)   About twenty instances linked to SSRIs;

2)   Seven instances involve schools and students as victims.

 When you hear ‘lone shooter,’ think ‘conspiracy cover up.’

How about arson and bombing?

 1)   80 arson events, three involving schools, two events where school administrators on SSRI set fires at home;

2)   35 bombing instances, two involving schools.

 CIA lies to put their own men in post of Chief, Spokesperson, and head of Internal Affairs

Other Killing Sprees?

 1)   Remember the rash of US Postal Worker rage shootings? Most were SSRI;

2)   About two dozen instances of fast food chains, trains and busses, churches, banks and other offices, and even a country club and a nursing home;

3)   More than 30 incidents at schools, about 1/3rd of which were SSRI, including virtually every event which made national or international news;

 Gun control is a codeword for police state control

And when there is no gun available?

 1)   One 17 year old holds 20 children and teacher hostage at point of a sword. So if you take all the guns, better get all the swords, too;

2)   A Mother attacks her son with a sword. See what I mean?

3)   School day care center looses two children and an adult to a knife attack. After all, knives are just short swords, right? So, if you are going to take away larger gun clips, but not small, then we presume you would take swords, but no knives. What did you gain?

4)   A woman laughs as she uses her car to chase down three kids at an elementary school. Alright, so now no one can own a car, right?

5)   Man attacks 11 kids and 3 teachers with a machete. See what I mean?

6)   Numerous fires started with intent to kill people in apartments, stores, offices, and schools. Starting to get the idea?

7)   The Web site lists these additional incidents (scroll to events with ‘criminal’ cited instead or ‘terrorism’) with no known tie to SSRI drugs, but are cited here because the killers had no guns:

    1. Bath Michigan man uses dynamite to kill 40 children, himself, and the School Superintendant over inability to pay school taxes causing foreclosure of his farm. So if you take all the guns, better also take all the materials used to make explosives;
    2. Poe Elementary playground attacked by man with bomb in suitcase killing himself, his son, the Principal, a custodian, two other students, and injuring 17 other children. See what I mean?
    3. 63 students and adults were burned to death by an angry student at a school dance in Goteborg, Sweden (gun control in Sweden is strict). So if you take all the guns, better take all the gasoline and matches;
    4. 67 teen students died from an arson attack on the dorm at Kyanguli Secondary School in Machakos, Kenya, injuring 19 others. See what I mean?
    5. The Elementary School of Ikeda, Japan, lost 8 students and another 13, including two teachers, were injured by a man with a kitchen knife (there is total gun control in Japan);
    6. 72 kindergarten students and teachers at Zhanjiang City, China, became dangerously ill from rat poison put in their salt by a competing school operator (there is total gun control in China). So now there can be no household poisons?
    7. That same year, 2002, two men upset with contract provisions with Number One High School in Changed, China, put rat poison in breakfast food making 195 children and teachers seriously ill. See what I mean?
    8. Two years later, Number Two High School in Ruzhou, China, suffers an attack by a man who kills 8 and injures 4 students with a knife while they sleep in three separate dormitories;
    9. And yet the next year, a man who had lost his job, again in Zhanjiang, attacks several Nansoon Middle School students with a kitchen knife, injuring 8;
    10. In Jikari High School, Yamaguchi, Japan, a student threw a homemade bomb made from nails and emptied firecrackers into a classroom, injuring 58 students and the teacher. Might as well do away with the 4th of July celebration, anyway, since you are getting rid of the Constitution and Bill of Rights;
    11. In 2010, a man killed three students, and a teacher, and injured 20 other children and staff at the kindergarten of Zibo, China, once more with a knife;
    12. Another machete attack took place in the 5th grade class of the Talisayan Elementary School, Xamboanga City, Philippines, killing one student, a teacher, and a grandfather of a student, and injuring 4 more students and two teachers (gun control in the Philippines is near total);
    13. If you wish more examples, there are thirty more at the bottom of this wikipedia link on list of rampage killers, including at least two alleged deliberate crashing of passenger jets. So let’s put TSA and the FAA out of work and ban aircraft. After all, you do want to protect people from violence, right? That really IS your motive for taking away guns, RIGHT? Sorry… I didn’t hear your answer.

 If you do not own a gun, you do not own your government

And what about when other citizens nearby ALSO have guns…

…the guns they want to take away from you and me? The news of such events that does not make endless headlines because it does little to support gun control wishes of those who seek total control over an unarmed public? A mention the day it happens is as good as it gets, as a rule. Thanks for much of this compilation by

 1)   A 1995 mass murder for drug effort was spoiled in Muskegon, MI, when the store owner, despite being shot four times in the back, managed to use his own gun to scare off druggies who had planned to kill everyone in his store;

2)   A 1997 high school shooting in Pearl, Miss., was halted by the school’s vice principal after he retrieved a pistol he kept in his truck;

3)   A 1998 school dance  for Parker Middle School (Edinboro, PA) shooting saw one teacher killed, and anther teacher and two students wounded before a man living next door forced the shooter to surrender by getting the drop on him with his shotgun;

4)   A 1999 gun shop owner with concealed pistol shot a gunman to the ground who had brought 100 rounds of ammo with him to ‘go out in a blaze of glory’ at, of all places, a shooting range in California (a guarantee he would get his wish);

5)   A 2002 shooting at Appalachian School of Law in Grundy, Va., came to an abrupt conclusion after three had been killed and three more wounded —when two students, unbeknownst one to the other, ran to their cars to retrieve firearms and confront the shooter with threat of crossfire;

6)   A 2005 shooting which started at the Smith County Courthouse in Tyler, TX, and involved high-speed pursuit, was ended because of the intervention of Mark Allen Wilson, who had a legal concealed carry weapon. This one did not end as well as the others cited, herein, as Wilson was himself killed by the shooter, who was wearing a bullet-proof vest. However, the exchange of fire allowed Police who had been kept at bay to end the matter with fatal shots of their own. This was after the shooter had already killed his ex-wife and wounded his own son, and wounded three lawmen in the melee;

7)   A 2007 gunman attempting to kill parishioners of the New Life Church in Colorado Springs was only able to kill two before being shot by an armed retired Policeman who had changed his mind about going to church that day because of a previous like attack on a church in Ogden the prior week;

8)   A 2007 mall shooter in Utah, after killing five and wounding four, was shot dead by an armed off-duty police officer;

9)   A 2008 shooting in an Israeli School (the Mercaz HaRav massacre) was ended by shots from a student and off-duty policeman using personal weapons, who entered the school with such intent after hearing shots which killed 7 teens and one teacher, and wounded ten other students;

10) A 2008 Winnemucca tavern shooting was ended after two deaths when the shooter, while reloading, was shot dead by a patron with a concealed carry permit;

11) A 2009 workplace shooting in Houston, Texas, was halted by two coworkers who carried concealed handguns;

12) A 2009 College Park party was interrupted by two gunmen who counted ten guests and then counted bullets to insure they had enough. After separating the Men and Women one of them started to rape one of the women, but was ‘coitus interruptus’ by shots from her boyfriend, who killed one and drove off the other gunman;

13) A 2009 restaurant robbery attempt by two gunmen Anniston, AL, was thwarted when one of them threatened the life of a patron who was hiding, only to be shot dead by the customer, who had also prepared his concealed pistol for possible use. A few shots were then exchanged with the second gunman, who was critically wounded;

14) That same year, a convenience store in Richmond, VA, was  robbed at gunpoint, the clerk being shot and wounded, and other patrons being shot at before the robber was shot dead by a patron with concealed carry permit.

15) A 2010  Mills, N.Y., shooting incident where the gunman, an angry customer, intended to kill six employees (he had a ‘death list’ of their names) of a cell phone store was, after opening fire on his first victim, himself shot dead by an armed off duty policeman with concealed weapon.

16) A 2012 RV park shooting incident in Early, Texas, was ended by a resident with his pistol as the gunman, after killing two people and their dogs, then held Police at bay with his scope equipped rifle;

17) A 2012 church shooting in Aurora, Colo., was stopped by a member of the congregation carrying a gun.

I leave you with two things, the first being: In Australia, where total gun control has been enacted (confiscation to establish an almost completely unarmed public), in 2011 there were STILL 94,000 shootings that took 29,000 lives… with not one civilian able to defend themselves. In America, the one spot where gun violence is rated worst, oddly enough, is the District of Columbia. Let’s compare:

There, the 2011 death rate by firearms was 12 deaths per 100,000 population, and that’s in a country where gun ownership is 89 guns per 100 adults. Compare that to Australia where it is now roughly 6 guns per 100 (est. by using UK provided figures), where deaths are 131 per 100,000.  Does that sound like gun control works as proponents claim?

To get that information in media, of course, I had to go to England, because the American press won’t tell you the truth about such things. They got their information from FBI, which any US paper or news network could just as easily have done… but actual investigative reporting would not help government take away your gun, would it?

The second is this: Out of 10,650 murders by gunmen in Virginia, only 4 were by persons who had legally registered with concealed carry permits.  Criminals don’t need or seek permits, of course. These four deaths by legitimate ‘gun toters’ would seem somewhat balanced by the fact that there are about as many instances, the most recent being the Clackamas Mall shooting… where persons with concealed weapons elected NOT to use their gun to shoot at gunmen engaged in murder because they did not feel they could safely do so without risking hitting innocent persons in the line of fire, or return fire hitting such persons behind them. That is part and parcel of good gun handling safety training, which all firearms owners should be required to have: my idea of a ‘gun control law’ that might actually work some good.

But personally, I’d rather have open carry… I’d even be moved to wear a six gun and cowboy hat if the 1875 Colt .45 hadn’t been stolen from my family some years back (when I did wear it in public on occasion). Open carry is a silent and untold deterrent to gun violence. In Cuba, there is no standing army, because every capable citizen serves in the Defense Force (like the National Guard), and is issued an AK-47, side arms (many people pack), and even grenades. Result: LOW CRIME, and very few murders by these weapons. The same is true in Switzerland (different weapons, of course), so it has nothing to do with Communism, that it works.

Statistically, in the Old Wild West where wearing a gun was the norm, gun violence was also relatively low… (e.g., the murder rate per capita in Abilene was lower than any modern US city, today). There have probably been more shooting victims in TV and movie westerns than in real life in the old West. When almost everyone has a gun, politeness rules; even when confronting someone in an unpleasant situation, it was done with carefully chosen words.

SIR, I believe that Ace up your sleeve proves you are a card cheat — and the pot is therefore mine, unless you wish to object?” Given the choice, most villains would back down unless the odds were significantly in their favor… which gun control laws will surely provide them, one 2nd Amendment-eroding law at a time.

Raw Numbers Prove DHS Gearing up for Revolution, Martial Law, or Chinese Invasion

215 FEMA camps, 1.4 billion bullets, including 9 million sniper rounds…

30,000 drones, 3,000 drone operators, and 50 drone control sites…

and still counting threats…

See also new companion post which analyzes orders to discover they consistently use Satanic ‘magic’ numbers in the order quantities, in which decoding indicates their purpose.


Updated Aug 30 2012 This post continues to be subject of disinformation tactics at third-party sites, and a link to this page at the official National Republican Convention Web site for use by Delegates and Media was taken down (censored). A prior update reflected two commentaries. In twenty-four hours, the number of disinfo commentaries has doubled. I have to ask why they fear this article being read. Prior updates below marked in red.

Why does DHS want to go to war with US citizens?

by H. Michael Sweeney
Copyright © 2012, all rights reserved. Permissions to reproduce by request only. This restriction will be lifted once it is clear there are no corrections or major updates required. The topic is too important to have multiple versions all over the Web, but there needs to be multiple copies that all may be informed and forewarned. If you see an error please report it IMMEDIATELY, thank you.
Militia take heed, militia take warning, militia remain alert, militia be ready

Update Aug 26: Day One, and already breaking news requires an update!

DHS seeking sniper rifles         DHS has a sniper school     DHS Sniper Nest at Super Bowl

One of many images (click)

Update: Aug. 29: Some critical commentary on this article outside of this site dictates some additional clarification regarding hollow point ammo. Nothing on that topic changes the importance, relevance, or thrust of this post, and is a small technical matter of importance to people who live and breath in the World of firearms. If this post has inferred that I claim to be an expert at such a level, that was not its intent.

The question on my credentials as such an expert has no bearing on the larger question as to why so many rounds should be ordered, and related issues. To choose to focus on that as a reason to ignore or discount this post is to avoid discussing the issue by switching topic, and by attacking the messenger, both being known disinformation tactics found in the 25 Rules of Disinformation. The update is reflected in the appropriate section with red highlight.

Is DHS engaging in disinformation and concealment of information?

Reading this article you will learn:

revolution • That DHS has ordered more bullets than the Pentagon uses in a war… many times over.
revolution • That DHS is employing disinformation (cover up stories) and censorship (pulling files) to hide the truth
revolution • You will learn things about the various munitions no one else has bothered to discuss (new clues)
revolution • You will see in table form the grand totals for all such orders (a first)
revolution • You will see a collective of associative depictions for weapons using specified ammo (a first)
revolution • You will see where Drone aircraft are operated from and learn about their use
 DHS plans war with americans

If you are a Web Walleroo, you can stop reading right now and find something shorter and less scary and more fun to read, here. Really, you will like it rather lot; its pretty funny, and I’m not kidding (well, I was when I wrote it). But what follows is for concerned citizens who believe in the Constitution and fear it is in danger of extinction… or things worse than even that. Come back here when ready to be serious. I assure you it is very interesting and highly informative, even if you’ve already been exposed to the general topics involved.

Let’s start with the ammunition. If you didn’t know it, DHS (and if you don’t know that acronym then stop reading right now and go back to sleep because you will be impossible to wake up, anyway) has placed orders for 450 million rounds of .40 cal. hollow-point ammunition, more than enough to kill every man, woman, and child in the U.S. and Canada. The story, like all matters which reveal the scary side of a government out of control, is ignored in mainstream media, and not well understood in Web accounts. You will mostly find alarmists (like myself, I suppose) making dire predictions and quoting some other alarmist site as THEIR source. That’s no better than circular references or a reference from a chat room message. Some guy said some guy said, and so on.

I at least try to do better than that; to give you actual documents where possible, and find better ways to put it into context, or quote sources I’d hope you find acceptable. But hurry: the primary document resource cited for most of these ( will sometimes let you access the needed details, but it seems that someone is selectively turning off the feature for the more controversial documents and requiring ‘membership’ to get the good stuff.

Let’s start with the raw combined totals in table form, and then dissect it looking for clues as to meaning, including clues NO ONE ELSE has yet discovered, as far as I am able to determine. The following table is of my own devise, a summary of all known bid requests to date for the years cited. It should not be considered without reading the textual explanations which follow it:

Combined DHS Munition Orders 2012 – 2015 (that we know of so far)

.223 Assault Rifle
.223 Sniper
30-06 Sniper
.308 Sniper
10mm Auto (e.g. Machine Pistol)
12 GA target
12 GA slug
12 Ga buck
.357 Magnum
.38 Special
.380 (9mm)
.40 (10mm) Auto (e.g Glock)
.45 Auto (pistol)
7.62×39 SOVIET
9mm German Luger

To gain useful context and meaning, we need review both the history and detail of such orders:

DHS plans war with americans

200,000,000 rounds .40 

Go back to 2009 and we find DHS through its ICE Division (What? You don’t know what that is, either? Zzzz) ordered 200,000,000 rounds of munitions (not reflected in the table). That’s enough to invade Mexico and shoot everyone within 100 miles or more of the border several times (the ones not shot already by the Mexican drug cartels using ICE supplied weapons). That certainly ought to end the illegal immigration problem (perhaps that was ICE’s intention in Operation Fast and Furious?), but it’s thankfully not been used for that, has it? This story was originally made public on line through a Press Release from the Winchester Firearms company who received the contract, though both Winchester and Market Watch (Dow Jones site) where the notice had first appeared have both pulled the notice in light of the recent fervor (furiousness?) caused by such as Alex Jones who was perhaps first and hardest hitting on the story as it unfolded.

That deliberate obfuscation serves as a warning flag that there is something unusual or morally improper involved; something fowl and unsavory is afoot. You don’t start backtracking and covering up public information unless there is something much bigger you need to hide, and when it comes to government, it is usually criminal, unconstitutional, or malfeasance in nature — if not all of the above. Remember, you only have a cover up when there is a conspiracy afoot. That’s not conspiracy theory, its criminal fact, because cover up itself requires conspiratorial participation of multiple persons across multiple entities. And the more you look at it, the more that’s exactly what seems to be the case, here…

DHS plans war with americans

450,000,000 rounds .40 — it starts to get scary

It wasn’t that much of a story until DHS requested bids for an additional contract for 450M more rounds. It was actually the announcement of an extension to the order which caught the attention of we ‘alarmists’, but in trying to track it down, all you get is… yet another Press Release which has been pulled by the contractor and Market Watch. But pulling public files did not take place with either the 450M or 200M order until word spread on the Web and questions as to why kept popping up. And WHY indeed? It is so many rounds that it had to be scheduled for delivery over several years, but because the order has been ‘censored,’ I can’t tell you how many years, and not found other sources yet who have so indicated.

Therefore, in the table above, they are included over the same number of years  as each of other large orders have been for, which is always four years — perhaps because that is the number of years served by a President, who directs the Agency, and the orders coincide with an elections for some reason.  So that’s what I used in the table, and as the .223 is the most common rifle round, and the .40 is the most common pistol round, I apportioned the 450M (.40) order the same as if the .223 ammo as found in yet another mammoth order (750M rounds) to be discussed shortly. Thus while the totals for rounds over all four years should be correct, the totals in any one year may be off. No matter how you divide it up, however, its still a hell of lot of bullets.

DHS plans war with americans

175,000,000 .223 rounds for ICE

This one is an earlier item (April 2012) only recently revisited and discussed because of the uproar over the 450M order. All of it is .223 rifle ammunition to be delivered over four years in equal installments of 2M rounds of target practice ammo, and 33M rounds of standard duty ammo, each year. We will take a closer look at the significance of .223 ammo, shortly. The order is included in the table, above. But because this order was relatively small, and a bit older, it has garnered less coverage on the Web and may be news to many readers. DHS was apparently hoping that to be the case, because even though it had already been cited on the Web (how I found it), the official documents have once more been censored, and here they are. This kind of ad-hoc censorship violates law according to, where I found it.

Yet another censorship fail by DHS

DHS plans war with americans

20,000,000 rounds .357 pistol

DHS next used the TSA (keep sleeping) as the vehicle for its next buying binge.  They are seeking bids to supply 20,000,000 rounds per year of .357 (remember Dirty Harry? We were all pretty awake, then). It is stated as being for ‘target practice.’  This ammo is included in the table.

Well, that’s a nice thing, isn’t it? We shouldn’t worry because it’s only target practice after all.  Except for two things: 1) TSA agents do not have guns, and DHS has not put out a bid request for weapons to match; 2) there are only 58,000 TSA agents nation-wide, with only a small fraction of those actually front-line ‘Officers’. So that would mean each employee would be firing off a minimum of 344 rounds each, if every one of them were so required. If you’ve ever done much target practice, you know that’s rather a lot of practice when you don’t have a gun in the first place, and most agencies only require one annual shooting exercise.  So this appears to me to be a cover up disinformation ‘purchase of target ammunition’ to imply by association that the other (larger) orders are also for target practice, a notion some ‘pro DHS’ commentaries have already stated in conjecture.

DHS plans war with americans

More orders for Agencies with no logical need

And DHS is still not through, getting the Weather Service (NOAA) and Social Security Administration into the act with orders (included in the table) for 46,000 and 174,000 rounds of .40, respectively, as again reported less widely on the Web. In fact, by the time I post this or you read it, it will probably be out of date with yet more orders being placed for any Agency you ever heard of, to include Highway Dept. Workers, Firemen, and Postal workers. (I cite those three because in prior years, officials and commentators here in Oregon have specifically mentioned the possibility).

Again, we find target practice as the official reason for this request. But there’s a problem with that in that the one and only order which included targets was the order for 46,000 bullets… but only 500 targets. And, if you dig, you can find an actual order of ammo for target practice, such as this one (not in the table) for the Federal Law Enforcement Training Center, for roughly 3,500 rounds. And that’s a place where people shoot all the time. There is absolutely no comparison to any of the other orders cited herein. There’s a slogan: ‘You can’t tell the players without a program.’ Well, you can’t tell your Agencies in a Police State without a Program, and that Program (policy) is ‘the arming of the agency.’ Unfortunately, that only hints at the game they are playing, and finding out what that game is, and what the rules are, could mean the difference between life and death, between America restored and the end of it. Because they just upped the ante:

DHS plans war with americans

750,000,000 rounds all types

We next find from an official .pdf file that DHS is seeking to buy even more ammo. Someone got wise to the government swallowing up evidence, and went to the trouble to obtain the actual document quickly. I’m not sure, but I think we owe Alex Jones or one of his followers for that. This time, the order is so large that it is 91 pages long, and totals more than 750M rounds over four years. Most people reading the .pdf make the mistake of assuming it five years, because it is in five parts. However, Parts I and II are for the first year, and thus the above table combines them under 2012. The cover story is indeed ‘target practice,’ and when you look at any one line item on the first page or so of the .pdf, a glance makes it seem fairly plausible, especially if not prone to suspicion, like me.

But as you investigate the specifications more carefully, you see that is only possible for select line items which turn out to be the proper choices for target practice and which appear in appropriately small numbers (e.g., 2,000 rounds vs. tens or hundreds of thousands for the same ammo in non target practice versions). Regardless: there are about 200,000 DHS employees, most of whom are office workers. But even were each one armed, that would be 7 thousand rounds per employee for target practice. Bang, bang, away, Baby, bang bang.

Images example types of firearms supported by all ammo on all orders (the largest order also covers all weapons by itself)

Click to enlarge in Gallery View

DHS plans war with americans

Specification of hollow point ammo problematic

The totals and specifics of all these orders is very disturbing for many reasons. The reason most noted by others is the specification of hollow point rounds. There are a lot of misconceptions about what that means, however, so I’d like to make clear the truth. Hollow point, when jacketed with an outer hard metal coat, has only one purpose: to penetrate armor vests. When not wearing a vest, jacketed or not, it will insure a kill by ripping out literal lbs. of flesh instead of making a clean hole. A bullet hole going in, a fist-sized hole coming out if not stopped internally; no surgery can save you if hit amid the body cavity with a hollow point, presuming a clean hit at sufficiently close range, and that is why it has been illegal internationally for use by military since 1868.

Update to above paragraph: ONE person implying expertise has faulted this post based on the above paragraph, without providing particulars. I only respond to the criticism because the point of review in question does enjoy some traffic and results in referrals to this URL. The only reason the above paragraph is in the article is because many other articles on topic have claimed that ALL hollow point rounds are for penetrating body armor, and THAT IS NOT TRUE. That, and the fact that many such posts also state hollow points ammo is illegal and that is only true by exception in a few locations. The remaining statements are intended to be general in nature and reflect comments of gun store staff and general review of Web content. If someone would care to point out any specific inaccuracy with some basis, I’d be happy to make a correction. I urge readers to judge any criticism in tone and detail and decide if their purpose is to dissuade the reader from reading, or to show a specific fault in some key and important way which truly invalidates the greater message. I stand by my work.

But hollow point is standard issue to Police and even required for hunting under various laws, and generally legal in most States for civilian purchase because it helps cut down on fragmentation. It thus not only better insures a hunted animal will not escape with a painful long-term wound, but die a more humane quick death (I’m compelled here to say I’d rather hunt with Crossbow if hunting at all, but I don’t see killing such noble creatures for pleasure as sport), but it also prevents nearby persons from suffering wounds in ricochet fashion in urban shooting incidents.

The part which is troubling is this: only people who traditionally have body armor are the military and Police. Almost all the rifle and pistol rounds specified are hollow point, and most of those are jacketed.  So the question many are asking on the Web is still valid:  is DHS preparing for combat with members of these forces who perhaps understand and actually intend to abide by their Oaths of Office and uphold the Constitution? Perhaps if you are a member of an LEA (Law Enforcement Agency), you should be figuring out if that means you — and what you are going to do if that is indeed the unfortunate case. And think about this:. There are enough jacketed rounds to allow more than ten shots for every law enforcement officer in America. Remember how they wiped out the Jedi? A troubling thought, it is, my young Padawan.

DHS plans war with americans

NATO/Soviet munitions 

I do believe that I am the first to point out this particular slant: the larger order includes ammo for a weapons or at least descriptors which make little sense, as they are not common to any US Agency. There are lots of German Luger rounds, for instance, and bullets more common to European use such as the Russia’s Cold War era favorite, 7.62x39mm (the .pdf itself says ‘Soviet’).  That is reminiscent of a strange bid proposal for 7000 5.56x45mm NATO assault rifles (that look like machine pistols) ‘for personal defense’.  That order was even more unusual in the absence of any order for ammunition, then or now. In considering NATO, we need also to consider the .223,  which is used by the U.S. Military in AR-15 rifles like that used by James Holmes, and which is also a NATO standard.

An aside: The Luger rounds are curious because the Luger company of WWII fame is no longer in business, and antiques guns are all which remain. They employed various special munitions of unusual shape, though all were 9mm in ‘size.’  Today, there are many modern guns made around the World which employ 9mm of the same size but of differing, incompatible (with Luger) design. It is common that users of today’s weapons specify their ammo simply as ‘9 mm’ along with any variant specifications such as also included in the DHS order. There is, however (IMO), a tendency in older fascist war dogs to employ the German term ‘Luger’ when talking about 9mm ammo for non Luger guns of today — a kind of sad, nostalgic romance of sorts. Some ammo makers tend to play to this by making the word Luger larger on the ammo box than the company name, but most respected makers don’t label it as such, at all. So the inclusion of the unnecessary and non defining word in a technical description of an official government purchase document carries with it a subtly implied psychological marker as to their political beliefs and agenda.

For at least four decades,  select militia, FEMA Camp and NWO related conspiracy theorists have long predicted that when the S**t hit the fan, it would be NATO forces, or ex Soviets disguised as such, who enforced Martial law against U.S. Citizens.  As I reveal in my book set, Fatal Rebirth, CIA is known to have ‘imported’ tens of thousands of ex KGB and other soviets, most of whom are thought to now work for CIA fronts. I’ve spoken with more than one such person working for one such front. So if foreigners were to be so employed, real or otherwise, some among their total may already have weapons, and some may be in need of being supplied with weapons, but have access to munitions from the hands of those who brought their own guns… or they will need to get their ‘NATO’ ammo from DHS.

The basis of this theory is that we would be less likely to shoot at (real or pretend) NATO troops, and is based in part on comments to that effect by NWO kingpins such as Henry Kissenger, who said at a Bilderberger (Zzzz) meeting, “Today Americans would be outraged if U.N. troops entered Los Angeles to restore order; tomorrow they will be grateful! … When presented with this scenario, individual rights will be willingly relinquished for the guarantee of their well being granted to them by their world government.There has been a bit of proof of the theory, as well, in the form of endless trains and convoys or storage areas full of NATO vehicles, often WWII Army surplus or surplus Soviet gear, right here in America. This has been described in another of my posts, including the fact that NATO has denied any vehicles are located here, and that they employ no U.S. or Soviet vehicles anywhere in the World, save those we might bring with us when participating in partnership efforts.

DHS plans war with americans

Sniper rounds are included

I’m pretty certain I’m the first to point this out, as well: roughly 9,000,000 rounds of rifle ammo in the large bid request are sniper ammunition. Sniper rounds feature larger, heavier slugs and employ a special hollow point design for better trajectory, as detailed in the technical specifications in select line items for .223, 30-06, and .308 rifle rounds (red tinted in table).  Why would any of the agencies thus far mentioned have any need for sniper ammunition? Who do they intend to snipe, and why, and under what circumstance, and under whose authority? What Congressman is willing to demand an answer to these questions, and the many other issues these troubling orders raise in the minds of the public? I don’t even hear Ron Paul daring to ask. Why not? Why don’t you ask YOUR Congressman, this very minute. (link offers voice/mail/email contact for all elected officials via I again urge you to ask, because 9,000,000 is more than ten rounds per Policeman, and likewise enough to take out every politically incorrect activist in the country that’s ever been identified by an Agency as such. Agenda and expediency defines who is in the crosshairs.

DHS plans war with americans

835,000,000 rounds for .223 assault rifle

I finish the ammo section with a look at this ammo because they’ve not only ordered  roughly 2M rounds per year (like I said, reasonable for target practice), but a whopping 694,000,000 rounds (694M) in year three (page 15 of the .pdf) of the largest order. That’s more than enough ammo to kill the entire population of North America and have nearly 300M rounds left over. Put another way, its about 210 shots for every assault rifle in civilian hands, which can also be expressed as  about 26 shots per member of an assault team sent after that rifle.  Now you know what your gun is worth., and what it will take to defend it; dodge 210 rounds, and you might just make it. Really, you can: the GAO says the military is firing off as many as 250,000 rounds per insurgent killed in Iraq/Afghanistan, and in WWII the number was 10,000 for every German killed. But for the French Resistance, the number was in the hundreds of rounds.

Citizens tend to have the edge if it comes down to it, doing more with less. Che Guevara says as much in his booklet, Guerrilla Warfare, available online. Between that and the ideas in my book, Fatal Rebirth, you actually stand a decent chance (you can get my book free – info at article end). My other book series, The Professional Paranoid, can even help deal with intelligence agencies and general security and privacy issues. Helping folks who are targeted is what I do, and its based on successes in my personal battles with rogue operatives from multiple agencies and law enforcement. That included several attempts on my life, but also included helps from righteous members of some of the same Agencies involved.

DHS plans war with americans

1.4 billion rounds of ammo total

The Army expends about  8M rounds per month in Iran and Afghanistan according to the Pentagon. So from this we might logically deduce that something really nasty is planned for 2015, when DHS will have enough ammo from purchases made just that year to wage a war somewhere for roughly twelve years at those levels. But they are not somewhere, they are RIGHT HERE (Everywhere, USA). If Red China wants to invade the US, I suggest their timetable should preempt that date. But of course, we civilians and military and Law Enforcement already have enough ammo for that eventuality, I trust. So Chinese invasion does not seem to be DHS’ concern, though I have written a screen play called Lion Dance depicting how such an invasion MIGHT work. Frankly, I think you and I are the real DHS concern. Which brings us to…

DHS plans war with americans

30,000 drones, 3,000 operators, and 50 control centers

Not just surveillance drones, but armed drones. They are talking Predators. A Predator can be armed with all manner of cameras to include IR and ground penetrating radar capable of seeing in the dark and seeing through walls, ceilings, and dirt (small systems such as might be used on a Predator could probably see at least 20 feet deep or more). But they can also carry almost any single shot or rapid fire rifle or machine gun, including sniper weapons capable of delivering explosive rounds resembling small cannon fire in terms of damage.

Some of these larger weapons feature laser targeting guidance allowing expended-round trajectory adjustments all the way to target. Then, of course, there are a larger laser guided munitions, the most popular of which are air to surface missiles the military has already used to kill U.S. Citizens abroad. Now they want to do it here in the U.S., it seems. Probably for a good reason though, so we can all sleep well, right? Why four were here in Portland just the other day. One flew right over my home at about 200 feet. I slept REAL well.

The Predators are going to be made available (and already have) to law enforcement as well. But wait. It’s not the Police who will operate the Drones, it is the military, which makes it a violation of the Posse Comitatus Act of 1878. Darn. I forgot. Congress decided they wanted a Military Police State, after all. So now, the military cannot only surveil you, but they can detain you (without arrest) indefinitely (vanish you), or even assassinate you, no warrant, no questions, done deal. That’s the Obama way per the National Defense Authorization Act, which effectively removes the Constitution, Bill of Rights, all prior case law, the Supreme Court, and even the Magna Carta from having legal usefulness. YOU HAVE ZERO RIGHTS! The President has the same power under NDAA as did any King of the Dark Ages.

Drone use is even more reassuring given the rise of police violence of late. At least four instances of outright murder in broad daylight in recent months, even on camera, and they still seem to get away with it as ‘justified’ once they finish with their ‘investigation.’ But Anaheim tells us that the people are starting to refuse the legitimacy of such investigations, and THAT is perhaps why Police might at some point wish they could unleash a missile on an unsuspecting crowd.  Its only a matter of time, convenience, and one stupid fascist psychopath in charge.

Thanks to the Electronic Frontier Foundation (a kind of Civil Rights group for the digital world), we now know that there are already 63 authorized drone flight control locations (see map below, visit link to see individual locations) in the US. This includes the military, ICE, FBI, NASA, 25 universities, and towns as small as 2,500 population. There are three thousand licensed ‘pilots’ of drones, which according to statistics, means about 750 psychopathic personalities have buttons of destruction under their fingertips.

Locations where drones are operated from

The thing to take away is this: while not all these drone sites employ Predators, and not all drones have the capabilities of Predators. That there are 2,500 operators means that there are nearly that many drones in use any day of the week, say 2,500, of mixed types and capabilities. Many drones are quite portable and can be launched from anywhere you can get to in a car, and can be operated from a laptop. What is also true is that certain operators do not need disclose either their control points or launch points, or pilot count. These include the Military, NOAA, DHS, and Dept. of Agriculture — and despite the unhappy picture all of this presents for Constitutionalists, the bright side is that DARPA was disapproved to operate them, as well as some cities and county law enforcement agencies. One thing is certain. This picture will change for the worse with great frequency.

Do not feel too intimidated by all this doom and gloom. Do not fear being sniped or hit with a swarm of Men in Black. Do not fret over constant surveillance. You can simply volunteer yourself for arrest at the first opportunity. That comforting notion, in turn, leads us to the topic of the number of FEMA detention camps. Excuse me, ‘emergency housing centers.’ I’ve been shown one specification for such ‘housing’ center, and it clearly indicated 8 square feet per person, bars, barbed wire, high security doors, and lots of cameras, no windows, and nothing whatsoever like family accommodations: men away from women, and children not even mentioned. But that was years before I started to actually believe it possible. What about today?

DHS plans war with americans

215 FEMA camps — myth or reality?

This is another decades-old ‘conspiracy theory,’ but one rapidly proving true, unfortunately. Actually, the number is unknown, and unverifiable — and whatever it really is, it likely changes almost monthly. Many people have attempted to ID a given suspect camp, but at best, all they can usually manage is to verify the location looks like a concentration camp in ready state. For example, barbed wire pointing in, high security turnstiles, windowless buildings in row-like arrays (think Stalag layout), internal security barriers, rail access, signs of military markings, high perimeter towers, radio towers — and no sign of life until you try get too close, when security forces race up to urge you to leave NOW. Type in FEMA camps in YouTube and you will be amazed at all the hits, some stupid, some disinformation to make you think it unreal, some well done and convincing.

No one of universally respectable credentials is overseeing such research for quality and mapping results. Videos can be good as proofs to a point, but video only hints at the experience of being there in person. The best organized effort we have to date is a Google Maps data file created by Of course, as one nay sayer has said, ‘That’s probably just some conspiracy Dude citing other conspiracy Dudes.’ The proof of quality evidence ‘conspiracy Dudes’ can produce, fortunately, is likely within an hour or so drive of where you live, if in a major community. The image shown here is a screenshot, but I suggest using the cited link which lists all locations so you can check any near you out in person. Do so, and let me know what you find and your conclusions. We can destroy the Dude if a ‘dumb’ one, or validate him as ‘dependable.’

FEMA Camps Map from (click)

There are two facilities shown in Oregon which I can certify as fitting the description, as I’ve seen both locations in person. One is an existing Federal Prison with at least the ability to hold thousands of persons temporarily in makeshift quarters, and an unknown ability to house additional persons in constructed facilities already in place (empty beds are unknown, but public statements indicate it virtually full at about 2,000). The other is an old Army facility with many, many underground storage bunkers which could easily be made to house many dozens of persons, each. It is located in Boardman, Oregon, adjacent to the gargantuan Umatilla Chemical Weapons Destruction Facility. That fact requires a brief change of topic: I asked a decade ago why they were building plants like this with such massive capabilities…

Nine such facilities were built around the country with a total length of time allotted for eventual destruction of weapons of  ten years, coincidentally ending in 2012 (so now those workers have nothing to do when they come back from vacation). However, any one of the plants could have handled the entire nation’s supply of all biochemical weapons (not just those slated for destruction) in three year’s time.  This means a deliberate over engineered capacity of some 8000%. More to the point, at speeds suitable for weapons with metals in their construct, it can process (incinerate) more than a ton in weight every hour. But if burning something easier to burn, it can run many times faster. In fact, in my book Fatal Rebirth, I show how it could be used to dispose of dissidents and other undesirable persons in a Martial law scenario at rates of hundreds per hour, 24 hrs. a day. It is, after all, essentially a conveyor belt into a super heated furnace. Thus based on just these two Oregon camp locations, I have to give some credence to the Dude’s map, and to those crazy conspiracy theories about Martial Law I’ve been writing and warning about since 1994, or even wilder theories about population reduction. Pandemic false flag, anyone? Let’s not be dumbed down Dudes.

Aside: a few of my earlier blog posts related to topic:

fire on americans • On Being Prepared for Martial Law or Revolution
martial law military coup What activists, militia, gun owners, and EVERYBODY ELSE should expect
fire on americans • Portending Martial Law: Three Facts That Put You at Risk
martial law military coup Warning signposts from local media which mainstream media deems not to share.
fire on americans • Compare 1776 to 2012 and Tell Me Where You THINK You Live… 
martial law military coup Congress and the President are pressing their luck just like King George
fire on americans • On Military Thinking: ‘The Best Defense’ and Your Future in Their Eyes
martial law military coup If you don’t know about the Revolution in Military Affairs… you had better read this
fire on americans • Military Viewpoint: We are SIX People Away from Revolution
martial law military coup High ranking military says Martial law likely, armed conflict with citizens on the horizon
fire on americans • Citizen’s Viewpoint: We are ONE Person Away from Revolution
martial law military coup We all draw lines in the sand, knowing or not, which if crossed, will see us engage in battle
fire on americans • Mind-Controlled Mass Shootings Don’t Change My Mind
martial law military coup The NWO can’t have my gun until I first get rid of the bullets

But regardless of whether you choose to think as I, or not, or already accept the FEMA camp notion as true or not, it is absolute fact government WANTS them, as proven in H.R. 645. Like the DHS ammunition, we have their official requests for bid proposals. And like DHS ammunition, such proofs tend to vanish in time so that disinformation artists can ‘debunk’ the ‘myth.’ By way of example, this empty URL is supposed to tell you about a government contract through Halliburton via KBR to establish a camp. The document they pulled from their site is shown below (censorship fail). The most condemning proof, perhaps, however, is this official US Army Regulation which clearly relates to administration of Civilian labor camps on military bases IN THE UNITED STATES, which are estimated to encompass a goodly number of all FEMA camps. In fact, if you look at Camp Ripley (ex Army base) in central Minnesota (the FEMA map), you will find it is already a ‘new prison facility.’ Dilligent Dude! But if you think THAT’s explosive…

What they didn’t want you to see

hard kill population reduction

Other numbers: 700 lb.s of Ammonium Nitrate (terrorist IED), 700 lbs. of RDX (military C-4)

DHS is not satisfied with little bangs and pops from firearms, they want more bang for the buck. Enough, in fact, to be real loud. This video shows what just 35 lb. of Ammonium Nitrate can do when confined in a hole in the ground. C-4 is even louder: this video is only 15 lbs. of C-4, taking out a bus, with minimal confinement.  It’s OK, though, because this request for proposals is for training K-9 bomb sniffing dogs, they tell us. So let’s all go back to sleeping well at night, OK?  Wait a minute…     Doh!

Gee, Marge… that sounds just a bit like a cover story. You can train a dog with the merest essence of drugs , and the same is true for explosives and bomb dogs. The best part is, you get to use the same stuff over and over for the most part. So you could train endless dogs with a couple of lbs. of drugs or explosives. Moreover, there are many other forms of explosives, and just as you train a dog for all types of drugs, you train explosives dogs for all kinds of explosives. Where is the rest of DHS explosives order for things like Dynamite, Nitro Glycerin, raw powders, all the various primary and secondary explosives, propellants, fuses, and so forth?

Cover story. That’s just one reason some of us alarmists think there is another false flag terror event on the horizon, perhaps at the Republican National Convention. I guess that’s one way to insure Ron Paul does not make it to the Polls to have his chads hung out to dry, and to subsequently push through whatever sneaky legislation for loss of more rights they have in the wing waiting to be introduced ‘just in time,’ this time. Or, is it to foment the Martial Law for which they expect to use all that ammunition? All of the above?

If you have a more logical answer to these questions, please tell me — I’d really like to hear them. I’d especially like to hear it with a document that proves it… one that isn’t censored out of existence after being referenced, preferably. Frankly, as it sits right now, I’m making plans for how to defend myself and insure that Constitutionalists win out over fascist NWO dictators. I’m thinking I’d need to be dodging a hell of lot more than 210 opportunities to fail in the effort. In fact, I wrote a four volume book set about how it might go down. I think it so important that I’ll give you a free copy of Volume One of Fatal Rebirth just for the asking (ebook by email.)

I want you well informed, because you NEED to figure out which side you intend to stand with soon; if it really goes that direction, you may have less than a few moments warning before any given LATE answer could get you killed. Only being prepared in advance assures a right answer and affords a shot at survival… for you and your country… unless of course, this is all mere conspiracy theory. I’ve over 1.4 billion reasons to think it a little more solid than that, and 300 plus million reasons to yet hope I’m wrong. You are one of them, as is each person in your family and mine. Those reasons are what we all live and die for, are they not.

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