SPQR, PAX Amerikana: the Failing Roman Empire of the NWO

And why they must keep you afraid of (something) and distract you from the simple truth.

by H. Michael Sweeney
permission to reproduce granted if in full and with all links and credits in tact, and linking back to proparanoid.wordpress.com

SPQR, PAX Amerikana: the Failing Roman Empire of the NWO

SPQR. Design: Philippe Remacle.

SPQR. Design: Philippe Remacle. (Photo: Wikipedia)

At a root level, the United States governmental model is not that much different than that of the Roman Empire — especially today. Yes, I will be found to be generalizing in ways which take some liberties to make the point, but would hope the reader is intelligent enough to understand the reasoning for cause. Compare and consider:

• Both were/are based upon a Senate form of government (in Rome, they said ‘SPQR,’ which stands for Senätus Populusque Römänus — the Senate and People of Rome) headed by a supreme, all-powerful dictator with the ability to make his own laws regardless of basis in legality. We call them Executive Orders, they called them edicts from the Emperor who, in the declining years of the Empire, thought himself God. Hmm… you don’t suppose Obama…    ?

• Both were/are expansionist in nature based on superior military prowess applied in an endless series of wars to ‘insure peace.’ In Rome, they said ‘Pax Romana,’ which translates as ‘Roman Peace.’ For the Romans, conquest was early on territorial in nature and garnered slaves to build and maintain the Empire and establish a comfortable standard of living for citizens. For the U.S., early conquest was territorial in nature and garnered resources to do the same — over 140 military campaigns between 1776 and 1900, and more to come. Sure. Some were and would be righteous and just, but many were and would be contrived and questionable.

• In Rome, they declared neighboring peoples as ‘warlike’ and ‘barbarians’ to justify conflicts to subdue them. In America we declared the Indians and others in the same way, and even took land Canada had claimed by threat of war (54-40 or Fight!).

But it is the declining years where the similarities are more useful to the purpose of this missive, because America is clearly in decline, too. Let’s therefore go more slowly…

• Rome’s military was a fearsome beast which cost a lot to maintain, and which could easily overthrow the government if given a reason. For that cause, it was important to insure they were kept busy and constantly rewarded.  In America, the same is true. In point of fact, there was an early New World Order sponsored (the same powerful Fascist business elite as drive the NWO movement, today) attempt at a military Coup in 1934 which was thwarted largely by one man, Major General Smedley Buttler, USMC. More recently, four-star General Tommy Franks has stated that the next major terror event would result in a military form of government.

• Rome sponsored wars (‘Let loose the dogs of war!’) and allowed soldiers the reward of ‘Cry havoc!,’ a policy which let soldiers rape and pillage the conquered and keep a share in the spoils of war. In the U.S., the Military-Industrial-Intelligence-Media complex is rewarded by huge profits in the manufacture and sale of armaments and arms technology. The high ranking soldiers, themselves, reap their fortunes by taking seats on the Boards of Directors once they retire ‘with honors.’ Unlike the Roman military where one served until no longer able, most soldiers of today are short-term liabilities replaced every four years or so. Therefore, they reap no reward but that of medals for their valor, and perhaps a skill useful in seeking employment.

• In both cases, the taxes upon the people had/has become a great burden and the standard of living began to slip (brother, ain’t that the truth), and because money was harder to come by, less was spent in maintaining other important governmental responsibilities, the quality and operation of societal infrastructure began to decay, including the physical aspects made of stone, wood, and metal. That’s one reason why aspects of America’s transportation (bridges, mostly), water and sewer, and rail systems are in many cases on the verge of total collapse.

• In both cases, the people began to express dissatisfactions with high taxes and poor upkeep of civilization itself, and related woes, including the wars and the price of the military. Distraction was needed to keep the people happy. In Rome, they built coliseums and offered up gory gladiatorial massacres and theatrical entertainments. In America, they employed film and television technology to offer up unlimited access to pornography and artistic entertainments, and Grid Iron and other sports to replace bloodlust contests.

• And, in both cases, these distractions were not considered enough. The government saw that they needed to find a way to make the people see some outside threat as a greater threat than concerns over a failing governmental system. The only way power could be maintained was to instill a great fear, one so great as to justify a tighter Police State grip on the people. In Rome, it was the Huns of Germanic culture, and the Cicilian and Turkish Pirates of the Mediterranean. In truth, it was largely a non threat; the Huns couldn’t cross the the rivers and mountains which protected Rome, but the people weren’t told that.

Truth or Scare TV Show ‘poster’ (click)

In America, it has been a long list of like things… longer than you know (refer to this list of military actions which is from whence the counts are derived, herein):

a) In the 40’s and 50’s it was the Red Scare of McCarthyism and the Bomb which drove Nazi-style inquisitions and empowered Hoover and the FBI to become perhaps ten times as powerful as it had been before, and fostered the creation of CIA, the Department of Defense, the National Security Council, and the birth of mind control projects. We had WWII and Korea, and 24 other military actions. Television took root to keep us distracted with the likes of Lucile Ball, Bob Hope, Howdy Doody, the Mickey Mouse Club, and other mindless offerings (which I dearly miss).

b) In the 60’s and 70’s it was the Domino Theory and the Bomb (especially the Cuban Missile Crises), and ‘campus radicals’ which allowed the Military Industrial Complex to mushroom via Vietnam and 18 other military actions, plus a phony Drug War to allow CIA to profiteer, while at home the FBI and CIA ran COINTEL and COINTELPRO operations and gave us Watergate. We also learned about CIA’s infiltration and control of media via Operation Mockingbird, and how perversely they had sought after and employed mind control research. The Free Sex and drug culture kept many distracted, while the film industry began pumping out pornography to keep the less liberated distracted, and Television sold us consumerism for like cause on a scale no one would have thought possible. “Buy today, be happy (hold up box of soap next to smiling face)!”

c) In the 80’s and 90’s it was the ‘Evil Empire’ and off-shore and distant Dictators we had to fear, countered with an endless series of some 60 spats and more exotic entanglements like Iran Contra, Marcos, and Panama. The NSA made ECHELON a household word and we learned about FISA (actually a 1978 Act) secret courts that rubber stamped warrants to make political spying effectively legal — and trading of illegal political spy files by Police departments, CIA, and the Anti Defamation League/B’nai B’rith/Mossad (note: I was a victim of this!). It also brought us HAARP, the project born by a proposal ‘to control a billion minds’ by a Presidential Science advisor. Pornography escalated to video markets and strip bars are so commonplace that only live sex shows seem the unusual. But they’ve also learned they can distract us with news stories about celebrity sins such as skater knee whacking, football player knife slashing, and Royal weddings and the death of a Princess.

d) And that brings us to current history, where the idea of an endless war which can never be won was fostered; the terrorism ploy. Now this they are milking for all its worth. Police and Federal Agents are indoctrinated to the point of paranoia seeing ordinary acts as signs of terrorist behavior: you cannot take a photograph, pay for something with cash, write a school report or possess a bumper sticker which mentions Ron Paul, or cite the Constitution without being suspect of terrorism. You cannot go to the Airport (and soon, to a sporting event, theater, or public building) without being sexually molested by TSA. No remnant of the Constitution remains in tact, save perhaps the 2nd Amendment, which hangs on just enough to prevent total take over — the whole REASON it exists in the first place. And now pornography comes in over cable television, and live sex shows are becoming commonplace, and for the less prurient, reality television and the spread of lotteries and gaming casinos.

None of this makes real sense. Why should you fear a terrorist when excessive Police violence injures and kills more citizens in any given year than do terrorists in their best year (9-11 attack)? It is a bill of goods used to control you and keep you docile in order that the Military-Industrial-Intelligence-Media Complex can continue on its New World Order agenda, reaping in huge profits as they usurp more and more political control over you. They want us to fear terrorists. I say, let’s show them a form of terrorism they SHOULD fear; a free people who control their own government, as the Founding Fathers intended.

Unless you believe in and support PAX Amerikana, SPQR-style (are a Fascist), just say NO! Boycott the system at every level (be a financial terrorist): avoid banks, don’t use credit, buy used instead of new, repair instead of replace, refuse and resist GMO foods and grow your own, rely upon barter and cottage industry. Actually, there is an endless list of concerns similar to GMO. It would behoove you to learn about and resist conspiratorial NWO agenda projects like Codex AlimentariusAgenda 21Carbon Tax/Carbon Credits/Carbon Currency, United Nations Biospheres (and an endless array of other UN mandates), and the Canamex Highway and the North American Union via the Security and Prosperity Partnership.

Disobey government (be a political terrorist): insist on your Constitutional rights (for many of you, you must first LEARN what your rights actually are, especially with respect to dealings with Police and investigative agencies, and the court system) and go out of your way (be an activist) to do so; video Police (even if… especially if they pass a law against); employ civil disobedience and support Occupy and similar movements; write everybody in power and speak your mind; vote for no one who is not a Constitutionalist, a Libertarian, or an Independent (kill the Democratic and Republican Party Dog and Pony Show); write every media outlet to express your views and flood them with complaints over bias reporting, and write their advertisers threatening or actually seeking to boycott.

Please deem to review the 24 Planks post which attempts to highlight the changes needed in America to restore it to the strong and free country it once was. If you agree (or disagree) with any one of them, SO COMMENT on the page, tweet, share, reblog, and rate. THAT POWER is a right you should AT ALL TIMES exercise when you see something you like or dislike anywhere along these lines. How else will those who spy on us and those who (pretend to) serve us have good meter of our pulse and realize they had better back off a notch or two? If you do not express yourself, you have not learned the one simply truth: YOU are the one you’ve been waiting for to change what is wrong. Get busy, because they have an endless supply of Obamas and Romneys to take us further down that SPQR path to destruction.

Compare 1776 to 2012, and see where you really live, and decide if you are willing to accept that, or not.

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About Author H. Michael Sweeney

Author of privacy/security/abuse of power, Founder Free Will Society, PALADINs (Post Apocalyptic Local Area Defense Information Network)

Posted on September 16, 2012, in Abuse of Power, Crime, Government, History, military, News Events, Political Commentary and tagged , , , , , , , . Bookmark the permalink. 8 Comments.

  1. well, the senate form existed in the republic as well; but you are right that the historical point of the american and roman republics to expand hegemony into tribal areas, and so end tribalism with the political system we have now. Yet the hegemony of the roman republic made friends with the galls, as trading partners, and allies for wars, thus respecting their cultures and ways far more than our eradication of indian tribes.

    Likewise, the propoganda don’t know, the american republic was a specific return to classical forms of government, pulling us out of the politics and war so, of the middle ages, .

    America has been as bent on war and foreign conflict with the legitamacy of a senate; and it was designed that way.

    The structures of both forms, entirely ridiculous, and pedophilia-inducing, and serve only to covertly sacrifice, what pagan times were more honest about; the sacrifice of people to Gods.When officials etc have great power, and so treat the people like children, they fail to relate sexually to their peers, and thus prone to criminal elements, metaphysics manipulates to the further sacrifice of earth and time.


    • Very insightful in unexpected ways. Thank you. I cannot disagree, though ‘it’s complicated’ and much more is afoot than just those forces, or for the matter, those I wrote about. In the end, the problem remains: what to do to fix it. America pre Civil War under the Constitution in true fashion, is the best form of government we’ve ever had. The only way to get back to that state is to repeal every Executive Order and half the laws since that date. That’s a tall order (see my campaign planks): http://wp.me/p1GyKw-62

      • Tribal structure today, could be if we practiced some unity and allegiance to people of similiar nationality, for instance I would be the russian tribe, having grandparents born in russia. I do not believe in federal governmentand would like to see America divide up into 6 or 7 regions, or 50 little countries, and we could start by establishing intrastate senates, like new england couldhave a little senate to represent new england on new england concerns. Also I believe in local decisions being made in local peaceful assemblies by the peaople presentwith ayes and nays, and believe that is proteted and promote by our constitution through peceful assempbly protection, and the reservaton of powers to the stateor the people which the local officials are neither,

  2. every citizen of rome before the empire, was a member of one of over 30 tribes. These tribes were incorporated in a ratification system and each had a vote regarding some proposed government policies or treaties. The lack of tribalism, dooms our system, andd the lack of making decisions in peaceful assemblies as well, whose abrogation by local officials, is a civil rights violation, of the first and tenth amendment

    • They would counter the argument, of course, with the notion that our cities are our tribes, or perhaps our states. But your notion, and the nature of actual tribes of the Roman flavor, carry a weight and functional value which the forums of City Councils and State Legislatures cannot well simulate. Both tend to ignore citizen complaints just as does the Federal monster — corporations all designed to profit from management of human resources under their charge, and to insure big business flourishes in the process.

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