Emergency Post: BLM vs. Bundy is an Ominous Danger

It is seen by government as a win-win ploy that raises the stakes to unimaginable levels. What we see on the surface has nothing to do with the sinister plot which it enables and portends. This is our last and only chance to save the country, or loose it to tyranny forever, and rush toward Earth’s final demise.

Will Bundy vs. BLM start Revolution 2.0?

By H. Michael Sweeney proparanoid.wordpress.com   proparanoidpress.com   proparanoid.net  

copyright © 2014, all rights reserved. Permission to repost hereby granted provided entire post with all links in tact, including this notice and byline, are included. Please comment any such repost to original posting.

What is going on in Nevada with the BLM?

What you will learn reading this post…

•  government’s actions against Bundy are mere window dressing — something more sinister is afoot;
•  the stakes are incredibly high, but hard to see — your very life and the fate of the World, in fact;
•  there is only one logical solution, and everyone plays a role.
What can I do to help Bundy against the BLM?

Why BLM vs. Bundy matters regardless of if his cause is just or he has no legal leg to stand on

UPDATE: Same day posted… Oh, so now we find out its really for the oil companies? What Corporate Police State? BLM sells 29 oil, gas leases in northeast Nevada End update.

Free Speech Zone meaningless when dogs and tasters are aimed directly at the people. From againstcronycapitalism.org (click)

Government made it matter, and with dark purpose. At one glance it is an effort to usurp power over people, and the States, as well as to empower corporate ranching over private ranchers. It is a form of unfair and excessive taxation without representation against a political enemy of financial convenience to friends of the White House. And, it is an opportunity to make yet one more National Police Force out of the BLM. But, thanks to controlled media/government PR, not everyone sees these points of view.

But even that view is incomplete and misses the mark, if we but look closer. It is a deliberate series of escalations by government over time to garner public attention among and inflame we select people (why it gets little due mainstream coverage — save that which slants as it did at Ruby Ridge and Waco). They know the Web will be awash in the circles of we Patriots, Constitutionalists, Activists, and others who oppose the tyranny and oppression our government has come to represent since 9-11. The Sheeple must not be unduly disturbed until it can have false flag impact of calculated value.

I talk a lot about the need for citizens to draw lines in the sand and be willing to become Minuitmen should such lines be crossed. Now comes government to draw it for us, I write here to tell you that you have no choice but accept the challenge, and act decisively. You may perish either way, but I’d rather perish attempting to control my life and future than to leave it to others less kindly inclined to favor me. If there is to be armed revolution, let it be on our terms, not theirs.

Why so conclude? Because if they work it right, the ‘standoff gone wrong’ is a perfect chance to justify taking guns. By forcing a showdown and a gunfight (what the snipers do best – there is no justification for government deploying snipers unless for this cause, AND to selectively inflame those who stand for Liberty and who remember Ruby Ridge). There are two possible ends, of course, though I think they will insure BOTH transpire.

Regardless, such a battle is win-win for government. The “poor defensless BLM armed only with tasers,’ if loosing large numbers will be seen by Sheeple as an outrage, and given that Militia were involved from multiple quarters, and other armed parties, Obama can order Martial Law with suspension of the Constitution. Especially if also employing agent provocateurs for local violence across the country, as was employed in the LA Riots, where National Guardsmen posed as rioters to prime the pump.  This would likely result in orders for the military and Police to go door-t0-door. Who knows, Obama might even order the U.N. in as long-feared and first promoted as concept by Henry Kissinger. Or, he might simply order in the military; A-10s, attack choppers, a Stryker Battalion, and so forth.

They can then conveniently ‘quash armed rebels and terrorists,’ confiscate all guns, round up dissidents and politically incorrect opponents (like you and me — why they have been spying on us so earnestly), and hold a Con Con (they are already staging for it) to pass the Constitution of the NewStates of America, already written, which essentially enables the formation of the North American Union and surrender of US sovereignty to the U.N. in stages. All of this leads, of course, to a one-World Government (that Constitution has also already been written), and provides a single seat of power to enable the Antichrist’s coming to power.

Note: The NewStates Constitution is reprinted in my booklet, Fatal Rebirth, along with the World Constitution, complete with analysis line by line (NewStates) to show how draconian a document it really is. Rights become privileges which can be revoked at any time by any agency or party of government for any cause, even retroactively, and almost anyone in government can write law, and again, it can be retroactive. And if you think the two-party system and the FED/IRS is bad, wait until you see what follows. You can request a free copy of the ebook version of Vol I of Fatal Rebirth by email request to pppbooks at comcast net. 

THAT is what is at stake. Nothing less than EVERYTHING!

So we must be decisive: regardless of how we view Bundy’s cause or government’s viewpoint, regardless of if an armed and concerned citizen or a dumbed down Sheeple, we all have equal stake in this unfolding globalist tragedy. And, we can all play a role no matter our status, and regardless of if present in Nevada, or not. But about that decisive action…

Why is the BLM standoff against Bundy in Nevada taking place?

What we should prefer…

Should we stand up with arms in hand and enable, if not force, the ultimate showdown? I fear this is exactly what government wants, as already stated. But there is another, wiser choice.

By all means, men of arms should rally, but standing firm and waiting for the other side to blink or blunder is a fool’s plan, and it can only end in bloodshed. What must be done is that which can neuter Government’s ploy. And only one set of steps can do that:

a) anyone and everyone should file court actions against any and every agency, branch, and individual of government involved at every level of government. Any and every cause, grievance, or objection, as allowed by and based on State, County, and Federal Law, and the Constitution and Bill of Rights, should be employed. Bury them in legal actions, EACH OF WHICH includes request for either an Injunction or Stay Order. These actions should not all be done at once, but the flood should be continuous, so that new ones can replace those quickly disposed of. THIS BUYS TIME;

b) time is our friend — it generates awareness and understanding. It buys media attention and gives Sheeple a chance to better understand what is taking place. Just as the 99% movement could no longer be contained by a controlled media, so must this matter be brought into every home. Invite major networks, espcially foreign press, to specifically include RT, to set up broadcast facilities right on the Bundy Ranch, and bypassing the see nothing viewpoints established by government for controlling media in the manner done at WACO (NEVER AGAIN!). Install microwave and shortwave communication systems for the purpose. But also, LOCAL media is the key, as is the WWW; do not rely upon mainstream. Militia and other group ‘spokespersons’ in your community should approach their local news sources with proposed interviews to get the word out. IF EVERYONE UNDERSTANDS WHAT IS TRULY AT STAKE, AND TAKING PLACE, GOVERNMENT’S PLOT IS UNDERMINED AND THEY LOOSE THE SHEEPLE;

c) flood the theater with actors. There should be so many people there is not enough room in the minimal areas intended to contain them. OVERFLOW. The ‘1st Amendment’ area, itself an affront to the Constitution, and should be enlarged and enlarged again, forcing retreat or conflict which will make news favorable to our side. If you have access to a professional camera, start a ‘newspaper’ or ‘Radio station’ and flood the press area and make it overflow, as well. And Bundy’s ranch should become a city of tents, and include as many unarmed persons as possible who wield nothing but baseball bats or the proverbial pitchfork. THIS MAKES THE WHOLE AFFAIR MORE VISIBLE and LESS TENABLE TO GOVERNMENT’S GOALS;

d) involve the local Sheriff and State/County Officials. The Sheriff has effectively stated a hands-off non intervention policy. Fine. Perhaps he is a puppet put into place for the purpose, or co opted by any number of means available to government for rendering him neutral. But the flurry of legal actions should be intended to FORCE HIM to intervene on behalf of Bundy and supporters. If nothing else, he should have a presence on the Ranch to insure armed groups behave (public safety). The Governor and Legislators, and County Officials should called to DEMAND it. Perhaps even the National Guard should be called to stand by. A simple invite, if not enough, can be followed by a media blitz and public demand that such action is needed. Any politically motivated decision to remain neutral should be negated, thereby; a political suicide. INVOLVE THE SHERIFF, as WITNESS and PEACEKEEPER;

e) party! No alcohol or drugs, but good cheer, song and dance. Use loudspeakers. Mix well with speeches and ‘town hall’ dialogs. Use the platform (the nation will be watching) to air ALL GRIEVANCES with government, not just this ONE issue. Give voice to the rest of the 99% in a way that movement never was able to achieve on its own. SOROS WILL HAVE NO VOICE, this time;

e) prepare for Martial Law at home. That means emergency kits and plans (like the one government would not approve). It means weapons. If it is declared, you will have scant few hours to choose to fight, run, or to surrender to your fate at the hands of tyranny. If not taken away, you will need to survive for months without anything like normal civilization. No key resource, including electrical power or communication, can be assured, and will likely be withheld on purpose. Travel will be restricted and many will not be able to work, and there is no shopping, only rationing. BE READY TO BE SELF RELIANT, BE READY TO FIGHT IF THAT IS WHAT IT COMES DOWN TO;

f) if and when the shooting starts, DO NOT ENGAGE! Dead BLM or other Agents will be made into martyrs by mainstream. DO NOT GIVE THEM WHAT THEY WANT. Show restraint, and let the casualties be on your side. Keep putting out a continuous feed of information and video so that media and the WWW know what is going on. IF THERE ARE TO BE MARTYRS, LET THEM BE OUR OWN, and LET IT BE TELEVISED LIVE. If a full-scale armed revolt spontaneously errupts nation-wide, then by all means, defend yourself at the Ranch, and FOLLOW YOUR CONSIENCE AND DEFEND THE CONSTITUTION.

g) petition for redress. Redress of grievances is a key component of our Nation’s Constitutional form of government (this post makes clear, mid post). When it fails, we have no government, only tyranny. It seems today there is NO REDRESS POSSIBLE at the Federal level. ONLY THE STATES stand in the way of total Federal domination, which is part of what this whole affair is about; a means to increase Federal power over the States. But while all this is going on… and while we have media platforms established… we should be seeking redress through our State Legislators, making a series of calls for action to quickly pass laws which…

1) nullify all Federal gun laws, NDAA, NSA surveillance, and forbid Federal drone overflights except under warrant and oversight by State authorities;

2) eliminate Federal arrest and warrant power. If a Federal judge issues a warrant, or an Agency is moved to move against a party (like Bundy), they must instead go to the appropriate local Law Enforcement Agency and have them execute on their behalf. They may go along, but as observers, ONLY;

3) make clear a mandate that your State shall NOT approve a new Consitution if a Con Con is held, nor the removal or neutering by Amendment of the current Constitution, and any existing Federal Law which does so should be nullified;

4) add freely to this list anything which addresses abuse of power by the Federal government, such as militarization of Police, Obamacare, etc. This will be your one best chance to spark public dialog and debate, and to make certain that people, and especially State Legislators, realize THEY are the ones with the real power, and the duty to protect freedom and force the Constitution.

What is at stake in Nevada and the BLM standoff with Bundy?

Government has drawn a line in the sand

Let’s make sure they regret it. Force them to be the ones to cross it, and let them trip over their own power play. Now… go forth and spread the word.


About Author H. Michael Sweeney

Author of privacy/security/abuse of power, Founder Free Will Society, PALADINs (Post Apocalyptic Local Area Defense Information Network)

Posted on April 10, 2014, in Abuse of Power, Conspiracy, Government, Political Commentary, Uncategorized and tagged , , , , , , , , , . Bookmark the permalink. Leave a comment.

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