TI Defense: 30 Tips to Help Fight Back

If there is one thing I’ve learned after having contact with 12,000 Targeted Individuals over some 25 years, it is that without help, they have no good chance at properly dealing with their targeting. There are many reasons self help fails, and yet the solutions are not that complex.

by H. Michael Sweeney proparanoid.wordpress.com   Facebook   proparanoid.net  

copyright © 2016, all rights reserved. Permission to repost hereby granted provided entire post with all links in tact, including this notice and byline, are included. Quote freely, links requested. Please comment any such repost or link to original posting.

The TI dilemma

I have never met a long-term Targeted Individual (TI) who did not have the same generalized and massive array of problems. The easiest victims to help were those who had only recently become aware of targeting, as their problem list was much shorter, making defensive solutions easier to derive and implement. But for everyone else, the list of issues was, well, mind boggling. I would see it in the very first communication (typically email or letter). It would be as if a letter about life from Lil Abner’s (by Al Capp) character, Joe Btfsplk, who never had a good thing happen to him or anyone around him.


Note: I am no longer in a position to offer such personal helps. I do still offer a free Helps Kit by email which is useful to the TI in multiple ways, and I’ve written many how-to books on topic which are quite detailed and useful, to date still the only ones of their kind, as far as I am aware. I am still open to email contact at proparanoidgroup at gmail com, and can field simple generic questions, but I no longer engage in situational analysis and tactical advice, investigations, or direct intervention. This post is intended to help take up that slack.

That first contact would be pages long, typically, in story telling mode, and full of unhappy emotion, a hard thing to read; both in terms of eyestrain and emotional drain. Paragraph after paragraph of one problem or targeting issue after another. There would be a long list of events and suspect perps (perpetrators). It would commonly entail problems with their job, their family, their church or other membership, their neighbors, the cops, the legal system, the medical system, their financial situation, their computer security, and more, to include actual targeting symptoms impacting their health, and at times, the health of their pets and their plants.

The effects would be physiological, emotional, mental, and in some cases, impact physical objects. It must have been even harder for them to compose it, than for me to read it. Each such effect might entail a variety of individual symptoms and clues as to cause. Oddly enough, typically NON OF IT IS USEFUL in providing helps. Their valiant and painful plea for help ends up being little more than an exhaustive rant in terms of value in a practical investigative analysis. The ONLY way to tackle targeting usefully, either as a helper or as a victim, is to start completely over, which is why the Helps Kit was evolved; it started over in a way which simplifies, organizes, and quantifies useful information.

A Detective investigating a crime does not want to hear the long drawn out account of the victim up front. They start with a GENERIC description of the nature of the crime from the Cop on the scene (who did get that account from the victim), and then they INTERVIEW the victim with SPECIFIC simple questions aimed at nibbling away at facts in order to find the ones which represent CLUES. “What did you see? What was said?” and so forth, each question hopefully suggesting another. They then use the answers to solve the crime. A good model for helpers and TIs, alike. A flood of data drowns the truth, but point-by-point realizations build toward it.

There is another problem. While their described symptom or effect may perfectly match a known Political Control Technology (PCT) or method, it is also absolutely true that each and every example could also be due to a natural medical situation, or have a simple but yet as unknown social, or financial cause. Since authorities and professionals who are the natural ‘go to’ for help prefer not to believe in the Boogey Man, the assumption is always that a natural cause is to blame. A wise TI would do the same, seeking to eliminate any such possibility.

Failing the wisdom creates more problems for the TI, even when the go-to helper cannot find the natural cause or address it, because it is next easiest to blame the TI for the problem, even to the point of accusing them of being a paranoiac schizophrenic; the easy out. For the record, when working long term with a TI, I will in time discover the truth, and the truth is, purely imagined targeting among those reaching out to me has proven quite the exception. But some might be delusional, of course, but I’ve also learned that persons with mental issues are often selected for targeting in training projects, so that any serious mistake by trainees will be far less likely to draw interest of authorities, who will make the assumption the whole thing was imagined.


The bigger problem


Targeting: The covert Elephant in the Room which must be devoured if to well survive, but HOW?

As result of all these things, a TI is faced with so many problems, and so many clues, that they can literally find themselves immobilized by confusion, unable to reason it out, or even unable to cope. And yet, there is always one more problem, far more serious than the rest: they do not understand the truth of their targeting situation. I’ve never known a long term TI who did not have a false belief as to the nature, cause, purpose, source, and method of their targeting. This is by design, a primary goal of targeting; to create a false belief structure which makes it impossible to defend against, because defenses will be aimed at the wrong problem.

This further makes easier another primary goal, to make the victim seem crazy, either by their reactions being seen as paranoiac, or by telling others things deemed insanely impossible. But to underscore, the biggest problem is that their defenses will not meet the need, resulting in failure and frustration, a tool for their tormentors. So, finally, they come to me in a desperate state, not just in terms of needing help, but in terms of simply needing someone to listen to them and actually believe their story.

No one should presume a TI’s story to be imagined or fake, though it is true there are some who pretend for ulterior motives. In time, the truth will out. But because of their failure to truly understand the nature of their targeting, they might have been led to believe almost any untrue thing which cannot be seen as rational. For instance, one victim (who was schizophrenic, as well) believed they were beset by Alien vampires. In truth, the targeting was evolved against the person because they had discovered a firm involved in illegal dumping of biohazard materials, and to insure that her story was not believed by authorities, they led her to so believe. They relied on her schizophrenia to protect them from discovery both as perps inflicting mind control, but as criminals violating Federal law. The schizophrenia, itself, made that easier to accomplish.


How to eat an Elephant

The old saying is, one bite at a time. Here are the bites, a series of axiomatic advice points presented in a somewhat stepwise manner, the same things I would normally work through with every client. Remember, only you can decide any risks involved, and take the wisest course of actions based upon those perceived risks. This is merely a guideline of what has worked well in the past, and is generic in nature…

  1. Acknowledge your belief structure has been manipulated and you do not likely truly know the who, what, why, and how of things; you have been deliberately mislead. Following this guideline should help address that flaw, but only if you remain open to the possibility. Educate yourself about PCT and know your enemy, and always seek and eliminate any possible alternative explanations — but also keep in mind the pitfall cited at this post’s end;
  2. Be wary of professionals which we should otherwise rely upon, such as doctors, lawyers, dentists, and private investigators. Most will either walk away or take advantage of you on the assumption you are crazy, or worse, seek to have you evaluated by mental health professionals. The best strategy regarding that, is to seek an evaluation on your own: a written clean bill of mental health can be a wonderful defense if eventually accused of being delusional, even if by authorities. If you must find a professional, including a therapist, your best bet is to go to a city at least 50 miles away, and find a relatively recent graduate (i.e., a lawyer new to the Bar), of some minority race. They are likely to be hungrier for work, and more anxious to do a good job, and less likely to have had their morals corrupted over time by the industry. Avoid saying you are targeted, just tell them your concern and enough facts to get their interest. Answer their questions, but where a question requires an answer which gets into targeting details, give the details, and offer no presumption of cause, even if asked. Let THEM make that conclusion on their own, or not — it should not change how they perform for you;
  3. Cops, on the other hand, will either instantly so peg hole you, or worse, turn out to be in place assets working with the enemy against you. If you MUST do so (as in reporting a crime), or if you choose to become a TI activist or otherwise ‘go public’ (includes any Web presence), follow the advice found here;
  4. Start and maintain an event log. Use a voice activated (VOX) recorder kept on your person to make verbal notes describing questionable events, suspect persons, vehicles, etc. Leave it on to capture events directly, automatically. Transfer this at days end using headphones, to a computer spreadsheet or database file. It should include Time, Date, Location, Description, Details, and your emotional or intuitive thoughts at the time as to what it might mean. Compare new events of the day with older events, looking for patterns, frequent appearances of the same person, vehicle, etc. With respect to persons, give them a ‘code name’ based on their appearance or behavior until able to acquire their actual name. For vehicles, do get plate numbers, but since plates can be replaced or stolen, also note vehicle damage, stickers or decals, and the like. This will help you get closer to the truth of your targeting, and may be useful as evidence at some point;
  5. Remember that if you have a pattern in your life (such as going to work the same general time of day along a given route), so do others. Do not be concerned in such routines to see others around you repeatedly, because other people also have routines which may overlap with yours. DO be concerned if seeing the same person/vehicle at disparate locations and times when out of routine, and especially if also noted while in routine;
  6. Establish site security at home, and to the extent possible, work. My book, The Professional Paranoid will help, but in general, you need to insure no door, window, or opening can be accessed from the outside, even with a key, without breaking and entering. Perps don’t like to do that, because it leaves proof you are not imagining things. The only entrance that should be key accessible, should be via a pick proof deadbolt lock. Put one on your garage door, as well. If you can, install security lighting and a video monitoring system. Protect rooms and entrances or items with simple alarms, and employ and document any trip traps you set per the instructions in my book;
  7. Establish computer security AFTER site security. Backup all files, wipe the hard drive, reformat, reinstall OS, set new password, reinstall apps, restore files. Discard wireless keyboard. Disconnect from Internet. Buy cheap used iMac and set it up to be a local server, connect it to the Internet with Web sharing turned on, connect your main computer to it. Download a Web security monitoring utility to run continuously on the Mac, check it daily. Reset your router/modem to factory specs, install new password. Repeat this process and reset and all passwords regularly, do not use same PW for all. Consider to join the Free Will Society, a closed Facebook Group I maintain (application is via the Helps Kit mentioned in the Note near page top), or any of the many public TI Groups on FB (I am member of many);
  8. Improve personal security, starting with phone. NO CELL PHONE IS YOUR FRIEND. Keep it in a foil pouch, turned off when not in use. Where that is not practical, remove battery and install only to check for calls to make calls, or other use. If a smart phone, there are a number of apps I suggest you install. Mobile Justice from ACLU; an aircraft tracker that sees transponders; Spectrum Analyzer and/or EMF Detector; RSOE EDIS notifier; iTriage health advisor. You MUST disengage certain features. Cary a camera ready to go (not cell phone) and voice activated recorder to document events. More advice in my book, including land lines and general bug detection;
  9. While observing (3,4), avoid trying to deal with the sum total of the problem. It becomes a matter of ‘too many clues,’ per the introduction of this post. Instead, choose any ONE. Then review all others for any which seem related, aligned, supportive, or opposing, and set them aside for study as a subset. Analyze these, alone, formulate a means to prove or disprove each clue, and based on those results, validate, reject, or find the subset unresolvable, and move on to the next subset;
  10. You MUST presume any physiological symptoms are potentially actual health issues and seek a Doctor’s advice. When doing so, do NOT mention targeting, but it is OK to mention external symptoms (pets, plants, etc.) as might possibly be related. Pursue any suggested treatments until no treatment proves useful. ONLY THEN will you know the truth, and be closer to true understanding of your targeting, andy you may actually improve or cure actual health problems as well. Along these lines, anything you can do to impact your physical, mental, and psychological well being is to your good — become a health nut and try everything that claims a benefit, as everyone’s situation and physiology is different, but products seldom attempt claims of addressing targeting effects; you won’t know until you try it — but try only one new thing at a time, or you won’t know which is responsible for good outcome;
  11. Deal with Gangstalking. Very simple. Ignore it. It is only there to jerk your chain, and that only happens if you allow it to happen. You can choose not to be upset, worried, etc. Document it, yes, but laugh at it and them for wasting their time and money. This is simple in concept, and yet hard to do because of human nature. Stop, Think Act, practice, practice, practice;
  12. My book MC Realities offers a very good review of how to detect, identify, and deal with PCT. Once a better understanding is obtained from he previous steps, you can start to defend yourself more usefully with these trial and error methods, which should give you some good specific truths about your targeting.  In general, we worry about implants, which can include voice to skull (V2S), Directed Energy Weapons (DEW) which cause physical harms, mood/sleep control; and other electronic tech which can also account for V2S. The precise defensive/offensive tactics will vary to type and specifics. Shielding is almost always the best defense, but there are so many factors that the easiest thing to do is to shield an entire room for a few hundred dollars, but other methods should be tried first, as that is where the targeting truths can be learned. Where there are problems still encountered, feel free to contact me;
  13. If your targeting involves pain inducement DEW, or you have actual medical conditions which cause pain, ask me for my Jedi Mind Trick, the best way to describe a method I have developed which allows one to mask pain with nothing more than the power of their mind. It is difficult to master and requires practice, but once mastered, it is easy to apply, and for some users, it can also turn your body into an EMF meter for advanced warnings of attacks, and has application to general problem solving, including the issue of true understanding of the targeting’s nature. I use it to eliminate pain from toothaches (a Molar who’s roots were growing through my gums, into my mouth, and into my cheek), burns, fibromyalgia, and even tinnitus, and I can use my hands to find power lines in walls, as well as microwave and EMF sources. Demonstrated it many times;
  14. Once defensive efforts are well in hand, there may be some significant offensive opportunities. These are outlined in my books. Should you think any are appropriate, feel free to run your ideas about implementation by me for fine tuning or other commentary;
  15. As a rule, a TI has no concrete knowledge of the reason why they are targeted. Exceptions tend to be incorrect, as earlier mentioned. Knowing the who and why us the key-most truth, as it can sometimes lead to establishing a blackmail insurance policy. This key can sometimes be discovered in memories.  Go back in time in your mind to a point roughly six months to a year prior to first noticing your targeting. You would be looking for some odd or unusual event or thing overheard or seen. It might be an argument or a document or a conversation which, at the time, did not make much sense to you, but stood out as unusual in some way. Almost always, it is a work related memory, especially if your work had some relationship to government, intellectual property, high finance, or high profile legal matters; the sort of place where conspiracies and dark crimes might hatch, take place, or be evidenced. Should you find such a memory, contact me for general advice on how to verify its usefulness and take advantage of it;
  16. Where defense cannot be well achieved or maintained, relocation can typically buy several weeks to months of temporary relief. Often, simply going mobile can offer at least partial, if not full relief for a time, especially when not in your own vehicle, and leaving behind all personal possessions (new clothes, luggage, etc.) and taking no phone, NOT CALLING ANYONE, visiting online accounts, or purchasing anything on a card. For a more permanent solution, consider residency at Free Will Haven, a targeting-free self-sufficient and low-cost intentional community project of the Free Will Society, which is based on tiny homes living. I myself have been living quite comfortably in about 120 square feet (excessively tiny) for the last three years, and am quite content to do so, sacrificing little in the way of lifestyle, otherwise. Again, an application is contained within the Helps Kit mentioned in the Note near page top.
  17. Be prepared for local, regional, national, or even global social turmoil, be it disaster, civil unrest, martial law, real or false flag terrorism, revolution, race war, or political or financial upheaval. PCT has been being ramped up in terms of victim numbers (some estimates place the national number as high as 12,000,000) and individual intensity. It is my belief that the reason so many people are being targeted and the targeting is increasing, is we are heading to a crescendo designed to amplify any crisis turmoil in order to enable a shift in government form, all in the name of restoring national security and social order. Arrange to have a 90 day supply of food and emergency supplies and basic tools. Leverage your preparedness with a visit my special Facebook pages and review each post found there: the Post Apocalyptic Library of portable survival how-to knowledge; the Post Apocalyptic Local Area Defense Network, especially useful to TIs even without a crises event; and the FEMA, Martial Law, Revolution Database;
  18. Consider dropping off of the Grid; escape the Matrix (there is an actual matrix involved), perhaps even with a new identity. This is seldom possible while still being targeted, but the attempt, if done properly, can buy you significantly more targeting-free time before you are reacquired. This two-part post can help.


Additional advice

There are also some common mistakes that TIs make which can be avoided. Oddly enough, almost every TI has already made them, and yet, tends to continue making them, failing to see the risk they pose until till late. Here is a summary list, but remember, there are no hard and fast rules. There can always be an exception. If you think you have encountered one, contact me for review to see if I might not agree, or why not.

  1. NEVER seek help from authorities or ERTs due to targeting, itself. If an actual injury or crime is involved, such as vandalism, death threat, theft, etc., by all means report it, as having it on record can be useful evidence of targeting for possible use at some future point — but do not mention targeting concerns, and once more, follow the guidelines found here. If questions are asked as to why someone might undertake an action against you, you CAN mention that there have been strange things happening and you might choose one or two examples, if asked to cite them, but state you have no understanding as to why anyone would do so, and that you have no suspects (even if you do). The last thing you want is an investigation which concludes you are mental, which is where it almost always will end up going the moment you deviate. It may be wise to apply this rule to friends and family, and certainly to co workers, as you can end up destroying relationships with disclosure. The only exception should likely be limited to those living with you, and even then, you will pay a price. I lost a wife and a foster daughter to it, and possibly another daughter;
  2. NEVER react to targeting stimuli if you can avoid it. Train yourself to Stop, Think, and ACT, do not REACT. You, STOP yourself from reacting, THINK about what they are trying to cause you to do (i.e., get angry), and the ACT contrary to that in some random manner. This both negates the purpose of the targeting, and causes perps all manner of concern, either about the validity of the psychological profile they had prepared on you in order to determine the best targeting methodology, or the operational reliability or skill of any equipment or perps involved. This can at times lead to dramatic increases in targeting efforts, but if you continue the ploy, it will lead to them trying to ‘repair’ whatever problem they think is the cause. That typically results in a small rest period of no attacks. Eventually, it can destroy the effort entirely, especially if this method is applied by someone in early targeting, as it prevents them from advancing to other kinds of targeting, or they advance and abandon the failing method(s). This, and use of the Jedi Mind Trick, and numerous blackmail insurance policies (each time I created one for a client, it protected me, as well) is how I have managed to negate nearly three decades of attempted targeting and its consequences; I do not consider myself a TI, because I keep winning;
  3. NEVER be overly concerned about death threats, being followed, or about gang stalking events, it will simply make you wax paranoid, and be seen as such. The people who engage in PCT would simply kill you, not threaten you, if they wanted you dead. Unless a threat was quite specific and included a warning that you should do or not do something, ‘or else’ vividly described, it has no basis in any real threat. If you get a threat with such a basis, that basis must represent a clear and present danger to THEM, in order to be valid. Telling you to stop being an activist, or stop investigating why you are being targeted, does not count, unless perhaps, you have gotten to the point where you can CLEARLY identify and prove with legally useful smoking-gun caliber evidence the who, why, when, what and who of it. In such a case, you have the makings of a blackmail insurance policy which can not only counter the threat, but force capitulation and even remuneration for your troubles at their hands. That was how I ended my first targeting, and was offered $40,000 per my demand. It has become the model for all client help efforts ever since. Being followed or gang stalked is merely a jerk-your-chain tool that goes back to Stop, Think, Act. The only real danger is in giving into it. The only targeting which is a real threat is PCT based on electronics of one kind or another, chemical or biological assaults, physical abuses (i.e., rape, beating, accessing you while you sleep), and dirty tricks which impact finances, relationships, reputation, and the like;
  4. NEVER presume another TI, TI activist group or organization, or general Web resource to know what they are talking about regarding PCT or solutions, for the likelihood they have it right is very low. Take it with a grain of salt, and tuck it away for comparison to other resources. Books are a far better bet at getting at the straight dope. Older books will by now have a reputation establishing usefulness. Avoid newer books or other sources by anyone claiming to be an insider, ex intelligence operative, or other ‘expert,’ as they are likely providing disinformation to insure you continue to fight the wrong problems;
  5. NEVER hook up with another person, especially another TI. There are many reasons this is important advice, and I assure you that the risks you undertake with even a casual date or one night stand is significant. I see it play out again and again. Rare is the TI that can better their circumstance by not living alone, and a sexual adventure is far too easily a set up opportunity of one kind or another;
  6. NEVER pay money to anyone offering implant scans, ‘scientific’ testing, or new age solutions without EXTREME CARE; it is likely a scam, even if there are YouTubes or personal testimonies, the likelihood remains high. Research, research, research. Even if you actually did locate an implant by some method, the number of people able to have an implant removed can be counted on one hand; the medical industry will not cooperate. I have yet to see any positive results from testing services or new age approaches, but if you want to submit a chemical sample to an actual laboratory for chemical or spectrum analysis to find out what it is, that is worth the time and money;
  7. Avoid participating in poorly conceived TI activist efforts to outreach, or outreaching directly yourself. By poorly conceived, I mean an effort which does not heed the advice employed here. At best, such efforts defame and set back the TI movement and each person associated with it, labeling them as mental. Many of these efforts are designed and promoted by perps, and used as a kind of ‘evaluation survey,’ especially those asking you provide personal histories or statements. If legitimate, such statements will tend to seem crazy to anyone not already believing that targeting is real — adding another ‘crazy story’ to a stack of them will not change their minds.


Other facts to consider

The following may temper your views in seeking full understanding and formulating defenses. Simply keep them in mind when reasoning things through.

  1. Many perps are themselves victims of mind control, typically the worst kind, the Monarch/MK Ultra kind. They know not what they do, literally; they are programmable people based on multiple personalities which can be triggered at will. While some perps are psychopaths, these, are not, though they my be controlled to exhibit the same behavioral traits;
  2. You may be such a programmable person, yourself, and like them, not be aware. If such a person, and also targeted, you represent some form of ‘failure’ in the programming, and the targeting is designed to neutralize any damage you might cause to the program if you become fully aware of your true situation, which is a real possibility as you work through understanding and defensive efforts. The important and terrible truth is, that such a person will sabotage their own daily efforts in this regard, and make no progress whatsoever. Such a person will likely exhibit many additional symptoms as found in my book, MC Realities. Most notable among these is a question or belief they were targeted or abused as a child, or themselves have  abuser thoughts or have so abused. Should you come to suspect you are a programmable, you should contact me for special advice too complex for this forum;
  3. All PCT is Satanic in nature, origin, and intent. Your enemy is as forecast: Powers and Principalities, and there is scientific proof available. Therefore, your best ally is religious faith, and the best faith for the purpose is Christianity, and the best Christian Church (because it is acknowledged to hold closest to God’s Word in the original Greek and Hebrew translations) is the Wisconsin Synod of the Lutheran Church. There is a whole chapter in my book, MC Realities, which explains exactly why this is true in both practical and Biblical terms;
  4. You will hear it said all the time, that TIs fear they are being murdered, or that they have been murdered. THERE HAS NEVER been such a case. Being a TI can certainly mean to be suffering in great pain, and it may certainly to some, at times feel like it has the potential to kill. But thus far, the only known deaths of TIs have been from suicides or accidents, or natural causes such as old age or disease, according to official records. While it is true that there are ways to fake such deaths and such ways are known by our enemies… and it is true that some potentially deadly illnesses such as cancer may be caused by targeting… death is NEVER the goal. They invest perhaps a quarter-million dollars a month on a full-time TI. There is no point in killing off such an investment. So the only deaths which bother me are the suicides, because that kills not just the person, but effectively the soul, as that is the only unforgivable sin; a sin against the Holy Ghost. If you give in to it, you are surrendering to your enemy, Satan, not just the perps. I am in communication with literally dozens of persons who have professed to have been being murdered as far back as 1992 or so, and they are STILL HERE, some of them still making the claim from time to time. Only two out of 12,000 are known to have died, one of old age and disease, and the other in a traffic incident;
  5. There is no place one can go where targeting is not likely to follow within weeks to months, save one or two foreign countries. The only one of these that has been verified by multiple TIs, is Ecuador, which to me does not make sense, but it seems to be true, with three such instances reported to me personally from TIs I had vetted as legitimate TIs.

About Author H. Michael Sweeney

Author of privacy/security/abuse of power, Founder Free Will Society, PALADINs (Post Apocalyptic Local Area Defense Information Network)

Posted on October 30, 2016, in Abuse of Power, Crime, How to Get Help, Political Control Technology and tagged , , . Bookmark the permalink. 10 Comments.

  1. This is Wonderful,thanks I learned a lot.

  2. I agree that it is satanic completely. I believe in Christ. Informative article. Personally I believe that when a TI dies , it is murder 100 percent of the time. By suicide , medical or what not. The effects of targeting and mind control always take their toll. It’s always murder.

  3. “As a rule, a TI has no concrete knowledge of the reason why they are targeted.” I would say that this is inaccurate and one must first look at themselves in particular their ideology and sin as a basis from progressing forwards and deprogramming effectively. None the less these are constructive tips that can help any person increase the security, but I would say seek help as there is nothing wrong with that. everybody has issues, so don’t be afraid to speak out about it and try to get help for addictions, mental health, financial support. If you want to see my tips click my name and check out my blog.

    • I take some exception to your remarks, acknowledging they are intended in good faith. You touch upon the matter of sin and self examination, imply addictions. Of the 12,000 I’ve worked with, less than two dozen would appear to have any such issues apparent. This would anger most TIs, yet it is true it is a spiritual war, and part of my advice when consulting deals directly with that (a whole chapter from my book on that topic is available to anyone for the asking).

      You talk about deprogramming but the vast majority of TIs are not programmed, they are simply targeted and punished. Deprogramming is not something associated with progressing or anything else in your sentence which references it. It requires careful professional and long-term psychological therapy, chiefly achieved by regressional hypnosis, which unfortunately, no one in the industry will apply without fear of retaliation of their peers for ‘bad therapy.’

      You encourage asking for help which can be extremely dangerous, as officials are eager to label you mental if you do. Once so labeled, any future request for help automatically goes unheeded, or worse, risks getting you put under a psychological microscope. If you read what I actually wrote, you will see that message, there. Only TIs new in the fight need this warning. Those long in it already know it first hand. Those in the middle, if forearmed, fare better.

  4. Thank you to all of you. My prayers are with you best of luck to all of us!

  5. I have to disagree with you on Ti;s being not being murdered, That’s just it, the accidents are made to look like accident’s so they don’t get caught! There have been plenty of vehicles that go off of cliffs or lose control and that is due to them hacking the computers in your car. They radiate the crap out of you when you isolate yourself. You eventually get cancer and die but this is a natural death! Cancer is what it is because of these parasites! Cancer does not run in the family! You might carry a gene that makes you susceptible to it but it is not hereditary! They have us believing what they want us to believe (Mind Control) They are murdering people at a fast rate and everyone thinks their loved ones are dying naturally! Its Bullshit and they are getting away with it!

  6. I disagree that suicide is an unforgivable sin. Jesus said all sins will be forgiven the only sin that won’t be forgiven is blasphemy against the Holy Spirit. Suicide is not blasphemy against the Holy Spirit.

    • Thank you for responding, and blessings. Actually, suicide is considered a sin against the Holy Spirit, by many Christian denominations; it being a denial of the intent and purpose of same. I would say that there are likely exceptions, such as killing one’s self because it may save other’s lives, or prevent State secrets from disclosure… etc. If your Church holds a different view, I propose you speak with a Lutheran (Wisconsin Synod), Pastor. The WELS Lutherans are considered by virtually all denominations the one which most closely adheres to the Word of God based on Greek and Hebrew texts. Then compare that with your Pastor’s best explanation, that you have a chance at confident discernment.

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