Why TIs are Often Targeted by Police

Rare is it that a given Targeted Individual won’t have reason to believe Police are involved in their targeting. And yet, they were not… not officially. Here’s the why and how of it…

by H. Michael Sweeney proparanoid.wordpress.com   Facebook   >>better at>>  MeWe 

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Color of Law; Police abuse of power in personal agenda

In the two decades of working with thousands of organized stalking victims and victims of other forms of targeting, the single-most common complaint is the suspicion or outright experiential evidence that multiple Police Officers are complicit in the affair. If not the Police, then some other law enforcement or intelligence agency… or both. Indeed, this has been my own experience in two of three different episodes of personal targeting over a 15 year period. In fact, multiple agencies can be involved simultaneously; Ive gone up against as many as five LEA, plus FBI and CIA assets, bounty hunters, and military intelligence in a single targeting. This has been documented in my various books showing how I beat them in the end… but it was no cake walk.

18ead0da1288531458e423daff24aef2--social-awareness-funny-shitThis is a problem for more than the obvious reasons. The most obvious is, that the very authority who should be responsible for investigating and protecting against such crimes, cannot be trusted by the TI to help anyone but the perps behind the affair. Calling Police for help is almost always like asking a burglar to help you secure your home. Secondly, when officials of any kind are complicit, the victim is then entered into the official record as being mentally ill, or in a worst-case scenario, guilty of some convenient crime. Even when not complicit, going to Police about targeting is likely to have the same result; they simply do not want to believe in the Boogeyman, and see anyone who does as a mental case. In fact, stalking is designed to get you to go to the Cops for just that reason; they want it on record that you are mentally unstable. DON’T DO IT.

But there is a DO list!  Do video and log all interaction with LEA or have a witness from whom you can get a written statement immediately after. It will help keep Police somewhat confined in their actions against you. The more you collect such material, the less likely are they to risk any useful action against you; you can illustrate a pattern of harassment. Do make copies and hide them well, off site. Tips in my first book, The Professional Paranoid on all of this.

The worst example of the problem from my client situations was a Navajo Indian, an ex Green Beret, who was targeted after his daughter was kidnapped by a Satanic Cult with all the earmarks of a CIA mind control operation. Within weeks of going to authorities to seek help, all manner of problems beset him. Traditional surveillance and stalking, and electronic targeting, to include V2S was the least of it. When he began using my advice and his military skills to determine the players and go after them aggressively, it took a turn for the worse: suddenly, his mortgage was six months in arrears and his house was being foreclosed, all his credit cards were maxed out and past due, his bank accounts emptied, and there were outstanding warrants on him for assault with a deadly weapon and skipping out on bail. He was, in fact, declared ‘armed and dangerous’ with an all points out on him. This was all done by back-door computer manipulation of data files by professionals of CIA caliber.

He took additional advice from me and then went underground to organize with other ex military buddies and Navjo friends, and went black in order to wage an unseen war against the enemy. As I never heard from him, again, I must presume he failed in the effort, or was successful to the point of having broken enough laws that he needed to remain underground. I had, in fact, advised him not to contact me for such cause. But, as I have said, these are merely the obvious problems with this particular aspect of targeting.


The other shoe that usually falls…

Perhaps the second-most common awareness about stalkers is that they seem to regularly consist of a lot of Masonic types. This is often determined when getting a good close look at them or their vehicles; the Masonic emblem, or some similar fraternal order emblem, is found in evidence. Usually, it is either a sticker on a car window, a pin on clothing, or a ring on a finger. I myself have seen this in my own targeting, the one incident where true gang stalking was involved (as opposed conventional targeting with general surveillance and dirty tricks).

After guesting for four hours on Coast to Coast with George Noory to talk, in part, about my new book, MC Realities, I ran into the Masons almost overnight. I had mentioned on air the involvement of the fraternal organizations in gang stalking, and how they had evolved from the Knights Templar and their exposure to the satanic Hashemites and Assassins of the Middle East during the Crusades. On air, of course, I gave my name as H. Michael Sweeney, my ‘pen name.’

Two days later, I was at work where I was managing a gas station while investigating the Oil Industry, infiltration style. It would result in two forms of targeting, the first of which was by the Masons, that second day. A man bought gas and elected to come into the office to pay, where I was at the time. He waited until I was the only one present, and then offered to pay, holding out his fist, palm down. It was only a couple of dollars in gas, so I assumed it was a handful of change. Wrong; it was a message to be delivered.

NOTE: the second was targeting of the Station itself by a terror cell, of which one of the participants recognized by me as a helper to two of FBI’s Top Ten Most Wanted and two other Islamics… and FBI agent who had been earlier involved in the my own targeting as earlier described. It was, in point of fact, to be yet another False Flag operation, later described by President Bush as Gas Station Tasking… which I thwarted. Arguably, the two targeting incidents might be seen as related, but even if so, it is unimportant, except for the fact that it illustrates that one almost never quite knows for sure why one is targeted, and who really lays behind it. This is described in my wordpress home page, if you wish to learn more.

Placing my hand beneath his, he opened it, and instead of coins, a money clip fell into my hand with a wad of Hundreds. “Take what you need, Mr. Sweeney,” he said. My name tag simply said “Harry.” He had a very wry, knowing look on his face, which slowly turned into a smirk as I manipulated the money clip to retrieve a single bill. In doing that, I discovered a gold and jeweled Masonic emblem on the other side of the custom-made silver clip. A broad grin overtook his face, to the point of becoming silly.

iu-1“Interesting how some thing have more than one meaning,” he said, as I returned the clip and fetched his change. That day, when going home, There were three of them outside of my Condo, and several cars with Masonic emblems in our parking area, none of which had ever been seen before. I ended that stalking by using the methods in MC Realities, methods that many Tis would be unable to employ unless doing so upon first targeting, as had been my situation. Once targeting has been ongoing for some time, the typical TI no longer has access to the needed resources for such a defense. The one remaining defense is found in an earlier post.

In MC Realities, I trace the evolution of Mind Control technology (Political Control Technology) from the time of Adam and Eve (the Serpent’s deception was the earliest form of controlling thought… the same version of it as we see today in media manipulation), forward. The Templars, after being ordered destroyed by the Pope for having discovered their Satanic practices acquired in the Middle East, went into hiding. In time, many of them hid within the Stone Masons Guild, and eventually, took it over to form the Freemasons as we know them, today.

Hedging their bets, should they be found out a second time, they formed splinter fraternal organizations, as well. Any group with any of these words in its title… Fraternal, Ancient, Order, Ordo, Lodge, Temple, Grand, Sacred, Rite, or Knights (and similar)… is very, very likely a fraternal organization with a Masonic organizational construct… and at the higher levels, at least, closely affiliated with the Freemasons if and when it becomes convenient to the parent group. Therefore, it is easy to involve small armies of ‘helpers’ if someone is deemed a target. It is important, however, to understand that the rank and file lodge Member who may be induced to participate, has zero true knowledge of you or the purpose of the targeting; they are simply ‘helping a friend’ to solve ‘a problem.’

I end this section with a simple note: all Masonic systems are quite steeped in ancient mysteries of the Middle East, and beyond, typically focusing on Egypt, Syria, and the Holy Land… with a touch of the Sub Continent (India, Nepal, etc.) and Far East.


The two shoe laces are tied together…

iu-2This is where it gets interesting. Most big city Police are encouraged to join the Fraternal Order of Police (FOP), and it is indeed Masonic in structure. FOP, for instance, employs the Masonic all-seeing eye of Egyptian fame in their logo, which is a five-pointed star with a circle bisecting the points to create five triangles shaped like the Compass of the Masonic emblem, also the shape of the ancient steeply-angled Egyptian Burial (pyramidal) obelisk used for commoners’ crypts. There was additional heraldry-like art akin to European styling in the center of the star, shapes quite like those of most Police Badges, and incorporating an Eagle and other symbols. In other words, Police departments not only adopted the Lodge system almost universally, but did so to the point that their badges reflected elements of the FOP emblem. Almost all Police badge shapes generally post dated the FOP affiliations, underscoring the link. The exception would be Sheriff stars, and yet, that shape is also of ancient Masonic importance, in both the upright and upside-down (satanic Baphomet) versions.

If that were not enough to convince you, let us take a look at the Police Department of New Orleans. New Orleans existed as a city at the time of the Louisiana Purchase from France, in 1803. The first Masonic Lodge (a French version), was established there in 1793, all its members speaking French, and some Spanish, but no English of note. All the better to remain secret and mysterious to Americans, when they came into possession. But to fully appreciate New Orleans in the equation, we have to first look to New York.

In 1915, the Fraternal Order of Police established their first Lodge, there. It spread from there to many other cities in very short order. The FOP was not intended just to be a Lodge system, however; it also took on aspects of Unionization, a kind of bargaining force with the City whenever Members felt that Cops were not getting a fair deal from the Mayor. In many cases, in fact, their bargaining strength was augmented by the power of the greater Masonic power structure, a formidable force at the time.

Over time, actual unionization was also achieved in almost every major city, usually through the Mob’s control of the AFL-CIO, making it easier to arrange for hijacking of intrastate trucking or of dock cargo without anyone ever being sent to prison. But that’s another story. Ask any retired Union trucker or stevedore from Jersey. I’ve heard the same from 1975 Oregon members. The importance of that will explain to some Tis, those who believe they were targeted because they reported illicit drug operations or crimes which might be related to Unions, are targeted by Police. Additionally, of course, CIA sanctioned drug operations are protected by Police, as well. Thieves in bed with thieves, the bed made by the thieves.

Though New Orleans under the French had a Police Department as early as 1796, it had no Police Department for rather a long period of time after it raised the American flag. It was instead ‘policed’ by a vigilante system until 1853, when they formed their first ‘American’ Police Department. Almost immediately, they adopted the ancient Cresent and Star (upside down, larger star) as is common to Islam, as their badge. It is still in use, today, and appears on their cars, as well. Well before the FOP had even existed, this Department was already incorporating Masonic symbology directly in its badge. This is better known as the Shriner’s symbol, today… the Shriners being a Masonic fraternal lodge system.



So, clearly, the Masonic influence and ties are present within most Police Departments. Cops form some of the strongest bonds between individuals in service outside of the Military, sufficiently strong, in fact, that if one of them asks a color-of-law favor of another, it is not likely to be turned down, and certainly unlikely to be exposed even if turned down. Therefore, it really only takes one Cop being approached from a fellow Lodge member to recruit several more for any needed aid, even if that request came from a lodge in another city. Ergo, escape to another city tends to never result in escape from targeting.

NOTE: That is why the Free Will Society exists; a solution to virtually all forms of targeting. Please join and support (donate/promote) our effort to create a targeting free intentional community of our own, and our other advanced programs planned for the future. If you are reading this, you should immediately join the Society and give it full support. It is a far more valuable TI resource in terms of programs and goals than any of the so-called ‘TI groups’ out there, today, the bulk of which are nothing more than information and disinformation mills.

Please: you owe it to yourself to visit freewillsociety.wordpress.com to learn more.


Three shoes?

Yes, there is a third shoe, one of special interest to those who feel the intelligence community lays behind their targeting. Every major Police Department in America has in place assets loyal to the Central Intelligence Agency, and many Officers have military intelligence backgrounds. Usually, you can count on some of them holding key positions within a given city: the Chief, the Public Relations Officer or Spokesperson, the head of Internal Affairs, the head of the Swat Team, and/or the Head of Personnel. From these posts, especially through IA, they are able to find bad cops who can be blackmailed into playing ball on an on-call basis, for any kind of dirty deed, to include color-of-law abuses such as is common to targeting. Don’t forget CIA drug running operations.

If that were not enough, there are similar, but far looser ties with FBI, Homeland Security, and the US Military Intelligence Agencies (and in some case, others, including the United Nations, and even Mossad). These generally entail the network of Fusion Centers and Centers for Excellence*, and special programs such as Community Policing and the Strong Cities Initiative/Network. When you consider that most all of these agencies use computer software based on CIA’s PROMIS data base management system, which is nothing more than a data base engine with a back door built in… almost any form of hanky-panky is possible. Ergo, the Navajo Beret Syndrome.

* Search for ‘Centers for Excellence + Homeland’ to see why I include it, here. All these items work together to collect, evaluate, and share information on (persons of interest). They operate as one big networked spy tool with usefulness in organized stalking which can easily be misused by anyone within LEA who has access.

So, even if Masons are not involved at all, Police can still be brought to bear on any given TI with the same level of efficiency, and in fact, the FOP can be leveraged into the equation just as easily, in reverse manner. Will the average member of the FOP, the Masons, the Police, or any of that long list of Agencies be aware of any of this? Absolutely not… not unless they are higher on the food chain. Then, of course, they won’t be admitting it, either. Complaining about it gains nothing. Knowing about it, and understanding it, can mean a lot, however.

You may not be able to beat it, but when the mystery is gone, its just another damned nuisance to deal with, and another reason to avoid trying to rely upon Police for help, unless you know one you have great respect and trust in. I was lucky. I had a relative who was a Cop in an uninvolved LEA, and he was able to help off the record in very useful ways. I also had help from ex FBI friends with back channel access, of like value.

We can’t all be so lucky. And if you are a TI, you know luck is not your strong suit.

About Author H. Michael Sweeney

Author of privacy/security/abuse of power, Founder Free Will Society, PALADINs (Post Apocalyptic Local Area Defense Information Network)

Posted on September 22, 2018, in Abuse of Power, Conspiracy, Crime, Government, How to Get Help, Political Control Technology, Targeted Individuals, Uncategorized and tagged , , , , , , , , , , , , , , . Bookmark the permalink. 4 Comments.

  1. Hi Harry:

    I want to join your free will society. So if I make a donation of $100 will I automatically become a member? Is there anything else I need to do?

    Sadly, Dana is now being targeted and I am worried about a friend I met through my older brother. A woman who actually taught SERE in the USAF as an enlisted woman. She also worked at high levels in USAF signal as an enlisted woman and then civilian AT & T. And she claims definitive diagnosis as MPD; even by NIH. If she is being targeted, sadly both of my brothers are involved as perps. Or she could be working with them. I am unsure at the moment. Sad, sad world!

    Was I being zapped so badly in the chest on a few occasions when you & I were becoming close to scare me away from trusting you? Who knows.

    Dana & I have been through much in our relationship. She sees the dangers now of new age spirituality. Both of us are truth seekers and highly empathic. Any problems in trust that we’ve encountered, which have been many, we’ve worked through. Perhaps you and I could do the same, if you’d like and if we can do so safely.

    Thank you very much for ALL you are doing on behalf of TIs, homeless veterans, and others!

    I hope and pray ALL is well for you & your family!

    Blessings! Amy

    Sent from my iPhone


    • Hi, Amy. Membership is only $25 a year. $100 would get you a position on the Board of Advisors, which gives a deeper level of participation. $250 would do that, and there would be no annual renewal of Membership (lifetime). It would be better to use PayPal to proparanoidgroup@gmail.com, than to use the gofundme, for these purposes. Actual donations should be through gofundme, so you have many options. Thank you for asking, and for your support.

  2. What inspired this posting/

    • Many of my posts are based on the number of questions or comments I receive in the mail or social media dialogs. Sometimes, it has to do with personal events of my own, figuring that if I have an issue, others must, as well… and often I already know that to be the case through the thousands of TIs I have worked with. While all of this was true of this post, what really inspired it was, of all things, an old 1950s movie shot in New Orleans, and I noticed the Police logo on the car (Islamic star and crescent)… and did that research, which essentially reinforced my original suspicions on the importance of the Masonic influence on topic, in spades.

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